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1、- 1 -福建省莆田第九中学 2019 届高三上学期第二次月考英语试题第一 部分 :听力 (共 两节, 满分3 0 分) 第一 节听 下 面 5 段 对 话 。 每 段 对 话 后 有 一 个 小 题 , 从 题 中 所 给 的 A、 B、 C 三 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳选 项 , 并 标在 试 卷 的 相 应 位 置 。 听 完 每 段 对 话后 , 你 都有 10秒 钟的 时间 来回 答有 关小 题和 阅读 下一 小题 。每 段对 话 仅读 一遍 。1. What does the woman think of the movie?A. Its amusing. B. Its ex

2、citing. C. Its disappointing.2. How will Susan spend most of her time in France?A. Traveling around. B. Studying at a school. C. Looking after her aunt.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. Going out. B. Ordering drinks. C. Preparing for a party.4. Where are the speakers?A. In a classroom. B. In

3、 a library. C. In a bookstore.5. What is the man going to do?A. Go on the Internet. B. Make a phone call. C. Take a train trip. 第二 节听 下面 5段 对 话 或 独 白 。 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 后 有 几 个 小 题 , 从 题 中 所 给 的 A、 B、 C 三 个选项中 选出 最佳 选 项。 听每 段对 话或 独白 前, 你将 有时 间 阅 读 各个 小题 ,每 小题 5秒 钟 ; 听完 后 , 各 小 题 将 给出 5 秒 钟的 作答 时间 。每 段对

4、 话或 独白 读两 遍。听第 6 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 6、 7 题。6. What is the woman looking for?A. An information office. B. A police station. C. A shoe repair shop.7. What is the Town Guide according to the man?A. A brochure. B. A newspaper. C. A map. 听第 7 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 8、 9 题。8. What does the man say about the restaurant?

5、- 2 -A. Its the biggest one around. B. It offers many tasty dishes. C. Its famous for its seafood.9. What will the woman probably order?A. Fried fish. B. Roast chicken.C. Beef steak. 听第 8 段 材 料 ,回 答 第 10 至 12题。10. Where will Mr. White be at 11 oclock?A. At the office. B. At the airport. C. At the re

6、staurant.11. What will Mr. White probably do at one in the afternoon?A. Receive a guest. B. Have a meeting. C. Read a report.12. When will Miss Wilson see Mr. White?A. At lunch time. B. Late in the afternoon. C. The next morning. 听第 9 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 13 至 16题。13. Why is Bill going to Germany?A. To wor

7、k on a project. B. To study German. C. To start a new company.14. What did the woman dislike about Germany?A. The weather. B. The food. C. The schools.15. What does Bill hope to do about his family?A. Bring them to Germany. B. Leave them in England. C.Visit them in a few months.16. What is the proba

8、ble relationship between the speakers?A. Fellow-travelers. B. Colleagues.C. Classmates. 听第 10 段 材 料 , 回 答第 17至 20题。17. When did it rain last time in Jurez?A. Three days ago. B. A month ago. C. A year ago.18. What season is it now in Jurez?A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn.- 3 -19. What are the elderly

9、 advised to do?A. Take a walk in the afternoon. B. Keep their homes cool. C. Drink plenty of water.20. What is the speaker doing?A. Hosting a radio program. B. Conducting a seminar. C. Forecasting the weather. 第 二 部 分 阅 读 理 解 ( 共 两 节 , 每 小 题 2 分 , 满 分 40 分 )第 一 节 ( 共 15小 题 ; 每 小题 2 分 , 满分 30 分) 阅读 下

10、列 短文 ,从 每题 所给 的四 个选 项( A、 B、 C、D )中 ,选 出最 佳选 项, 并在 答题 卡上 将该 项涂 黑。AFlying can be fun and exciting, no matter what you choose to do. But have you ever thought about what happens on the plane?Here are some of the most interesting things that happen. Do planes drop human waste while in flight?When you f

11、lush ( 冲 ) a toilet on a plane at an altitude of 30,000 feet, there must be a question in your mind: “Is this about to land on a farmers house?”Take it easy. A planes toilets cannot be emptied in the sky. The waste is stored in tanks on board and can only be operated by the ground crew.However, why

12、is news like “blue ice falling out of a plane” reported? Is blue ice human waste? Stories about blue ice are true but rarely happen. The FAA said some toilet holding tanks have a blue chemical in them. If a tank leaks high in the air, the water freezes once it hits the outside air, and melts before

13、it lands on the ground.Is turbulence (颠簸 ) dangerous?Its scary, uncomfortable and spills your drink. But is turbulence something you really need to worry about?Absolutely not. Its part of flying, and it isnt dangerous. Turbulence is caused when two masses of air hit one another at different speeds.

