SAE J 287-2016 Driver Hand Control Reach.pdf

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1、 _ 6$(7HFKQLFDO6WDQGDUGV%RDUG5XOHVSURYLGHWKDW7KLVUHSRUWLVSX EOLVKHG by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is t

2、he sole responsibility RIWKHXVHU SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be revised, reaffirmed, stabilized, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2016 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication may

3、 be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: +1 724-776-4970 (outside USA

4、) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/ SAE values your input. To provide feedback on this Technical Report, please visit http:/ SURFACE VEHICLE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE J287 MAR2016 Issued 1976-07 Revised 2016-03 Su

5、perseding J287 FEB2007 Driver Hand Control Reach RATIONALE This document has been revised with minor editorial corrections to the Definitions, and to comply with the SAE 5-year review policy. A recent history of changes to this document has been added to Appendix A. 1. SCOPE This recommended practic

6、e describes boundaries of hand control locations that can be reached by a percentage of different US driver populations in passenger cars, multi-purpose passenger vehicles, and light trucks (Class A vehicles). This practice is not applicable to heavy trucks (Class B vehicles). 1.1 Introduction The d

7、escription of driver hand control reach envelopes was developed using data acquired from test subjects performing reach tasks in test fixtures simulating a range of actual vehicle configurations Hammond and Roe, 1972; Hammond, et al, 1975. The test subjects included equal numbers of men and women se

8、lected to represent the (United States) driving population on the basis of stature and age, and were tested both with and without an upper torso three-point restraint (the torso restraint was a diagonal non-extending shoulder strap attached separately to the lap belt; it was not a continuous loop sy

9、stem). The envelopes constructed using the non-extending shoulder and lap belt are meant to define a restrained hand reach, and the envelopes constructed using the lap belt only describe an unrestrained hand reach. The hand reach envelopes are three-dimensional surfaces described in table form and c

10、an be referenced to a particular vehicle seating configuration as described in Sections 5 and 6. The tables contained in this practice describe the boundaries to which at least 95% of US drivers can reach, based on the underlying data. 2. REFERENCES 2.1 Applicable Documents The following publication

11、s form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. 2.1.1 SAE Publications Available from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or +

12、1 724-776-4970 (outside USA), SAE J826 Devices for Use in Defining and Measuring Vehicle Seating Accommodation SAE J1100 Motor Vehicle Dimensions SAE INTERNATIONAL J287 MAR2016 Page 2 of 31 +DPPRQGDQG55RH6$( All measurements for the hand reach envelopes are referenced to the center of t

13、he control knob face 3.4 HAND REACH ENVELOPE Geometric description of the hand reach capability for a specified proportion of a driver population and type of torso restraint system. The contour of the hand reach envelope refers to the geometric center of the control knob face. If the control knob fa

14、ce is at, or rearward of, the contour, it is estimated that at least the specified proportion of the indicated driver population can reach and operate the control Hammond and Roe, 1972. 3.5 HAND REACH REFERENCE PLANE (HR PLANE) Vertical reference plane extending laterally across the vehicle (an X-pl

15、ane) used to properly position the hand reach envelopes with respect to the geometry of the vehicle seating configuration. The horizontal location of the HR plane rearward of the Accelerator Heel Point depends on the value of the General Package Factor (G) as shown below: HR = 786 (99) G, mm (Eq. 1)

16、 3.6 GENERAL PACKAGE FACTOR (G) Single index value that characterizes the geometry of the driver seating configuration for a particular vehicle. See Figures 2 and 3. SAE INTERNATIONAL J287 MAR2016 Page 4 of 31 FIGURE 2 - Vehicle interior dimensions used to determine hand reach to a control Figure 3

17、- general package factor, G 3.7 TYPE 1 SEAT BELT ASSEMBLY Lap belt for pelvic restraint. 3.8 TYPE 2 SEAT BELT ASSEMBLY Combination of pelvic (lap belt) and upper torso (shoulder belt) restraints. 3.9 TYPE 2A SHOULDER BELT Separate upper torso restraint (shoulder belt) intended to be used in conjunct

18、ion with a lap belt to form a Type 2 seat belt assembly. 3.10 UNRESTRAINED REACH Hand reach with no upper torso restraint, as provided by Type 1 seat belt assembly. 3.11 RESTRAINED REACH Hand reach with upper torso restraint provided by a Type 2a shoulder belt. Restrained reach data were collected u

