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1、全国自考(现代英语语法)-试卷 9 及答案解析(总分:148.00,做题时间:90 分钟)I1.Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(分数:2.00)_2.Shingles_by a virus which attacks the nerves. ( )(分数:2.00)A.is causingB.is causedC.are causedD.are causing3.That definition

2、leaves_ for disagreement. ( )(分数:2.00)A.much roomB.a small roomC.many roomsD.a big room4.Of_two colleagues,one lives in_town and the other in_countryside. ( )(分数:2.00)A./,a,theB.the,/,theC.the,the,theD./,/,/5.We feel it is high time that the government _ something to check the inflation. ( )(分数:2.00

3、)A.didB.doC.should doD.would do6. I have got a headache. No wonder. You_ in front of the computer too long. ( )(分数:2.00)A.workB.are workingC.have been workingD.worked7.As the train will not leave until one hour later, we _grab a bite at the snack bar. ( )(分数:2.00)A.may wellB.just as wellC.might as w

4、ellD.as well8.Our teacher recommended that we _ as attentive as possible when we visit the museum. ( )(分数:2.00)A.areB.shall beC.beD.were9.The news reporter hurried to the airport, only _the film stars had left. ( )(分数:2.00)A.to tellB.to be toldC.tellingD.told10.The factory will be fined if the work

5、_by the end of the month is delayed. ( )(分数:2.00)A.to be completedB.will be completedC.being completedD.completed11._ good, these cookies sell well. ( )(分数:2.00)A.SmelledB.SmellingC.Being smelledD.To smell12.I cant afford as _ as this one. ( )(分数:2.00)A.an expensive carB.expensive a carC.more expens

6、ive a carD.most expensive a car13.The wealth of a nation should be measured _ the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce. ( )(分数:2.00)A.in regard withB.in line withC.by means ofD.in terms of14.Then, as bystanders run _ all directions, the man fell abruptly to

7、 the ground after apparently being shot. ( )(分数:2.00)A.forB.towardC.toD.in15._ he didnt have anything, he was still in good spirit. ( )(分数:2.00)A.WhenB.IfC.BecauseD.Though16.Everyone believes that the day will come _ people all over the world live a rich and happy life. ( )(分数:2.00)A.whenB.whereC.wh

8、ichD.why17.The iron and steel industry_ very important to our country. ( )(分数:2.00)A.areB.isC.beD.were18.On the wall_ two large portraits. ( )(分数:2.00)A.hangsB.hangC.is hangingD.are hung19._ their differences, John and Mark remain good friends all their lives. ( )(分数:2.00)A.But forB.For allC.Above a

9、llD.Except for20.John dare not go to the night club,_? ( )(分数:2.00)A.dares heB.dare heC.dared heD.would he21._when I heard someone knock at the door. ( )(分数:2.00)A.Hardly had I sat downB.Hardly I had sat downC.I hardly have sat downD.I was hardly sitting down22.Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET

10、 with one of the items given.(分数:2.00)_23.a,an,the,some,each,all 1bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in 2 leg.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_24.hour, hours, hours, conserved, preserved, reservedWith no result after one 1 discussion, we 2the question for the next meeting.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_25.enjo

11、y,enjoyed,would enjoy ,eat,ate,eatingMedical evidence suggests that most people 1 better health if they 2 less refined sugar.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_26.was, were, be, shall be , will be , has been 1it necessary that my uncle 2informed?(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_27.than,as, the, more,most,less 1 more money he ma

12、kes, the 2 useless things he buys.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_28.such,so,as,that,which,whoThey had 1a fierce dog 2no one dare to go near their house.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_29.as,what,that,whom,was,wereThe size of the audience, 1 we had expected, 2 well over twenty thousand.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_30.prefe

13、rred, prefers, is,are,was, wereDuring the holiday week, one-third of the students in our class 1prepared to stay on campus for study while around ten percent of them 2some more sleep at home.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_31.both, either, neither, and, or, norNew Hampshire is the only state that does not ha

14、ve 1 a general sales tax 2 an income tax.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_32.such,so,it,make,to make ,made 1is not funny at all 2fun of a disabled man.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_33.Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with an item as required.(分数:2.00)_34.With a proper unit noun:I went to buy a 1of China Daily.(分数:2.0

15、0)填空项 1:_35.With a proper unit noun: Id like a 1 of beer.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_36.With a determiner:Did you see Mary at the party or at the meeting? I saw her on 1occasions.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_37.With a determiner:I spent the 1day doing the grammar book.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_38.With a modal verb:I 1stand all this.

