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1、120182019 学年度第一学期永泰县第一中学期末考高二英语试卷完卷时间: 120分钟 满 分: 150分第 I 卷(共 90 分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题,每小题 1.5 分, 满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man do to relax at home?A. He reads novels. B. He plays the piano. C. He li

2、stens to music.2. When will the bus arrive?A.In two minutes. B.In four minutes. C.In ten minutes.3. Where might the speakers be?A. In the mans garden. B. In the mans bedroom. C. In the mans living room.4. Whats the womans secret to making good spaghetti?A. She cooks the spaghetti longer.B. She adds

3、some salt to the boiling water.C. She puts the spaghetti in before the water boils.5. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Co-workers. B. Boss and employee. C. Taxi driver and customer.第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟

4、的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. What new thing can the bird do now?A. Sing a song. B. Say “Hello”. C. Dance.7. What will the man do after school today?A. Watch a video online. B. Go to the womans house. C. Teach the bird more words.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8. When will Jack pick up his father?A. At

5、 six. B. At four. C. At two.9. How does Julie seem to feel about the game?A. Bored. B.Curious. C. Confused.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. What is the womans major?A. Law. B. Politics. C. Business.11. Which club was the man in when he was in college?A. The swimming club. B. The running club. C. The writi

6、ng club.12. What is the womans favorite thing about going to college?A. All kinds of people she meets. B. The challenge of her study.C. Being independent.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. The womans diet. B. Their cooking skills. C. The mans shopping habit.14.

7、How often does the man go to the supermarket?A. Every other day. B. Twice a week. C. Twice a month.15. How does the woman arrange her meals most of the time?A. By cooking at home.B. By going to restaurants.C. By ordering food delivery.16. Why doesnt the woman go to the supermarket more often?A. She

8、is too busy to go.B. She thinks its expensive.C. She doesnt like the products there.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. What did the speaker and his friends do before they left Portland?A. They had breakfast downtown.B. They drove around downtown.C. They rented a car downtown.18. How long was the drive from

9、 Portland to San Francisco?A. About six hours. B. About seven hours. C. About ten hours.19. Who knew how to drive?A. John. B. Simon. C. Danny.20. When did the speaker and his friends arrive in Los Angeles?A. Early morning on Sunday. B. Early afternoon on Sunday. C. Early evening on Sunday.学校: 高二年 班

10、号 姓名: 准考证号: 高二英语试卷 第 1 页 共 10 页 高二英语试卷 第 2 页 共 10 页2第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节 (共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 4 个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AKulangsu Gallery of Foreign Artefacts from the Palace Museum CollectionLocation: Kulangsu, Xiamen, Fujian ProvinceDates: May 13, 2018 through September 24, 2

11、018The gallery is a major place for the Palace Museum to showcase its splendid collection of international art. Most of these works have been kept in the storehouse of the museum and have never been shown to the public. Originally from Europe, East Asia, and North America, these international works

12、date from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.Exhibition Commemorating the 120th Anniversary of Zhang Bojus BirthLocation: Hall of Martial Valor (Wuying dian)Dates: April 3, 2018 through May 6, 2018The exhibition features traditional Chinese paintings and calligraphy from state-owned museums. Div

13、ided into three sections, the exhibition displays artwork organized in order of time, which offers a comprehensive overview of Zhang Bojus collection through this impressive gathering of the collectors works.Discovering the Hall of Mental CultivationLocation: The Gate of the Correct Department (Duan

14、 men)Dates: April 3, 2018 through April 24, 2018The exhibition allows visitors new ways to explore the history of the forbidden city with a simple click and celebrates the 92nd anniversary of the establishment of the Palace Museum, established on October 10, 1925. Adding to the museums new displays,

15、 this exhibition combines traditional Chinese culture and contemporary technologies.Treasures from the Al Thani CollectionLocation: The Meridian Gate (Wu men)Dates: April 17, 2018 through July 18, 2018The Al Thani Collection allows visitors to see cultural landscapes that have been lost in the depth

16、s of history. Artefacts from Egypt and Persia throw light on mysteries known to few. Different peoples have marked these relics with their own styles, which reflect the unique sources of each culture but strike the viewers with an equally powerful charm.21. Which display lasts the longest time?A. Di

17、scovering the Hall of Mental CultivationB. Treasures from the Al Thani CollectionC. Exhibition Commemorating the 120th Anniversary of Zhang Bojus BirthD. Kulangsu Gallery of Foreign Artefacts from the Palace Museum Collection22. If people want to appreciate Chinese calligraphy,they will probably go

18、to _.A. the Meridian Gate B. the Gate of the Correct DeportmentC. Hall of Martial Valor D. Kulangsu Gallery of Foreign Artefacts23. What is special about “Discovering the Hall of Mental Cultivation”?A. It provides a digital experience. B. It honors the Forbidden City.C. It contains various cultures.

