es. One _ day in July, she sent George to the woods. He was to stay there all day to get as much wood as he could. He worked very hard so that by the
1、es. One _ day in July, she sent George to the woods. He was to stay there all day to get as much wood as he could. He worked very hard so that by the time the sun was high, he was hot, and wished for a _ place where he might rest for a while and eat his dinner. While he hunted around the bank of the stream, he saw among the moss(苔藓)some fine wild _, which were a bright red with ripeness(成熟). How good these will be with my bread and butter!thought George. Lining(垫在里)hi。
2、 young, 92_I dont think reading books was interesting, 93_because I found nothing was most interesting than computer 94_games. But two years before, I received a book 95_like a birthday present, it was a book about plants 96_and animal in the world. it was so interesting 97_that I lost oneself in it. After that, 98_ I was fond in reading books and I read about 100 books. 99. _ They brought m。
3、 eyes; many things also have “eyes” the eyes of a ship, the eye of a needle, the eye of a typhoon(台风), and so on. Some electric apparatuses(设备) also have an eye a magic eye(电眼). It is an electronic device that controls something like the automatic opening of a door.Our eyes have a completely different use from that of animals and the eyes of things. When you “have an eye to doing something”, it means you “plan to do it”. If you “see eye to eye with your friends in this respect”, it means you。
4、or you? Zheng Chenyu says that she would _2_. “Where can I find food? How can I cook it?” The 14yearold girl says that she knows _3_ about cooking.“I can cook tomato and egg soup, but thats all. I think many of my classmates are the same. We dont know what to do, or how to _4_ ourselves, ”siad Zheng. “And I may forget something important. I may probably _5_ television and then burn(煮干) the soup.” _6_ Zheng believes that basic life skills, such as cooking and washi。
5、seed (种子) from a home that has never known sadness. I will_2_it to drive the sadness out of your life.” The woman_3_at once to look for that magical seed.First, she came to a beautiful house, knocked at the door, and asked_4_, “Excuse me, I am looking for a home that has never known sadness. Is this such a_5_? It is very important to me.”They told her, “Youve certainly come to the_6_place, ” and began to describe all the sad things that had recently happened _7_them.The woman sa。
6、s of elephant tusks (象牙) as well as ivory sculptures were put into two large crushing machines (粉碎机) in Guangdong, China. In all, more than six tons of ivory were destroyed. People called the event an ivory crush. In November, 2013, the similar event happened in Colorado, America. There, wildlife officials also destroyed more than six tons of ivory. Though it may sound strange, wildlife officials are crushing ivory to help save African elephants. Stephanie Wang, who works for the Wildlife Protec。
7、y education.a good standard of Chinese and Englishkind, pleasant and confidentcommunication skillsAccountants:college educationcertificate(证书)in accounting(会计学)careful and patienta good standard of English.Face-to-face interview with Manager Jeff Smith: 9 a.m. 5 p.m. every day, except weekends. Applications by letter to Jeff Smith also welcome.Address: Block 3, Ninth Street, Sunshine Town.Dont try to call or email us !1Times Supermarket needs _ according to this advertisement.A managers 。
8、hort-sightedness is caused by computer use, watching TV or reading in weak light.The Australian government researchers believe that the sunlight is good for peoples eyes. They compared the vision(视力) and habits of 100 seven-year-old children in Singapore and Australia. In all, 30% of the Singaporean children were short-sightedthis rate(比率) was ten times higher than Australian children.Both groups spend a similar amount(数量) of time reading, watching television and playing computer games. Howeve。
9、 sessions twice a year. The next intake is likely to be around October or November 2014.If you would like to receive an email advising you of the next recruitment session, please email tourism with Tourism Melbourne:Volunteers play a vital role in the City of Melbournes tourism services.They provide information on Melbourne to around two million visitors each year.Their love and knowledge of the city and regional Victoria adds to Melbournes reputation。
10、2 very well Children are killed because they are not 3 They forget to look and listen before they 4 the roadsA car or a bus cant stop 5 If a car is going very fast, it will travel many metres 6 it stops Some people dont always understand this They think a car can stop 7 a few metres It is difficult to 8 how fast a car is moving The only way to cross the roads safely is to look 9 ways, right and left Then if the roads are 10 , you can cross them( )1AMuch BMost CMore( )2。
11、1.词数 90 左右;2文章不得出现真实的学校名称与姓名。
