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1、1Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?第 4课时 Section B(2a3b)1救;救助 v_save_2旗;旗帜 n_flag_3忘记;遗忘 v_forget_4地点;位置 n_place_5水 n_water_6危险 n_danger_7砍;切 v_cut_8(坐、躺、倒)下 adv向下;沿着 prep_down_9树 n_tree_10杀死;弄死 v_kill_11超过,多于;在上方 prep_over_12迷路_get_lost_13处于(极大)危险之中_be_in_(great)_danger_14砍到_cut_down_15由制成的_(be)_made_o

2、f_重点词汇1forget v忘记;遗忘其形容词形式为 forgetful(健忘的),反义词为 remember。【辨析】forget to do sth.和 forget doing sth.(1)forget to do sth.忘记要做某事(事情还没有做)。如:Dont forget to close the window.不要忘记关窗户。(2)forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(事情已经做过了)。如:I forgot closing the door.我忘记已经关上门了。2cut v砍;切(1)cut是及物动词,指用带刃的工具将物体分开。可接简单宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾

3、语可以转化为介词 for的宾语。 如:Please cut Lily the cake.Please cut the cake for Lily.请为莉莉切蛋糕。(2)常用短语: cut down砍倒;cut off 砍掉;cut up 切碎。这几个都是“动词副词”结构的短语。宾语是名词时,可以放在 cut和 down/off/up中间,也可放在down/off/up后面,但如果是代词,必须放在二者中间。如:There are two bananas on the table.Please cut them up.桌上有两根香蕉。请把它们切碎。3over prep超过,多于;在上方(1)ove

4、r prep超过,多于。相当于 more than。如:2Over 10 people were killed in the conflict.在那场冲突中有十多个人被杀害。(2)over prep在上方。指高于某物,但不是正上方,与 below相对。如:He is holding an umbrella over his head.他撑着一把伞。【拓展】over adv完了;结束。如:Class is over.下课了。4be in (great) danger 处于(极大)危险之中其反义词组为 be out of danger 脱离危险。如:Theyre in great danger j

5、ust now.But theyre out of danger now because of the firemen.刚才他们处于极大的危险中,但是因为消防员的到来,他们现在已经脱离危险。5 【辨析】be made of 和 be made from(1)be made of由制成(制成品能看出原材料)(物理变化)。如:This kind of cloth is made of wool.这种布料是羊毛制成的。(2)be made from 由制成(制成品看不出原材料) (化学变化)。如:The cake is made from flour, butter, sugar and eggs.

6、蛋糕是由面粉、黄油、蔗糖和鸡蛋做的。.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1Thank you for _saving_(救助) my cat.2One of the _flags_(旗帜) is Mikes.3His sister often _forgets_(忘记) to clean the room.4Wow, what tall _trees_(树) they are!5At school Millie has _over_(超过) five good friends.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1I can remember those _places_(place) with bea

7、utiful animals.2Elephants can walk for a long time and never get _lost_(lose)3The tiger must be thirsty(渴的)Please give it some _water_(water) to drink.4Mary always _forgets_(forget) to lock(锁上) the door when she leaves the classroom.5Rose likes dogs so she doesnt want people _to_kill_(kill) them for

8、 their meat.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1长城是中国的一个象征。The Great Wall is _a_ _symbol_ _of_China.2莫言是世界上最优秀的作家之一。Mo Yan is _one_ _of_ _the_ _best_ writers in the world.3许多动物现在处在极大的危险之中。A lot of animals _are_ _in_ _great_ _danger_ now.4他每天砍倒一棵树以获得木材。3He _cuts_ _down_ a tree for wood every day.5我奶奶喜欢穿棉质的衣服。My grandmo

9、ther likes to wear the clothes_made_ _of_ _cotton_.单项选择。(A)1.Look at those teachers over there.Which is your new art teacher?The man _ curly hair.He is very funny.Awith BinCon Dto(C)2.Dont forget _ it to me when you finish reading the book.Abring BbringingCto bring Dbrings(B)3.Do you believe that pa

10、per is made _ wood?Yes, I do.And you can see that books are made _ paper.Afrom; from Bfrom; ofCof; from Dof; of(C)4.People have _ too many trees to make desks, chairs, chopsticks and so on.Acut up Bput upCcut down Dput off(C)5.People shouldnt kill elephants _ their ivory.Afrom BofCfor Dto.完形填空。Paren

11、ts have a new way to help their sick(生病的 ) childrenthey can take them to see dolphins.These _1_ animals like to swim and play, and they look friendly.Children feel very happy _2_ they see them.Its good for their health.One eightyear old boy, Nikkie Brice, cant _3_After he swims with dolphins, he can

12、 _4_ “in”That is the first _5_ he says in his life.His parents feel very _6_ for him.If the boy _7_ every day, he can talk one day.Dolphins _8_ water like fish.And they like to live together.The baby dolphin usually lives for a long time _9_ its family, about ten to fifteen years.They _10_ each othe

13、r and have a happy life.(D)1.A.short BfatClazy Dcute(A)2.A.when BwhereCwhy Dwho(C)3.A.write BreadCspeak Dlisten(D)4.A.know BlearnCtell Dsay(B)5.A.wish Bword4Cname Dtime(C)6.A.free BquietChappy Dafraid(B)7.A.remembers BpracticesCfollows Dplays(A)8.A.live in Barrive atCtalk to Dplay with(B)9.A.to Bwit

14、hCfor Don(C)10.A.watch BleaveChelp Dfight.阅读理解。Name:KarishmaAnimal type:Asian elephantAge:11Weight(重量):2,300 kgFavorite food:fruitName:LumpurAnimal type:Asian tigerAge:11Weight:130 kgFavorite food:chickenName:EllishAnimal type:African giraffeAge:4Weight:750 kgFavorite food:grass andleavesName:SpikeA

15、nimal type:African lionAge:7Weight:200 kgFavorite food:beef(A)1.Where does Karishma come from?AAsia. BAfrica.CAustralia. DSouth America.(C)2.Whats Spikes favorite food?ACakes. BFish.CBeef. DChicken.(B)3.How old is Ellish?A3. B4.C7. D11.(A)4.What animal is Lumpur?AA tiger. BA lion.CA giraffe. DAn elephant.(B)5.Whats the weight of Spike?5A130 kg. B200 kg.C750 kg. D2,300 kg.


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