ISO 3857-1-1977 Compressors pneumatic tools and machines Vocabulary Part I General Bilingual edition《压缩机、风动工具和风动机械 词汇 第1部分 通用术语 两种语言版》.pdf

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ISO 3857-1-1977 Compressors pneumatic tools and machines Vocabulary Part I General Bilingual edition《压缩机、风动工具和风动机械 词汇 第1部分 通用术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 3857-1-1977 Compressors pneumatic tools and machines Vocabulary Part I General Bilingual edition《压缩机、风动工具和风动机械 词汇 第1部分 通用术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 3857-1-1977 Compressors pneumatic tools and machines Vocabulary Part I General Bilingual edition《压缩机、风动工具和风动机械 词汇 第1部分 通用术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 3857-1-1977 Compressors pneumatic tools and machines Vocabulary Part I General Bilingual edition《压缩机、风动工具和风动机械 词汇 第1部分 通用术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 3857-1-1977 Compressors pneumatic tools and machines Vocabulary Part I General Bilingual edition《压缩机、风动工具和风动机械 词汇 第1部分 通用术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第5页
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2、seurs, outils et machines pneumatiques - Vocabulaire - Partie I : G6rkralitks Premiere Edition - 1977-08-01 G ti2 E UDC/CDU 621.51 : 001.4 Ref. No.lRBf. no : IS0 3857/l-1977 (E/F) 0 c; C 5; Descriptors : pneumatic equipment, compressors, pneumatic tools, vocabulary, symbols/Dascripteurs : materiel p

3、neumatique, compresseur, A outil pour marteau pneumatique, vocabulaire. symbole. Price based on 6 pages/Prix base sur 6 pages FOREWORD IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing Inter

4、national Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also t

5、ake part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. International Standard IS0 3857/l was developed by Technical Committee ISOJTC 118, Compresso

6、rs, pneumatic tools and pneumatic machines, and was circulated to the member bodies in July 1975. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Australia France Austria Germany Belgium Hungary Brazil India Bulgaria Mexico Czechoslovakia Romania Finland South Africa, Rep. of

7、Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom No member body expressed disapproval of the document. 0 International Organization for Standardization, 1977 l Printed in Switzerland ii AVANT-PROPOS LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorganismes nationaux d

8、e normalisation (cornit vrll is the molar volume; R is the molar gas constant; T is the thermodynamic temperature. 2 TEMPERATURES 2.1 static temperature : The temperature as measured in a fluid in such conditions that no effect on measurement is produced by the fluid velocity. 2.2 dynamic temperatur

9、e : That increase of temperature which would result if the energy of the fluid velocity in gas or air at uniform velocity were converted to calorific energy completely and without any losses, i.e. isen- tropically. 2.3 total temperature : The sum of the static and dynamic temperatures. It designates

10、 the fluid condition at which the flow energy of the fluid is converted into calorific energy without any losses. In a stationary body of fluid, the static temperature and total temperature are nu- merically equal. 2.4 critical temperature : The limiting temperature above which no discontinuity is o

11、bserved between the gas phase and the liquid phase, whatever the pressure. 2.5 reduced temperature : The ratio of the thermodynamic temperature of the fluid to its critical thermodynamic temperature. 1.7 pression critique : Pression limite au-dessus de laquelle on nobserve pas de discontinuiti entre

12、 phase gazeuse et phase liquide, quelle que soit la temperature. 1.8 pression Gduite : Rapport de la pression absolue a la pression critique absolue. 1.9 facteur de compressibilitk Z : Facteur sans dimension caracterisant Ietat reel du gaz par rapport 8 son Qtat parfait. II sexprime par la formule p

13、v, z= RT p est la pression; vnl est le volume molaire; R est la constante molaire du gaz; T est la temperature thermodynamique. 2 TEMPERATURES 2.1 temperature statique : Temperature mesuree dans un fluide, dans des conditions telles que la vitesse de celui-ci nait aucune influence sur la mesure. 2.2

