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1、MILT -18404 (Kord) 25 January 1955 MILITARY SPECIFICATION TORPEDOES, ENVIRONMZNTAL REQUIRdhENTS ; GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR 1, SCOPE 1.1 Scope. - This specification covers the general environmental re- quirements for the deaign, development, evaluation and laboratory testing of torpedoes. This speci

2、fication sets forth the environmental limits within which torpedoes, related componente, and associated equipment must operate satisfactorily and reliably. The detailed performance and teat require- ments for a particular torpedo, particular components, or associated equip- ment shall be a8 defined

3、in the detailed specfcationa. 2. APPLICABM DOC- MIL-S-901 - Shockproof Equipment, Class Hl (High Impact), Shipboard Application Tests for. MIL-A-8591 - Airborne Stores and Associated Suspension Equipment; General Design Criteria for. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Definitions. - For the purpoae of this specifi

4、cation the folIawing definition8 will apply. 3.1.1 Torpedo, - Torpedo ehall man the weapon in an asaembled atate, related components, or associated equipment. 3,l.z Related components. Related components are the aeeemblies, aub-assemblies and parta which comprise the torpedo. 3.1.3 Associated equipm

5、ent. - Aaeociated equipment i5 that equipment appended to the torpedo for carryinT-s-oI. 3.1-7 Acceleration (steady state) . - Acceleration (ste over the frequency range of 20 to 150 cps. These vibrations my occur in any direction. 3.2.2 Shock - Torpedo non-operating . ready non-operating or

6、 ready (trana- portatiori. - The torpedo .shall be capable of performing according to the individual specification after being subjected to repeated shock pulaes, as specified in, of (a) 69g. peak magnitude: not leas than 8 ms dur- ation, and with a pulae shape approxi.mting a one-half sine

7、wave, or (b) test procedures as outlined irr MIL-S-901 for medium-weight equipmnt; this equipment generates shocks which, in general, produce conditions enabling the torpedo to withstand natural service environments, but are not faithful reproductions of service shock a torpedo will encounter. 3.2.2

8、.2 Torpedo ready or operating - The torpedo shall be capable of performing according to the individual apecification during or after experiencing-the applicable water-entry ahock as listed below and as speci- fied in (a) Submerged tube launching - no additional ahock requirement. (b) Deck l

9、aunching .- 60g peak magnitude, not lesa than 8 me pulse duration, and approximating a one-half sine wave pulse. (c. Air-borne launching with external attachments auch a6 psrachutos, none coverings, etc. - 1506 peak magnitude, not less than 8 ms pulse duration, and approximting a one-half aine wave

10、pulse. (a) Air-borne launching without external attachments - 25043 peak magnitude, not leas than 8 ms pulse duration, and approximating a one-half sine wave pulse. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- Torpedo ready non-sprrting, r

11、eady or operating. - Torpedoes designed for tube or reck hunchfniTor for use on catapult launched or arrested landed sireaft, OR with misailea using booster take-off, or torpedoes arrested by W gsssaehu%e opening in flight, aha11 be capable of performing accordkng to the fnd$vidual spwiiication afte

12、r experiencing acceleration of l5g applied for no% leas than 0.2 sec. aa apecifitd in 4.4.3. 3.2.4 Tenperature “_ and hum%di%y. Torpedo non-operating . - The torpedo shall be capable of per- forming accor-l apecificatioc after experiencing trana- portatf.on and storage temperatures and humfd

13、itiee between -65O. and 16oo. for 28 aery8 a epeeiffed in 4-4.4.1. P“. Torpedo ready - - non-operat hg - . Surface and uradervar;er launched. - Torpedoes launched from surface crgft, OF surface launched desilea or torpedoea launched under- water shall be capable of performing accor

14、ding to the individual specifi- catior? over the tempel-ature range o% -20F. to /l3O%?. as specified in and Air launched. - Torpedoes launched from aircraft or air- launched mlssilcapab1e of performing according to the Individual epeeificatisn over the tempcseture ra

15、nge of pable of performing according to the nu-vidual specification after .or during exposure to pressure of 6UO pia as .specified in specification -+ af er exposure to huidlty of 9% Bo speclfled in 4.4.4,l. 3.2.6 Humldlt - The torpladb shall perfo 6Og i 6g peak ma.gnitude, not less than 8

16、ms pulse duration, and approxhting a one-half sine wave, or the test procedures defined in MILLS-901 for medium-might equipnt . peak magnitude, not less than 8 ma pulse duration, and approximaing a one-half sine wave. (c) Water entry after air launching without external attachments; 25Og - * 25g pea