19、sing a non-extending Type 2a shoulder belt under the following conditions Hammond and Roe, 1972: - The subject placed his left fist, thumb inward, between the belt and the sternum, then the investigator would snug the belt - 7KHVXEMHFWZDVLQVWUXFWHGWROHDQIRUZDUGILUPOLQWRWKHEHOWEXWGRQRWOXQJH The Gener

20、al Package Factor (G) is a synthesized variable that provides a quantitative index of a vehicles workspace geometry. The G value for a vehicle can be calculated by substituting the principal package dimensions in millimeters into the equation G = 0.00327(H30) + 0.00285(H17) 3.21 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2

21、87 MAR2016 Page 5 of 31 4. FIELD OF APPLICATION 4.1 This practice is primarily directed towards the initial design stages of a new vehicle program, once the Seating Reference Point (SgRP) is determined. Its application for checking purposes in actual vehicles and prototype seat models will take into

22、 account an allowable tolerance for actual H-point SAE J826. 4.2 The hand reach envelopes are directly applicable to left hand drive vehicles designed for seated operators in full width or single width seats having fore and aft seat adjustment approximately horizontal. Application to right hand driv

23、e vehicles is assumed to be symmetrically opposite. 4.3 The hand reach envelopes are directly applicable for a three-finger grasping reach to a forward mounted control knob of 25 mm diameter. The hand reach envelopes are also applicable to other types of reach to forward controls by using an appropr

24、iate adjustment factor that will account for the mode of operation at the control (see 4.3.1, 4.3.2, and Roe, 1972). 4.3.1 Controls Operated by Extended Finger An adjustment factor of 50 mm is added to the tabled values of the reach envelope in order to describe the center of the finger pad contact

25、surface which will be within the fingertip reach of drivers. This adjustment positions the extended finger reach envelope 50 mm farther from the HR plane (see Figure 4). 4.3.2 Controls Operated by Full Hand Grasp An adjustment factor of 50 mm is subtracted from the tabled values of the reach envelop

26、e in order to describe the center of the face of the control knob which will be within the full hand grasp reach of drivers. This adjustment positions the full hand grasp reach envelope 50 mm closer to the HR plane (see Figure 4). SAE INTERNATIONAL J287 MAR2016 Page 6 of 31 Figure 4 - Hand reach env

27、elopes for 3-finger, extended finger, and full hand grasp of a control 5. REQUIRED CHARACTERISTICS 5.1 The ranges of the interior dimensions for which this recommended practice is applicable are described below: Range of interior dimensions DIMENSION RANGE H30 Seat Height (SgRP to AHP, z) 127 mm to

28、405 mm H17 AHP to Steering Wheel Center, z 530 mm to 838 mm 5.2 The reach envelopes describe the boundaries of control locations that can be reached by at least 95% of certain driver populations that include male-to-female driver population ratios of 50/50, 75/25, and 90/10. The envelopes for each o

29、f these categories are specified as an x-distance forward from the HR plane. The envelopes extend from 400 mm outboard to 600 mm inboard of the Centerline of Occupant (C/LO) and from -100 mm below SgRP to 800 mm above SgRP. See Figure 5. SAE INTERNATIONAL J287 MAR2016 Page 7 of 31 Figure 5 - hand re

30、ach envelope and reference planes shown in vehicle workspace 5.3 Hand reach envelopes are provided in the attached tables for seven different seating configurations, three male-to-female driver population ratios, and two types of restraint systems which account for: (i) drivers wearing a lap belt on

31、ly (Type 1) permitting a free upper torso motion (i.e., unrestrained torso reach); and (ii) drivers wearing both a lap and a shoulder belt (Type 2) permitting only a restrained torso reach. The selection of an envelope for a vehicle is based on the calculated value of the General Package Factor (G),

32、 identification of the male-to-female driver population ratio appropriate for the vehicle, and identification of the appropriate restraint system. The General Package Factor (G) is calculated using the dimensions describing the vehicle seating configuration shown in Figures 2 and 3. 5.4 The hand rea

33、ch envelope is located in the vehicle by employing a relationship that utilizes the value of the General Package Factor (G). The horizontal component of the reach envelopes is measured as a distance forward of the HR plane. The fore and aft location of the HR plane rearward from the AHP is determine