16、Im going to get out of here.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_39.With a modal verb:What an impressive paper! Actually, you 1 have written such a long essay. The professor only asked for four or five hundred words.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_40.With an appropriate preposition:We left Xian 1a very hot summer afternoon.(分数:2.00)填空项

17、 1:_41.With an appropriate preposition:The number of the employees has grown from 1000 to 1200. This means it has risen 120 percent.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_42.With an appropriate preposition:As we all know, several primary schools and factories were named 1 the hero.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_43.With an appropriate pr

18、eposition: She had no sympathy 1the old lady.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_44.With a proper adverbial:He drank a cup of milk. 1,he ate three eggs.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_45.With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb:This is the very place 1Im wishing to live in.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_46.With an appropriate relative

19、 pronoun or relative adverb: The person 1is talking to the shop assistant is an engineer.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_47.With an appropriate link verb:Ten percent of the teachers 1the necessary certificate.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_48.With an appropriate coordinator or subordinator:Not that Im unwilling to lend you a hand

20、, 1 that Im too busy for the moment.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_49.With an appropriate coordinator or subordinator: 1the fire broke out, we were drinking.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_50.With an assertive, non-assertive or negative word:We have interviewed several applicants, but 1is really qualified for the job.(分数:2.00)填空项

21、 1:_51.With an assertive, non-assertive or negative word: Ive 1in all my life seen such a big animal.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_52.With a question tag:You had to take the early bus, 1?(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_53.With a question tag:It is ten years since he joined the army, 1?(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_54.Rewrite the following sen

22、tences as required.(分数:2.00)_55.Using plural invariables:A traffic accident often occurs at a crossroads.(分数:2.00)_56.Using passive voice:We must put an end to this state of things as soon as possible.(分数:2.00)_57.Using subjunctive mood:He helped us and thus we finished the work in time.(分数:2.00)_58

23、.Using a modal auxiliary:It is necessary that they follow their teachers instruction.(分数:2.00)_59.Using a preposition:If it werent for his sisters money, Harry would never be a doctor. (without)(分数:2.00)_60.Using a conjunct:The house was in bad repair. It was to be sold at a reduced price.(分数:2.00)_

24、61.Using a relative clause:I remember the morning. He first came to school.(分数:2.00)_62.Using coordination:The workers are cheerful. At least they appear to be cheerful.(分数:2.00)_63.Using a WH-question:It took me three days to finish the book.(分数:2.00)_64.Adding a suitable tag: He had to stay at hom

25、e.(分数:2.00)_65.Using extraposition:She took that her son would study medicine for granted.(分数:2.00)_66.Using anticipatory “it“: They are likely to succeed.(分数:2.00)_67.Using discontinuity:The time to decorate the house for Christmas has come.(分数:2.00)_68.Using fronting:Joe may be fool, but he is not

26、 thief.(分数:2.00)_69.Using inversion:Some plants are so sensitive to pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly clean environment.(分数:2.00)_V70.Answer the following question.(分数:2.00)_71.Both result-adjuncts and purpose-adjuncts can be introduced by 50 that. How can we tell the difference?(分

27、数:2.00)_72.Define the following terms with examples.(分数:2.00)_73.plural invariables(分数:2.00)_74.postponement(分数:2.00)_全国自考(现代英语语法)-试卷 9 答案解析(总分:148.00,做题时间:90 分钟)I1.Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(分数:2.00)_解析:2.Shin

28、gles_by a virus which attacks the nerves. ( )(分数:2.00)A.is causingB.is caused C.are causedD.are causing解析:解析:译文:带状疱疹是由侵入神经的病毒引起的。英语中的专有名词因为是特指,因此,即便以复数形式出现,其谓语动词也要用单数。本题中的 shingles 在这里是一个皮肤学专业名词,谓语要用单数,C 和 D 错;又因为 shingles 与 cause 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,要用被动态,A 错。答案为 B。3.That definition leaves_ for disagreemen

