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1、第5课时 八年级上册 Units 13XXXX,考点一 复合不定代词 【课文原句】 Did you go with anyone?你和别人一起去吗? (八上P2),(1)指人的复合不定代词有anyone, someone, no one, everyone, anybody, somebody, nobody, everybody等;指物的复合不定代词有anything, something, nothing, everything。 不定代词与形容词连用时,形容词须后置。 (2)any类不定代词用于否定句和疑问句中;some类不定代词常用于肯定句中。,根据句意从括号内选择合适的词语填空 1D

2、on t worry. There is (something; nothing) wrong with the TV set. It s only because of power cut. 2I ve been so bored for a long time. I hope to have (interesting something; something interesting) to do.,答案: 1nothing 2 something interesting,考点二 seem的用法 【课文原句】 Still no one seemed to be bored.好像仍然没人觉得无

3、聊。(八上P3),根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 3似乎他们还不知道这个消息。they don t know the news yet.,答案:It seems that,考点三 decide的用法 【课文原句】 It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.天气晴朗并且有些热,所以我们决定去宾馆附近的海滩。(八上P5) decide (not) to do sth.“决定(不)做某事”,相当于“make a decision (not) to do sth.”。,My father m

4、ade a decision to buy a new computer.My father decided to buy a new computer.我爸爸决定买一台新电脑。,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 4Tom has decided (do) a parttime job after he graduates from school. 5Which dress do you like best, Madam? Sorry, I can t decide which one (buy) now.,答案:4to do 5.to buy,考点四 try的用法 【课文原句】 My sister

5、 and I tried paragliding.我和姐姐试玩了滑翔伞。(八上P5),try用作动词或名词,意为“尝试;设法;努力”。作动词时可接动词不定式和动名词作宾语,但是含义不同。区别如下:,Please try to finish the work in thirty minutes.请尽量在三十分钟内完成这项工作。 She tried washing her hair with a new shampoo.她试着用一种新的香波洗发水洗头发。,【拓展】 try构成的常用短语,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 6(2017四川乐山中考改编)I didn t hear you come in j

6、ust now. That s good. I tried (not wake) the baby up.,答案:not to wake,考点五 feel like的用法 【课文原句】 I felt like I was a bird.我觉得自己像一只鸟 儿。(八上P5) (1)feel like后可接名词或从句作宾语。 The interview only took ten minutes, but I felt like hours.面试只进行了十分钟,但我觉得像几个小时似的。,(2)feel like doing sth.want to do sth.would like to do s

7、th.想做某事 I don t feel like swimming today.我今天不想游泳。,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 7Would you like to have some fruit? No, thanks. I don t feel like (eat) anything now.,答案:eating,考点六 感叹句结构 【课文原句】 What a difference a day makes!一天的差异是多么大呀!(八上P5) (1)what引导的感叹句 Whata/anadj.可数名词单数(主语谓语)! What a nice gift it is!它是一件多么好的礼物啊!

8、,Whatadj.可数名词复数(主语谓语)! What beautiful socks they are!多么漂亮的袜子啊! Whatadj.不可数名词(主语谓语)! What nice weather it is!天气多好啊!,(2)how引导的感叹句 Howadj./adv.主语谓语! How pretty the dragon boats are!多么漂亮的龙舟啊!,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 8(2017甘肃武威中考改编)Our classmates are going to Fantawild Adventure(方特欢乐世界) after the exams. (

9、多么) exciting idea!,答案:What an,9(2018湖北宜昌中考改编)It is reported that a kind of new smart phones can test the air quality(质量) around you. the technology !(科技发展得真快啊!),答案:How fast; develops,考点七 too many, too much与much too 【课文原句】 We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people.由于人很多我

10、们等了一个多小时的火车。(八上P5),【记忆口诀】 去掉前头看后头; many后接可数名词复(数)much后接不可数(名词); too则修饰形或副(词) There are too many people on the street.街上有太多的人。 Every day I have too much homework to do.我每天有太多的作业要做。,She talked too much.她说得太多了。 He worked the whole afternoon. He was much too tired.他工作了一整个下午。他太累了。,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词

11、10(2018贵州安顺中考)My cousin is (太) heavy because he often eats (太多的) fast food. 11(2018广东佛山顺德联盟测试)We should pay more attention to saving energy. We have wasted (太多) electricity.,答案:10much too; too much 11.too much,考点八 because与because of的用法 【课文原句】 And because of the bad weather, we couldn t see anything

12、below.并且因为糟糕的天气,底下的东西我们什么都看不到。(八上P5),根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 12His business went under (因为) competition from the large companies. 13因为大雨运动会被推迟了。 The sports meeting was put off the heavy vain.,答案:12.because of 13.because of,考点九 enough的用法 【课文原句】 My father didn t bring enough money, so we only had one b