14、Wind, thunderstorms and closeness to mountains are all possible reasons. Despite how dangerous it feels, turbulence wont crash your plane. Even in extremely rough air, the wing is not going to break off.- 4 -Why are plane windows round?If you have traveled by plane before, you may have noticed that

15、every plane window has a round design. This isnt to make the plane look good. Its for the safety of everyone on board.As the airplane flies higher and higher, the outside atmospheric pressure gets lower and lower. In the end, the pressure inside the plane becomes greater than the pressure outside. A

16、t this time, windows that can resist pressure are needed.Square windows can crack. The different pressure inside and outside put stress on the right angles. However, rounded corners help to reduce these stresses by spreading them around the window.21. It can be learned from the passage that .A. pass

17、engers waste falls onto the land directlyB. blue ice frequently falls out of planesC. blue ice from a plane is a great safety threatD. passengers waste is dealt with on the ground22. According to the passage, turbulence .A. is very dangerous B. seldom happens during flyingC. may crash a plane D. can

18、 be caused for many reasons23. The plane window has a round design for the purpose of .A. economy B. security C. beauty D. convenience24. The passage is meant to .A. tell us some interesting facts about flying B. inform us of flying safety tipsC. warn us of the danger of flying D. introduce us the d

19、esign of a planeBTimes are a little tough at our house right now. Neither of us makes a lot of money, but years of experience have taught us how to walk between the raindrops - 5 -and make it from one month to the next with a fair amount of grace. I cook a lot at home, more when were facing difficul

20、t times. When I know that I have to keep us fed on not much money, I fall back on my grandmothers recipes. She taught me to cook.When I was a kid, my twin brother and I spent long summer weeks and Christmas vacations with my mothers parents in the mountains of North Carolina. Rather than go hunting

21、with my grandfather on mornings, I found myself more and more in the kitchen with my grandmother, watching her making a lemon cheese pie with her soft hands.My great-grandmother died when my grandmother was 11 years old. As the eldest daughter, she was expected to take on all of the housework while

22、attending school. Throughout the Great Depression, she learned how to make a little food go a long way. Vegetables were cheap, so she cooked a lot of them, mostly only using small amounts of meat for seasoning. Roast beef was a twice-a-month luxury, but there was nothing she couldnt do with a chicke

23、n, every part of it. Nothing went to waste.Now I understand that her food was sacred (神 圣的) . I feel connected to my grandmother and to hundreds of years of family when Im in my kitchen making country food. In the delicious smells is a long tale of victory over hard times, of conquering starvation o

24、f not just surviving, but finding joy and pleasure in every meal of every day.From grandmother I learned to take real satisfaction in feeding people. My grandmother would beam with pleasure over a heavily laden table and say: “Do you know what this would cost at the restaurant?” I never knew what re

25、staurant in particular she had in mind, but I knew that the question was totally not fair, because no restaurant anywhere can cook like a grandmother. But now, thanks to her guidance and years of practice, I can.25. According to the passage, the author cooks a lot at home because .A. she wants to tr

26、y out her grandmothers recipes- 6 -B. she is quite particular about foodC. the food in restaurants is unhealthyD. she and her husband are embarrassed financially26. According to the passage, the authors grandmother .A. learnt to cook because of the Great DepressionB. was good at cooking as well as c

27、areful in budgetingC. preferred chicken to beefD. had to walk a long way to learn cooking in a restaurant27. It can be inferred from the passage that the author .A. liked to compare her grandmothers food with that in restaurantsB. learnt something more precious than cooking from her grandmotherC. ha

28、snt found the joy in cooking though she can cook like her grandmotherD. feels connected to her grandmother when making country food in the kitchen28. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A. Cook like my grandmother B. My grandmothers sacred foodC. My grandmothers recipe D. Joy

29、 and pleasure in cookingCWhat Cocktail Parties Teach UsYoure at a party. Music is playing. Glasses are clinking. Dozens of conversations are driving up the decibel (分 贝) level. Yet among all those distractions, you can tune your attention to just one voice from many. This ability is what researchers

30、 call the “cocktail-party effect”.Scientists at the University of California in San Francisco have found where that sound-editing process occurs in the brain in the auditory cortex (听 觉 皮 层) just behind the ear, not in areas of higher thought. The auditory cortex boosts some sounds and turns down ot

31、hers so that when the signal reaches the higher brain, “its as if only one person was speaking alone,” says investigator Edward Chang.These findings, published in the journal Nature last week, explain why people - 7 -arent very good at multitasking our brains are wired for “selective attention” and

32、can focus on only one thing at a time. That inborn ability has helped humans survive in a world buzzing with visual and auditory stimulation (刺 激 ). But we keep trying to push the limits with multitasking, sometimes with tragic (悲 剧的 ) consequences. Drivers talking on cellphones, for example, are fo

