NAVY MIL-C-81777 B-1973 COOLER LIQUID ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT HD-908( ) AWM-23(V)《HD-908( ) AWM-23(V)型液体冷却装置电子设备》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-C-81777 B-1973 COOLER LIQUID ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT HD-908( ) AWM-23(V)《HD-908( ) AWM-23(V)型液体冷却装置电子设备》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-C-81777 B-1973 COOLER LIQUID ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT HD-908( ) AWM-23(V)《HD-908( ) AWM-23(V)型液体冷却装置电子设备》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-C-81777 B-1973 COOLER LIQUID ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT HD-908( ) AWM-23(V)《HD-908( ) AWM-23(V)型液体冷却装置电子设备》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-C-81777 B-1973 COOLER LIQUID ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT HD-908( ) AWM-23(V)《HD-908( ) AWM-23(V)型液体冷却装置电子设备》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-C-81777 B-1973 COOLER LIQUID ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT HD-908( ) AWM-23(V)《HD-908( ) AWM-23(V)型液体冷却装置电子设备》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-C-817778 47 7777706 O43635b T m MIL- C- il 1 77713 (AS) 30 November 1973 Superseding 30 November 1972 MIL-G-?A( AS) MILITA RY SPECIFICATION COOLER, LIQUID, ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT HD-908 ( )/AWM-23(V) This specification has been approved by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy 1. S

2、COPE 1. 1 Scope. The equipment covered by this specification shall be designated as the Electronic Equipment Shop Liquid Cooler. herein referred to as the LC. The LC shall be for intermediate Level use ta con- dition the liquid coolant supplied to test stations during checkout and test of certain sy

3、stem of the AN/AWG- 9 Airborne Weapon Control System (AWCS). weapon replaceable assemblies (WRAs) from the radar sub - 1. 2. Classification. The LC (493701-150) shall consist of a cabinet assembly and a remote switchino; control. shall contain a coolant circulation loop, a refrigeration system, loca

4、l controls and indicators, and electronic subassemblies. The cabinet assembly a. Cabinet assembly, major elements Drawing or Model Number 251 177 251 178 251 180 251190 251 191 251 192 Ref er ence Par ag r aph No ni e nc I at u r e Condenser, Water 3.6.1 Receiver, Eefrigeration 3.6.2 Chiller 3.6.3 R

5、egulator, Temperature 3.6.4 Compressor, Reciprocating 3.6.5 Pumping Unit - Hydraulic 3.6.6 1 FSC -493 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

6、MIL-C-BL777B LI7 777770b 043b358 3 9 MIL-C-81777(AS) . . STA ND A RDS Militarv MIL-STD-454 Standard General Requirements for Electronic Equipment MIL-STD -46 1 MIL-STD -76 1 Elect r omagn e t ic Int e rf e rence Characte ristics Requirements for Equipment Electric Pow er, Alte rnat ing C ur r en t f

7、or Shipboard Use, Characteristics and Utilization of DRAWINGS Hughes Aircraft Company 251 177 Condens er, Water 251 178 251 180 251 190 251 191 -. 251192 251200 3049031 3069032 Rece ive r , R ef r ige ration C hi1 1 er R e gulato r , Tempe ratur e Compressor, Reciprocating Pumping Unit, Hydraulic Va

8、lve - Thermos tatic Expans ion Control, Remote Switching Panel, Assembly, Control and Self -C hec k 306 9 O 38 Starter Assembly, Motor 3069081 493150 - 150 Enclosure Assembly, Relay Test Station, Radio Frequency 49 3350 - 150 49 37C1- 150 Test Station, Low Frequency Cooler, Liquid, Electronic Equipm

9、ent Shop 2.2 Availability of documents. When requesting specifications, standards, drawings and publications, refer to both title and number. Copies of applicable specifications required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions may be obtained upon application to the Commandi

10、ng Officer, Naval Supply Depot, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Pennsylvania i9 120, . . _ ._ . -_ .- . - . . . 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-L777B 99 M 7799906 0936359 5 W MIL- C c 8 1777B (AS) . 3. REQUIREMENTS 3. 1 Materials, parts, a

11、nd processes. Materials, parts, and processes shall be in accordance with MIL-T-81734. 3,2 Design and construction. Design and construction shall be in accordance with MIL-T-81734 and Drawing 493701-150. 3.2. 1 Design features. The design features of MIL-T-81734 shal apply with the following additio

