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1、1榆林高新完全中学 2018-2019 学年第一学期第二次月考高一英语试题时间:120 分钟 满分:120 分第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWelcome to the Friendship Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you will use our facilities (设施) to the full.Room ServiceThis operates 24 hours a d

2、ay. Phone the Reception Desk, and your message will be passed on to the room staff.Telephone: 48759Dining RoomBreakfast is served in the dining mom from 8 to 9:30 a. m. Alternatively, the room staff will bring a breakfast tray to your room at any time after 7 a.m., if you place an order for it by te

3、lephone. In this case, please fill out a card and hang it outside your door when you go to bed. Lunch: 12:00 to 2:30 p.m.Dinner: 7:30 to 9 p.m.Telephone: 48752 TelephoneTo make a telephone call, dial 0 for Reception and Laundry (洗衣店), and ask to be connected. We apologize for delays in putting calls

4、 through when the staff are very busy. There are also public telephone booths (电话亭) near the Reception Desk. Early calls should be booked with Reception.ShopThe hotel shop is open for souvenirs (纪念品), gifts and toiletries (化妆品) from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.Telephone: 48687 LaundryWe have a laundry on the

5、 premises (附属) and will wash, iron and return your clothes within 24 hours. Ask the room staff to phone the laundrymen to collect them. Telephone: 48867Bar2The hotel bar is open from 12 to 2 p.m., and 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. The Reception staff will cash cheques and exchange money in many foreign currencie

6、s (货币).21. What should you do if you want a snack (快餐) at 9 a.m?A. Go to the hotel shop. B. Go to the hotel bar. C. Tell the waiter. D. Phone Reception22. Which number should you dial if you want to have your clothes washed?A. 48752 B. 48867 C. 48687 D. 4875923. The writer of the passage mainly want

7、s to _. .A. give us information about the services of the hotelB. persuade us to stay in the hotelC. tell us the ways of servingD. promise us good serviceB Im a TV show host. One Sunday, I took my7-year-old daughter by the sea for lunch. On arriving at the beach, I saw JoJo, a wealthy man in the hot

8、el business. We sat down to chat in an open air caf.Suddenly our conversation was interrupted by a stranger, who politely asked permission to speak to me. Often people want to tell me something about my controversial TV show, when Im out on the streets.He asked to speak to me privately, so we stood

9、a bit away from my table. He said, “Im James, 35 years old, father of a 7-year-old girl, whos very sick. She needs treatment abroad. The doctors said that if she was treated in the UK, she would probably survive. But Im poor, so can you please help me?”Speechless, I stared in the mans eyes full of t

10、ears and asked how I could help. After we talked for a while, I went to sit back at the table. JoJo asked me, “Whats wrong with you? Your face changed.” I told him. JoJo was very sorry for this family and said I had the means through the media to help him. Later we headed off to our destinations.All

11、 weekend I thought about James, his daughter and his family. I even considered doing a special TV show to raise money for this sick child.On Monday morning I was at the office after I finished presenting my show, when my secretary said a man needed to speak to me. It was JoJo. He walked into my offi

12、ce. Actually JoJo is so busy with his hotel business that I never 3imagined he had time to come and see me at the studios.“Please, call the man with the sick child and tell him that Ill pay all expenses for his sick daughters treatment,”JoJo said, with a check in his hand. “Ive been married for 35 y

13、ears. I wasnt lucky enough to have a child. I want to help this child now.” I picked up the phone to call James.Now James daughter is well and living a normal life. JoJo often visits her. Im so happy that there are so many good people on this earth.24. According to the text, the author_.A. often has

14、 lunch at the beach with his daughter B. was once helped by JoJoC. met JoJo at the beach by accident D. was hesitant to help James25. According to the text, the author thought that JoJos arrival at his office was_.A. annoying B. moving C. exciting D. surprising26. Why did JoJo make up his mind to he

15、lp James?A. To support the authors work. B. To show his sympathy for the poor.C. To show his love for a child. D. To set a good example to other rich people.27. What is the main idea of the text?A. Famous hosts are always troubled B. Kind people are everywhereC. The media is powerful D. Even the ric

16、hest person is not always lucky CIts the universal cry of parents. “Get a job!“ Solimans mother told Soliman on the second day of his college breaks.After years of delivering furniture for his mothers store, he knew many people had things they wanted to get rid of. If he borrowed his moms truck, he

