1、NOTE The document identifier and heading has been changal onthis page to reflect that this is a performance specification. Thereare no other changes to this document. Tk document identifier on.-subscqucnt pages has not ken changed, but will be changed thenext time this document is revised.MIL-PRF-24
2、003(WCP)6 January 1964 “SUPERSEDINGWS 2463A9 Dcccmbcr 1963PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONPARACHUTE RELEASE MECHANISMS;GENEIUL SPECIFICATION FORThis spccifricationhas been approved by tk Bureau of Naval Weapons, Department oftk Navy.1. SCOPE1.1 This specification sovcrs parachute release mechanisms. These
3、mechanisms arc intcdcd toprovide an automatically rclcsscd attachment for a pmschute pack to an undcnvatcr mine or other weapon.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 The following docummts of tk issue in effect on date of invitation fa bids, fixm a pan ofthis specification to tk CSWSItspecified herein.SPECIFIC
4、ATIONSMILITARYMlL-R-l 1468(ORD)STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-129MIL-STD-271 (SHIPS)Radiographic Inspection; %une; ion from damage duringdirect shipments from the contractor or supply source to thefirst receiving activity for immediate use. Containers shallcomply with common carrier regulations applicable
5、 to the modeof transportation.5.3 Marking.5.3,1 Special markings. - Unless otherwisespecified in the contract or order, no special markingsare required.5.3.2 Normal markings, - In addition to anyspecial markings required by the contract or order allmarkings shall be in accordance with Military Stan
6、;”SnY?ejci-should specify t e tlt e,fication, and exceptions to thisspecification, applicabledrawings, and other documents. Unless otherwise speclfledby the contract or order, procurement documents shall specifyLevel A packaging and packing requirements for all shipments.Level C requirements shall b
7、e employed only when immediateusein known.Notice. - When Government drawings, specifications, oroth are used for any purpose other than in connectionwith a definitely related Government procurement operationthe United States Government thereby incurs no responsibilitynor any obligation whatsoever; a
8、nd the fact that the Govern-ment may have formulate?, furnished, or in any way suppliedthe said drawings, specifications, or other data is not tobe regarded by Implication or otherwise as in any mannerlicensing the holder or any other person or corporation, orconveying any rights or permission to ma
9、nufacture, use, orsell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.4 6PECI?ICATIOIIANALY8198HECTMAVWEM FonN 4121/1 (6-6!)IN8TRWTION$mm APPwtowow? untbullo4a.-,comTaAcT MJutcn Olml?lw 0? I TEAS mowa?o OOLLAn e1 I 1 I.:. mo4aTa ON NY bMclfluTlm nroulnomllcbnsloAaco?00 01010s, IS lnr WCCIFICATIW RcsrolcmrtlEb a75 b!? Wl, In *AT SAWProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-