19、 D.It uses complex technologies. BOne early morning, I went into the living room to find my mother reading a thick book called Best Loved Poems to Read Again and Again. My interest was aroused only by the fact that the word “Poems” appeared in big, hot pink letters.“Is it good?” I asked her. “Yeah,”

20、she answered. “Theres one I really like and youll like it, too.” I leaned forward. “ Patty Poem, ” she read the title. Who is Patty? I wondered. The poem began:She never puts her toys away,Just leaves them scattered where they lay, 散乱的The poem was just three short sections. The final one came quickl

21、y:When she grows and gathers poise , 稳重的 Ill miss her harum-scarum noise, 莽撞的And look in vain for scattered toys. 徒劳地And Ill be sad. A terrible sorrow washed over me. Whoever Patty was, she was a mean girl. Then, the shock.“Its you, honey,” My mother said sadly.To my mother, the poem conveyed a pare

22、nts affection when her child grows up and leaves. To me, the “she” in the poem was horror. It was my mama who would be sad. It was so terrible. I burst out crying. “Whats wrong?” my mother asked.“Oh Mama,” I cried. “I dont want to grow up ever!”She smiled. “Honey, its okay. Youre not growing up anyt

23、ime soon. And when you do, Ill still love you, okay?”I calmed down.But I could not help thinking about that silly poem. After several years, I read the poem again and was confused. It all fit so well together, like a simple puzzle easy to understand, yet it was still beautiful. I was now attracted b

24、y the idea of poetry, words that had the power to make or break a persons world.I have since fallen in love with other poems, but “Patty Poem” remains my poem. After all, “Patty Poem” gave me my love for poetry. 24. Why was the writer attracted by the book Best Loved Poems to Read Again and Again?A.

25、 It was a thick enough book.B. It has a significant title.C. I was attracted by something on its cover . D. Her mother was reading it with interest.高二英语试卷 第 3 页 共 10 页 高二英语试卷 第 4 页 共 10 页325. After her mother read the poem to her, the writer felt _ at first.A.depressed B. thrilled C.puzzled D.terrif

26、ied26. It can be concluded from the passage that“Patty Poem” leads the writer to _.A.suffer from great homesickness B. find the power of poetryC. discover her eagerness to grow up D. realize her love for puzzles CAntarcticas ice white environment is going green and facing other unexpected threats.Sc

27、ientists say that as temperatures go up in the polar area, invading (入侵) plants and insects, including the flies, cause a major threat.More and more of these invaders, in the form of larvae(幼虫) or seeds, are surviving in coastal areas around the South Pole, where the temperature has risen by more th

28、an 3 over the past three decades. Glaciers have melted, exposing more land which has been occupied by mosses that have been found to be growing more quickly and thickly than ever before-providing potential green homes for invaders.“The common house flies are a perfect example of the problem the Anta

29、rctic now faces from invading species,” said Dominic Hodgson of the British Antarctic Survey. “It comes in on ships, where it exists in kitchens and then at bases on the continent. It now has an increasing chance of surviving in the Antarctic as it warms up, and that is a worry. Insects like the hou

30、se flies carry bacteria that could have a deadly effect on native lifeforms.”The Antarctic has several native species of insects. Together with its native mosses these are now coming under increased threat from three major sources: visiting scientists increasing numbers of tourists and global warmin

31、g. However, it is global warming that is the main driver of the greening of Antarctica.In 2015. more than 38, 000 tourists visited Antarctica. “These tourists are often very careful about not leaving waste or having mud. But they could carry seeds or larvae on their boots when they set foot on the A

32、ntarctic, ” said Hodgson.More and more invasive insects and plants have been found on the Antarctic and have required removal. “The insects and plants that are native to Antarctica have survived there for thousands of years,” said Hodgson, “We have got to act now if we want to save the environment.”