17、could make a little money by carrying away their garbage.One night, Soliman came up with a name for his new businessCollege Hunks Hauling Junk. He advertised the next day, and within hours, his phone rang. He asked his friend Friedman to help. They made $ 220 in three hours by cleaning out a womans

18、garbage. Soliman and Friedman earned $ 10,000 that summer. But the two werent ready to become full-time garbage men after graduation. “We were trained to finish college and get a good job,“ says Soliman, who first worked at a research firm. Friedman became an economic analyst.4After working for the

19、firm and the company for a while, both of them changed their minds. They quit their jobs and restarted their business, but had trouble finding a bank willing to lend them money. “Within months,“ says Friedman, “we were pretty upset.“At last, one bank risked lending them $ 50,000. At first, they lost

20、 money. One customer asked them to deal with a dozen garbage cans filled with construction garbage. They measured the job by volume instead of by weight and charged just $ 130. “The cans were so heavy that it took us two and a half hours,“ says Soliman, “And it cost us more than $ 250 to carry the l

21、oad.“However, the tough experience taught them a lesson. They reduced the cost of unloading by recycling metals and electronics. Just four years later, they ran a nationwide company that earned $ 3 million in 2014. “I figured if Nick and I failed, and wed learn more from failing than from not trying

22、 at all,“ says Soliman.28. What does Soliman find when helping to deliver furniture?A. Some parents want their kids to work at college breaks.B. Many families have things they dont want to keep.C. His moms truck works well in carrying heavy furniture.D. Its hard to make money by carrying away the ga

23、rbage.29. What makes Soliman think of starting his new business?A. His working experience in his mothers store.B. His strong desire to make use of the garbage.C. His hatred for peoples throwing away things.D. His much available time at college breaks.30. How did Soliman and Friedman cut the cost of

24、the company?A. By filling the cans with more garbage.B. By measuring the job by volume. C. By reducing the working hours.D. By recycling something useful.31. Which of the following can be learned from the passage?A. Easier said than done. B. Nothing succeeds like success.C. Two heads are better than

25、 one. D. Nothing is impossible to a willing heartDIs it possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War is an ancient 5custom which has existed for at least six thousand years. It was always evil and usually foolish, but in the past the human race managed to live with it. Modern skill has chan

26、ged this. Either man will stop war, or war will stop man. For the present, it is nuclear weapons that cause the greatest danger, but bacteriological( 细菌的 ) or chemical weapons may, before long, offer an even greater threat. If we succeeded in stopping war, there would be no danger for us. To do this

27、, we need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way, not by contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is most skillful in massacre (大屠杀 ),but by arbitration (仲裁)in accordance with agreed principles of law. It is not easy to change old mental habits, b

28、ut this is what must be attempted.There are those who say that the adoption of this or that ideology (意识形态)would prevent war. I believe this to be a complete error. All ideologies are based upon beliefs without proof which are, at best, doubtful, and at worst, totally false. Those people who believe

29、 them are willing to go to war in support of them.The movement of world opinion during the past two years has changed very largely such as we can welcome. It has become a common belief that nuclear war must be avoided. Of course, very difficult problems remain in the international world, but the spi

30、rit in which they are being approached is a better one than it was some years ago. It has begun to be thought, even by the powerful men who decide whether we shall live or die, that agreements should be reached even if both sides do not find these agreements wholly satisfactory. It has begun to be u

31、nderstood that the important conflict (冲突) nowadays is not between East and West, but between Man and the H bomb.32. From the first paragraph we can know that _.A. we may face greater threat from weapons B. bacteriological or chemical weapons are less dangerous than nuclear weaponsC. mans idea of vi

32、ctory has changedD. dangerous weapons are forbidden in modern society33. According to the author,_.A. it is impossible to live without warB. the difference between East and West will lead to warC. war must be stopped if man wants to surviveD. war will be stopped by modern skill634. The author believ

33、es that the only way to stop war is to_.A. stop nuclear weaponsB. settle international issues through agreements C. destroy bacteriological and chemical weaponsD. let the stronger side take over the world35. Which of the following words can best describe the authors feeling in writing this passage?A