13、owl of rice and some fish.爸爸没有带够钱,所以我们只吃了一碗米饭和一些鱼肉。(八上P5),(1)enough作形容词时,意为“足够的,充足的,充分的”,放在所修饰的名词之前或之后均可。 I don t have enough money/money enough to buy a computer.我没有足够的钱买电脑。,(2)enough也可作副词,意为“足够地”,修饰形容词或副 词,并放在其后。 quickly enough足够快 clever enough足够聪明,【记忆口诀】 enough修饰名词、形容词、副词的位置:,(3)若enough前出现否定词,则不仅

14、否定了enough,而且也否定了其后的动词不定式。 He was not strong enough to do the work.他不够强壮,不能做这项工作。 (4)enough to可以与so. that结构转换。 He is rich enough to buy a plane.He is so rich that he can buy a plane.他很有钱,可以买一架飞机。,(5)enough to可以与too. to句型转换。 He is too young to go to school.He is not old enough to go to school.他不够大,不能去

15、上学。,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 14(2016浙江杭州中考改编)Tom was (足够大) to work and make money.,答案:old enough,考点十 频度副词的用法 【课文原句】 What do you usually do on weekends?你周末通常做什么? I often go to the movies.我经常去看电影。(八上P9),always/usually/often/sometimes/hardly/never这些副词均表示频度,在句中的位置一般在实义动词之前,be动词、助动词或情态动词之后。用百分比表示频度副词的频率大小:

16、,【拓展】 hardly并非hard的副词形式,考点十一 although的用法 【课文原句】 Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular.虽然许多学生喜欢观看体育节目,但游戏类节目是最受欢迎的。(八上P13),(1)although是连词,意为“然而;尽管”,引导让步状语从 句,同though。 Although my uncle is old, he looks very strong and healthy.我叔叔虽然老了,但他看上去还是很健壮。 He went to work

17、although he was sick.他虽然病了,但还是去上班了。,(2)although引导的从句不能与but, however连用,但可与yet, still连用。 ()Although I agree with you, but I have a better idea. ()Although I agree with you, I have a better idea. ()I agree with you, but I have a better idea.,用适当的连词填空 15(2017新疆阜康、米泉中考改编) Jack was a little disappointed,

18、he still went on with his work.,答案:Although,考点十二 mind的用法 【课文原句】 It is healthy for the mind and the body.这有利于身心健康。(八上P13) mind作名词,意为“头脑;心智”。常用于以下固定搭配中: keep. in mind记住 change one s mind改变主意 make up one s mind to do sth.下定决心做某事,mind作动词,意为“介意;反对”。通常用于疑问句或否定句中。常见句式有: Would/Do you mind doing sth.?劳驾你做某事可

19、以吗? Would/Do you mind人称代词宾格/形容词性物主代词doing sth.?你介意某人做某事吗?,回答该句型时,如果介意,可以说:Yes./I m sorry, but I ./You d better not.等;如果不介意,可以回答:Not at all./Certainly not./Of course not./No problem.等。,【拓展】 用作动词,意为“注意;当心”,用来提醒对方,后接名词、从句或单独使用。 Mind the step!小心台阶!,考点十三 however的用法 【课文原句】 However, she has some bad habits

20、, too.然而,她也有一些坏习惯。(八上P15) however是副词,意为“然而;不过”,表示转折。位于句首时,后面要加逗号;位于句中时,前后都加逗号;位于句末时,前面要加逗号。,However, she is good at playing basketball.但是,她擅长打篮球。 He lives a hard life, however, he studies hard.他生活艰苦,但他学习刻苦。,考点十四 辨析beat和win 【课文原句】 You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win, though.不过你可以看出丽萨真的想赢得比赛。(

21、八上P18),考点十五 both的用法 【课文原句】 We both like sports, but he plays tennis better, so he always wins.我们都喜欢运动,但是他网球打得更好,所以他总是赢。(八上P21),(1)both常位于be动词、情态动词之后,实义动词、名词之 前。 They are both teachers.他们两个都是老师。 They both come from China.他们两个都来自中国。 Both of us are tall.我们俩都高。,(2)both.and.“和都;不但而且;既又”,通常连接两个并列的成分。连接两个并

22、列主语时,谓语动词用复数。 Both my mother and my father like playing pingpong.我爸爸妈妈都喜欢打乒乓球。 He can both sing and dance.他既会唱歌又会跳舞。,(3)辨析both与all,【注意】 1both和all均可单独作主语,谓语为复数形式。 2both和all都可与of连用,后跟名词复数。,用适当的连词填空 16Have you watched the latest TV program Running Man? Of course! It s popular with the young the old.,答案

23、:both; and,考点十六 be similar to的用法 【课文原句】 My best friend is similar to Larry because she s less hardworking than me.我最好的朋友和拉里很像, 因为她不如我学习用功。(八上P22) be similar to意为“与相似”,一般用来对比相似的物品 或情景。,【拓展】 辨析take after, look like与be like,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 17我们学校的制度和他们学校的很相似。 Our school rules are those of their school.,答案:similar to,


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