1、RKX-FOUNDMIL+21042C(K)2 January 1990suPE3?sEDmML-S-21042B (K)12April 1972MILITARY SPKIFICMSLING, FIAGSIA.FF:-m, WHITE; Wrm BR?s SocKEfThis specification is approval for use by U. S. Marine rps, Depar_nt of tieNavy, and is available for use by all Departmentsof Defense.1.1 This q%cification owers req
2、uirements fOrhighly plished brass fitting and engraved with United States Marine Corps letter-ing = shown on the referenced drawings.arilAgencies of-the Departmentone type of leather sling with2. APPLICABLE HXmlmIs2.1 Gwerrunent nts.2.1.1 Specifications and standards. The following specificationsand
3、 standardsform a part of this docwent to the extent specified herein. Unless othemiSespecifi, the issues of these documents are those listed in the issue of theDepar distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MK+-2104Z(
4、K)MILITARYMIL-%-17757 -srANDARDsFEDERALFEIx3m-191 -FHHlTW311 -FED-srD-595 -FED-srD-751 -MILI!IARYMIL-SXD-105-MIL-SID-129 -DRAWINGSMARINE cows71C5040A0000 -71C5040A0001 -71C5040AOO02 -71C5040A0003 -Boxes, Pi Leather;Wnite; With BrassSling, Flagstaff; Leather;White; With BrassDetailsSlina, Flagstaff;
5、Lest!.!er;White; With BrassSling, Flagstaff; Leat!er;White; With BrassSocket+sse.x%lySocket+etal.Socket-BuckleSocket-LeatherD2tails(Unless otherwise indicatd, copies of federal and militarv cifications,standards and hadboks are availe frm the Naval publication:and Forms Center-a.-.-7= -“-.,% %“=?-=-
6、.-7.-=-”.:L.:-.-”,.+-=-=-r,.-.4.!,.s,”.,”y.s-.-: -,-.-,7!-._.R.J-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MrL+-21042c(P!C) .docwnents *ich are DoD adopted are those listed in the issueof the ISS citedin the solicitation.listed in the DXSS(see
7、6.2).NATIONALUnless otherwi= specifiti, the issues of domsnents mtare the issues of the ified= f1011021031041051064 B.0s2012022032042052064Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-EXAMINEDesignMaterial(General)Construction atiwrlunanship(gener
8、al)(applicableto all_nents andassemkdies)M-210)DEFECTb. Any permanent type stain a qmtclearly mticeable.Any characteristic rntin acmtianwith the specifid requirements andapprowkl sanple.Any mnponent rmt fabricatample.137138139140141ON1iA!22223224IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netwo
9、rking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-2104ZC(MC) Dimensional examination. The slingshallbe examinedfordefects indimensions. Dirmmsional determination shall be prformd to ascertain that alldimensions are in acmrdance with miteria specified in awing MS. 71c5C)40AOOO0through 71C5040AO
10、O03. ?hy dimension found that exceds the licable tileranceshall constitute a defect. The inspectionlevel shall be S-3 (see6.5).4.4.4 Examination of packaginq. An examination shall be tie to WITH BRASS SOCKET .4. TVM Oc onGANlzATloNf- -/c1 VsNDon1. REMARKSDD Fo$tM82 UAB 1426 a71REv IOLJ3 COiTtO IS O$
11、SOLETE.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-(Fold ebu thu U-).fF9Jd *8 thu he)DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY 111111OFFtCtAL 8USIWS?&hAL?V FOR PlVAYE u$t m BUSINESS REPLY MAILlm=CLS PERMF NO. 12353 WASHINGTON Q. c.1 bPOSTAGE WILL 8E PAID BY THE DEPARTMENT or THE NAVYCommanding GeneralMarine Corps Research, Developmentand Acquisition Corrmand, Code PSE-CWashington, p.c, 03()-OoOl_=_Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-