SANS 830-2009 Performance standards in building - Principles for their preparation and factors to be considered《建筑物性能标准 编制原则及须考虑因素》.pdf

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SANS 830-2009 Performance standards in building - Principles for their preparation and factors to be considered《建筑物性能标准 编制原则及须考虑因素》.pdf_第1页
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1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA

2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any

3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. ISBN 978-0-626- 22421-9 SANS 830:2009 Edition 1 ISO 6241:1984 Edition 1SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Performance standards in building Principles for t

4、heir preparation and factors to be considered This national standard is the identical implementation of ISO 6241:1984 and is adopted with the permission of the International Organization for Standardization. Published by SABS Standards Division 1 Dr Lategan Road Groenkloof Private Bag X191 Pretoria

5、0001 Tel: +27 12 428 7911 Fax: +27 12 344 1568 SABS This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS. SANS 830:2009 Edition 1 ISO 6241:1984 Edition 1 Table of changes Change No. Date Scope National foreword This South African stan

6、dard was approved by National Committee SABS TC 59, Constructions standards, in accordance with procedures of the SABS Standards Division, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement. This SANS document was published in January 2009. This standard may only be used and printed by approved sub

7、scription and freemailing clients of the SABS.International Standard 6241 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATlON.MEXYHAPOAHAR OPTAHM3ALWlR l-l0 CTAHL1APTM3AYMMORGANlSATlON INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Performance standards in building - Principles for their preparation and factors to be c

8、onsidered Normes de performance dans le bi considhrer First edition - 1984-05-01 U DC 69.001.3 Descriptors : buildings, standards, performance, presentation. Ref. No. IS0 6241-1984 (E) Price based on 10 pages SANS 830:2009This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freema

9、iling clients of the SABS.Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member body interested in a su

10、bject for which a technical committee has been authorized has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulat

11、ed to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. International Standard IS0 6241 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 59, Bulding construction, and was circulated to the member bodies in December 1982. It has been approved by the memb

12、er bodies of the following countries: Australia Hungary Belgium India Bulgaria Iran Canada Israel Czechoslovakia Italy Egypt, Arab Rep. of Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of Finland Korea, Rep. of France Netherlands Germany, F. R. New Zealand Norway Portugal Romania South Africa, Rep. of Spain Sweden United Kin

13、gdom The mem ber body technical grounds 0 of the following country expressed disapproval of the document on Denmark International Organization for Standardization, 1984 Printed in Switzerland SANS 830:2009This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of

14、the SABS.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 6241-1984 (E) Performance standards in building - Principles for their preparation and factors to be considered 0 Introduction The development of performance standards for building in- volves work at all levels from fundamental to specific. The aim is to define th

15、e performance required of whole buildings, parts of buildings and building products in terms of the functional re- quirements of their users. The work includes the preparation of : a) fundamental (level 1) standards on the general prin- ciples of defining performance requirements and establishing st

16、andard methods for their evaluation, such IS0 6240 and IS0 71621); b) fundamental standards on the means of expression which user requirements can be communicated, such IS0 62422); c) fundamental standards concerning the definition agents relevant to building performance, such IS0 62433); of as bY a

17、s of as d) wide-ranging and specific (levels 2 and 3) standards for the performance of particular types of building or product and on methods for assessing individual performance at- tributes. These would be prepared by committees respon- sible for the particular items. This International Standard i

18、s a guide to level 1 standards, in- tended primarily to assist standards committees in their work by stating the general principles for drafting performance stan- dards for building. It includes four tables aimed at identifying the main factors to be considered in their elaboration, i.e. a) the user

19、 requirements (table 1); b) the possible uses of the buildings and their spaces (table 2); c) the building sub-systems of which the product is a part (table 3); d) the agents, of any nature and origin, which are relevant to the performance of the product in use (table 4). These tables may also serve

20、 to arrange the items given in the standards; it is particularly recommended that the performance of a product is stated in the order of the user requirements which it has to meet. The tables are not exhaustive. Their relationship to current classification systems for building documentation is indic

21、ated. 1 Scope This International Standard lays down general principles for the preparation of performance standards in building. It complements IS0 6246 by listing factors to be considered for performance standards. 2 Field of application This International Standard is intended to assist standards c

22、ommittees concerned with the performance of whole buildings, of parts of buildings (components, assemblies and sub-systems) and of the spaces within and around buildings. The principal uses envisaged are : a) as a basis for the preparation of performance standards; b) as an aide-mt+moire for draftin

23、g particular standards. 3 Reference IS0 6240, Performance standards in building - Contents and pfesen ta tion. 4 Definitions For the purpose of this International Standard, the following definitions apply : 4.1 user: Person, animal or object which a building is designed to accommodate. 1) IS0 7162,

24、Performance standards in bulding - Contents and format of standards for evaluation of performance. (In course of preparation.) 2) IS0 6242, Building performance - Expression of functional requirements of users - Thermal comfort, air purity, acoustical comfort, visual com- fort and energy saving in h

25、eating. (In course of preparation.) 3) I S 0 6243, C/ima tic data for building design - Definitions and symbols. (In course of preparation.) SANS 830:2009This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS.IS0 6241-1984 (El 4.2 agent: Whatever acts

26、 on a building or parts of a building. In general, performance standards may also be established for any material intended to serve a specific function in the building, the performance being defined for the material when formed into a product considered in its conditions of use in situ, for example

27、a tile, a pipe for water distribution. 4.3 user a building) requi rement : Statement of need to be fulfilled (by Other standards or documents which are complementary to performance standards may describe the details of products that provide solutions to the performance requirements laid down (see 7.