34、d from Equation 1. 6. PROCEDURE FOR USING THE HAND REACH ENVELOPES 6.1 Reference Planes for Reach Envelopes: The envelopes are located in the vehicle according to a set of orthogonal reference planes: a Z-plane through SgRP, the HR plane (an X-plane), and a Y-plane through the C/LO. See Figures 4 an

35、d 5. 6.2 Establish a reference X-origin. 6.2.1 Specify the dimensions describing the geometry of the vehicle seating configuration and calculate the value of the General Package Factor (G) as described in Figure 3. 6.2.2 Calculate HR from the value of the General Package Factor (G) as shown in Equat

36、ion 1. If (HR L53) is less than zero, then the hand reach reference plane is located longitudinally at a distance HR rearward of the AHP. SAE INTERNATIONAL J287 MAR2016 Page 8 of 31 If (HR L53) is greater than zero, the hand reach reference plane is located longitudinally at SgRP. 6.

37、3 Identify the appropriate hand reach envelope. 6.3.1 Referring to Tables 1-42, identify the hand reach envelope appropriate for the value of the General Package Factor (G) calculated for this vehicle, the specified driver population, and the appropriate type of restraint system. If the Gene

38、ral Package Factor (G) value, rounded to 2 decimal places, is equal to the limit of a range, use the reach tables associated with that range. The reach envelopes of the 50/50 male-to-female driver population ratio are recommended to establish the maximum reach for all Class A vehicles. 6.3.1

39、.3 For vehicles with Type 2 seat belt assemblies that allow upper torso movement, use the restrained reach envelopes (Tables 1-21) to establish the maximum reach to controls used by a driver when the vehicle is moving. For controls that are not used while driving, a considerable amount of upper tors

40、o lean may be acceptable. The unrestrained hand reach tables may be used to establish maximum reach to these controls. 6.4 Determine if the control is within reach.1 6.4.1 Determine the lateral and vertical locations of the controls of interest. Lateral locations are described as lateral distances f

41、rom the C/LO. Vertical locations are the heights of the control above the SgRP. 6.4.2 The limiting value of hand reach should be read from the appropriate table at the designated elevation and horizontal station. Interpolation may be required if the necessary control locations are not includ

42、ed in the table. The preferred method is to interpolate laterally then vertically. Curvilinear interpolations, using two locations on either side of the desired control, may also be considered, but minor variations in the resulting reach envelope should be expected. 6.4.3 A surface fitted through al

43、l the points in each table may also be used to determine if the control is within reach. The fitted surface should not deviate from the table values by more than 1 mm. 6.4.4 A control is considered within reach of the specified proportion of the indicated driver population if the geometric center of

44、 the control face (in the nominal or resting position) closest to the driver is tangent to or rearward of the reach contour (reach coordinates, interpolated coordinates, or fitted surface). 1 The blank areas in the hand reach tables are regions where hand reach was not measured or where design limit

45、 values could not be established. The gray shaded areas are regions where the difference between the hand reach model and the observed design limit values exceeded 25 mm. The reach values shown in these areas should be used with caution. SAE INTERNATIONAL J287 MAR2016 Page 9 of 31 400 300 250 200 10

46、0 50 0 0 50 100 200 250 300 400 500 600800 387 438 456 470 490 497 502 493 501 504 495 483 468 426 377700 463 506 520 531 546 551 556 550 562 566 557 546 532 499 455600 519 555 567 576 586 586 584 590 605 611 604 595 584 555 514 449500 556 586 598 606 609 603 589 614 630 638 637 631 622 595 553 4864

47、50 567 595 607 615 615 604 583 620 636 645 649 644 636 609 565 498400 574 600 612 621 618 601 571 621 637 648 656 654 646 619 572 506350 576 601 614 623 616 594 555 619 633 646 660 660 654 625 574 511300 574 597 612 622 611 639 660 662 658 626 572 510250 567 590 605 617 602 628 657 662 658 624 564 5

48、06200 557 578 596 608 590 613 649 658 656 618 551 498100 524 544 566 581 624 639 640 593 510 4690 474 584 607 610 551 449 423-100 410 528 561 567 493 367 360TABLE 1Horizontal reach forward of the HR reference plane at stations located laterally from the centerline of operator (C/LO) and at elevations above the Seating Reference Point (SgRP). The envelope describes a 95% level of performance of a driver population composed of 50% male and 50% female drivers w


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