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1、11Module 5 语法.用 when,even if,ever since,whoever,only if,unless 填空1You must get there on time_the weather changes.2_you have finished your homework,can you go to the movie.3The two of them have been close friends_they began to go to school together.4_breaks the law,he will be punished.5Hardly had I g

2、one out of the hotel_I met my friend.6_you take a taxi,youll still miss your train.7_I get a job,will I have enough money to go to school.8_comes to the party,he will get a gift.9Weve been friends_we met at school.10I was just getting into the bath_the telephone rang.答案1even if 2.Only if 3.ever sinc

3、e 4.Whoever5when 6.Unless 7.Only if 8.Whoever9ever since 10.when.语法填空1Susan came to the party yesterday,but it was already half past eight_she turned up.2_(immediate) she reached her home,Lily went to the kitchen and began to prepare supper.3You cant borrow books from the school library_you get your

4、 student card.4No sooner had he got home_the telephone rang.5I had hardly got to the office_my wife phoned me to go back home at once.6You can borrow my car as long _you promise not to drive to fast.7No matter_well prepared a gymnast is,he still needs a lot of luck in performing.8A number of high bu

5、ildings have arisen_there was nothing but ruins a year ago.9We were in such a hurry when we left_we forgot the airline tickets.10The Great Wall is so wellknown a tourist attraction_millions of people visit it every year.答案1when 2.Immediately 3.before/unless 4.than5when 6.as 7.how 8.where 9.that 10.t

6、hat.单句改错1While I came home my mother was cooking dinner.22_2Come to see me if you will be free next Sunday._3As he is clever,he cant solve the problem._4He is sure to come unless he has no urgent business._5I dont know if he comes tomorrow._6Harold shared the first place with the identical score 18.

7、75._7I will not buy it as if I have a lot of money._8I havent heard from Mr. Smith after he went to Canada three years ago._9He tries his best to solve the problem,as difficult it was._10He is rather difficult to make friends with,but his friendship,unless gained,is more true than any others._答案1Whi

8、leWhen 2.will beare3As he is cleverClever as he is4去掉 no或 unlessif eswill come6score 后加 of 7.as ifunless 8.aftersince9ashowever 10.unlessonce.完形填空“Hi! John.” Mary ran towards me with a rare bright smile on her face,saying, “Im going to have a(n)_1_performance tonight. I hope youll come.Here is the _

9、2_ ” She left in a hurry,disappearing in the crowds of people_3_“What?! What performance? Dance? Is that true?” I asked myself.Mary was not such kind of girl.She was a quite_4_girl.I had never seen her making up or wearing attractive clothes,for she did not know how to_5_indeed.What a terrible thing

10、,especially for a plain girl!“I should go to,I must go to.Thats a miracle!” I thought.I arrived at the_6_with the ticket,and found my seat.Her performance was the seventh one.I knew I would _7_from a hard time before her turn,for I had no_8_of art,but her performance was_9_watching,no matter how lon

11、g I would wait.Time went slowly.I_10_with myself not to fall asleep.“Lets welcome the next exciting danceLatin!”_11_filled the hall at once.I opened my eyes as large as possible,_12_to lose anything.Wearing a golden and shining skirt,Mary appeared on the stage.Her dress went well with 33the brillian

12、t lights.She was so beautiful.Dancing with a charming smile,she was fully_13_in the Latin music.At this moment,she looked like a pretty butterfly_14_on the splendid stage.After all the performance_15_,I waited for her at the gate.“Hi!” She stood in front of me with a bag and her crystal highheeled s

13、hoes in her hands,and_16_as she used to be,but the makingup still could be seen.“How do you feel?” There was not a little bit tired_17_Son her face.“_18_!” I answered.“Thank you! I knew it would be.” She could not_19_her excitement,laughing like a child.Looking at the shining crystal highheeled shoe

14、s in the wonderful starry night,I _20_that every girl has a pair of special shoes which are like the crystal shoes of Cinderella.1A.instrument BdanceCmusic Dopera2A.address BnumberCticket Dinvitation3A.quickly BcompletelyCquietly Dexcitedly4A.lovely BpopularCconfident Dordinary5A.cover up Bturn offC