33、ur times as likely to get into traffic accidents as those who arent.Many of those accidents are due to “inattentional blindness”, in which people can, in effect, turn a blind eye to things they arent focusing on. The more attention a task demands, the less attention we can pay to other things in our

34、 field of vision. Images land on our retinas (视 网 膜 ) and are either boosted or played down in the visual cortex before being passed to the brain, just as the auditory cortex filters sounds, as shown in the Nature study last week. “Its a push-pull relationship the more we focus on one thing, the les

35、s we can focus on others,” says Diane M. Beck, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Illinois.Studies over the past decade at the University of Utah show that drivers talking on hands-free cell phones are just as influenced as those on hands-held phones because it is the conversa

36、tion, not the device that is distracting their attention. Those talking on any kind of cell phone react more slowly and miss more traffic signals than other motorists.Some people can train themselves to pay extra attention to things that are important like police officers learn to scan crowds for fa

37、ces and conductors can listen for individual instrumentswithin the orchestra as a whole. Many more think they can effectively multitask, but are actually shifting their attention rapidly between two things and not getting the full effect of either, experts say.29. What have scientists in University

38、of California found about “the cocktail-party effect”?A. Usually there is only one person who is - 8 -speaking alone. B. All kinds of annoying sounds drive up the decibel level. C. The higher brain processes sounds and images selectively. D. Sounds are sorted out before reaching the higher brain.30.

39、 What do we learn from the passage?A. We are biologically incapable of multitasking.B. We survive distractions in life by multitasking. C. We cannot multitask without extra attention.D. We benefit from pushing the limit with multitasking.31. Which of the following is an example of “inattentional bli

40、ndness”?A. A careless driver lost his eyesight after a car accident. B. Police scanned the crowds and located the criminal.C. A manager talked on a hands-free phone with his client.D. A pedestrian had a car accident because of phubbing (低头 ).DLike toolmaking, teaching was once thought to be an exclu

41、sive(独 有的 )capacity of the human mind. It is not true.“Teaching” requires this: one individual must take time from their own task to demonstrate and instruct with effort and the student must learn a new skill. Thats a tall order.When a young chimpanzee watches a skilled adult and then imitates (模 仿)

42、 , thats learning. But the adult has not taken time specifically to instruct, so it is not teaching. In the honeybees amazing dance, the dancer takes time to indicate information about a source of food, but observers learn no new skill. They do take - 9 -time to show, but they do not pass on new ski

43、lls to learners.Dolphins teach. Atlantic spotted dolphin mothers sometimes free a caught fish in the presence of their youngsters and let their youngsters chase it, catching it again if its getting away. Dolphin youngsters also position themselves alongside mothers who are scanning sandy bottoms for

44、hidden fish, and the mother spends extra time demonstrating.Other teachers include: housecats who bring back live prey and let their young learn to catch it, and meerkats (猫 鼬 )who first bring to their growing young dead scorpions (蝎 子 ), then disabled ones, to demonstrate how to remove the poisonou

45、s part on their tails.Like toolmaking and teaching, imitation is also considered to reflect high intelligence. In South Africa lived a baby dolphin named Dolly. One day while she was just six months old, Dolly was watching a trainer standing at the window smoking a cigarette, blowing puffs of smoke.

46、 Dolly swam to her mother, got a mouthful of milk, then returned to the window and released a cloud of milk that surrounded her head. The trainer was “absolutely astonished”.Somehow Dolly came up with the idea of using milk to represent smoke. Using one thing to represent something else isnt just im

47、itation. It is art.32. What does the underlined phrase “a tall order” probably mean in paragraph 2?A. A clear instruction. B. A high risk. C. A difficult requirement. D. A useful purpose.33. What do we know about honeybees dance?A. Presenting. B. Learning. C. Imitating. D. Teaching.34. What can we i

48、nfer about animals that can teach?A. Bees show their dance to younger generations. B. Housecats teach in a way similar to dolphins. C. Young dolphins must learn how to free a - 10 -fish. D. Meerkats have poisonous parts on the tails.35. Why does the author use Dollys example?A. To prove smoking can

49、affect other animals.B. To explain dolphins are capable of making art.C. To show animals can be surprisingly intelligent.D. To stress milk is to dolphins what smoking is to men. 第二 节 (共 5 小 题 ; 每 小题 2 分 , 满分 10 分)根据 短文 内容 ,从 短文 后的 选项 中选 出能 填入 空白 处的 最佳 选项 。选 项中 有两项为 多余 选项 。 T ip l: 36 Many entrepreneurs agree that creating short-term and long-term goals is the key to success.Write down your goals for the next year or more. 37 - 11 -But by writing them down,y ou willalready be in a better position to achieve them.Tip 2: Find yo

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