UL 294 CRD-2017 UL Standard for Safety Access Control System Units - Section Paragraph Reference 80 Subject Revision of Ultraviolet Light and Water Exposure Test (Edition 6 May 10.pdf

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UL 294 CRD-2017 UL Standard for Safety Access Control System Units - Section  Paragraph Reference 80 Subject Revision of Ultraviolet Light and Water Exposure Test (Edition 6 May 10.pdf_第1页
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UL 294 CRD-2017 UL Standard for Safety Access Control System Units - Section  Paragraph Reference 80 Subject Revision of Ultraviolet Light and Water Exposure Test (Edition 6 May 10.pdf_第2页
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2、s); however, it is currently not part of the UL Standard(s) referencedbelow.Product Category (CCN): ALVY, ALVY2Standard Number: UL 294Standard Title: Standard for Access Control System UnitsEdition Date: May 10, 2013Edition Number: 6Section / Paragraph Reference: 36.1 36.6Subject: Output Measurement

3、 TestDECISION:36 Output Measurement Test36.1 The measured voltage of all output circuits shall be within 85 and 110 percent of their marked ratingunder the following conditions:a) With primary power connected and varied from 85 percent to 110 percent of rated voltage. Ifa standby battery is used, a

4、fully charged battery shall be connected.b) With primary power connected and varied from 85 percent to 110 percent of rated voltage. Ifa standby battery is used, it shall be disconnected.c) If a standby battery is used, the product shall be tested with the primary power disconnected.The standby batt

5、ery shall be replaced with a variable voltage filtered DC power supply and thevoltage varied from 85 percent to 110 percent of rated battery voltage.36.2 Measurements shall be made with no load or with the minimum load that is specified by themanufacturer. If more than one output circuit is provided

6、, all circuits shall have no load connected to theminimum load that is specified by the manufacturer connected to each circuit.36.3 Upon completion of 36.2, measurements shall then be made with the maximum load connected tothe output circuit. If more than one output circuit is provided, all circuits

7、 shall have the maximum loadconnected. If connecting the maximum load to each output circuit will exceed the total output capacity ofthe product, the output circuit to be measured shall be loaded to its maximum rating and the other outputcircuits shall have their load adjusted so that the maximum to

8、tal output capacity of the product is reached.This shall be repeated for each test.36.4 Rated load is that value of resistive load which causes the rated current to flow when the load isconnected to the output circuit and the input voltage to the product is adjusted to its rated voltage.36.5 The mea

9、sured voltages at the output circuits, with the minimum and maximum rated loads appliedin turn, shall be compatible with the rating of the product intended to be connected to the circuit.36.6 An output circuit that has a voltage deviation greater than permitted in 36.1 shall be identified in theprod

10、uct installation instructions as “special application”. In addition, the product installation instructionsshall describe the manufacturers name and model designation of the specific device(s) intended to bepowered by the non-regulated circuit that have been proven to be compatible at that same marke

11、d voltagerating or range.UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL36.1 The measured output voltage of an access control product unit shall be within the limits specified inTable 36.1 while the unit is connected to a source of supply in

12、accordance with 33.5.1.Table 36.1Output voltage limitsNo load Full Load85 percent ratedinput100 percent ratedinput110 percent ratedinput85 percent ratedinput100 percent ratedinput110 percent ratedinput85 to 110.5 percentrated maximum100 to 130 percentrated maximum100 to 143 percentrated maximum85 to

13、 100 percentrated maximum100 to 110 percentrated maximum100 to 110 percentrated maximum36.2 The measured voltages at the output circuits, with the minimum and maximum (rated) loads appliedin turn, shall be compatible with the rating of the product intended to be connected to the circuit.36.3 To dete

14、rmine if the output capacity of an inherently limited power source complies with therequirements in Table 37.1, a variable resistive load is to be connected to the circuit. With the productconnected to a rated source of supply, the load resistor is to be changed in increments from theopen-circuit to

15、 the short-circuit conditions is not less than 1-1/2 nor more than 2-1/2 minutes. Voltage andcurrent measurements are to be recorded for each increment and the maximum VA calculated. If anovercurrent protective device is provided, it may be shunted out during the test, if necessary.RATIONALE FOR DEC

16、ISION:The existing test description in Section 36 was revised to clearly indicate that all output circuits shall fallwithin 85 110% of their voltage rating when subjected to the conditions shown, which aligns with otherrelated ANSI standards. Table 36.1 was also removed because the values shown with

17、in the Table areconsidered too restrictive.A paragraph has also been added to define that output circuits which are not regulated to 85 100% ofrated voltage shall be considered “special application”, and as such, the accessories to be used with thesetypes of circuits must be documented specifically

18、as shown. This requirement also aligns with otherrelated ANSI standards.Copyright 2017 UL LLCUL LLC, in performing its functions in accordance with its objectives, does not guarantee or warrant thecorrectness of Certification Requirement Decisions it may issue or that they will be recognized or adop

19、tedby anyone. Certification Requirement Decisions are the opinion of UL LLC. in practically applying therequirements of the standard. They do not represent formal interpretations of the standard underAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI) processes. UL LLC shall not be responsible to anyone fo

20、rthe use of or reliance upon Certification Requirement Decisions by anyone. UL LLC shall not incur anyobligation or liability for damages, including consequential damages, arising out of or in connection withthe use or reliance upon Certification Requirement Decisions. The electronic version of the CertificationRequirement Decision is the current version and previously printed copies may be outdated.This document is published as a service to ULs certification customersSTANDARD NUMBER: UL 294 -2-


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