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1、1第二十一天单句语法填空1、People are not allowed_(talk) freely at the meeting2、With our vacation_(approach), we still cant decide where to go.3、A terrible disease broke out last month, but till now a great many patients_(survive).4、The flood cut off the only way to the village, so it is not_(access) to the outs

2、ide now.5、将下列直接引语变成间接引语1.She asked me, “Are you Mr. Li?“She asked .2.“I was bom here,“ he said.He said that .3.“ I will give you some advice next day,“ I told the boy.I told the boy that some advice .4.“I saw the movie three days ago,“ she told the teacher. She told the teacher that she had seen the

3、 movie .5.He said, “ I am living with my parents.“He said that he .6.She said, “ My brother also wants to go there.“She said that her brother also there.7.The boy said, “I brought the book home vdth me.“The boy said that he the book home with him.8.“I dont like this hat,“ the girl said.The girl said

4、 that she didnt like hat.9.“I have finished my homework,“ he said.He said that he his homework.10.He said, “These books are mine“2He said that .11. She saidHell be back tomorrow.“She said that .12.He said, “I brought the book home.“He said that . 阅读理解6、 Some places in the world have strange laws. It

5、s important for you to know about them before going there.Whoever likes to chew gum (口香糖) may have to leave Singapore. The government really wants to keep the city clean and will fine you for chewing gum.Before you leave for the United Arab Emirates youd better make sure you arent visiting during Ra

6、madan (斋月). During that time you arent allowed to eat or drink in public. Tourists have been fined up to $275 for drinking in public.Lovers spend so much time kissing each other goodbye at train stations that trains often start late. This law-no kissing your lover goodbye at train stations-is rather

7、 old, and isnt in use today in France.In Thailand its against the law to drive a car or motorcycle without a shirt on, no matter how hot it is. Punishments are different in different areas and can include warnings and tickets costing about $10. No joke -the local police will stop you.Studies in Denm

8、ark have shown that cars with their headlights on are more noticeable by other drivers than those with their headlights off. Drivers there are required to leave their headlights on even during the day, or they may face a fine up to $100.Do you often buy things using coins? Dont do it in Canada. The

9、Currency Law of 1985 doesnt allow using only coins to buy things. Even the use of the 3dollar-coin is limited (受限制的). The shop owner has the right to choose whether to take your coins or not.Make sure you know about these laws before your next trip. Better safe than sorry.1.What is mainly talked abo

10、ut in the text?A.How to make your trip around the world safe.B.Some strange laws you should know about for your trip.C.Interesting places you can go to around the world.D.Why there are strange laws in the world.2.If you are driving a car in Thailand, _.A.the police will play a joke on youB.the polic

11、e will give you tickets costing about $10C.you should wear your shirt even though its hotD.you should always keep your headlights on3.What can we learn from the text?A.You can turn your headlights off in daytime in Denmark.B.Kissing goodbye at train stations isnt allowed in France today.C.Tourists i

12、n the United Arab Emirates shouldnt eat in public.D.The Singaporean government cares a lot about its environment.7、 Age has never been a problem for 16-year-old Thessalonika Arzu-Embry. After all, shes already got her masters degree.The North Chicago-area teen started homeschooling at the age of 4.

13、She began having an influence on others soon after. When she was 6 years old, she was an inspirational speaker at an organization called Tabitha House Community Service, a shelter for people who were forced to leave their homes due to the situations such as earthquake, flood and other natural disast

14、ers.At the age of 11, she graduated from high school and then earned her bachelors degree in psychology in 2013. She completed those classes online as she was traveling for church events and leadership meetings.4She doesnt stop there, though. The teen plans to focus on aviation psychology(航空心理学) for

15、 her further study, a decision inspired by her father who is a pilot. She grew up around airplanes and took fights all the time. Her goal is to use it to determine whether pilots are dealing with problems that could have deadly results once the plane takes off - a topic that has been in the news lat

