NAVY MIL-M-7752 A-1957 METAL CLEANER SILICATE SOAP《金属清洁剂的硅酸盐符号最优汇编程序》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-M-7752 A-1957 METAL CLEANER SILICATE SOAP《金属清洁剂的硅酸盐符号最优汇编程序》.pdf_第1页
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1、i I MIL- M- 7752A 6 JUNE 1957 I MILITARY SPECIFICATION METAL CLFANER SILICAMOAP This specification has been approved by the Department of Defense and is mandatory for use by the Departments of the Amy, the Navy, and the Air Force. I. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers a silicate-soap metal cleaner

2、for cleaning aluminum, magnesium, and other metallic surfaces. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following specifications and standards, of the issue in effect on date SPECIFICATIONS of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein: Federal 04-604 W-A455 QQ-M RR

3、-S-366 PPP-D-729 PPP-D- 760 Sodium Metasilicate Aluminum Alloy (Zu)# Plate and Sheet Magnesium Alloy (3.0 Aluminum, 1.0 Zhc); Sieves, Standard for Teatine Purposes Drums: Metal, Ssdallon (for Shipment Drums and Pails, Metal (5 and 16.61, OaUon) Plate and Sheet of Noncorrosive Materials) Uilitary Mus

4、-7842 Sodium Trisilicate, Soluble, Powdered MIL-A-8625 Anodic Coatings, for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys STANIIARDS Military MIL-105 MIL-STD-129 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Marldng for Shipment and Storage Inspect ion by Attribut es (Copies of speoifications, standards , drawings, and publica

5、tions required by con- tractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) I ! Licensed by Information Handling ServicesProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without licen

6、se from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-7752A 68 7777906 Oq295Yl 3 .- I F I. MIL-M-7752.A .Y . L 3. REBUIBEMENTS 3.1 Materials.- The niaterials used in the manufacture of this product shall con- Materials which are form to applicable specifications and sliall be as specified herein. not covered by applicable specific

7、ations, or which are not specifically described herein, sliall be of high quality and suitable for the purpose intended. free from fat-cid soap, rosin, starch , sodium phosphate , abrasives, gritty mterial, or inert fillers. 3.1.1 Form.- The cleaner shall be in the form of a nonhygroscopic granular

8、ponder, 3.1.2 Composition.- The chemical formulation of the metal cleaner shall be as specified in table I. TABLE I Chemical formulation Ingredient Specification Percent by weight Sodium metasilicate 04-604 type I 40.5 to 41.5 Sodium trisilicate , soluble, pondered MILS-7842 53.5 to 54.5 Synthetic s

9、oap 4.9 to 5.1 Soap.- The soap included in the formulation shall be a nondeliquescent granular or powdered synthetic ingredient, soluble and stable in the silicate solution when prepared for use. modified methyl orange indicator and calculated at Na20, shall be between 22.0 and 23.5 percent

10、by weight . cent. The silica content shall be between 1.85 ad 2.10 times the alkalinity. 3.2 Total alkalhitD- The total alkalinity as determined by titration, using 3.3 Silica.- The silica, calculated as Si0 , shall be between 43.0 and 47.0 per- 3.4 Hydrogen-ion concentration.- The pH value of a sol

11、ution of 30 gram of cleaner per liter o? distilled water at 23C (73F) shall be between 11.0 and 12.5. 3.5 Coarse particles.- Coarse particles retained on a No, 40 screen conforming to Speoification R-S-366, slid1 not exceed 35 percent by weight at a relative humidity of not more than bo percent. Sur

12、face tension,- per liter of distilled water, at 23OC (73OF) shall be not more than 32.0 dynes per centimeter. 3.6 The surface tension of a solution of 30 grama of cleaner 3.7 Insoluble matter.- Matter ineoluble in dLstilled water at a temperature of 100C (212OF) shall not exceed 0.50 percent by weig

13、ht. liter of water, shall clean metal surfaces as required by the cleaning properties test. 3.8 Cleaning properties.- The cleaner, when used in concentration of 30 grams per 3.9 Rinsing properties.- The oleaner shall. be completely free rinsing, and shall leave a chemically olean surface. Corrosiven

14、ess.- A aulution of 60 grams of cleaner per liter of water shall cause no visible staining, discoloration, or attack of highly poushed alundnum alloy conforming to Specification QQ-A-355 , magnesium aioy conforming to Specification QQ-M-U, and anodized aluminiun-alloy ganels anodized in accordance w

15、ith Speoifioation MIL-A-8625 after 1 hour immersion at 96 to 100C (205 to 212F). 2 3.10 . . . . . . , ,. r- _“, _._I ri , . . ., . . - . _. . .; , . ._ ._ . ._ . . .s .: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_. , . - . . _ . . _. . MIL-M-77

16、52A b 779990b 04245q2 5 - I -4 i 1, 3.U WorlunanshiE.- The component ingredients shall be intimately assembled and processed, as required, in accordance with the best camnercial practice for a high-quality material which is stable and not subject to abnormal change with age in a sealed container. 4.

