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1、雅思(阅读)模拟试卷 22及答案与解析 一、 Reading Module (60 minutes) 0 Sleepy Students Perform Worse A Staying up an hour or two past bedtime makes it far harder for kids to learn, say scientists who deprived youngsters of sleep and tested whether their teachers could tell the difference. They could. If parents want

2、their children to thrive academically, “Getting them to sleep on time is as important as getting them to school on time,“ said psychologist Gahan Fallone, who conducted the research at Brown Medical School. B The study, unveiled Thursday at an American Medical Association science writers meeting, wa

3、s conducted on healthy children who had no evidence of sleep-or learning-related disorders. Difficulty paying attention was among the problems the sleepy youngsters faced raising the question of whether sleep deprivation could prove even worse for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

4、, or ADHD. Fallone now is studying that question, and suspects that sleep problems “could hit children with ADHD as a double whammy.“ C Sleep experts have long warned that Americans of all ages dont get enough shuteye. Sleep is important for health, bringing a range of benefits that, as Shakespeare

5、put it, “knits up the raveled sleave of care.“ Not getting enough is linked to a host of problems, from car crashes as drivers doze off to crippled memory and inhibited creativity. Exactly how much sleep correlates with school performance is hard to prove. So Brown researchers set out to test whethe

6、r teachers could detect problems with attention and learning when children stayed up late even if the teachers had no idea how much sleep their students actually got. D They recruited seventy-four 6- to 12-year-olds from Rhode Island and southern Massachusetts for the three-week study. For one week,

7、 the youngsters went to bed and woke up at their usual times. They already were fairly good sleepers, getting nine to 9.5 hours of sleep a night. Another week, they were assigned to spend no fewer than ten hours in bed a night. The other week, they were kept up later than usual: First- and second-gr

8、aders were in bed no more than eight hours and the older children no more than 6. 5 hours. In addition to parents reports, the youngsters wore motion-detecting wrist monitors to ensure compliance. E Teachers werent told how much the children slept or which week they stayed up late, but rated the stu

9、dents on a variety of performance measures each week. The teachers reported significantly more academic problems during the week of sleep deprivation, the study, which will be published in the journal Sleep in December, concluded. Students who got eight hours of sleep or less a night were more forge

10、tful, had the most trouble learning new lessons, and had the most problems paying attention, reported Fallone, now at the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology. F Sleep has long been a concern of educators. Potter-Burns Elementary School sends notes to parents reminding them to make sure stude

11、nts get enough sleep prior to the schools yearly achievement testing. Another school considers it important enough to include in the schools monthly newsletters. Definitely there is an impact on students performance if they come to school tired. However, the findings may change physician practice, s

12、aid Dr. Regina Benjamin, a family physician in Bayou La Batre, who reviewed the data at the Thursdays AMA meeting. “I dont ask about sleep“ when evaluating academically struggling students, she noted. “Im going to start.“ G So how much sleep do kids need? Recommended amounts range from about ten to

13、eleven hours a night for young elementary students to 8.5 hours for teens. Fallone insists that his own second-grader get ten hours a night, even when it meant dropping soccer the season that practice didnt start until 7:30 too late for her to fit in dinner and time to wind down before she needed to

14、 be snoozing. “Its tough,“ he acknowledged, but “parents must believe in the importance of sleep.“ 1 Questions 1-4 The text has 7 paragraphs (A-G). Which paragraph contains each of the following pieces of information? 1 Traffic accidents are sometimes caused by lack of sleep. 2 The number of childre

15、n included in the study. 3 How two schools are trying to deal with the problem. 4 How the effect of having less sleep was measured. 5 Questions 5-8 Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each gap. 5 Fallone is now studying the sleep patterns of children with

16、_. 6 The researchers used _ that show movement to check that children went to bed at the fight times. 7 Students with less sleep had problems with memory, remembering new material and _. 8 Fallone admitted that it was _ for children to get enough sleep. 9 Questions 9-13 Do the following statements a

17、gree with the information given in the text? TRUE if the information in the text agrees with the statement FALSE if the information in the text contradicts the statement NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 9 The results of the study were first distributed to principals of American schools.

