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1、MILITARY SPECIFICATIONMIL-M-8856B22 October 1990SupersedingMIL-M-8856A29 October 1969MISSILES, GUIDED,STRUCTURAL INTEGRITYGENERAL SPECIFICATION FORThis specification Is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of theDepartment of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. This specification establishes the

2、structural performance andverification requirements for guided missiles. The requirements of thisspecification are established to assure that guided missiles delivered tooperational units have adequate structural integrity to accomplish theirintended purposes.1.2 Applicability. This specification Is

3、 dIrectly applicable to guidedmissiles. However, the degree of applicability may vary between types ofguided missile systems. The extent or applicability shall be In accordancewith the provisions of Guided missiles. The extent of applicability of “guided missiles”includes “cruise“ missiles

4、 and may also by logical extension include otherunmanned air-vehicles. However, “ballistic” missiles such as the “ICBM” arespecifically excluded.1.3 Modification and amplification. This specification may be modifiedand amplified in contracts for guided missiles by type, detail, design data,and test

5、specifications, and addenda thereto.AMSC N/A Fsc 1470DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-8856B1.4 Deviations. Deviations from contractually established

6、 requirementsof this specification may be granted only by the contracting activity inwritten approval. Deviation requests shall be submitted to the contractingactivity with sufficient engineering data to substantiate the need for and applicability of an alternate requirement.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2

7、.1 Government documents.2.1.1 Specifications, standards and handbooks The followingspecifications, standards, and handbooks form a part of this document to theextent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of thesedocuments shall be those listed in the issue of the Department of Def

8、enseIndex of Speciflcations and Standards (DODISS and supplement thereto, citedin the solicitation (see 6.2).SPECIFICATIONSMILITARYMIL-A-8597 -STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-167 -MIL-STD-210 -MIL-STD-1587-MIL-STD-1763-Airborne Stores, Suspension Equipment and AircraftStore Interface- (Carriage Phase); Gen

9、eral DesignCriteria forMechanical Vibration of Shipboard EquipmentClimatic Extremes for Military EquipmentMaterial and Processes Requirements for Air ForceWeapon SystemsAircraft/Stores Certification ProceduresHANDBOOKSMILITARYMIL-HDBK-5 -MIL-HDBK-17 -Aerospace Vehicle Structures, Metallic Materials

10、andElements forPolymer Matrix Composites(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and militaryspecifications, standards, and handbooks are available from the MIlitarySpecifications and Standards, Bldg. 4D 700 Robbins Avenue, PhiladelPhia, pA19111-5094.)2.1.2 Other Government documents, drawings

11、 and publications Thefollowlng other Government documents, drawings, and publications form a partof this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwisespecified, the Issues are those cited in the solicitation.2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted witho

12、ut license from IHS-,-,-PUBLICATIONSSD-24MIL-M-8856BNAVAL AIR SYSTEM COMMANDGeneral Specification for Design and Construction of Air-craft Weapon Systems, Volume I - Fixed Wing Aircraft.(Copies of Other Government documents, drawings, and publications requiredby the contractors in connection with sp

13、ecific acquisition functions should beobtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contractingofficer.)2.2 Non-Government publications. The following documents form a part ofthis document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, theissues of the documents which are

14、 DOD adopted are those listed in the issue ofthe DODISS cited in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the issuesof documents not listed in the DODISS are the issues of the documents in thesolicitation.UNITED STATES COMMITTEE ON EXTENSION TO THE STANDARD ATMOSHERE (COESA)AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR

15、 TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM)U.S. Standard AtmosphereTest Method E399-83 - Test for Plane Strain Fracture Toughness of Me-tallic Materials(Non-GoveRNmeNT standards and other publications are normally availablefrom the organizations that prepare or distribute the documents. Thesedocuments also may be

16、 available in or through libraries or other informationalserviecs.)2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text ofthis document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takesprecedence. Nothing in this document, howewer, supersedes applicable laws andregulat

