1、- I MIL-S-23535 66 9999906 0131951 O .- fl - i C-,S-7? -L MIL-S-23535 WEP) I APRIL 1963 MILITARP SPECIFIGATI ON SYSTE34, INTEGMTED FLIGHT INSTRUNENTATION This specification has been approved by the Bureau of Naval WeaTons, Department of the Navy. 1. scorn 1.1 Score - This specification covers certai
2、n design and all performance requirements for the procurement of an Integrated Flight Instrumentation System. system shall consist of the following items: 1.2 Classification - The integrated flight instrumentation Horizontal Situation Indicator ID-l013/A Remote Attitude Director Indicator Flight Dir
3、ector Computer 2. APPLICABLE DGCUIENTS 2.1 General - The following documents, of the issue in effect on the date of the invitation for bids, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. S PECIFICATIO?lS Miitary MILS -3 786 IVIILS-3950 14IL-E-5272 HIL-E-54.00 MIL-1-6181 f.IIL-R-7
4、060 MIL-P-7788 I;IIL-R-8019 MILT-18303 NIL-R-23094 Switches, Rotary (Circuit Selector, Low Current Capacity) Switches, Toggle Environmenta Testing, Aeronautical and Associated Equipment, General Specification for Electronic Equipment, Aircraft, Generai Spec. for Interference Control Requirements, Ai
5、rcraft Equipment Radio Set AlT/ARN-21 Rate, Plastic Lighting Receiver, Radio R 54l/ARN-l . Test Procedures; Preproduction and Inspection, for Aircraft Electronic Equipment, Format for Reliability Assurance for Production Acceptance of Avionic Equipment, General Specification for . . FSC 6610 I, Prov
6、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-23535 66 = 9999906 OL3L952 Z MIL 4.23535 (YEP) MIM-18401 HILR-22973 MILR-25199 MIL-R-25495 MIL-R-25497 MIL-D-25646 MIL-1-23524 MILI-233 66 MIL4 -233 67 MILD-22726 Radio Set AN/AK-52 and AN/ARCI52X Rel
7、iability Index Determination for Avionics Equipment Models, General Spec- if icat ion for Radio Compass AN-ARN-6 Radio Receiving Set AN/AFU-l4 Radio Receiving Set AN/ARN-18 Direction Finder Group AN/ARA-25 installation of Indicator, Attitude Director, Remote Indicator, Horizontal Situation ID-1013/A
8、 Computer, Flight Director Digital Data Communication Set AN/ASW dl3 2.2 Availability of Documents - (i) When requesting specifications, standards, drawings, and publications refer to both title and number. Copies of this specification and applicable speci- fications required by Contractors in conne
9、ction with specific procurement functions may be obtained upon application to the Commanding Officer , Naval Supply Depot, Code DCS , 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia 20, Pennsylvania. I 3 *1 PreDroduction - The components of the integrated flight instrumentation system furnished under this specifica
10、tion shall be products, samples of which have been tested and have passed the preproduction tests specified in the detail specifications for the components. flight instrumentation systems shall also be capable of passing the tests required in this specification The integrated 3 e2 The following info
11、rmation shall be displayed on each indicator with proper input signals and switching functions: a. Remote Attitude Director Indicator (1) Sphere bank, pitch and azimuth information (The freedom of sphere rotation about all axes is unlimited) . 1 ? 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or ne
12、tworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-S-23535 bb W 99999060333953 4 W I (2) Bank. angle r (3) Rate of turn with inclinometer (4) Vertical pointer- presents computed steering information for selected headings, Data Link command heading, hua1 Instruments Landing System, Automatic Instrum
13、ents landing System, Automatic InSCnirnents Landing System approach, bomb control mode (LABS), radio track (VORDAC) modes, or automatic carrier landing (ACL). (5) Horizontal pointer - presents computed steering information for Automatic Instruments Landing System glide slope, bomb comrtrol mode (LAB
14、S), or automatic carrier landing (ACL) (6) Displacement pointer - presents relative distance of aircraft above or below glide slope beam. (7) waning flags (a) (b) (c) Power failure vertica pouter alarm = Presents localizer or tacan invalid signals, Displacement pointer alarm - Presents glide slope i
15、nvalid signals o b o SlOi3iA Horizontal Situation Indicator (1) Compass card - Magnetic compass heading (2) Heading Wer - Commaxi heading or manually set (3) Course Arrow - Command course, manually set heading. course or data link course plus digital course indication, (4) Course bar - Aircraft disp
16、lacement from a manually or automatically selected track or target . (5) To - From arrow - To-From indication from a selected radio facility or target. (6) Bearing pointer #i - Bearing for TACAN, VOR or - (7) Bearing pointer #2 - Bearing for AU?, UHF or DL. AIIF, o Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo re