14、 temperature dynamique : Augmentation de la temperature qui resulterait de la transformation intigrale, cest-a-dire isentropique, de Ienergie cinetique du fluide secoulant a une vitesse uniforme, en Bnergie calorifique. 2.3 temperature totale : Somme de la temperature statique et de la temperature d

15、ynamique. Elle caracterise letat du fluide lorsque son Bnergie dbcoulement est transformee integralement en Bnergie calorifique. Dans un element stationnaire du fluide, la temperature statique et la temperature totale sont numeriquement egales. 2.4 temperature critique : Temperature limite au-dessus

16、 de laquelle on nobserve pas de discontinuite entre phase gazeuse et phase liquide, quelle que soit la pression. 2.5 temperature rhduite : Rapport de la temperature thermodynamique du fluide a sa temperature critique thermodynamique. 2 IS0 3857/l -1977 (E/F) TABLE 1 - Symbols and un-ti TABLEAU 1 - S

17、ymboles et unit& Reference Reference number number in in Symbol SI unit Other practical units SO/R 31) IS0 38572) NO de NO de Quantity Grandeur Dimensionsz) r6f6rence reference Symbole Unite SI Autres dans dens unit& pratiques ISO/R 31) IISO 38572) 14.1 area aire A L* m* mm* l-5.1 volume volume V L3

18、 m3 I, ml, mm3 34.1 mass specific volume volume massique V M-1 L3 ma/kg 36.1 molar volume volume molaire Vt-ll L3N-1 m3/mol l-6.1 time temps t T S h, min. ms l-10.1 velocity vitesse c LT-t m/s km/h l-10.1 peripheral velocity vitesse peripherique u LT- m/s l-B.1 angular velocity vitesse angulaire w T

19、-1 radls 2-3.2 rotational frequence de n T-1 s-1 min-1 frequency rotation 3-1 .l mass masse m M kg t. 9, mg 3-2.1 mass density masse volumique P ML-3 kg/m3 kg/l 1-2.1 Celsius temperature temperature usuelle 19 0 “C 1-l .l thermodynamic temperature T 0 K temperature thermodynamique 3-11 .l pressure p

20、ression P ML-T-2 Pa MPa, bar, kPa, mbar 3-22.1 work travail W ML*T-* J MJ, kJ, kW.h 3-23.1 power puissance P ML*T-3 W MW, kW II-6 mass specific energy energie massique wtn L*T-* J/kg kJ/kg II-6 volume specific Bnergie volumique W, ML-T-2 J/m3 J/l. kW.h/m3 energy 533.1 12-6 - II-3 II-l.4 I l-5.2 I-1.

21、9 II-7 II-l.10 114.6 114.7 11-7.5 II-l.5 II-l.5 mass rate of flow debit-masse Qnl MT- kg/s kg/h volume rate of flow debit-volume (7” L3T- m3/s m3/h, m3lmin. l/s, ml/s relative clearance espace mort relatif e pure number volume nombre pur exponent for poly- exposant poly- n pure number tropic process

22、 in tropique dans le nombre pur p.V diagram diagramme p. V molar gas constant constante molaire R ML*T-*0-1N-t J/(K.mol) kJ/(K.mol) du gaz compressibility facteur de compres- Z pure number factor sibilite nombre pur efficiency rendement rl pure number nombre pur tip Mach number nombre de Mach de Ma,

23、 pure number rotation nombre pur pressure coefficient coefficient de $ pure number pression nombre pur volumetric coefficient v pure number coefficient volumetrique nombre pur outside diameter diametre exterieur D L m mm of the impeller de la roue hub diameter of diametre du moyeu d L m mm the impel

24、ler de la roue 1) See annex. 1) Voir annexe. 2) The roman numbers I and II refer to the relevant parts of this International Standard. 2) Les chiffres romains I et II se rapportent aux parties respectives de la presente Norme internationale. 3) M = mass L = length T= time 0 = temperature N = quantit

