
上传人:周芸 文档编号:1123308 上传时间:2019-05-05 格式:PPTX 页数:6 大小:226.67KB
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1、Section B(2a-2e),任务一:英汉互译 1.all kinds of 各种各样的 2.football training 足球训练 3.know about 了解 4.after-school class 课外辅导班 5.its time for. 到时间了 6.直到才 not.until. 7.删除;删去 cut out 8.比较;对比 compare.with 9.太多的压力 too much pressure 10.学会放松 learn to relax,任务二:填写单词补全对话 Zhang:1. Could/Would you please tell me somethin

2、g about your after-school activities in the evening? Wang:I usually do my 2. homework , because I often have a 3. lot of homework to do in the evening. Zhang:Do you 4. watch TV? Wang:Yes.But I 5. dont watch TV every day. Zhang:How 6. often do you watch TV? Wang:Not very often.I 7. only watch TV at t

3、he weekend, about 8. once or twice a week, I should say. Zhang:Which program do you like best? Wang:I like the World News 9. best . Zhang:I like that best of 10. all , too.,1.They have a quick dinner, and then its time for homework. 他们快速地吃晚餐, 然后就到了做作业的时间了。 剖析 Its time.句型, 意为“该是的时候了”。其有关句式归纳如下: (1)It

4、s time+(for sb.) to do sth.意为“该是(某人)做的时候了”。 Its time to go to school. 该去上学了。 Its time for you to clean the classroom. 该是你打扫教室的时候了。 (2)Its time for+n.意为“该是(做)的时候了”。 Boys and girls, its time for class. 孩子们, 该上课了。,(3)Its time+that从句, 此时that可省略, 从句中的谓语动词用过去式(be用were)。此句型为虚拟语气句型, 意为“现在某人该做某事了”, 含有该事早该去做而

5、未做, 现在去做似乎都为时已晚的意思。 Its time (that) we went to bed. 我们该去睡觉了。,2.And they are always comparing them with other children. 而且他们总是把他们和其他孩子做比较。 剖析 (1)be always doing sth.意为“总是/一直做某事”, 表示说话者的赞扬、厌恶、抱怨等情绪。 She is always thinking of others. 她总是为别人着想。(表赞扬) You are always going to school late. 你总是上学迟到。(表批评) (2)compare.with.意为“比较;对比”。 If you compare his work with hers, youll find hers is much better. 要是把他的工作与她的比较一下,你就会发现她的好得多。 拓展 compare.to.意为“把比作” Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. 莎士比亚把世界比作一个舞台。,


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