17、production or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NILS-23535 CEP) (8) (9) (io) Warning Flags Distance display - Distance to radio facility or taxget. Mode words - XAV, DL, i4AI?, TAC TGT, HOG. (a) Course bar flag - presents localizer or tacan invdid signals. (b) Distance shutter - taca
18、n distance relia- bility signals. (c) Power failure - loss of power. 3.3 Node omration - me flight director computer shall a. Navigation (AUTOMATIC) b. Manual heading C. Data link integrate the necessary signals for the following modes: d. Manual ILS e. ILS f. ILS approach g. Radio track (VOZ,/TAC)
19、h. LABS i. Automatic carrier landing (ACL) 3.4 Detail Reauirements - The Renote attitude Director Indicator shall meet the requirements of Specification TIIL-1-23524, the Horizontal- Situation Indicator shall meet the requirements of Specification XL-1-23366 and the Flight Director Computer shall ne
20、et the requireneits of Specification i3IL-C-23367. System components shall Se in accordance trith Figure 1. 3.4.1 The interconnection of the Integrated Flight Instrunentation 3.4.2 The folloving systems and components when instailed upon a specific aircraft although not supplied as a part of the bas
21、ic system are used with the system. required for operation of the integrated flight instrunentation system. Equipment providing compatible signals are also listed. Roll and Ditch in-mt sional- Function - The roll and pitch input signal chai1 be in the form of separate transmitter synchro three-wire
22、stator out2uts having comparable characteristics as the standard transmitter specified in Section 4 15th the dial readings set at 180 for zero roll and pitch displacement. -up, maneuvers. 3.5 InDut siond Function - The following input signals are 3.5.1 e Increasing dial readings shall correspond to
23、right. poll andjipitch The signal gradient output level shall be 200 m+/ddgree;- t 9e-%. ,:.p Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-23535 bb W 777770b 0131755 I 3.5.2 Azimuth inDUt simal Function - The azimuth input signal shall be in
24、 the form of a transmitter synchro three-wire stator output having comparable characteristics as the standard transmitter specified in Section 4 with the dial readings set at zero degrees for zero degrees (north) on the compass card. standard transmitter is continuously rotated so that its heading i
25、ndication increases, the azimuth ring heading shall increase (clockwise rotation of If the dial on the rotor of the the card). The signal gradient output level shall be 200 nv/degree. 3.5.3 Radio signal Fnctions - ILS Functions - The localizer deviation and alarm flag signals shall be provid
26、ed by a Radio Receiver R54/ARN-14 conforming to Speci- fication MILR-8019. vided by a Radio Receiver Set AN/ARN-18, conforming to Specification - The glide slope and alarm flag signals shall be pro- MIL-R-25497. TACAN Functions - a. Bearing - The bearing pointer servo input signal shall be in the fo
27、rm of a transmitting synchro device similar to the standard transmitter described 3x1 Section 4 with the dial readings set at zero degrees for the bearing pointer to be positioned at a reference of 180 (under the bottom lubber line). Rotation of the dial on the standard transmitter to an increasing
28、heading shall cause the bearing pointer to rotate clockwise. forming to Specification MIGR-7060 plus instrument converter, or equiva3ent system, shall be used to obtain this signal. The Radio Set AN/ARN-21 con- b. Course deviation and To-From - The input circuit to the TO-FROM INDICATOR shall provid
29、e sufficient current to operate a 250-0-250 microampere (zero center) meter and be connected to give a full scale deflection to TO with the deviation bar centered- when the bearing selector is set on the bearing to station, and to give a full-scale deflection to FROM with the deviation bar centered
30、when the bear- ing selector is set 180 from the original position. The meter shall pass through zero as the bearing selectof; is rotated throu h points ap roximately 90 and 270 from the originaf setting. signal may be obtained from the Radio Set AN/ARN-21 plus irstnunent converter. The input signal
31、to the deviation bar shall provide 150 mbroamperes for full deflection of the course bar (2 dots deflection). The course bar mechanism shall ham a resistance of 1000 ob. The Radio Set AN/ARN-21 plus instrument converter shall provide compatible signals. ?his input O Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo r
32、eproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-23535 66 7777706 0333756 T = I n Il I t w - 1 - n .I I I 2, . 1 ZZPI I ! I c Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- VOR Functions MIL-S-23535 66 m 9997706 0131957
33、 1 m I C. Range - The input signal shall be suitable to drive three receiver type synchros which display units, tens, and hundreds. The numerals shall be centered every 36 of synchro shaft rotation. synchros are Clifton Type CRC-84-1, or equivalent. The thousand digit consists of fixed number I1ltt