Afterschool Activities Make My Life ColorfulNowadays,afterschool activities are becoming more and more popular.There are many different kinds of activities such as art and sports.I joined a volleyball club last year.I am used to playing volleyball after school.In the volleyball club,Ive made lots of friends.We often play volleyball after school.Whether it is hot or cold,we never stop playing it.I feel happy while playing volleyball.And it is also a 。
12、rsity education.a good standard of Chinese and Englishkind, pleasant and confidentcommunication skillsAccountants:college educationcertificate(证书)in accounting(会计学)careful and patienta good standard of English.Face-to-face interview with Manager Jeff Smith: 9 a.m. 5 p.m. every day, except weekends. Applications by letter to Jeff Smith also welcome.Address: Block 3, Ninth Street, Sunshine Town.Dont try to call or email us !1Times Supermarket needs _ according to this advertisement.A manag。
13、 why our eyes should be given a lot of care. Natural eye care should be put in a number one place.w There are several causes leading to poor eyesight like not enough food, genes (基因) and aging(老化). Televisions, computers and reading are also the causes of having poor eyesight. If you happen to work in front of the computer, it is best to take a break every once in a while.Something dirty can cause redness and they will make you feel uncomfortable. It is bad for your eyes too. If this happens, th。
14、20 分钟;5谈谈个人想法。
要求:1.文稿须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;2文稿中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;360 词左右。
Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Li Hua.I am a middle school student of 14 years old.I am writing to you to apply for the volunteer work in the Afterschool Reading Program.I like reading and I am good at it.I have read many famous books so far.I am also good with children and I hope to help them open their eyes to the world by reading.My home is near the service center.It takes only 20 minutes by subway.And I have time to ser。
15、 mission area!At that moment, the cheerful host even joked, “I believe these boys are doing pretty well in their Xbox games!”2._ is happening and who are these boys?They are 14 students from Northeast Yucai Foreign Language School, Liaoning. This 3._ scene happened in the Olympic Park in Sydney, Australia. This year, the first Robotics Competition was held by an international group. The US nonprofit group first held the International Robotics Competition among teenagers. These st。
16、ld up your body clocks. Set a bedtime which is good and natural for you. Dont change your bedtime and rising time on weekends.Avoid exciting activities just before sleepingExciting activities get your thoughts running. At the same time, if you make tomorrows plan or read an exciting story before turning off the light, it doesnt give you enough time to relax before you try to sleep.Keep the bedroom for sleeping onlyIts a bad habit for you to use your bedroom as a place to eat, watch TV, read,。
17、子7为什么布丁是软的,石头是硬的?/克劳斯冯克利青8大雁归来/利奥波德有条理地说明事物综合性学习 人无信不立三 养性怡情诵读古诗文,借助注释和工具书了解大意,积累常见文言句式9桃花源记/陶渊明10小石潭记/柳宗元11海国记(节选)/沈复12诗经两首关雎蒹葭学写读后感名著导读 傅雷家书:选择性阅读课外古诗词诵读式微/诗经子衿/诗经送杜少府之任蜀州/王勃望洞庭湖赠张丞相/孟浩然四 思想光芒了解书信和演讲的特点,领悟作者的思想,获取有益的启示13最后一次讲演/闻一多14讲故事的人/莫言15就英法联军远征中国给巴特勒上尉的信/雨果16傅雷家书两则/傅雷学写书信综合性学习 古诗苑漫步五 江山多娇阅读游记,了解游踪,把握叙述角度和景物描写的特点17壶口瀑布/梁衡18一滴水经过丽江/阿来19在长江源头各拉丹东/马丽华20登勃朗峰/马克吐温学写游记六 情趣与理趣诵读古诗文,理解课文内容,积累经典语句21庄子故事两则北冥有鱼 庄子与23马说/韩愈24卖炭翁/白居易学写故事6惠子游于濠梁22礼记两则虽有嘉肴 大道之行也综合。
With more and more Chinese people traveling abroad,their bad behaviors have become a hot topic.How can we be a good tourist? Here are some tips for you.First,we should keep our voice down while talking with friends in public.Please wait in line if you want to take a bus or have dinner.Also,dont spit or drop litter whenever you want.Finally,its really bad behavior to write or draw pictures on famous buildings.As a middle school student,I think we should pay attention to 。
19、 the good points of smartphones, but you didnt talk about their bad points at all. So, I hope youll let me give your readers some advice on smartphone etiquette (礼仪). The first point Id like to address is loudness. When you talk on your smartphone in public, please dont shout. In fact, the microphones in smartphones are very sensitive (灵敏的). So, you can be heard even if you speak quietly.Another point is about personal space. I dont think it is polite to make calls in small spaces full of p。
20、elationship with failure. And this is the only reason why people often keep themselves away from their success. The power of failure is that it helps us to learn fro our mistakes and missteps and we must consider a failure as an opportunity to grow rather than giving up.Lets discover the reasons why successful people believe that opportunity lies in every failure.Disappointment or failure shows that you are tryingThe best way to gauge(衡量)your progress at something is to see how many times y。