043054055 Released D. Salow, B.C. Ferns Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2006, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 1 of 2 PADDING, POLYURETHAN
1、043054055 Released D. Salow, B.C. Ferns Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2006, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 1 of 2 PADDING, POLYURETHANE FOAM (PUR), SLAB, POLYETHYLENE WSB-M17H164-A FILM COATED, CONTROLLED CELL SIZE NOT TO BE USED FOR NEW DESIGN 1. SCOPE The material defined by this specification is a flame/adhesive laminable polyether polyurethane foam with a controlled cell size and a polyethylene film laminated to one side as an assembly aid. 2. APPLICATION This specific。
2、he number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers in-situ applied, single-pack,moisture-triggered, aliphatic polyurethanes intended to form anelastomeric single-ply membrane, once cured. The cured mem-brane may or。
3、ATING APPLICATIONS WSD-M99H134-B1WSD-M99H134-B21. SCOPEThe materials defined by this specification are polyester polyurethanefilms.WSD-M99H134-B1 is a flame-bondable laminate film.WSD-M99H134-B2 is a heat-sealing film.2. APPLICATIONWSD-M99H 134-B1: This material was released originally as a sealingmembrane on car seat cushion assemblies.WSD-M99H134-B2: This material was released originally to heat-seal jointsin dual fabric seat applications - it allows the jointed fabrics to bevacuum formed and。
4、ATING APPLICATIONS WSD-M99H134-B1WSD-M99H134-B21. SCOPEThe materials defined by this specification are polyester polyurethanefilms.WSD-M99H134-B1 is a flame-bondable laminate film.WSD-M99H134-B2 is a heat-sealing film.2. APPLICATIONWSD-M99H 134-B1: This material was released originally as a sealingmembrane on car seat cushion assemblies.WSD-M99H134-B2: This material was released originally to heat-seal jointsin dual fabric seat applications - it allows the jointed fabrics to bevacuum formed and。
5、规则印制电路用覆铜箔层压板试验方法印制电路用挠性覆铜箔材料试验方法印制电路用挠性覆铜箔聚酰亚胺薄膜产品型号涂胶聚酰亚胺薄膜有二个型号其代号和特性如表表 涂胶聚酰亚胺薄膜品种和型号型号特性一般用途限定可燃性的材料和组成本产品由单面或双面涂有胶粘剂的聚酰亚胺薄膜组成涂胶面可以覆盖防粘膜聚酰亚胺薄膜聚酰亚胺薄膜的推荐标称厚度和极限偏差应符合表 规定在供需双方同意时也可采用其他厚度胶粘剂胶粘剂可以是热塑性或热固性的 但应与和它一起使用的覆铜箔聚酰亚胺薄膜相匹配 胶粘剂类型与标称厚度由供需双方商定表 聚酰亚胺薄膜推荐厚度和极限偏差标称厚度 任意点极限偏差技术要求本章规定有供选用 的技术要求 这些要求只有供需双方同意的情况下才适用 在没有要求的情况下 满足所有未注明 供选用字样的技术要求则认为符合本标准涂胶薄膜的性能要求若材料以卷材供应时 条的要求只适用于距边缘 以上的材料外观材料表面应具有平整的胶粘剂层颜色基本一致无皱褶 针孔 尘埃水渍 气泡深的划痕和其他明显疵点薄膜与胶粘剂之间不允许有导电性夹杂物非导电性夹杂物按 条检查时应符合表 的要求表 非导电性夹杂物大小与允许数目分层区最大尺寸 夹杂物最。