ISO TR 12350-2013 Road vehicles - Injury risk curves for the evaluation of occupant protection in side impact tests《道路车辆 评价侧向碰撞中乘员保护的伤害风险曲线》.pdf

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ISO TR 12350-2013 Road vehicles - Injury risk curves for the evaluation of occupant protection in side impact tests《道路车辆 评价侧向碰撞中乘员保护的伤害风险曲线》.pdf_第1页
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ISO TR 12350-2013 Road vehicles - Injury risk curves for the evaluation of occupant protection in side impact tests《道路车辆 评价侧向碰撞中乘员保护的伤害风险曲线》.pdf_第2页
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ISO TR 12350-2013 Road vehicles - Injury risk curves for the evaluation of occupant protection in side impact tests《道路车辆 评价侧向碰撞中乘员保护的伤害风险曲线》.pdf_第3页
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ISO TR 12350-2013 Road vehicles - Injury risk curves for the evaluation of occupant protection in side impact tests《道路车辆 评价侧向碰撞中乘员保护的伤害风险曲线》.pdf_第4页
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ISO TR 12350-2013 Road vehicles - Injury risk curves for the evaluation of occupant protection in side impact tests《道路车辆 评价侧向碰撞中乘员保护的伤害风险曲线》.pdf_第5页
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1、 ISO 2013 Road vehicles Injury risk curves for the evaluation of occupant protection in side impact tests Vhicules routiers Courbes de risques de blessures pour lvaluation de la protection des occupants en choc latral TECHNICAL REPORT ISO/TR 12350 Second edition 2013-10-01 Reference number ISO/TR 12

2、350:2013(E) ISO/TR 12350:2013(E)ii ISO 2013 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2013 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or

3、 posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail

4、 Web Published in Switzerland ISO/TR 12350:2013(E) ISO 2013 All rights reserved iii Contents Page Foreword iv 1 Scope . 1 2 Methodology . 1 2.1 Selection of PMHS sample to be used for the construction of the injury risk curves 1 2.2 Dummy data 3 2.3 Age adjustment . 3 2.4

5、 Statistical analysis 4 3 Injury risk curves for the WorldSID 50th . 7 4 Related electronic documents .20 Annex A (informative) PMHS head test data 21 Annex B (informative) PMHS shoulder test data (shoulder impactor tests) .29 Annex C (informative) PMHS thorax test data (thorax impactor tests) .36 A

6、nnex D (informative) PMHS abdomen test data (abdomen impactor tests) .42 Annex E (informative) PMHS pelvis test data (pelvis impactor tests).44 Annex F (informative) PMHS sled test data 54 Annex G (informative) Assessment of the quality of the sled test results.66 Annex H (informative) WorldSID resu

7、lts .69 Annex I (informative) Data scaling 82 Annex J (informative) Steps to build injury risk curves dedicated to the WorldSID 50th 93 Bibliography .107 ISO/TR 12350:2013(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO

8、 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, gover

9、nmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further mainten

10、ance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see Attent

11、ion is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction

12、and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement. For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformi

13、ty assessment, as well as information about ISOs adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 12, Passive safety crash prot

14、ection systems. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/TR 12350:2004), which has been technically revised.iv ISO 2013 All rights reserved TECHNICAL REPORT ISO/TR 12350:2013(E) Road vehicles Injury risk curves for the evaluation of occupant protection in side impact tests 1 S

15、cope This Technical Report provides injury risk curves to assess occupant protection in side impact tests. The curves are given for the WorldSID 50th, a mid-size adult male side impact dummy. Injury risk curves for other side impact dummies could be added as soon as the necessary material is availab

16、le and processed as described in this Technical Report. These dummies are used during tests carried out according to ISO 10997 or which are under investigation by regulatory bodies and consumer testing organizations. 2 Methodology 2.1 Selection of PMHS sample to be used for the construction of the i

17、njury risk curves An in-depth review of the postmortem human subjects (PMHS) tests available in the literature and in the NHTSA database (http:/ / was performed. The listed tests were analysed in order to determine if they could be accura

18、tely repeated with dummies and included in the construction of injury risk curves. This clause summarizes the series of tests that were conducted by body region and type of loading. Reasons for including or excluding each particular test series are detailed. The PMHS characteristics are provided in

19、the form of related electronic documents available through the ISO website and detailed in Clause 4. The detailed descriptions of the PMHS configurations allowing the reproduction of the test with a dummy are presented in Annex A to Annex F, as well as the reasons for inclusion or exclusion. The rig

