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1、1Unit 6 随堂小测试 4. 根据句意及括号内所给动词的提示填空。1. These bridges _(repair) by the workers last month.2. Mary _(hear) to sing the song in the room last night.3. This sweater _(wash) by Lucy yesterday morning.4. The flowers _(take) away by a child ten minutes ago. 5. The bike _(ride) to the zoo by him yesterday. 根

2、据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使短文完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式。become, popular, feed, call, rapidThe first bike appeared over 200 years ago. People (1)_ it “the horse on wheels”. Later, the bike became very (2)_. People liked bikes because they were not as expensive as horses. They wouldnt have to build a special house for

3、them or (3)_ them.And then, trains, ships and airplanes began to appear around the world. Transportation (运输工具) between cities around the world became more convenient and (4)_. Now many cities not only have a lot of public transportation such as buses and taxis, but they also have many cars and other private transportation. The world is (5)_ smaller and smaller. If you take a plane from Beijing to New York City, it only takes you about thirteen hours.23Answers: . 1. were repaired 2. was heard 3. was washed 4. were taken 5. was riddenII. 1. called 2. popular 3. feed 4. rapid 5. becoming


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