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1、1课时训练(十九) Units 910(九全)(限时:30 分钟).单项填空1.If the fire is caused by electrical appliances, you should the electricity first. A.cut down B.cut up C.cut in D.cut off2.The number of the volunteers in our city 2,000. And sixty percent of them teachers and students. A.is; is B.is; are C.are; is D.are; are3.

2、Many office ladies usually go shopping online their lunch break. A.against B.among C.between D.during4.Everyone has been to Shanghai says it is a modern city. A.why B.whoseC.that D.which5.Lets do something for our dad. Good idea. We should always fathers love for us. A.explain B.supposeC.wonder D.va

3、lue 6.Mike reading playing computer games. A.prefers; than B.prefers; toC.would rather; than D.would rather; to 7.Whats the meaning of the activity “Lets Save”?Paper shouldnt in everyday life. A.waste B.wasted C.be wasted D.is wasted 8.Lucy can dance the music. A.with B.atC.for D.to 9.Could you a fe

4、w minutes for me? I have some questions to ask you. Sure. Go ahead, please.A.take B.spareC.save D.cost10.It is polite seats to the old on the bus. A.give B.givingC.to give D.gave11.The book is well worth . I plan one. A.read; to buy B.reading; buying C.reading; to buy D.read; buy 12.Be careful! The

5、cup is coffee. A.full with B.fill withC.full of D.filled of 13.Youre supposed healthily for your health. A.to eat B.eatC.eating D.eats 14.Learning to look after ourselves is important. , we all have to leave our parents and 2live by ourselves one day. A.In general B.So farC.After all D.For example15

6、.This is one of the most interesting cities I have ever visited. A.who B.that C.which D.where.完形填空Whats your idea about success? Some people say that beginners have all the luck, while others believe that success 16 only with practice. In fact, I feel both of these statements(陈述) are not true all th

7、e time. Each is true in some ways 17 not in others. For example, I went to a drawing competition many years ago and 18 surprisingly. As a prize, I got a film ticket to see Titanic. I was really 19 because it was the first time I had taken part in any competition. Thinking that I might be lucky again

8、, I 20 joining in other art competitions. But the result was that I 21 won again. I accepted the fact that the other people had a 22 artistic ability than I did. Art was not something I was especially interested in and I had never practiced the different art skills. So, the 23 I produced were not of

9、 a very high standard. These experiences taught me a lot. Though I might have been lucky 24 , I also need to put in hard work. As we know, 25 makes perfect. So I believe success builds on less luck and chance. 16.A.moves B.comes C.returns D.leaves17.A.or B.soC.and D.but18.A.won B.began C.failed D.en

10、ded19.A.sorry B.active C.lucky D.nervous20.A.tried B.forgotC.stopped D.remembered21.A.often B.everC.seldom D.never22.A.greater B.more natural C.lower D.more common23.A.results B.films C.prizes D.drawings24.A.at last B.at most C.at first D.at least25.A.chance B.practice C.difference D.experience.阅读理解

11、AHere are the replies from parents to the posts (帖子) about toys. Michele ManhireMy son Aaron is 8. Its been 8 birthdays and 9 Christmases of “What can we get, Aaron?” without proper toys along the way. He is just simply particular about toys. I can honestly tell you, I am printing this list, and hea

12、ding to a couple of stores (some online) that I can get some of these items! Maybe this wont be such a disappointing Christmas. VeraDo you have any yarn balls (纱球)? I bought a big one for my classroom but ended up keeping it for 3my own kids. Theyre strong enough to throw but soft enough to use as a

13、 doll bed. NatalieExcellent post! Thank you so much for putting this together. I have been looking through special needs toy lists to find one that I thought would be most helpful to my followers. This post agrees to our personal experience most closely. I have shared it with many other groups and t

14、he feedback(反馈) has been wonderful. MeaganThis is a great list. My son loved his egg chair and empty bottles are always a win. He also loves to turn a globe and look at wonder tubes. Wonder tubes are about $6 on Amazon. This year one of his gifts is a gel (凝胶) filled medicine ball.26.What are the fo

