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1、山东省自考英语(二)综合模拟试卷 4 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structrue1 The match was canceled because most of the members _a match without a standard court.(A)objected to having(B) object to have(C) were objected to have(D)were objected to having2 After a long delay I finally got round_the letter.(A)to write(B) writi

2、ng(C) to writing(D)in writing3 She omitted_ me that she was already married.(A)tell(B) telling(C) told(D)to tell4 Do you deny_ for the sinister game?(A)worked(B) to work(C) having worked(D)work5 Anything that involves _ on what he is doing is anathema to him.(A)concentrate(B) concentrating(C) to con

3、centrate(D)concentrated6 There is no_ that in the last fifty years some nations have come a long way to democracy.(A)denying(B) deny(C) to deny(D)denied7 You came here with a view_ your English.(A)improve(B) to improve(C) to improving(D)improving8 He is contemplating_ a Buddhist.(A)becoming(B) to be

4、come(C) become(D)became9 Why did you suggest_ to this cinema?(A)to come(B) coming(C) having come(D)came10 “Did Hana say anything about me in her letter?“ “Only that shed appreciate_ from you. “(A)to hear(B) hearing(C) to hearing(D)to have heard11 It isnt cold enough for there_a forest tonight, so I

5、can leave Jims car out quite safely.(A)would be(B) being(C) was(D)to be12 Without facts, we cant form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge_ our thinking.(A)which to be based on(B) upon which to base(C) which to base upon(D)To which to be based on12 In the last fifty years comm

6、unications throughout the world have been improved greatly. This is because of the telephone, radio and television. Recently the use of satellites has increased the speed of communications as well as the distance over which people can communicate. Television pictures can now be sent from one side of

7、 the world to the other by means of satellites.In the world of tomorrow the television will still play an important part. One important development will be a new dialing system. We will be able to pick up our telephone and make a phone call anywhere in the world. Another important development is the

8、 “videophone“ This telephone will have a small screen on which the speakers will be able to see each other.The laser beam will also be very helpful to future communications. It has been shown that over seventy television programs can be shown at the same time by means of a single laser beam. The las

9、er beam will also help in the sending of television and telephone messages by satellites.Computers are also important in communications at present and will become even more important in the future. For example, one large company has over 2, 000 offices, all of which are connected to a single compute

10、r. If one of the branch offices wants some information, it sends a demand to the computer center. Here the demand is changed into computer language. Computer language may be different for different kinds of computers. One kind of computer language is in the form of small cards with the patterns of s

11、mall holes in them. The computer reads the patterns in the cards and then produces the information. This is sent back to the computer center where it is hanged back into ordinary language. Then it is sent on to the office that wanted it.Scientists have been developing a new form of TV-confravision.

12、In the future when businessmen want to hold a meeting with other businessmen they will use “confravision“. In a special meeting room they will be connected by television to other businessmen who may be in another country. They will carry on their meeting as though they were all in the room together.

13、In tomorrows world the speed of communications and amount of material sent and received will be greatly increased. Telephoning a friend on the other side of the world will be like telephoning a friend in the same city; and computers and television meetings will be part of everyday business life.13 T

14、his passage tells us_.(A)the videophone is a kind of new telephone(B) the laser beam will help in sending of television and telephone message by computer center(C) in tomorrows world the speed of communications sent and received will be greatly increased(D)recently the use of telephone radio and tel

15、evision have increased the speed of communications14 _communications throughout the world have been improved greatly in the last fifty years(A)Because of the satellites(B) Because of the laser beam(C) Because of the telephone, radio and television(D)Because of the computers15 Videophone is a kind of

16、 new telephone_.(A)which is used for sending written words(B) which is used for meeting(C) which enables the speakers to see each other(D)which can help to send messages to the computer center16 Which of the following sentences is not correct?(A)A computer center can send information to different pl

17、aces.(B) A certain computer language can only be understood by a certain computer(C) Different computer have different computer languages.(D)All the computer languages are in the form of small cards with patterns of small holes in them.17 Confravision is a new kind of_.(A)radio used for sending mess

18、ages(B) TV used for meeting(C) TV used by businessmen(D)telephone used in a special meeting room二、Word Spelling18 i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.面谈,接见,会谈19 c_ _ _ _ n.爬行20 p_ _ _ _ _ _ n.设计,计划,事业21 c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.同事22 p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.擢升,晋级,提升23 h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.敌视,敌意;战争,战斗24 e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ vt. & vi.(使)

19、逐步上升,( 战争等)逐步升级25 a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj.侵略的,放肆的;有进取心的,敢做敢为的26 t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 趋势,倾向27 p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj. 最高的,至上的三、Word From28 She is hopeful to get a_(promote)this year.29 They showed open_(hostile)to their new neighbors.30 The vaccination(疫苗)gives you _(immune)against the desire for up to six

20、 months.31 The pianist played_(assertiveness)throughout the concert.32 I will give the matter my_(person)attention.33 Shes a real expert on art, so I feel completely _(adequate) whenever I talk to her about it.34 Any_(disclose)of this information would be harmful to the company.35 His_(tend)to tell

21、lies is well known.36 I think people who_(treat)their dogs should not be allowed to keep them.37 She studied_(behave)psychology at college.山东省自考英语(二)综合模拟试卷 4 答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structrue1 【正确答案】 A2 【正确答案】 C3 【正确答案】 B4 【正确答案】 C5 【正确答案】 B6 【正确答案】 A7 【正确答案】 C8 【正确答案】 A9 【正确答案】 B10 【正确答案】 B11 【正确答案】

22、D12 【正确答案】 B13 【正确答案】 C14 【正确答案】 C15 【正确答案】 C16 【正确答案】 D17 【正确答案】 B二、Word Spelling18 【正确答案】 interview19 【正确答案】 crawl20 【正确答案】 project21 【正确答案】 colleague22 【正确答案】 promotion23 【正确答案】 hostility24 【正确答案】 escalate25 【正确答案】 aggressive26 【正确答案】 tendency27 【正确答案】 paramount三、Word From28 【正确答案】 promotion29 【正确答案】 hostility30 【正确答案】 immunity31 【正确答案】 assertively32 【正确答案】 personal33 【正确答案】 inadequate34 【正确答案】 disclosure35 【正确答案】 tendency36 【正确答案】 mistreat37 【正确答案】 behavioral


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