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1、山东省自考英语(二)综合模拟试卷 13 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structrue1 Children who are over-protected by their parents may become_.(A)hurt(B) damaged(C) spoiled(D)harmed2 The engine_ smoke and steam.(A)gives up(B) gives in(C) gives away(D)gives off3 Teachers_ their students to be useful to society in the future.(A)

2、hope(B) demand(C) desire(D)expect4 Dont_ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.(A)release(B) relieve(C) relate(D)retain5 This test_ a number of multiple choice questions.(A)composes of(B) composes in(C) consists of(D)consists in6 The plate glass must be capable of_ very high tempera

3、ture.(A)sustaining(B) maintaining(C) retaining(D)obtaining7 In the 18th century you had to keep on sharpening the point of your feather pen and_it in a jar of ink when you are writing.(A)dripping(B) slipping(C) tapping(D)dipping8 They tried to_ him from drinking too much.(A)limit(B) restrain(C) guar

4、antee(D)restrict9 It was not until one hundred thousand years after the big bang that photons were_from matter.(A)set apart(B) set off(C) set free(D)set out10 Many trees _ their leaves in autumn because of the weather getting cold.(A)drop(B) fall(C) discard(D)shed11 The latest information_ me in the

5、 belief that he is to blame.(A)confirms(B) confines(C) confesses(D)conflicts12 If you happen to_ my lost novel while you are searching for your book, please let me know at once by telephone.(A)come out(B) come to(C) come up(D)come across13 Many Europeans_the continent of Africa in the 19th century.(

6、A)exploded(B) expanded(C) exposed(D)explored14 He has promised to_ the matter that matters.(A)look on(B) look out(C) look into(D)look in15 Many people enjoy_ their friends at Christmas time.(A)calling off(B) calling on(C) calling for(D)calling up15 In 1620 a small sailboat named the Mayflower left E

7、ngland for the New World. The Mayflower headed for the Jamestown colony. Its one hundred passengers were the Pilgrims. They were looking for a place where they could worship God in their own way.Because of strong winds and severe storms, the Mayflower lost its course. The brave colonists finally had

8、 to land at Plymouth on the coast of Massachusetts in December 1620. It was the middle of the winter. Terrible months of starvation disease, and death were ahead of them; only the strongest of the Pilgrims survived that winter. Many women gave their own pitiful food to their children and died for la

9、ck of food themselves.Conditions began to improve in the spring of 1621. There were wild vegetables, berries and fruit. Fish and game(猎物)were plentiful. Therefore they were able to get enough meat despite their lack of skill or experience in hunting and fishing. Their health improved with warm weath

10、er and better diet.In the fall they looked back over the past years. They were both regretful and thankful. Only the original passengers remained. The price in human lives had been great. On the other hand, they saw new hope for the future. A splendid harvest was behind them. They were ready for the

11、 second winter with confidence. They had eleven houses for protection against the severe winter. Best of all, they had established friendship with their Indian neighbors. Their woods and forests became safe.At the end of their first year in their new home, they wanted to celebrate with a real holida

12、y. Governor Bradford decided on December 13, 1621 as the day for giving thanks to God. On that first Thanksgiving Day, after they had their religious ceremony, a great feast and three days of celebration began. Indians were also invited to join them. They had wild turkey geese and ducks. The Indians

13、 brought deer meat, and many kinds of vegetables especially pumpkins. Today pumpkins are both food and decoration for the Thanksgiving table.During the three days of celebration, a small group of women worked very hard; and the men took part in various contests and games. On the whole, it was a wond

14、erful holiday for the Pilgrims after their winter of starvation and tragedy.16 The Mayflower headed for Jamestown but got to_in December 1620.(A)Virginia(B) Plymouth(C) Pilgrims(D)Massachusetts17 When the colonists arrived in the New World they met with the following difficulties except_.(A)starvati

15、on(B) death(C) illness(D)lack of skill in hunting and fishing18 How many people survived the first winter in the New World?(A)1/3(B) 100(C) 41641(D)Not mentioned19 Which of the following was the most important in their first year in the New World?(A)There were plenty of fish and game.(B) They got a

16、splendid harvest in the fall.(C) Their health improved with better diet.(D)They established a good relationship with the Indians.20 From the passage we learn that_.(A)the Pilgrims were the first European people who came to settle down in the New world(B) Thanksgiving Day is not celebrated in Europe(

17、C) life was not very hard for the early settlers in the New World(D)pumpkin is not a special vegetable, but a kind of decoration二、Word Spelling21 v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj.告别的,告辞的22 p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vi.参加,参与23 g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.毕业24 a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. 管理,经营25 o_ _ _ _ _ n. 选择,选择权26

18、i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vt. 使制度化,使一成不变27 d_ _ _ _ _ _ vi. 下来,下降28 m_ _ _ _ _ adj. 不足的,菲薄的29 a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj. 学术的,学者的30 e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj. 狂喜的,心醉神迷的三、Word From31 All_(participate)finishing the race will receive a medal(奖牌).32 dont want children theyre too much of a_(commit).33 Success is a

19、chieved by the careful_(select)of projects.34 In_(pursue)of a healthier diet, Americans are eating more fish than they used to.35 In philosophy, _(ideal)is the belief that objects do not exist in the world, but only exist in the mind of God or the people who see them.36 In order to turn the deserts

20、into_(produce)land, engineers have built an 800-mile canal(运河).37 The X-rays showed a slight_(normal)in his left lung.38 As with most pleasures, it is not so much the experience itself as the _(anticipate)that is enjoyable.39 Our holiday in Australia proved very_(cost).40 The fire caused(consider)da

21、mage to the church.山东省自考英语(二)综合模拟试卷 13 答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structrue1 【正确答案】 C2 【正确答案】 D3 【正确答案】 D4 【正确答案】 A5 【正确答案】 C6 【正确答案】 A7 【正确答案】 D8 【正确答案】 B9 【正确答案】 C10 【正确答案】 D11 【正确答案】 A12 【正确答案】 D13 【正确答案】 D14 【正确答案】 C15 【正确答案】 B16 【正确答案】 B17 【正确答案】 D18 【正确答案】 C19 【正确答案】 D20 【正确答案】 B二、Word Spelling21 【

22、正确答案】 valedictory22 【正确答案】 participate23 【正确答案】 graduation24 【正确答案】 administration25 【正确答案】 option26 【正确答案】 institutionalize27 【正确答案】 descend28 【正确答案】 meager29 【正确答案】 academic30 【正确答案】 ecstatic三、Word From31 【正确答案】 participants32 【正确答案】 commitment33 【正确答案】 selection34 【正确答案】 pursuit35 【正确答案】 idealism36 【正确答案】 productive37 【正确答案】 abnormality38 【正确答案】 anticipation39 【正确答案】 costly40 【正确答案】 considerable


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