20、id and padded head impactor tests conducted by Calspan 18were included and are detailed in Annex A. The head impactor tests of the Highway Safety Research Institute (HSRI) 51were excluded because the impact speeds were not known. The head impactor tests of the University of Michigan Transportation R

21、esearch Institute (UMTRI) (NHTSA database) were excluded because the impactor characteristics were not known. The whole body drop tests with head impact conducted by Wayne State University (WSU) 22 , those conducted by the Association Peugeot-Renault (APR) without helmet, and the head drop tests con

22、ducted by Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) 56were included and are detailed in Annex A. The whole body drop tests with head impact conducted by APR with helmet were excluded because the helmet properties were unknown. The shoulder impactor tests performed by APR 2 , INRETS 141517 , and WSU 2630wer

23、e included. The shoulder impactor tests conducted by Ohio State University (OSU) on a rigid bench were also included 34 . These configurations are detailed in Annex B. The oblique shoulder impactor tests performed by OSU on a 1996 Ford Taurus seat were excluded because the characteristics of the sea

24、t were unknown. All, but one, of the thorax impactor tests conducted by HSRI 434445were included. The single-impact WSU thorax impactor test 5455was also included. The UMTRI 3435and OSU 49thorax impactor tests were included when the level of load was deemed to be below the threshold of rib fracture

25、(700 N), such that the fractures could be attributed to the final high-speed impact. These test configurations are detailed in Annex C. The 76T038 HSRI test was excluded because the data were questionable. The HSRI tests 77T079 and 77T080 were excluded because it does not seem realistic to have 18 r

26、ib fractures for 2 165 N of impact force. All the WSU and INRETS 16multi-impact tests, as well as some UMTRI tests (83E085, 83E086, 83E106, 83E107, 83E108) and OSU tests (0505OTH25L01, 0505LTH25R01, 0506OTH25R01, 0506LTH25L01, 0601LTH25L01, 0601OTH25R01), were excluded because it was not possible to

27、 determine which impact caused each injury. ISO 2013 All rights reserved 1 ISO/TR 12350:2013(E) Only one of the abdomen impactor tests performed by WSU 5455(WSU063-34) was included because all the other subjects were impacted more than once in the abdomen and/or thorax. All the OSU abdomen impactor

28、tests but two (93VRTAB08, 93VRTAB09) were included. These two tests were excluded because the abdomen deflection exceeded the target level of 16 % of the chest breadth. The test configurations are detailed in Annex D. The Laboratory of Accidentology and Biomechanics (LAB) abdomen impactor tests 52we

29、re excluded because a measurement system was positioned at the level of the liver and could have influenced the abdominal injuries. Most of the reviewed pelvis impactor tests were multi-impact tests. The pelvis impactor tests performed by WSU 5455 , UMTRI 3336 , ONSER 1112 , and INRETS 56were includ

30、ed when an increase in impactor speed was accompanied by an increase in energy for a given PMHS, as this was assumed to be an indication of no injury. The configurations are detailed in Annex E. Two UMTRI tests (83E087, 83E109) were conducted with an APR pad that is no longer available. The ONSER mu

31、lti-impact tests C3, C4, D3, E2, F2, F3, H4, H5, I6, J2, J3, N7, S3, S4, X1, X2, Y2, Z1, and Z2 were excluded because there was a possible weakening of the pelvis bone. APR conducted lateral drop tests with PMHS 253 . A review of the films failed to confirm the position of the subjects lower extremi

32、ties and whether or not an impact surface was provided to catch the lower extremities. The test films revealed that some tests were conducted with the subjects head, some were conducted without the head, and for the others, the film coverage did not reveal if the head was attached or removed. Some s

33、ubjects were observed to rotate during the free fall. For these reasons, and because the APR padding cannot be reproduced, all of the whole body drop tests were excluded from the construction of injury risk curves for the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. Some sled tests performed by Heidelberg 2529 , MC

34、 W/OSU 39402827 , and WSU 7891023were included and are detailed in Annex F. Several checks were done to select the PMHS to be included in the construction of the injury risk curves. The checks are detailed in Annex G. The position of the PMHS at the time of impact was first checked. The Heidelberg t

35、ests (H82014, H82018, H82019, H82015) and MCW/OSU tests (SC126, SC105, SC131) were then excluded. The consistency between the thorax-pelvis transmissibility and the contact times of the thorax and pelvis plates were also checked. The Heidelberg tests (H82014, H82018, H82019, H82015) and MCW/OSU (SC1

