
)财务报告分析(C)标准成本分析(D)工作人员成绩评定4 核心能力理论的提出者是( )。(A)安索夫(B)沃麦克、琼斯和鲁斯(C)普拉哈拉得和哈梅尔(D)迈克尔。波特5 管理者的权威由( ) 构成。(A)才能与知识(B)决策力与影响力(C)权力与威信(D)品德与智力6 “治病不如防病,防病不如讲究卫


1、财务报告分析C标准成本分析D工作人员成绩评定4 核心能力理论的提出者是 .A安索夫B沃麦克琼斯和鲁斯C普拉哈拉得和哈梅尔D迈克尔.波特5 管理者的权威由 构成.A才能与知识B决策力与影响力C权力与威信D品德与智力6 治病不如防病,防病不如讲。

2、 A连续点B可去间断点C跳跃间断点D无穷间断点4 已知当 x0 时, 1 与 sin2x 是等价无穷小,则 a A1B 2C 3D45 若 x A1B 2C 1D26 设 fx0x3t22t1dt,则 A6x 24x2B 6t24t2C 3。

3、出一种民主气氛C后一种更科学,因为强调了理,但也有不妥,似乎理 好了,就不需要管了D前者可应用于基层管理,后者可应用于高层管理2 在特定工作领域内运用技术工具方法等的能力称为 .A人际技能B技术技能C概念技能D以上都不正确3 建立共同愿景属。

4、cher seemstowards bright students.ApartialB beneficialC preferableDliable3 Jack is leading a poor life and the bed is th。

5、en2 It is a great honor for herthe Nobel Prize twice.AwinningB having wonC to winDto have won3 The child pretendedlisten。

6、AId like a red coat with white stripes.B Id like a red coat with white stripes.C Id like a red coat with white stripes.D。

7、scouraged and dissatisfiedDunsatisfactory and discouraging2 The three hours I spent in the school library my old passion。

8、 him already.AneedntB wouldntC mustntDshouldnt3 The light in the office is still on. Oh, I forgot .Aturning it offB turn。

9、 interruptingDmaking3 This morning our water supply was because of the cold weather.Alet downB cut offC taken upDbrought。

10、gC interruptingDmaking3 This morning our water supply was because of the cold weather.Alet downB cut offC taken upDbroug。

11、been; have seenB have been; have seenC had been; had seenDhave been; had seen2 When the education systems of China and B。

12、 I have to my expenditure to my income.AtransferB adjustC directDadd3 If he had been in better health, he , more books.A。

13、t I could not sleep.AworryingB tiredC happyDnervous3 Whether you learn or not is entirely you.Aup toB as toC about toDdu。

14、had been; have seenB have been; have seenC had been; had seenDhave been; had seen2 When the education systems of China a。

15、B enough young toC very young toDyoung enough to3 Finally he got time for a glance this report.AoffB roundC onDat4 Your 。

16、nough young toC very young toDyoung enough to3 Finally he got time for a glance this report.AoffB roundC onDat4 Your ide。

17、told him already.AneedntB wouldntC mustntDshouldnt3 The light in the office is still on.Oh, I forgot .Aturning it offB t。

18、ave to my expenditure to my income.AtransferB adjustC directDadd3 If he had beenin better health, he , more books.Acan w。

19、aged and dissatisfiedDunsatisfactory and discouraging2 The three hours I spent in the school library my old passion for 。

20、that I could not sleep.AworryingB tiredC happyDnervous3 Whether you learn or not is entirely you.Aup toB as toC about to。

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