18、10 Some of the children in the study had previously shown signs of sleeping problems. 11 The study could influence how doctors deal with childrens health problems. 12 Fallone doesnt let his daughter play soccer. 13 Staying up later is acceptable if the child is doing homework. 13 The Brains Business

19、 A For those of a certain age and educational background, it is hard to think of higher education without thinking of ancient institutions. Some universities are of a venerable age the University of Bologna was founded in 1088, the University of Oxford in 1096 and many of them have a strong sense of

20、 tradition. The truly old ones make the most of their pedigrees, and those of a more recent vintage work hard to create an aura of antiquity. Yet these tradition-loving (or -creating) institutions are currently enduring a thunderstorm of changes so fundamental that some say the very idea of the univ

21、ersity is being challenged. Universities are experimenting with new ways of funding (most notably through student fees), forging partnerships with private companies and engaging in mergers and acquisitions. Such changes are tugging at the ivys roots. B This is happening for four reasons. The first i

22、s the democratisatJon of higher education “massification, in the language of the educational profession. In the rich world, massification has been going on for some time. The proportion of adults with higher educational qualifications in developed countries almost doubled between 1975 and 2000, from

23、 22% to 41%. Most of the rich countries are still struggling to digest this huge growth in numbers. Now massification is spreading to the developing world. China doubled its student population in the late 1990s, and India is trying to follow suit. C The second reason is the rise of the knowledge eco

24、nomy. The world is in the grips of a “soft revolution“ in which knowledge is replacing physical resources as the main driver of economic growth. Between 1985 and 1997 the contribution of knowledge-based industries to total value added increased from 51% to 59% in Germany and from 45% to 51% in Brita

25、in. The best companies are now devoting at least a third of their investment to knowledge-intensive intangibles such as R and a growing number ef countries are trying to turn higher education into an export industry. The fourth is competition. Traditional universities are being forced to compete for

26、 students and research grants, and private companies are trying to break into a sector which they regard as “the new health care“. The World Bank calculates that globa! spending on higher education amounts to $300 billion a year, or 1% of global economic output. There are more than 80 million studen

27、ts worldwide, and 3.5 million people are employed to teach them or look after them. E All this sounds as though a golden age for universities has arrived. However, inside academia, particularly in Europe, it does not feel like it. Academics complain and administrators are locked in bad-tempered exch

28、anges with the politicians who fund them. What has gone wrong? The biggest problem is the role of the state. If more and more governments are embracing massification, few of them are willing to draw the appropriate conclusion from their enthusiasm: that they should ether provide the requisite funds

29、(as the Scandinavian countries do) or allow universites to charge realistic fees. Many governments have tried to square the circle through tighter management, but management cannot make up for lack of resources. F So in ail too much of the academic world, the writer Kingsley Amiss famous dictum that

30、 more means worse is coming to pass. Academic salaries are declining when measured against similar jobs elsewhere, and buildings and libraries are deteriorating. In mega-institutions such as the University of Rome (180000 students), the National University of Mexico (200000-plus), and Turkeys Anadol

31、u University (530000), individual attention to students is bound to take a back seat. The innate conservatism of the academic profession does not help. The modern university was born in a very different world from the current one, a world where only a tiny minority of the population went into higher

32、 education, yet many academics have beer reluctant to make any allowances for massification. Italian universities, for instance, still insist that all students undergo a viva voce examination by a full professor, lasting an average of about five minutes. G What, if anything, can be done? Techno-utop

33、ians believe that higher education is ripe for revolution. The university, they say, is a hopelessly antiquated institution, wedded to outdated practices such as tenure and lectures, and incapable of serving a new world of mass audiences and just-in-time information. “Thirty years from now the big u

34、niversity campuses will be relics,“ says Peter Drucker, a veteran management guru. “I consider the American research university of the past 40 years to be a failure“ Fortunately, in his view, help is on the way in the form of Internet tution and for-profit universities. Cultural conservatives, on th

35、e other hand, believe that the best way forward is backward. They think it is foolish to waste higher education on people who would rather study “Seinfeld“ than Socrates, and disingenuous to confuse the pursuit of truth with the pursuit of prof it. 14 Questions 14-17 The text has 7paragraphs (A-G).