34、which-is covered by a shutter when unexcited. tation of.26 volt direct current to the shutter shall display the thousand digit. With the standard trans- mitter specified in Section 4 properly connected and the rotors of both the receiver synchros and the transmitter excited, the distance dial of eac
35、h receiver synchro shall position ttO1t when the standard transmitter is set on zero degrees. the standard transmitter synchro to 36 shall result in ltlll being positioned on the distance dial. Increasing numerical dial readings on the receiver synchros shall be indicated for each 36 of the transmit
36、ter rotation. plus instrument converter shall provide compatible inputs for this indication. The receiver Exci- Rotation of The AN/ARN-21 TACAN receiver a. Bearing - The bearing pointer input signal to the EI shall have the characteristics described under TACAN installat ions . Compatible inputs sha
37、ll be provided by an Indicator ID-251/ARN when operating in conjunction with a Radio Receiver Set AN/.RN-14 conforming to Specification MIL-R-25495. b. Course deviation and To-From - The deviation bar and TO-FROM input signals shall nave the character- istics described under TACAN installations pres
38、enta- tim. Compatible inputs shall be provided by a Radio Receiver AN/.RN-14. 3.5 e3 e4. C ommand Functions a. Command coilrse - Any remote course command signal input shall be similar to the standard transmitter specified in Section 4. position to zero degrees north on the azimuth ring when the tra
39、nsmitter is set to zero degrees. The course arrow shall rotate in an increasing heading indication on the aziruth ring (clockwise) when the dialof the standard transmitter is rotated in an increasing heading indication (dial counterclockwise) . The course arrow shall 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleN
40、o reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-23535 66 m 7999906 033FI58 3 m b. Command heading - Remote heading command signal inpzts shall be identical to those specified for the course command. UHF Function a. Bearing - The bearing input signal to the B
41、I shall have the characteristics described under TACAN instal- lations. AN/ARA-25 UHF direction finder conforming to Speci- fication KIGD-25646 used with a Pitch error signals in phase with the refer- ence phase shall cause the displacement pointer of the attitude indicator to deflect upward indicat
42、ing that the aircraft is below the desired glide path. Additional information concerning the utilization of pitch error signals is given in Section 6. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- I MIL-S-23535 bb m 777770b 0333757 5 m / MIIps-235
43、35(wEP) (1) Bank Comnand - The bank commanid input signal to flight director computer shall be as described under Pitch conmiand above. Banlc conmancl signals in phase with the refersncs pkase shall cause the vertical pointer of the attitude indicator to deflect tothe righ-k indicating a comanded ri
44、ght wing down movement e (2) Bank Error - The sousee of the bank error signal describsd. in the Pitch command. Bank error signals in phase with the reference phase shall cause the deviation bar of the horizontal situation indicator to deflect 60 the 1ef-k indicating that the aircraft is to the right
45、 of the desired glide path. information concerning the u-bilization of bank error signas is given in Section 6. Additional 3.5.4 Rate of turn input signala The rate of turn input signal shall be directly proportional to the rate of yaw of the aircraft. The direct current output shall be 1,O milliamp
46、ere 32-3/2 percent when the sensor is rotated at the rate of lBoo per mimte. a, “G Errorn The Error“ signal shall be tho out- put of a Wheatstone Bridge circuit located in the programmer section of the Flight Director Signal Adapter AN/AJB-%. error or difference between the Iig st1, programmed and t
47、he actual gis of the test, This signal shall indicate the b. flRoll Errorw - The Woll Error1 signal shall be the output of the roll/yaw adapter portion of the Flight Director Signal Adapter AN/AJB4A. shall indicate rol;/yaw deviation. This signal 3 04 Mode Switchinq The switches of the Mode Selector
48、 shall be mounted with the instrument panel to provide for desired selection of indicator presentation during the vLvious flight modes of the aircraft in accordance with the requirements of Figure 2. The basic modes of the flight director computer are as specified under Mode Qperation. Use of any or
49、 all of these modes is dependent on the mission of the aircraft, All modes and switching functions shall be approved by the procuring activity. Mode selection switches shall be approved by the procuring activity. Mode selection switches shall conform to the applicabb requirements of Specification MILS-3786 and MILS-3950 . The Hode Selector shaU. be lighted in accordance with Specification