12、ns. - .-. 3.2.1 . 1 Size and weight- inches by 36 inches by 72 inches. exceed 12 inches by 6 inches by 18 inches. total surface area for the cooling stand, shall not exceed 250 pounds per square foot. not exceed 3000 pouncis. The cooling stand shall not exceed 48 The remote control panel shalL not L

13、oading, averaged over the The weight of the cooling stand, including fluids, shall 3.2.2 Shop facilities. Shop facilities will be in accordance with MIL- T - 8 17 34, 3,2.2, 1 Electrical power. Facility supplied electrical power Alternating current forms shall be in accordance with MIL-T-81734. (ac)

14、 power forms shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-761, -Type I. The electrical power required for operation of the LC shall be not more than 20. O kilovolt amperes(kVa) of 440 volt (v), 60 Hertz (Hz), 3-phase, 3-wireJ ungrounded. Cooling water. Cooling water will be supplied in accord- ance w

15、ith MIL-T-81734. 3.2.2. 3 Liquid coolant. The liquid coolant conditioned by the LC shall be Coolanol 25 (Monsanto Chemical Company), Oronite Flo- Cool 180 4Chevron Chemical Company), or equivaent, 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL

16、-C-BL777B Y9 W 9999906 043b360 I MIL- C - 8 1 777B (AS) Nitrogen. Nitrogen will be provided in accordance with MIL-T-81734. 3.2;2. 5 Freon. Freon, Type 12, will be provided by the facility. 3.2. 3 Service conditions 3.2. 3. 1 Electrical. The LC shall meet the performance requirements of this

17、 specification when supplied with the electrical power specified in 3.2.2. 1. 3.2. 3.2 Environmental. Environmental service conditions shall be in accordance with MIL-T-81734. 3.2.4 Standard test conditions. Standard test conditions shall be in accordance with MIL-T -8 1734. 3.2. 5 Maintainability.

18、Maintainability shall be in accordance with MIL-T -8 17 34. 3.2. 5. 1 LC self test, The LC shall provide capability to establish functional readiness of the liquid cooler. not exceed 30 minutes. the LC control of the remote switching control (3069031). Time to perform self test shall The self test s

19、hall include capability to override 3. 2. 5. 2 LC mean time to repair (MTTR). capability to isolate faults to the shop replaceable items. required for fault isolation, replacement, adjustments, and repair verification shall not exceed a mean time of 4 hours for any single ma If unc t io n. The LC sh

20、all provide The time 3. 2. 5. 3 81734. shop replaceable item, fault isolation within the shop replaceable item, for alignments, adjustments, calibration, and signal monitoring. Location and accessibility of test points shall be dictated by consider- ations of ease of maintenance and repair. Test poi

21、nts. Test points shall be in accordance with -MIL-T- Test points shall be provided to facilitate fault isolation to the 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic

22、ense from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-L777B Li7 = 7779706 0436363 7 3. 3 Performance. The LC shall provide liquid cooling with the following parameters : a. Supply pressure, Pressure of the coolant at the output of t

23、he LC shall be adjustable between 185 pounds per square inch gage (psig) and 130 psig and shall be accurate to I10 psig of the setting. for anyflow up to and including 10 gallons per minute Total heat load. The LC shall have the capacity to remove a maximum heat load of 102,400 British thermal units

24、 per hour (Btu/hour). Pressure shall be maintained (gpm). - b. c. Coolant outlet temperature. Coolant outlet temperature d. Coolant filter. 10 microns, absolute. 3. 4 Detailed functional requirements. The shall consist of a coolant circulation loop, a refrigeration system, and local/remote controls

25、and indicators. 3. 4. 1 Coolant circulation loop. Reservoir-stored coolant shall be filtered and then pumped to the refrigeration system heat exchanger for cooling, or directly to the mixing valve. Coolant shall be mixed to attain the proper output temperature and then transferred to the test statio

26、n. for monitoring of output coolant pressure and temperature. valve shall be provided at the high point and a: drain valve shall be provided at the low point. Temperature and pressure gages shall provide A bleed. Coolant filter. A full-flow, depth type disposable filter shall be located in t

27、he coolant supply line. absolute removal rating of 10 microns and shall include a differential pressure indicator to provide an indication of dirt accumulation. The filter shall have an 3.4 1.2 Coolant reservoir. A coolant reservoir having a capacity of at least 10 gallons and pressurized by nitroge

