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1、1第二十二讲 九年级(下) Modules 14模块话题Module 1 Travel (旅行)Module 2 School life (学校生活)Module 3 Community (社区)Module 4 Safety rules(安全规则)重点单词1. adv. 径直地;直接地 adj. 直接的2. adv. 确切地;完全;(表示赞同)确实如此 3.o n. 军官;官员;警察 4.s adj. 笨的;糊涂的 5. n. 领带 v.系 6. n. 一排;一行;一列 7. n. 水池;游泳池 8.p v. 及格;通过(考试或检查) 9.a adj. 缺席的;不在的 10.b n. 钟;铃

2、 11. n. 财富;财产 adj. 富有的;富裕的 12.f n. 担心;害怕 13. v. 使加倍;把增加一倍 adj. (成)双的;两个 14.s adv. 很少地;不常 17. n. 电灯 18. n. 蜡烛 19.p n. 邮递员 20.h n. 高温;热度 21.r n. 作用;职责;角色 22. n. (个人的)教育;学业 23. conj. 每当;无论什么时候 24.p adj. 合适的;恰当的 25.s adj. 无困难的;顺利的;光滑的;平坦的 26.s adj. 直的;笔直的 27. v. 悬挂;吊 (过去式) (过去分词) 28.s adj. 突然的;急剧的 29. a

3、dj. 软的;柔软的 30.s adj. 静止的;不动的 215. adj. 空余的;备用的 16.t adj. 微小的;极小的 31.w n. (小)树林;林地 32. n. 血;血液 33. n. 飞行员 短语归纳1. 因为;由于 2. 只要 3.take (告别用语)多保重 4. 脱去;起飞 5. (用于表示过去真实或经常性的行为,特别强调现在不那样了)过去 6.spare time 7. 大点声说 8.set off 9.go off 10. 一口气,一下子 11.rock climbing 12. 入睡;睡着 13. 一周一次 14.be of 充满 15. with 和玩耍 16.

4、 in doing sth. 成功做 某事 17. 一般来说 18. the tent 支起帐篷 19.above 最重要的是 20. 传递 21.on ones 独自 情景交际1.谈论旅行(Talking about travel)1)What did you do during the holiday?I went to see my grandparents in Xian.2)How was your holiday?Not good! The train was full of people and I had to stand for three hours!2.谈论规则(Talk

5、ing about rules)1)Now, you mustnt walk too close to the edge of the hill path, because you might fall and hurt yourselves. Is that clear?3Yes.2)How can we protect ourselves?We mustnt walk in the grass.语法回顾1.复习名词、冠词、数词2.复习代词、介词与介词短语3.复习形容词和副词的比较级和最高级4.复习情态动词【参考答案】【重点单词】1.direct 2.exactly 3.officer 4.

6、stupid 5.tie 6.row 7.pool 8.pass 9.absent 10.bell 11.wealth; wealthy12.fear 13.double 14.seldom 15.spare 16.tiny 17.light 18.candle 19.postman 20.heat 21.role 22.education 23.whenever 24.proper 25.smooth 26.straight 27.hang; hung; hung 28.sudden 29.soft 30.still 31.wood 32.blood 33.pilot【短语归纳】1.because of 2.as long as 3.care 4.take off 5.used to6.空闲时间 7.speak up 8.动身;出发 9.离开 10.in one go 11.攀岩 12.fall asleep 13.once a week 14.full 15.play 16.succeed 17.generally speaking 18.put up 19.all 20.pass on 21.own


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