34、. Disappointed. B. Doubtful. C. Worried. D. Hopeful.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项(2 项多余) 。Feeling overwhelmed(压垮的)with school, sports, clubs, or other activities? You might have too much on your plate. Sure, you have to do some of your activities like homework. But many act

35、ivities are things you decide to do. 36 Do I look forward to it?Maybe you did when you started, but somethings changed. Maybe you never really enjoyed it, but youve stuck it out because your parents or friends wanted you to.37 It doesnt have to be another club or sport. It could be catching up on ho

36、mework, or just getting more time to rest.After making up your mind about what has to go, you can do the following before showing your plans to the world. Talk to your parents first.Your parents may have reasons for wanting you to stick with an activity. Maybe theyve already paid for a full season.

37、38 Or maybe they worry that you give up on things too quickly. Talk with them about your decision. 39 Pick a time that wont leave your teammates or friends hangingnot before a big game, for example. Finish out the season. Another reason to wait? 40 You might develop a new skill, or a friend may join

38、 the club and make it feel fun again. Give yourself time to be sure.AChoose the best end date.BYour feelings may change.CIs there something else Id rather do?DAsk your coach about a natural stopping point.EMaybe they think this activity is good for you.7FLook at those and ask yourself.GThank your co

39、ach or instructor for all youve learned. 第三部分 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Dad had a green comb(梳子). He bought it when he married Mum. Every night, he would hand me his 41 and say, “Good girl, help Daddy clean it, OK?”I was 42 to do it. At age five, this dull task broug

40、ht me such 43 . I would excitedly turn the tap 44 and brush the comb carefully. Satisfied that Id done a good job, I would happily return the comb to Dad. He would 45 affectionately at me and place the comb on his wallet.Two years later, Dad started his own 46 , which wasnt doing so well. That was w

41、hen things started to 47 . Dad didnt come home as early and as much as he used to. Mum and I became 48 with him for placing our family in trouble. With 49 , an uncomfortable silence grew between us.After my graduation, Dads business was getting back on track. On my 28th birthday, Dad came home 50 .

42、As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said, “Hey, would you help me 51 my comb?” I looked at him a while, then 52 the comb and headed to the sink.It hit me then: why, as a child, 53 Dad clean his comb was such a pleasure. That routine(习惯) meant Dad was home

43、 early to 54 the evening with Mum and me. It 55 a happy and loving family.I passed the clean comb back to Dad. He smiled at me and 56 placed his comb on his wallet. But this time, I noticed something 57 . Dad had aged. He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled, 58 his smile was still as 59 as

44、before, the smile of a father who just wanted a good 60 for his family.41. A. bag B. wallet C. comb D. brush42. A. annoyed B. relieved C. ashamed D. pleased43. A. joy B. sadness C. courage D. pain 44. A. out B. over C. in D. on 45. A. stare B. smile C. shout D. laugh46. A. family B. business C. task

45、 D. journey 47. A. progress B. change C. improve D. form48. A. satisfied B. delighted C. mad D. strict 849. A. time B. patience C. speed D. ease50. A. occasionally B. early C. frequently D. rarely51. A. sharpen B. repair C. clean D. keep52. A. dropped B. took C. handed D. threw53. A. watching B. let

46、ting C. helping D. hearing 54. A. find B. lose C. waste D. spend 55. A. affected B. broke C. meant D. supported 56. A. firmly B. hurriedly C. casually D. carefully57. A. different B. exciting C. interesting D. urgent58. A. for B. or C. so D. yet 59. A. convincing B. heartwarming C. cautious D. innoc

47、ent60. A. origin B. life C. reputation D. education 第四部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 20 分)第一节:根据提示填写单词的正确形式(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)61. The earthquake left the whole city in _(ruin).62. There is no _ (怀疑) that the Internet is very useful for people.63. The city was completely _ (destroy) by the earthquake.64. Yo

48、ur teacher can give you _ (guide) on your study.65. They are _ (慷慨的) although they are poor.66. We chose _ (attack) the laws when we were faced with unfair things.67. This kind of medicine is our most_ (value) discovery.68. She is the only _ (survive) in the accident.69. _ (judge) from her appearance, we cant know her job.70. This kind of machine is of good _ (质量).第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。I climbed Kilimanja


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