28、n at a pressure equal to or less than 20psig shall be provided. The reservoir shall include a safety relief valve to prevent pressure over 25. O rt2.5 psig. The pressurized nitrogen shall be supplied from a nitrogen cylinder located within the cooling stand. 3.4.2 Refrigeration system. A refrigerati

29、on system, in accordance with MIL-R-16743, shall be provided for chilling the coolant. Fresh or sea water shall be circulated through the refrigeration system 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-17778 49 = 9999906 043b364 9 MIL-C

30、-81 777B (AS) condenser for dissipation of heat. ing the refrigerant. Gages shall be provided for monitor- 3.4.3 Controls and indicators. The controls and indicators shall be provided locally and remotely. provide monitoring and controt of the LC functions. The controls and indicators shall 3.5 Work

31、manship. Workmanship shall conform to MIL-STD-454, Requirement 9. 3.6 LC elements. The LC shall. contain the following items, according to the configuration of 493701 -150. 3. 6.1 Condenser, water. The water condenser shall cool and condense high pressure gas from the compressor into liquid. condens

32、er shall be cooIed by iresh or sea water. The maximum water flow through the condenser shall be 30 gpm. The 3. 6. 2 Receiver, refri geration. The refri ,aeration receiver shall store liquid refrigerant on the high pressure side of the refrig- eration system. The receiver shall have a capaSity of 92

33、pounds of Freon 12 (based on 80 percent full capacity at 86 Fahrenheit ( F). 3. 6. 3 Chiller. The chiller shall act as a heat exchanger between the refrigeration loop and the liquid coolant loop. 3. 6.4 Regulator, temperature. The temperature regulator shall The temperature range cf the regulator co

34、ntrol and regulate the temperature of the coolant prior to the coolant being pumped to ;he test stands. shall be 50 to 90 F. 3.6, 5 Compressor, reciprocating. The reciprocati ng compressor shall receive the low pressure vaporized refrigerant, compress it, then discharge hot high pressure gas to the

35、condenser. The induction motor employed shall operate from 440 Vac, 3-phace, delta, 60 Hz, or ZOO/ 220 Vac, 3-phase, 60 Hz input. The compressor displacement shall be 2380 cubic feet per hour. 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provide

36、d by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-L777B 47 m 7779706 0q3b366 2 m 3.6.8 Control, remote switching. The remote switching control (3069031) shall provide control and monitoring of the cooling stand when interconnected by an 80-foot electric

37、al cable. malfunction indications shall be included. The following controls and . indicators shall be located on the panel: Coolamt monitoring and a. b. Supply temperature meter (40 to 140F) c. Return temperature meter (40 to 140F) Supply pressure meter (0-250 psi) d. e. f. g. h. Low water flow indi

38、cator light Low reservoir level indicator light Low reservoir pressure indicator light High coolant temperature indicator light -Low coolant temperature indicator light .L. i. j. Low coolant flow indicator light Remote control override indicator light k. Power on indicator light 1. Power -on switch

39、m. Power off switch n. Lamp test switch o. Cooler ready indicator light 3.6.9 Panel, .assembly, control and self check. The panel control and self check assembly (3069032) shall provide control and monitoring of the LC, coolant and compressor shall he included and located on the panel in a manner ac

40、cessible from the front of the LC cabinet with the cover removed. _. Monitoring and malfunction indications for the 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without licens

41、e from IHS-,-,-13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4. 1 Responsibility for tests and inspections. Responsibility for tests and inspections shall be in accordance with MIL-T-81734. 4.2 Tests. Tests shall

42、be conducted in accordance with MIL - T - 8 17 34- 4. 3 Reliability verification. Verification of the reliability requirements shall be in accordance with MIL-T-81734. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVE-RY 5. 1 General. Preparation for delivery shall be in accordance with MIL-E- 17 555. 6. NOTES 6. 1 Orderin

43、g data, Ordering data shall be in accordance with MIL-T-8 17 34. 6.2 Definitions. Definitions shall be in accordance with MIL-T-81734. 6. 3 Precedence of documents. When the requirements of the contract this specification, or applicable subsidiary documents are in conflict the following precedence s

44、hall apply: a. Contract. The contract shall have precedence over any other document, b. This specification. This specification shall have precedence over all- applicable subsidiary documents. c. Reference documents. Any document referenced in this specification shall have precedence over all applicable documents referenced therein. Project No. 4935-NiO3 *U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTIN OFFICE: 1974603-108/329 14 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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