33、27. What does the underlined word “mosses” in paragraph 2 refer to?A. House flies. B. Coastal areas. C.A kind of plants. D. A kind of animals.28. What is the main cause of the Antarctic going green?A. The arrival of scientists. B .The increasing number of visitors. C. The rapid spread of native plan

34、ting. D. The rising temperature around the world.29. What do we know about the house flies in the Antarctic?A. They are native species to the Antarctic.B. They will die out because of the freezing weather.C. They come to the Antarctic from nearby islands on their own.D. They severely influenced plan

35、ts ,insects and others native to the Antarctic.30.Whats the best title for the text?A.The Antarctic Is Becoming Green and EnergeticB. Various Threats Are Putting The Antarctic At RiskC. More and More Scientists Get to Explore the AntarcticD. Global Warming has Caused the Temperature in the Antarctic

36、 to Rise up 第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项)Exploring somewhere new can bring us adventurous experiences. With the proper technology, we can make full use of our time on the road. Google Maps is just this kind that helps make trips easier. People most commonly us

37、e Google Maps for directions from one place to another. It offers many other kinds of travel tools.And, how do Google Maps work ? 31 Project and share a road trip route.When we are traveling on a road trip, we do not have to plan each part of the trip separately with Google Maps._32 Besides, we can

38、share our journey with others. After we have planned our route, click share or open the menu and click“ share or insert map ”to share our route with others.33 When we are traveling, we may not always have access to the Internet, or we may not want to pay international charges for using our phone in

39、other countries. The good news is that we can still use Google Maps even without the Internet. We can download a map from Google Maps to our phone.Find the best places in town.34 We can ask Google Maps for recommendations. After we search for a city in Google Maps, click“ Nearby” to find the top- ra

40、ted restaurants, hotels, pubs, coffee shops, and more.Share our current position with friends.Thanks to a recent Google Maps update,we can now share our position with our friends. 35 For example, using Google Maps for a lonely place, we can share our route with friends so that they can locate a gene

41、ral position where we stay and join us.A. Is there any place to explore?B. Want to know the best local places? C. Here are 4 top tips for using Google Maps.D.Save our maps for off-line use. E. Google Maps can offer us all kinds of conveniences. F. We can search for the whole trip in order to plan ou

42、r route more efficiently.G.During exploring a totally strange area, there is no need to worry about losing way. 高二英语试卷 第 5 页 共 10 页 高二英语试卷 第 6 页 共 10 页4第三部分:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 l.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并标在答题卷的相应位置。If we redouble our efforts, our dream will come true

43、.Chen zuobin had 36 for 13 years already.Finally, he decided to become a 37 again. Born in a mountain village in Anhui province, Chen Zuobin walked out of the 38 for study when he was 19. Though he had a 39 life as a creative director of an international agency in Shanghai , he couldnt 40 the anxiet

44、y appearing in his dreams. “ I 41 about countless branch roads several times a year, I didnt know which one leads to 42 . It made me feel terrible.” One day, Chen Zuobin woke up and said to his wife,“ I want to go home.” 43 being surprised, his wife said , “ 44 your heart. Dont worry about me. ”The

45、young couple returned to their hometown and 45 the Real Food Farm just to lead a real and simple life. Chen Zuobin shook off the 46 and tiredness from too much 47 in the city. Only in the mountains can they enjoy the 48 air.There isnt the smell of tail gas, but the smell of 49 when it shines over th

46、e woods.They live a life of “eating healthily and 50 well. ”In a time when eating 51 becomes a luxury (奢侈) in the 52 life, its truly a right way to return to the 53 . “Life is a journey of 54 the proper way. ” said Chen Zuobin.Those dreams about branch roads have 55 because he has found his own path

47、.36. A. dreamed B. lived C. struggled D. hesitated37. A.villager B.worker C.manager D.farmer38. A. mountains B. nation C. deserts D. city39. A.tough B. successful C.simple D. uncomfortable40. A. remove B. remember C. expose D. imagine41. A. forgot B. worried C. dreamed D .cared 42. A.Rome B. home C.

48、 future D. school43. A. In terms of B.In spite of C. In charge of D. Instead of44. A. Concern B. Observe C. Follow D. Open45. A. left B. sold C. built D.ruined46. A. anxiety B. loneliness C. sadness D. joy47. A. desire B. workload C. relation D. money48. A. warm B. thin C. smelly D. fresh49. A. wate

49、r B. dust C. sunlight D. smog50. A. playing B. sleeping C. dressing D. studying51. A carefully B. quickly C. properly D. happily52.A. urban B. real C. country D. family53. A.nature B.wildness C. beginning D. simplicityB. directing C. leading D. finding54. A. changing 55. A. faded away B. passed away C. put away D. run


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