17、ions unless a specific exemption has been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Establisment of structural interrity program. The structuralperformance requirements of this specification reflect operational andmaintenance requirements of the guided missile and are stated in terms ofparameter values and condit

18、ions (3.2), and technical requirements (3.3 through3.8). The airframe shall have sufficient structural integrity to meet theserequirements, separately and in attainable combinationso Demonstration ofcompliance with each requirment of this specification shall be verified by anintegrated Program consi

19、sting of design analyses, laboratory and ground tests,structural demonstration tests and data documentation as specified in Missile and launch platform interface compatibility. The missilecontractor shall coordinate with the launch platform contractor(s) andtogether shall perform analysis

20、and tests necessary to ensure that the3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-8856Bstructural performance of the missile is compatible with the launch plat-form throughout their common operational envelopes as specified in thesystem sp

21、ecification. The required structural integrity analyses and testsshall be proposed by the missile contractor and approved by the contractingactivity prior to use in structural design.The requireed analyses, tests, and documentation shall be consistent with themissile and launch platform(s) interface

22、 and may include, but are not limitedto the following areas:a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.k.structural captive flight loadsmissile launch dynamic response loadsmissile dynamic response loads due to separation of an adjacent storestress and fatigueaircraft/missile aeroelastic stabilityvibration and eeroacoustic

23、environmentscatapult and arrested landing testsfield landing, taxiing, and take-off testsaircraft/missile ground vibration modal testsaircraft/missile flight flutter testsaircraft/missile flight loads testsj. For the airborne carried missile, the requirements of MIL-A-8591 shall be metand the aircra

24、ft/stores certification procedures of MIL-STD-1763 shall befollowed.3.2 General Parameters and conditions. The airframe shall have sufficientstructural integrity to meet the required operational and maintenance capabil-ities reflected in the general parameters and conditions of the followingsubparag

25、raphs and attainable combinations of these parameters and conditions.These parameters and conditions are to be used in conjunction with thedetailed requirements contained in 3.3 through Limit loads Unless otherwise specified, load factors and loadformulas noted in any portion of this speci

26、fication represent limit loads.3.2.2 Free-fright load factors. The free-flight load factors used forstructural design shall be the maximum and minimum load factors attainable forflight use commensurate with the attainable combinations of load factorsincluding intermediate load factors, gross weights

27、, speeds, altitudes, thrust,and rates of displacements of control surfaces.3.2.3 Design weights and center of gravity (CG) positions. The maximumdesign gross weight, flight design gross weight, and CG positions shall be asspecified by the contracting activity. In addition, the following provisionssh

28、all apply.a. The design gross weights shall be all gross weights, from the maximumdesign gross weight to the minimum flying gross Weight.b. The weight distributions shall include all distributions that arecritical as defined by all possible arrangements of variable and removable4Provided by IHSNot f

29、or ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-8856Bitems, for which provisions are required, and for all combinations ofremaining fuel.C. For air launched missiles during captive flight, the CG positionsemployed for design shall be in accordance with the provisi

30、ons8591.d. For free-flight, the CG positions employed for design shall include atolerance beyond the actual maximum-forward and maximum-aft positions forthe gross weights of 3.2.3a. This tolerance shall be 1.5 percent of meanaerodynamic chord Or 15 percent of the distance between the actual maximum-

31、forward and actual maximum-aft CG positions, whichever is greater. This istolerance shall be applied so as to move the design CG range forward of theactual maximum-forward position and aft of the actual maximum-aft position.3.2.4 Atomospheric characteristics. The atmospheric characteristics usedfor

32、the determination of loads shall be in accordance with the COESA U.S.Standard Atmosphere.3.2.5 Airload distributions. The distributions of the airloads used inthe structural design shall be those distributions determined-by the use ofacceptable analytical methods, wind tunnel tests, and aerodynamic

33、data whichare demonstrated to be applicable and approved by the contracting activity.These data shall include the effects of Mach number, deformation of thesurface due to aeroelasticity and thermoelastic effects, and nonlinear effectssuch as buffet.3.2.6 Positions of aerodynamic surfaces. The positi