17、 QUALIiT ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 General.- AU the tests required herein for the testing of metal cleaner are classified as Acceptance tests, for which necessary sampling techniques and methods of testing are specified in this sectim. specification shall be made at a normal atmospheric pressure, a t

18、emperature of 23 %lC (73O *OF), and a relative humidity of 50 a percent, 4.2 Test conditions,- Unless otherwise specified, all tests required by this 4.3 Sampling.- 4.3.1 Inspection lot.- An inspection lot shall consist of all cleaner manufactwed from the same components and offered for inspection a

19、t one time. 4.3.2 Sampling for inspection of filled containers (visual examination).- A ran- dom samnle offifrom each inspection lot in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-iOS, table III, inspction level I, acceptable quality level (AQL) of 2.5 percent defective, for visual examination as des- cribed u

20、nder 4,4.1,2. 4.3.3 Sampling for tests of cleaner.- Two containers from each inspection lot shall be selected at random by the Government Inspector. A specimen of sufficient size for test purposes shaY be liaaken from each of the-two containers. be placed in a clean dry metal or glass container, the

21、n sealed, marked, and forwarded to the testing laboratory designated by the Govemnt Inspector. be subjected to-all the tests required by the specification as described under 4.4. either of the two specimens representing an inspection lot fails one or mQre of these tests, the inspection lot shall be

22、rejected. Test reports.- The contractor shall furnish test reports, in duplicate, showing quantitative results for ail tests required by this specification, and signed by an authorized representative of the contractor or laboratory, as applicable. Tile report shall include full details of the specif

23、ic mthod used to determine hydrogen-ion concen- tration (stating Indicators, types of electrodes used, etc). Each specimen shall Each specimen shall If 4.3.4 4.4 -0- 4.4.1 inspection,- Examination of product.- Metal cleaner shall be examined to determine conformance to the requiremen

24、ts of this specification that do not involve tests. determine the amoiuit of the contents, and shall be examined for defects of the container and the closure, for evidence of leakage, and for unsatisfactory markings. Visual examination.- Each sample filied container shall be weighed to 4.4,2 Total a

25、lkalinity (As Na20).- A 1- to 2-gram sample of the metal cleaner shall be weighed into a 2504. beaker. The sample shall be dissolved in 50 ml of boiling dis- tiUe water, coaled to room temperature, and titrated with O.SN hydrochloric acid using modified methyl orange as the indicator. by dissoltrhg

26、0.1-gram methyl orange and 0.25 gram of indigo carmine in 100 ml. of dis- tilled water. determination shall be run simultaneously with test samples, Modified methyl orange indicator is prepared A blank This solution is preferably stored in an amber-colored bottle. 3 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo

27、 reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-U-7752A b8 747770b 0427543 7 -,_ -K Calculation: Percent total alkalinity (Na20) = (V n VB) N x 3.1 (1) W Where V = Volume in ml of HC1 required = Volume in nil of HC1 required for a blank determination P = Normality of HC1 W =i

28、Weight of sample 4.4.3 Silica (SiO,) .- P . Reagents.- Gelatin solution (0.25 percent).- Two and one-half grams of gelatin, USP grade, shall be dissolved in 1 liter of distilled water at a temperature of 50 to 60% (122 to 440 pmds of metal cleaner shall be packed in a steel drum co

29、nforming to Specification PPP-D-729, type III. 5.2.2 Level C.- The metal cleaner shall be packed in containers of the type, she, and kind comoniy used for the purpose, in a manner that will insure acceptance by common carrier and safe delivery at destination. Shipping containers shall comply with th

30、e Con- solidated Freight Classification Rules, or regulationsof other carriers as applicable to the mode of transportation, 5.3 Marking of shipments.- Interior packages and exterior shipping containers shall be marked in accordance with Standard MILSTD-129. posed of the following information listed

31、in the order shown: The identification shall be com- Stock No. or other identification numer as specified in the purchase document* METAL CLEANER, SILICATESOAP Specification MIL-M-7752 in the purchase document or as furnished by the procuring activity, When the Federal Stock No. is not provided or a

32、vailable fromthe procuring activity, leave space therefor and enter the Stock No. or other identification when provided by the procuring activity. MOTE: The contractor shall enter the Federal Stock No. specified 5.3.i Additionai marking.- In addition, unit packages shall be marked plainly as follows

33、: ttDIRECITONS FOR USE: For tank cleaning of metal prior to anodizing, use a wabr solution containing 4 to 6 ounces of cleaner per galion of water at a temperature of 84.5“ to 100C (184“ to 212F). tank should be provided with a continuous averflaw device to drain off accunnilations of oil on the sur

34、face of the solution. IlThe metal cleaner must be thoroughly dissolved before use. Keep all work completely submrged and, hmiiately after removal from solution, rinse thoroughly in hot water 82OC (180F or higher). Determine solution concentratiai periodically by laboratory checks on alkalinity. Add

35、sufficient fresh cleaner to maintain strength. Cleaner in dry fonn may be caked in drums as a result of moisture. If this is the case, break up the lumps as small as practicable and always add the cleaner to hot water when making up the solution, never VE V8rs-s metal cleaner may not be satisfactory

36、 where a very hard water conditiai exists. Whem such is the case, the addition of water softener in proper concentration will make the cleaner satisfactory.* The I I 6. NOTES is intended for use in cleaning aluminum, magnesium, and other mtallic surfaces prior to the applcaticn of organic or Inorgan

37、ic surface coatings. 6.1 Intended um.- The siicate-soap metal cleaner cavere by this specification 6 , , . . . . . . - . I _. .- . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Title, number, and date of tbis specificaihn. (b (al Total quantity des

38、imdo (c) capacity of metal containers. (d) Selection of appicable Itrrels of packing, (See 5.2.) NOTICZ: When Oovermment drawings, specifications# or other and the fact that the Govern- ment may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data is no

39、t to be regarded by impication ar otherwise as in any manner iicensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or caiveying any rights or prniission to manufacture, use, or Seil. any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. Custodians: Amny - Ordnance Corps Navy - Bureau of Aeronautics Other interest: Navy - OrShS W-WT Preparing activity: Navy - Bureau of Aeronautics I i 7 - .“ . . . . . . . 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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