15、dress up Dtake in6A.hall BpartyCcinema Dconcert7A.relieve BescapeCrelax Dsuffer8A.interest BabilityCsense Dtouch9A.proper BworthCgood Dhappy10A.struggled BknockedCsupported Dcontrolled11A.Appreciation BAttentionCExpectation DApplause12A.desiring BfearingCforgetting Dregretting13A.absorbed Bswallowed

16、Caddicted Dsurrounded14A.singing BflyingCskipping Dstaying15A.stopped BpausedCended Dsucceeded16A.talked Bdressed44Claughed Dsaw17A.appearance BexcitementCexpression Dexhibition18A.Sorry BCongratulationsCFar from DFantastic19A.hide BpreventCremove Dabandon20A.doubted BrealizedCwondered Dsuggested答案与

17、解析平时衣着朴素,不爱打扮的玛丽穿上了舞鞋,到了舞台上,光芒四射,与平时判若两人。这时,约翰意识到,每个女孩都有一双属于自己的特殊的鞋,就像灰姑娘的水晶鞋一样。1B 根据文章第二段中“What?! What performance? Dance? Is that true?”和第五段“Lets welcome the next exciting danceLatin!”_11_filled the hall at once.可知,选项 B正确。2C 根据文章第四段中 I arrived at the_6_with the ticket,and found my seat.可知,选项 C正确。3

18、A 与上文的“She left in a hurry”相呼应。本题易误选 D。excitedly 激动地,与 in a hurry 在语义上不呼应。4D 此处表达的意思是:她是非常普通的女孩。ordinary “普通的” ,与语境相符。选项 A的意思是“可爱的” ;选项 B的意思是“受欢迎的” ;选项 C的意思是“自信的” ,与下文表达的意思不符。5C 此处表达的意思是:因为她真不知该如何打扮。真是不幸啊,尤其对一个相貌平平的女孩来说。dress up 精心打扮,与语境相符。本题易误选 A。cover up 掩盖,掩饰;穿暖和,与语境不符。6A 此处表达的意思是:我拿着票走进演出大厅(hall

19、),找到了座位。下文_11_filled the hall at once.也是一个提示。选项 B的意思是“聚会” ;选项 C的意思是“电影院” ;选项 D的意思是“音乐会” ,通常在这些场合不可能有舞蹈演出。7D 我知道轮到她之前我得忍受一段艰难的时间了,因为我对艺术根本就没有什么感觉。suffer from 因为 而受苦,与语境相符。本题易误选 B。若选 B,escape from 逃离,结合第 8空可知,在语义上不连贯。8C sense 感觉,与语境相符。本题易误选 A。interest 兴趣,通常与介词 in 搭配。9B 但是不论等多久,她的表演都值得一看。be worth doing

20、.值得做。其他三个选项通常后面不接动名词。10A 此处表达的意思是:时间过得很慢,我努力使自己不睡着。句中的 struggled with myself 所表达的意思是“同自己(的睡意)斗争” 。本题易误选 D。control 控制,通常用作及物动词,不与 with 搭配。11D 掌声(Applause)立刻响彻全场。选项 A的意思是“欣赏” ;选项 B的意思是“注意” ;选项 C的意思是“期望” ,均与语境不符。12B 我尽量睁大眼睛,生怕(fearing)会漏掉什么。本题易误选 D。regret to do sth. 表示遗憾要做某事,与语境不符。13A 她带着迷人的笑容,翩翩起舞,完全沉

21、醉在拉丁音乐中。be absorbed in 专注于,与语境相符。本题易误选 C。addicted 沉迷的,通常与 to 连用。5514B 这一刻,她就像一只美丽的蝴蝶在华丽的舞台上起舞(flying)。选项 A和 C通常不用于修饰蝴蝶,选项 D(staying)的意思是“停留” ,表示一个静态的概念,与语境不符。15C 演出结束(ended)之后,我在门口等她。本题易误选 A。选项 A的意思是“停止,终止” ,与语境不符。16B 穿着(dressed)她平常穿的衣服,但还能看出化妆痕迹。此处表示玛丽卸妆后,换上了平时的衣服。17C “感觉怎么样?”她的脸上没有显出一丝疲倦的表情。expres