34、ons of aerodynamicsurfaces for the flight loading conditions of this specification shall be theend attainable by all adjustments, including the maximum allowable tolerancesspecified for fabrication and assembly of the missile, and all criticalintermediate positions.3.2.7 Air speeds. The air speeds e

35、mployed for design shall be the maximumspeeds specified for both captive flight and free flight and any attainablelesser or intermediate air speeds.3.2.8 Alititudes. The used for design shall be all altitudesfrom sea level to those altitudes at which limit-equivalent air speed and Machnumber are max

36、imum.3.2.9 Thurst. Thurst for the conditions of this specification shallbe all values from the minimum to the maximum attainable commensurate with thepropulsive system used.3.2.10 Balance of forces. For conditions for which parameters or Valuesof parameters are not completely specified to the extent

37、 necessary for themissile and its components to be in complete translational and rotationalequilibrium, additional forces which are determined by a rational method andwhich are approved by the contracting activity shall be assumed to act in amanner such that the acceleration of the missiles componen

38、t masses arebalanced by externally applied forces.5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-8856B3.2.11 Thermal criteria. The design of the missile shall provide for thecumulative heating effect from the internal and external thermal env

39、ironmentas defined in and Internal thermal environment The design of the missile shallprovide for the heating effects from internal areas of the missile, such asbut not limited to the propulsion and electronics systems during all phases ofmaintenance and operational use.3.

40、2.11.2 External thermal environment. The design of the missile shallprovide for the heating effects from external areas of the missile, such asbut not limited to aerodynamic heating end operation in ambient atmospheresconsistent with both the cold and hot atmosphere-verses-altitude relationshipdefin

41、ed in MIL-STD-21O extrapolated to cover operational altitudes.3.2.12 Deformations. The cumulative effects at the flutterspeed, oscillation will persist with constant amplitude; and at speeds abovethe flutter speed, oscillations will, in most cases, diverge and result indamage or destruction of the s

42、urface. Flutter is a subtopic of aero-elasticity.6.4.25 Fracture Critcal Structure. Safety of flight structural com-ponents or regions of safety or flight structural components which are eithersized by the requirements of this specification (category I fracture criticalparts), or could be sized by t

43、he requirements of this specification iffracture control procedures are not employed (category II fracture criticalparts).6.4.26 Flight. Free-flight is the condition in which the missile isin flight and separated from the launch platform.6.4.27 Guided missile, Boardly. any missile that is subject to

44、, orcapable of some degree of guidance or direction after having been launched,fired, or otherwise set in motion. Specifically, an unmanned, self-propelledflight vehicle (such as a pilotless aircraft) carrying a destructive load andcapable of being directed or of directing itself after launching or

45、take-off,responding either to external direction or to direction originating fromdevices within the missile itself. Loosely, by extension, any steerableprojectile. See ballistic missile.6.4.28 Launcher. Broadly, a structure, machine, or device, including thecatapult, by means of which missiles are d

46、irected, hurled, or sent forth.Specifically, a structure or device, often incorporating a tube, a group of26Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-8856Btubes, or a set of tracks from which missiles are sent forth and by means ofwhich t

47、he missiles usually are aimed or imparted initial guidance- distin-guished in this specific sense from a catapult. Ejection A launcher which provides an initial sourceof energy to adequately displace the missile from the launch platform prior tothe initiation of the missiles self propulsion

48、system. Fail launcher. A launcher containing rails on which the missileis carried, and along which the missile travels after initiation of them.ssiles self-propulsion system.6.4.29 Limit load. Limit load is the maximum load which the airframe isexpected to encounter:6.4.30 Load factor. The r

49、atio of a given load to the weight with whichthe load associated. If employed, a subscript designates the direction ofthe load. Limit load or limit load factor. A load or load factor which es-tablishes a strength level for missile design. Ultimate load or ultimate load factor. Limit load or limit loadfactor multiplied by an ultimate factor of safety. Load amplification factor The ratio of load with aeroelasticeffects to that for a rigid st


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