15、ur posts about?A.A game list.B.A party list.C.A toy list.D.A food list.27.What is Micheles problem?A.She has no money for toys.B.She cant find good toys for herself.C.Her son has a special taste for gifts.D.Her son missed too many birthdays.28.Who suggests a good toy which can be used as a bed for d

16、olls?A.Michele Manhire. B.Natalie.C.Meagan. D.Vera.29.How many toy names are mentioned in this passage?A.Four. B.Five.C.Six. D.Seven.30.Which of the following can we learn from the text?A.Vera works as a teacher herself.B.Michele Manhire only buys toys online.C.Meagan is puzzled by her sons changing

17、 toys.D.Natalie follows many groups in choosing toys.根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空31.People tend to expect the movies to have happy . (end) 32.I fell down from the bike just now. The wound is really .(pain) 33.In some countries, others cheeks is a polite way to greet each other.(kiss) 34.Could you give me a f

18、ew on how to spend the coming summer holiday? (suggest) OK. Let me see. 35.You will be when you listen to some soft music or take a bath.(relax) .将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式36.When youve got a plan for a vacation, to prepare for it. (努力) 37.Now Jim getting up early.(习惯) 38.What are you going to do this

19、 weekend? It the weather. (取决于) 39.In Switzerland, it is not polite to your friend without making a call first.(顺便拜访) 40.Dear passengers, please make sure your electronic devices are switched off. Our plane will soon.(起飞) 4参考答案1D cut down 意为“砍倒”; cut up 意为“切碎”; cut in 意为“插嘴;干预”; cut off 意为“切除; 切断” 。

20、前半句表达如果发生火灾,那后半句应该表达切断电源。故答案为 D。2B the number of意为“的数量”,谓语动词用单数;百分数后面的谓语动词的单复数由 of 后面的名词或代词决定。故选 B。3D 4C 定语从句修饰先行词 everyone,关系代词只能用 that, 在定语从句中作主语。故选 C。5D value 在句中作动词,表示“珍惜,重视” 。6B 考查两种句型结构:prefer (doing)sth to (doing)sth;would rather do than do。空后的词为5v-ing 形式, 故答案为 B。7C 8D dance to the music 意为“随

21、着音乐跳舞” 。9B 根据后面“I have some questions to ask you ”可知问“是否能抽出时间”,spare 符合题意。故选 B。10C11C sthbe worth doing 意为“某事值得做”;plan to do sth意为“计划做某事” 。12C be filled with 与 be full of 同义,意为“充满” 。13A be supposed to do sth意为“理应做某事” 。14C 15B 主旨大意 本文作者用自己的亲身经历说明了成功不是靠运气和机会,而是靠自己的努力。16B 17D 18A 根据后文所述“我”获得了电影票的奖励可知,“

22、我”在多年前的一次绘画比赛中获胜了。故选 A。19C 根据前句“我”第一次参加比赛获胜可知,“我”认为自己很幸运。故选 C。20A try doing sth意为“尝试做某事”;forget doing sth意为“忘记做过了某事”;stop doing sth意为“停止做某事”;remember doing sth意为“记得做过某事” 。从下文所述可知,“我”尝试参加其他的美术比赛。故选 A。21D 根据句首的“But”可知,与以前获胜的情况相反,后来“我”从未赢过。故选 D。22A 本句句意为“我接受了这样的一个事实:其他人比我有更强的美术能力” 。故选 A。23D 分析前一句所述,“我”对美术不是特别感兴趣,也从来不训练其他方面的绘画能力,推断“我”的绘画作品不是高水准的。故选 D。24C 通读前文可知,起初“我”可能是幸运的,但“我”也需要继续努力。故选 C。25B2630 CCDCA31endings 32painful 33kissing34suggestions 35relaxed 36make an effort 37gets/is used to38depends on 39drop by 40take off


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