36、Which paragraph does each of the following headings best fit? 14 Education for the masses 15 Future possibilities 16 Globalisation and competition 17 Funding problem 18 Questions 18-22 According to the text, FIVE of the following statements are true. Write the corresponding letters in answer boxes 1

37、8 to 22 in any order. A Some universities are joining with each other. B There are not enough graduates in developed countries. C Most companies in developed countries devote a third of their profits to research and development. D The number of people from developed countries studying outside their

38、home countries has doubled in the last two decades. E Scandinavian governments provide enough money for their universities. F The largest university in the world is in Turkey. G Italian students must have a five-minute interview with a professor before being accepted into university. H Peter Drucker

39、 foresees the end of university campuses. 23 Questions 23-26 According to the information given in the text, choose the correct answer or answers from the choices given. 23 Universities are responding to changes by ( A) constructing new buildings in old styles so they appear old and traditional. ( B

40、) introducing new subjects for study. ( C) charging students higher fees. 24 The knowledge economy is ( A) on the rise most of all in Germany. ( B) not fully appreciated in Britain. ( C) heavily reliant on universities. 25 Current problems at universities, especially in Europe, include ( A) managers

41、 arguing with governments. ( B) problems with funding. ( C) poor management. 26 Possible solutions put forward by reformists and conservatives include ( A) greater use of technology. ( B) employing management gurus to teach. ( C) teaching fewer students. 26 SUNDAY IA FUNDAY FOR MODERN BRITS In a new

42、 study, Essex University sociologists have dissected the typical British Sunday, and found we get up later and do fewer chores than we did 40 years ago and we are far more likely to be out shopping or enjoying ourselves than cooking Sunday lunch. Academics at the universitys Institute of Social and

43、Economic Research asked 10000 people to keep a detailed diary of how they spent two Sundays in 2001. Then they compared the results with 3500 diaries written in 1961, a treasure trove of information that had been uncovered in two egg boxes and a tea chest in the basement of the BBC by ISERs director

44、, Professor Jonathan Gershuny. The contrast between the two periods could not be more striking. Forty years ago, Sunday mornings were a flurry of activity as men and women especially womencaught up on their weekly chores and cooked up a storm in the kitchen. Women rarely allowed themselves any leisu

45、re until the afternoon, after the dishes were cleaned. In 1961 more than a fifth of all men and women in Britain were sifting at a table by 2pm, most likely tucking in to a roast with all the trimmings. Then there would be another rush to the table between 5pm and 6pm for high tea. Since the arrival

46、 of brunch, the gastropub and the all-you-can-eat Sunday buffet at the local curry house, such institutions have become extinct. Today we graze the entire day. You only have two free days a week. You dont want to have to waste one because there is nothing to do but watch TV. Sunday has leapfrogged S

47、aturday in the fun stakes. On Saturday you are recovering from the week. Sundays are the last bastion of the weekend you want to get as much as you can out of the day before you have to go back to work. According to researchers, the ability to trail around B by 2001 it was 50 minutes. Shopping used

48、to be a gender segregated activity that would take place during the week, while the husband was at work. Now its as much men as women, said Gershuny. Were all more likely to be relaxing or shopping on a Sunday morning these days than scrubbing the floor or puffing up shelves. Men now stay in bed lon

49、ger, and get up not, as previously, to work around the house, but rather to shop or to pursue other outside leisure activities. Men do about the same amount of unpaid work around the house as they used to on a Sunday, but its spread throughout the whole day, instead of crammed into the morning. Women do considerably less than 40 years ago. Indeed, men and women were pretty much different species in 1961, as far as the way they spent Sundays was concerned, with men far more likely to be


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