16、ely. For her, its a mix of two of her interests.In her free time, Thessalonika enjoys playing tennis, swimming and being active in her youth group at church. She also has three self-published books, which are on her site. Jump the Education Barrier is written to help students finish college, and in

17、the future aims to help business owners with trends. Her third book The Genius Race, has a wider appeal. It is designed to help people to be geniuses in various areas of life.1.Which of the following is TRUE about Thessalonika?A.When she was 6 years old, she started homeschooling.B.She gained her ma

18、sters degree at the age of 11.C.She majored in science and technology.D.In 2013 she got her bachelors degree through completing courses online.2.What is her next plan according to the passage?A.Major in aviation psychology.B.Deliver inspiring speeches for church events and leadership meetings.C.Be a

19、ctive in her youth group at church.D.Write another book to help people to be geniuses.3.Why does she write the book Jump the Education Barrier?A.It aims to help people to be geniuses.B.It is intended to give students a hand to complete college.C.It is designed to arouse peoples awareness of psycholo

20、gy.D.The author hope to share her own experience with others.4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.The Story of ThessalonikaB.To be a Genius5C.Three Published BooksD.Homeschooling七选五8、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。“Smart” Idioms Today we take a look at the word “sm

21、art”. If someone says you are smart, what do they mean? Is it a good thing or something bad? _This is because the word smart has many meanings.That smarts! For example, someone could say you look smart or are dressed smartly. That means they like what you are wearing and your physical appearance. To

22、 use a slang(俚语)expression, they could say, “You look really cool!” But if something smarts, it can be unkind or hurtful, either physically or mentally. If you accidentally trip over a chair and fall down, you might shout, “Ow! That smarts!” Or if a friend says something that hurts your feelings, yo

23、u can say you are smarting from the hurtful comment_Smarting If you are standing too close to a campfire, you could say your eyes are smarting from the smoke of the fire. Here the word “smarting” means a sharp pain. _If someone is smart as whip, they are able to think very quickly.Street smart and b

24、ook smart _Some people are considered street smart. They may not have a strong education. But they are good at dealing with people and problems in the real world. Other people might be book smart. This means they have spent many years in school. But they may not be so smart when dealing with people

25、or real-world problems.Dont get smart with me! 6And then there is the definition of smart that means to talk or behave disrespectfully. If you say something disrespectful to your parents, they might say, “Dont get smart with me!” Here, “smart” means to show a lack of respect by saying something unki

26、nd. In fact, a child who has a smart mouth makes rude comments, not smart ones. This definition of smart can also be used as a verb. _A. Do they really mean you are smart?B. People have different attitude toward being smartC. However, different people have different ways of being smart.D. In fact, m

27、aybe that person is no longer your friend.E. The answer is not as easy as you might think.F. But the most common meaning of smart is to be intelligent.G. If you smart off to the wrong people, they could hit you in the face.语法填空9、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。About three dozen college students

28、, most of whom are students in the second year of Anhui Science and Technology University, have been busy _(prepare) for an annual school performance to welcome the incoming freshmen.With a small drum _(paint) with phoenix (凤凰) in the left hand and a pair of nearly half-meter-long _(stick) between t

29、he fingers of the right hand, the students not only dance but also make music with the drums.The shows are regarded as some of _most important events taking place at the university since first being performed _September 24th,2013. The university is in Fengyang County of East Chinas Anhui Province.Ma

30、ny people from across China, especially the elderly, have heard these words but might know no more than that about this _(tradition) folk art that originated in Fengyang. It _(call) the Fengyang flower-drum dance7“People _watch the students performance will see how _(real) significant the students d

31、evotion to keeping this national intangible cultural heritage alive,” said Zhang Cong, teacher and _(direct) for the performance.书面表达10、第二届“一带一路” 国际合作高峰论坛将于 2019年在中国举办。组委会向社会征集志愿者。 要求:1. 热情,有礼;2. 熟悉中国传统文化;3. 英语口语流利。假设你是新华中学学生李华, 请按上面的要求给组委会写一封应聘信。注意:1. 词数 100 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。参