17、k magnitude, not less than 8 ms pulse duration, and approxi- mating a one-half sine wave. (b) Water entry after air launching with external attachments; l5Og f l5g 4.4.3 Acceleration (stesdy state) test procedure 4*4a3*1 “ - The torpedo shall be mounted on the testing device to simulate as re istica

18、lly as possible the service installation including shock isolators or mounting devices, if any, as specified in the individual specification. Direction of test. - Acceleration (steady state) tests shall be conducted along the axes specified in 3 .L14 and in the following directions: t a) Axi

19、s a, inertia load forward: arrested landing and parachute opening. b) Axis e, inertia load aft: catapult launched, tube launched, and booster launched. launched, exrested landing, and parachute opening. (c) Axes b and c, inertia load both directions: rack launched, catapult 4- x= . . %* , shall be p

20、erformance checked. 4.4.4,2.2.3 Submarine launched. - The torpedo shall be placed in a test chamber whose temperature shall be lowered to +28oF . f 59. and maintained at this temperature for a period of h8 hours t 5 hours. At the end of this test period the torpedo, while still at the test temperatu

21、re of + period, the torpedo shall be removed and allowed to cool to room temperature and performaace checked. 4.4.8 Tropical enviromnt . - The tropical environmental tests on the, torpedo shall be made with all access covers removed. Drying or wiplng prior to performance checking shall not be done.

22、 Torpedo non-operat3ag or ready nm-operating. - The torpedo, Including applicable ex%ernal connections, shall be placed in a mold chauWr maintaining an internal temperature of 86oF. f: 5%. and a relative humidity of 90 percent 5 percent and sprayed with the suspension of mixed SpOIWS. These c

23、onditions shitll be maintahad for twenty-eight (28) days. At the conclusion of the test, the torpedo sbbl be allowed to return to roan temperature before prformncs checking. At least five groups of fungi shall be used in torpedo inoculation. Five groups of fungi are lis- Provided by IHSNot for Resal

24、eNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-below, and one typ of fungus from each group shall be used. In preparing the spore suspension, distilled water having a pH value between 5.8 and 7.2 at 77W . ) shall be prepared by sterilization in convenient containers (approximt

25、el 100 milliliters each). Approximately 10 milliliters of the solution shall then be introduced directly Into a stock culture of one fungus and shaken vigorously in order that a well sporulated suspension will result without disturbing the agar. This process shall be repeated for each type fungus .

26、The separate spore suspensions from the tps of -1 shall then be mixed together in an atomizer to provide a compoeite suspension. Actively growing cultures in ripe fruiting condition shall be used for each inoculation and under no condition will the lnsculum be kept for more than an 8 hour period. Gr

27、oup I Chaetomium glOb08tan USDA 1042.4, ATCC 6205, or . Myrotheciwn verrucaria USIlA 1334.2, ATCC 9095. -. . . . Group II Rhizopw nigrlcans S.N. 32, ATCC 10404, or Aspergillus niger USW TC215-4247, ATCC 6275. = , r Group ,. Group V Memnonlella echinata AMC No. 37, ATCC 9597, or Fusarium moniliform U

28、SM 1004.1, ATCC 10052 . 4.4.9 Marine environment tests. - Drying, wiping, or baking prior to performance checking shall not be done. Torpedo ready non-operating - natural environment (a) The. torpedo, assembled, sealed, and ready for service use, shall be exposed at dockside or on the weathe

29、r deck of a ship for a period of 60 hys r 5 days, - I . . - (b) The torpedo: with access covers removed shall be exposed at dockside or on the weather deck of a ship for a period of 10 days t 1 day. Fhe*torpedo shall be protected,from rain or snow by an appropriate shelter such that free circulation

30、 of air is permitted around th torpedo 0 Imnversioh. - The torpedo, assembled and sealed as ln service Use, shall be ime#rsed in natural scswate- for 18 hours f 2 hours and re- moved for a period of 6 hours f 1 hour. The eequence is repeated 30 times. IT0 fresh-wa-kr rinse shall be permitt

31、ed during this period. . . Q Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- Torpedo ready non-operating . Simulated sea atmosphere. - A laboratory salt-spray test my be performed to aupplement the above testa. Apparatu

32、s. - Apparatus used in the salt spray test shall include the following: (a) Exposure chamber with racks for supporting the -torpedo. (b) Salt-solutiop rea5rvoir. (c) Means for atomtzing salt solution. including suitable nozzles and (a) Chamber heating means and control. (e) kaas for humidifying the

33、air at a temperature above the chamber conpressed air aupply. temperature. 2 Chamber, - The chamber and all accessories shall be made of material which will not affect the corrosiveness of the fog, such as glass, hard rubber, plastic or wood other than plywood. In addition, all parts which