25、y of matter 3) M = masse L = longueur T = temps 0 = temperature N = quantite de matiere 3 IS0 3857/l -1977 (E/F) TABLE 2 - Letters used as symbols TABLEAU 2 - Lettres utilish comme symboles Symbol Symbole A C d D e m Ma” n n P P qfn % R t T u V V vm W W/n W” Z 17 e P cp J/ Cd Quantity area /elocity

26、hub diameter of the impeller outside diameter of the impeller relative clearance volume mass tip Mach number exponent for polytropic process in p. V diagram rotational frequency pressure power mass rate of flow volume rate of flow molar gas constant time thermodynamic temperature peripheral velocity

27、 mass specific volume volume molar volume work mass specific energy volume specific energy compressibility factor efficiency Celsius temperature mass densin/ volumetric coefficient pressure coefficient angular velocity Grandeur aire dune surface vi tesse diametre du moyeu de la roue diametre exterie

28、ur de la roue espace mot-t relatif masse nombre de Mach de rotation exposant polytropique dans le diagramme p. V fmquence de rotation pression puissance debit-masse debit-volume constante molaire du gaz temps temperature thermodynamique vitesse peripherique volume massique volume volume molaire trav

29、ail Bnergie massique energie volumique facteur de compressibilite rendement temperature usuelle masse volumique coefficient volumetrique coefficient de pression vitesse angulaire St unit Unite SI m2 m/s m m pure number nombre pur kg pure number nombra pur pure number nombre pur s-1 Pa W kg/s m3ls J/

30、(K.mol) S K m/s m3/kg m3 m3/mol J J/kg J/m3 pure number nombre pur pure number nombre pur “C kg/m3 pure number nombre pur pure number nombre pur radls 4 IS0 3857/l -1976 (E/F) TABLE 3 - Letters and figures used as subscripts TABLEAU 3 - Lettras et chiffres utilisk comme indices Objet Observations am

31、bient condition conditions ambiantes inlet aspiration indicates the quantities measured at the standard inlet point of the compressor indique les grandeurs mesurks a la bride daspiration du compresseur discharge refoulement indicates the quantities measured at the standard discharge point of the com

32、pressor indique les grandeurs masur&s B la bride de refoulement du compresseur absolute absorbed shaft atmospheric contractual characterizes the atmospheric pressures and temperatures indicates the quantities specified in the contract characterizes the critical pressures and temperatures characteriz

33、es the dynamic pressures and temperatures caracterise les pressions et temperatures atmospheriques indique les grandeurs spkifiees au contrat condensate critical absolue absorbee B Iarbre atmospherique contractuel condensat critique dynamique effectif global indique interne massique cam&rise les pre

34、ssions et temperatures critiques dynamic caracterise les pressions et temperatures dynamiques effective overall indicated internal mass characterizes the mess specific rates of flow, energies and volumes cam&rise les debits, energies et volumes massiques molar mechanical normal polytropic molaire me

35、canique normal polytropique characterizes the molar volumes caractkrise les volumes mohsires characterizes a polytropic process caracterise une evolution polytropique reduced reduit characterizes the reduced pressures and temperatures indicates the quantities read during the test or predetermined as

36、 test conditions caractkise les pressions et temperatures reduites read relevh indique les grandeurs relev&as en tours dessai ou pr6d6terminkes comme conditions dessai static isentropic total isothermal theoretical useful peripheral volume statique isentropique total isotherme theorique utile periph

37、erique volumique characterizes an isentropic process characterizes an isothermal process caracterise une evolution isentropique caracterise une evolution isotherme characterizes the volume rates of flow and energies caracterise les debits et energies volumiques ymbol lmbole 0 1 2 a ab ar b C cd CT d m me N Pof r R s S t T th U U ” 1 5

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