32、考词汇: “一带一路” 国际合作高峰论坛 the Belt and Road Forum for International CooperationDear Sir or Madam,_ 答案以及解析1答案及解析:答案: to talk82答案及解析:答案:approaching3答案及解析:答案:have survived4答案及解析:答案:accessible5答案及解析:答案: 1.if/whether I was Mr. Li2.he was bom there; 3.I would give him; the next day4.three days before; 5.was li

33、ving with his parents 6.wanted to go; 7.had taken; 8.that; 9.had finished; 10.those books were his11.he would be back the next day12.he had taken the book home解析: 1.【解题思路】句意:她问我是否是李先生。 直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时要改成 if/whether引导的宾语从句。2.【解题思路】句意:他说他出生在那里。直接引语中有 here,变为间接引语时要改成there。3.【解题思路】句意:我告诉那个男孩我第二天会给他一些

34、建议。此处直接引语中的 you在变为间接引语时要改成 him;般将来时要变成过去将来时;直接引语中的 next day变为间接引语时要改成 the next day。【知识拓展】直接引语转变成间接引语时时态的变化:一般现在时一般过去时;现在进行时过去进行时;现在完成时 过去完成时;一般过去时过去完成时;过去完成时过去完成时(不变);一般将来时过去将来时直接引语转变成间接引语时指示代词、时间狀语、地点状语和动词的变化:thisthat; 9these-those; nowthen; todaytliat day; tonightthat yesterdaythe day before; tomo

35、rrowthe next day/the following day; herethere; comego。4.【解题思路】句意:她告诉老师她三天前看过那部电影了。直接引语中有 three days ago,变为间接引语时要改成 three days before 。5.解题思路】句意:他说他和父母住在一起。直接引语是现在进行时,变为间接引语时要改成过去进行时。6.【解题思路】句意:她说她弟弟也想去那儿。直接引语中的一般现在时在变为间接引语时要改成一般过去时。7.【解题思路】句意:这个男孩说他把书带回家了。直接引语中用的是一般过去时,变为间接引语时要改成过去完成时;直接引语中的 bring变为

36、间接引语时要改成 take。8.【解题思路】句意:这个女孩说她不喜欢那顶帽子。直接引语中有 this,变为间接引语时要改成 that。9.【解题思路】句意:他说他已经完成了他的家庭作业。直接引语为现在完成时,变为间接引语时要改成过去完成时。10.【解题思路】句意:他说那些书是他的。直接引语中的 these在变为间接引语时要改为those,般现在时改为一般过去时,mine 改为 his。11.【解题思路】句意:她说他明天将回来。直接引语变为间接引语时需要将一般将来时改为过去将来时,tomomw 改为 the next day。12.【解题思路】句意:他说他要把这本书带回家。直接引语变为间接引语时

37、需要将一般过去时改为过去完成时,bring 改为 take。6答案及解析:答案:1.B; 2.C; 3.D7答案及解析:答案:1.D; 2.A; 3.B; 4.A8答案及解析:答案:E; D; F; C; G109答案及解析:答案:preparing; painted; sticks; the; on; traditional; is called; who/ that; really; director10答案及解析:答案:Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you for reading my letter. As the Belt and Road Forum for Int

38、ernational Cooperation iscoming, Id like very much to be a volunteer.All our citizens are looking forward to this special event. First of all, I promise I will, with greatpassion, try my best to serve our distinguished guests from home and abroad politely. Besides, Ihave a rich knowledge about Chine

39、se history and especially traditional culture, which enables meto spread our splendid culture. Whats more, Im good at English and Chinese, which will play animportant role in communication during the forum.To sum up, I believe I can be a qualified volunteer. I will try my best if Im accepted.Yours,Li Hua


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