28、2). 4.4 performance: Behaviour (of a product) related to use. NOTE - A product may mean a building as a whole or any part of it. 5.3 Contents 4.5 performance requirement : User requirement pressed in terms of the performance of a product. ex- Performance standards should include statements about : a

29、) performance requirements (expressed as ranges of values or grades) for buildings or their parts under specified conditions and referring to : 4.6 (building) sub-system : Part of a building fulfilling one or several of the functions needed to meet the user re- quirements 1) related user requirement

30、s (see 6.11, 4.7 component: Product manufactured serve a specific function (or functions). as a distinct unit to 2) agents relevant to building performance, such as climate, site conditions, occupancy characteristics or design consequences (see 6.4); 4.8 assembly : Aggregate of components used toget

31、her. b) methods of assessing each performance characteristic, including performance over time referring to the re- quirements and agents, as for a). 5 Principles for the preparation of performance standards The user requirements and the agents relevant to performance should be expressed using standa

32、rd means of expression and units of measurement with, where applicable, scales of values or grades. In this respect, reference should be made to IS0 6242 and IS0 6243. See footnotes 2) and 3) to clause 0.1 5.1 Objectives Performance standards, which are generally wide-ranging documents, define speci

33、fic behaviour of whole buildings, parts of buildings or spaces within and around them. The contents of, and the order of the clauses in, standards should comply with IS0 6240. performance When dealing with components, they permit different products as solutions in alternative designs or materials (f

34、or example, windows of wood, steel, aluminium or plastics). Performance standards define requirements without imposing restrictions on the form or materials of the solutions. It has to be stressed that performance standards are aids to, but not substitutes for, design. It may be convenient for metho

35、ds of assessment to be given in documents separate from the performance standards to which they relate. The contents and presentation of standards or parts of standards defining methods of assessment should comply with IS0 7162. See footnote 1) to clause 0.1 5.4 Methods of assessment or verification

36、 5.2 Types of application 5.4.1 General The need is foreseen for coherent sets of performan dards dealing with different types of subject, such as ce stan- The method of assessment or verification of each performance requirement may be by means of a test, calculation or judge- ment. a) performance s

37、tandards for whole buildings, for ex- ample performance requirements and methods of assess- ment for thermal comfort; In all cases, reliability and performa inclu ded in the assessment. nce over time will need to be b) performance standards for spaces in buildings, amp Ile performance requiremen ts

38、for bath rooms; for ex- 5.4.2 Test c) performance stan dards for sub-systems, for example loadbearing structural systems or electrical and mechanical A test provides a basis for assessing the satisfaction of func- tional requirements of a building, a sub-system, a component or assembly by direct mea

39、surement or other means of deter- mination under either real conditions of use or conditions ap- propriately correlated to use, for example services; d) performance standards for components, joints or building assemblies, for example for a window (component), for a joint between facade and floor (jo

40、int), for a finished facade (assembly). a) by the measurement tempera ture of a room; of the overall resultant 2 SANS 830:2009This standard may only be used and printed by approved subscription and freemailing clients of the SABS.IS0 62414984 (E) b) by the record of the evacuation time of a building

41、; c) by the record of the cracks occurring in a wail under load to determine its serviceability limit state; d) by post-occupancy inspection. . 5.4.3 Calculation A calculation indicates the extent of satisfaction of functional requirements by means of a theoretical model of behaviour, for example a)

42、 the calculation of the overall resultant temperature of a room from its thermal properties, its airtightness, its heat in- put from heating appliances and external environmental conditions; b) the estimation of the evacuation time of a building from the occupancy of its rooms and the sizes and arra

43、ngement of escape routes; C) the calculation of the serviceability limit state of a wall, based on the strength of its materials and its stress distribution. 5.4.4 Judgement A judgement or appraisal can permit the extent of satisfaction of performance requirements to be assessed on the basis of ex-

44、perience of similar cases and conditions or compliance with well-established solutions. 5.4.5 Choice of method In most cases, and particularly when developing or checking a design before construction, it will be possible to determine whether a building as a whole satisfies its user requirements from

45、 a calculation or an assessment based on the performance of its parts. However, in some situations (for example with an innovative design, or when reappraising an existing building) or for some performance requirements (for example ventilation, acoustics), the extent of satisfaction of user requirem

46、ents may need to be assessed in part by direct measurement or test of the building itself, or of a sample or prototype. The choice of a method of assessment or verification depends also on the level of accuracy appropriate to the relative impor- tance and the order of priority of the performance req

47、uirement. 6 sta Factors ndards to be considered in performance 6.1 User requirements (table I) 6.1.1 Table 1 lists the user requirements, which the building should satisfy, in various categories. They apply to spaces within (or around) buildings considered independently of their location and design.

48、 The performance requirements apply to the building fabric and its sub-systems. They are derived from the user requirements by taking account of the building location and initial design decisions. The requirements are the same, but they are expressed dif- ferently; for example, in the case of therma

49、l comfort in winter: - user requirement: a minimum internal air temperature of 20 OC shall be achieved on all but 3 days per year, on average; - performance requirement: a minimum internal air temperature of 20 OC shall be achieved when the daily mean outside air temperature is -2 OC or above (assuming this to be the low extreme reached or surpassed on an average of 3 days per year on a particular site). 6.1.2 Table 1 is a master list, so that in any one case only a selection of the requirements will apply. For product standar- dization, the list serves as an aide-memoire to identif


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