22、sion 表情,与语境相符。本题易误选 A。appearance 是“外表,外貌”的意思。18D 选项 D的意思是“极好的” ,与语境相符。本题易误选 B。选项 B通常用于向对方祝贺取得的好成绩和好结果,但用在文中此处太突然,答非所问。19A “谢谢,我就知道是这样。 ”她掩饰(hide)不住兴奋,露出孩子般的笑容。选项B的意思是“预防” ;选项 C的意思是“去掉” ;选项 D的意思是“抛弃” ,均与语境不符。20B 这时,我意识到(realized),每个女孩都有一双属于自己的特殊的鞋,就像灰姑娘的水晶鞋一样。选项 A的意思是“怀疑” ;选项 C的意思是“惊奇,想知道” ;选项 D的意思是“

23、建议” ,均不符合语境。.阅读理解When I was 12 years old,I was at a very hard stage in life.I was short and fat,which was bad for a girl,so coordination(协调)was not one of my strongest features.On the other hand,my mother was a very talented softball player who even acted as my coach.Night after night,I would try my

24、 best to impress “my coach”Unfortunately,I just felt like a terrible disappointment to my mother.One summer afternoon,my mother told us we were going to visit Uncle David.Since we lived in an apartment,going to the country was quite a treat.My uncle David always had a way of making me feel special.W

25、hen we arrived,my uncle and cousin Jeff were throwing metal rings at two holes in the ground.I was curious about what they were doing so I went over to watch.Noticing that I was standing there,my uncle asked if I had ever played washers.Being a “city girl”,my reply was that the only “washers” I knew

26、 were the ones that cleaned clothes.To my embarrassment,Uncle David chuckling(咯咯笑),explained that the metal rings were called washers.I was shocked to hear my uncle saying he wanted me to take his place.He then gave me the washers and gave tips on how to throw better.Unwillingly,I joined Jeff.Gradua

27、lly,I found myself not only enjoying but also wanting to win this game.The washer went into the air and began to fall.Then a cloud of dust appeared as the washer sank into the hole.My first try! I had actually thrown the washer into the hole!Although twentythree summers have gone by since that day,t

28、his small success in washer playing helped me get back selfconfidence lost when I struggled with the game of softball.1Why did the author live a hard life at the age of twelve?ABecause her body had many health problems.BBecause coordination was her weakest feature.66CBecause she was forced to learn

29、to play softball.DBecause her efforts at softball were disappointing.2When she was told that she could visit Uncle David,the author felt_Asurprised BpleasedCdisappointed Dnervous3Which is the RIGHT time order of the changes in the authors feelings when she was at her uncles?ACuriousEmbarrassedShocke

30、dPleasedBShockedCuriousEmbarrassedPleasedCPleasedEmbarrassedCuriousShockedDCuriousShockedPleasedEmbarrassed4The main purpose of the passage is to_Ashow the influence of the authors mother on herBexplain how the author picked up her confidenceCexplain to us why the author likes playing washersDshow t

31、he problem between the author and her mother答案与解析通过一次游戏,作者找回了在玩垒球时失去的自信。1D 细节理解题。根据第一段中 Night after night,I would try my best to impress “my coach”Unfortunately,I just felt like a terrible disappointment to my mother.可知选 D。2B 推理判断题。根据第二段中 Since we lived in an apartment,going to the country was quite

32、 a treat.可知作者应该是很高兴的。3A 细节理解题。根据第三段中 I was curious about what they were doing,第四段中 To my embarrassment.I was shocked to hear my uncle saying.和第五段中 I found myself not only enjoying but also wanting to win this game.可知正确顺序是A项。4B 主旨大意题。根据全文以及最后一段中this small success in washer playing helped me get back selfconfidence lost when I struggled with the game of softball.可知选 B


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