36、26, SC105) were then excluded. The total momentum was checked. Tests for which the total momentum differed from other tests with the same impact wall configuration were excluded (MCW/OSU SC131). The absence of shoulder interaction with the wall was checked in the MCW/OSU configuration. Sled tests wi

37、th PMHS seating height under 826 mm and shoulder interaction with the wall observed on the film were excluded from the shoulder, thorax, and abdomen injury risk curves (MCW/OSU SC137, SC138, SC119, 94LSI32P04, LSI32R08, SC30A102). PMHS characteristics were checked. The PMHS having sternotomy wires w

38、ere excluded because the PMHS response and injuries were questionable (MCW/OSU SC122, SC132, LSI32P11, SC103, SC112, SC30A103, SC20A101). PMHS injuries were checked. PMHS from the MCW/OSU SC114 test with a right hemithorax, which could have resulted from secondary impact, was excluded. Some of the c

39、hecks required the analysis of the wall plates loads. Some tests were excluded because the impact wall was not instrumented with load cells or because the data were questionable and then the checks could not be done. This was the case for the HSRI sled tests 31 , the first test series conducted by W

40、SU (NHTSA database), some Heidelberg tests (H82009, H80011, H80013, H80014, H80017, H80024, H81002, H81004, H81006, H81016, H81022, H81025, H81027, H82002, H82020, H80018, H80020, H80021, H80023, H81011, H81012, H81015, H81021, H83008, H83016, H83021, H83030, H83031), as well as some MC W/OSU sled t

41、ests (98LSI32R17, SC106, SC127, 96LSI32R07, SC123).2 ISO 2013 All rights reserved ISO/TR 12350:2013(E) Finally, sled tests for which the impact wall padding or the airbag was no longer available were excluded (Heidelberg tests H82008, H82021, H82022, H83008, H83016, H83021, H83030, H83031, H83011, H

42、83020, H84008, H83010, H83012, HSRI tests 76T029, 76T034, 76T039, 76T042, MCW/OSU tests SAC 101, SAC 103, SAC 104, SAC 105, WSU 2 ndtest series SIC-09, SIC-10, SIC-11, SIC-12, SIC-13, SIC-14, SIC-15, SIC-16, SIC-17). The severity of PMHS injuries were coded according to the Abbreviated Injury Scale

43、2005 1 . Table 1 summarizes the body regions and injury severity levels for which PMHS data are available to construct injury risk curves. There were no AIS 3 shoulder injuries from the PMHS tests. Therefore, injury risk curves for the shoulder can only be constructed for the AIS 2 level of injury.

44、For the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis, injury risk curves were constructed at the AIS 3 injury level and either the AIS 2 or AIS 4 level if the PMHS injury/no injury results were better balanced at these AIS levels. Note that all rib fractures are coded in thoracic skeletal AIS, including those that r

45、esulted from abdominal impacts. Table 1 Body regions and AIS levels for which injury risk curves are constructed Body region AIS levels used in the injury risk curve construction Head AIS 3 Shoulder AIS 2 Thorax (skeletal) AIS 3 and AIS 4 Thorax (soft tissue) AIS 2 and AIS 3 Abdomen AIS 2 and AIS 3

46、Pelvis AIS 2 and AIS 3 2.2 Dummy data Once the PMHS sample to build the injury risk curves is selected, the dummy results reproducing these PMHS test configurations are collected. The injury risk curves are proposed in this Technical Report for a 50th percentile male dummy. Only WorldSID 50th percen

47、tile results are presented in the current version of this Technical Report. It is intended to add injury risk curves for the WorldSID 5th percentile adult female dummy to a future edition of the ISO/TR 12350. There are no plans to add injury risk curves for the ES-2 or ES-2re, and it is not appropri

48、ate to use the WorldSID injury risk curves with measures from either ES-2 or ES-2re. The dummy test results reproducing the PMHS test configurations selected for the injury risk curve construction are presented in Annex H. The build level of the production version used was not provided with the resu

49、lts. It is to be noted that there was no head result available. Moreover, the shoulder deflection was only available for the impactor test and not for the sled test configurations. The test results presented in Annex H are filtered data (according to Reference 50and according to filters indicated in Annex H) that have not been scaled and should not be used directly to construct dummy-specific injury risk curves.

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