34、 come in contact with the torpedo shall be of materials that will not cau8e electrolytic corrosion. The chamber and accessories shall bo so constructed and.arranged that there ia no direct impinging of the spray or dripping of the condenaate on the torpedo, that the spray circulates freely about all

35、 parts, and that no liquid which has com in contact with the torpedo returos to the salt-solution reservoir. 1.3 Atomizers. The. atomizers used shall be of auch design and construction as to produce% a finely divided, wet, denae fog. Air supply. - .me compressed air entering the

36、atomizers shall be free from all impurities sucd.,as oil and dirt. Meana shall be provided to humidify and warm the compreadsd air as required to meat the operating . conditions. The air praaaure shal.1 be suitable to produce a finely divided, dense fog with the atomizer or atoilzors used. To insure

37、 against clogging the atomizers by salt depoaition, the air should have a relative himidity of at least 85 percent at the point of release from the nozzle. A satisfactory method is to pass the air in very fine bubbles through a tower containing heated water. !Che temperature of the water should be 9

38、59. or higher. The permissible temperature increaaes with increasing volume of air and decreasing heat insulatlon of the. chamber and te-arporature of its surroundings. l. 5 Salt solution. - The salt us 6.5 to 7.2, whep measured at .a temperature bctween 9FF. and 979. Only C. P. hydro- chlo

39、ric acid or C.P, sodium hydroxide shall be used to adjust the pH.,1.6 Temperature - The test shall be conducted with the tem- perature in the chamber maintained at 859. Atomization. - The conditiore maintained in all parts .of the exposure zore shall be such that a receptacle pla

40、ced at any point in the exposure zone will collect from 0.5 to 3 milliliters of solution gr hour. for each 80 square cefitirneters of horfzontal collecting area (10 centimeters diameter). When using nozzles made of material nonreactive to the eslt sol- ution, euitable atomization usually can be obta

41、ined in boxee havtng a vol- ume of lese than 12 cubic feet with the following conditione: (a) Nozzle pressure between 12 and 18 pounds per equare Inch. (b) Orifices between 0.02 and 0.03 inch in diameter. (c) Atomization of approximately 3 quarts of the salt solution per 10 cubic feet of box volume

42、per 24 hours. 4.4.9 2.1.8 Duration. - The. length of the salt spray teet shall be not lees than 50 hours. Salt deposits resulting from the test conditions may be removed by waehing and drying prior to operation. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 General - Requirements for packaging, packing, testing a

43、nd marking for shipment shall be as required by the individual specification. 6. KGTES 6.1 Limitations. - EnvironIlllental conditione more extreme than the re- ;luirement8 of thie specification occur; however, because the frequency of their occurrence has not been adequately established, their uee h

44、ere in d general specification cannot be justified. Where appropriate, more severe requirements shall be specified in the individual specification. 6.2 Additional teste. - Testing beyond that defined in thle specifca- tior! will be required to meet the objectives of the various torpedo programs. For

45、 example, field testing will be required in Bureau of Ordnance Torpedo Evaluation Programs. 6.3 Artificial environments. - Individual components of a torpedo SY be eubjected to environmental conditions beyond the-requiremente of this specification. An example might be additional temperature effects

46、on com- ponents adjacent to propulsion machinery which radiates heat during the operating eta* of the torpedo. Such artificial environmant8 are not in- cluded here. 16 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6.4 Ueage - The following charte a

47、rc oonetructed am guides for the U8e Of this specification. As such the chsfis are not mandatory nor are they necessarily complete. See 1.1. CHAFiT A TORPEDO - AIRCRAN“ ENVIRONMENT Definitions Vibration Shock and Acceleration Temperature Pressure Humidity APPLICABLE S-CTIONS 3.1 thru 3s End incl. 3.

48、2.1.1 (a) (b) 3i2.5.3.1 3.2.6 3 3 0 3 3 3 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 LO 4 4 4 10 11 11 12 5 5 12 12 5 -. . . . _ . . 17 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MXL-T- 184

49、04 (Nod) Sunlight Sand and Duet Tropical Environment Marine Environment Combination and Sequences Test Performance Li fe Performance Criteria Test Specimen General Limitations Additional Tests Artificial. Enviroiment8 3 *2*7 4.4.6 3.2.8 4.4.7 3.2.9 4.4.8 3.2.10 3.3 4.2 3 *4 3.5 4.1 4.3 5.1 6.1 6.2 6.3 CHART B TORPEDO - SUPACE SHIP ENVIRONMENT Definitions Vibration APPLIC9;BL.E SECTIONS 3.1 thru 3.2 and incl. 3i2.1.1 Shack


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