29、t. ( )(分数:2.00)A.much room B.a small roomC.many roomsD.a big room解析:解析:译文:这个定义给分歧的出现留下了很多空间。本题出现的 room 一词意为“空间”,是不可数名词,因此不可在名词后添加一 s 或用不定冠词修饰。因此 B、C、D 选项是错误的。答案为 A。4.Of_two colleagues,one lives in_town and the other in_countryside. ( )(分数:2.00)A./,a,theB.the,/,the C.the,the,theD./,/,/解析:解析:译文:这两名同事,

30、一个住在城里,一个住在乡下。第一空中“两名同事”是特指,故用the;第二空表示“在城里”,与“在乡下”相对,用固定短语 in town;第三空,表示“在乡下”,是固定用法 in the country。答案为 B。5.We feel it is high time that the government _ something to check the inflation. ( )(分数:2.00)A.did B.doC.should doD.would do解析:解析:该句型中,从句接虚拟语气,时态用一般过去时,意为“正到时候了”。答案为 A。6. I have got a headache

31、. No wonder. You_ in front of the computer too long. ( )(分数:2.00)A.workB.are workingC.have been working D.worked解析:解析:表示从过去某时开始一直延续到现在的动作时,要用现在完成进行体,该动作可能刚刚停止,也可能还在继续进行。本句意为:我很头痛。怪不得你头痛,你坐在电脑前工作太长时间了。答案为 C。7.As the train will not leave until one hour later, we _grab a bite at the snack bar. ( )(分数:2

32、.00)A.may wellB.just as wellC.might as well D.as well解析:解析:may(might)as well do sth为固定用法,主要用于表示提议或劝告,意为“不妨做某事”。答案为 C。8.Our teacher recommended that we _ as attentive as possible when we visit the museum. ( )(分数:2.00)A.areB.shall beC.be D.were解析:解析:recommend,command,suggest 等词后接的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,谓语动词应用(sho

33、uld)+动词原形。答案为 C。9.The news reporter hurried to the airport, only _the film stars had left. ( )(分数:2.00)A.to tellB.to be told C.tellingD.told解析:解析:only 加不定式作结果状语表示出人意料的结果,答案应在 A、B 之间选。由句意可知,记者是被告知,应使用被动语态,B 项符合题意。答案为 B。10.The factory will be fined if the work _by the end of the month is delayed. ( )(

34、分数:2.00)A.to be completed B.will be completedC.being completedD.completed解析:解析:空处应为 the work 的后置定语。by the end of the month 意为直到月底,说明工作尚未完成。同时 the work 与 complete 为动宾关系,因此应选用可以表将来时态和被动态的定语。只有 A 项to be done 的结构符合。答案为 A。11._ good, these cookies sell well. ( )(分数:2.00)A.SmelledB.Smelling C.Being smelled

35、D.To smell解析:解析:feel,look,smell,sound,taste 等感官性动无被动形式,要用主动形式表示被动意义。Smelling good 在此处作原因状语。答案为 B。12.I cant afford as _ as this one. ( )(分数:2.00)A.an expensive carB.expensive a car C.more expensive a carD.most expensive a car解析:解析:asas的拓展结构为 as+adj原级+aan+n单数+as,意为和一样。答案为 B。13.The wealth of a nation s

36、hould be measured _ the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce. ( )(分数:2.00)A.in regard withB.in line withC.by means ofD.in terms of 解析:解析:in terms of 意为“根据,从方面”;in regard with 是一个错误的搭配;而 in line with 意为“与一致,符合”;by means of 意为“靠着,凭借”。此处指“从国民的健康、幸福,以及国家生产的物质资料

37、”,因此 D 为正确选项。答案为 D。14.Then, as bystanders run _ all directions, the man fell abruptly to the ground after apparently being shot. ( )(分数:2.00)A.forB.towardC.toD.in 解析:解析:此题考查介词与动词的搭配。表示“跑向四面八方”,用 run in all directions,其中 in all directions 是固定搭配。答案为 D。15._ he didnt have anything, he was still in good

38、spirit. ( )(分数:2.00)A.WhenB.IfC.BecauseD.Though 解析:解析:Though 引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”。其他三项均不可引导让步状语从句。句意为:他尽管一无所有,却依然精神抖擞。答案为 D。16.Everyone believes that the day will come _ people all over the world live a rich and happy life. ( )(分数:2.00)A.when B.whereC.whichD.why解析:解析:the day 是关系分句的先行项,由于关系分句不缺少句子主要成分,the

39、 day 在该句中作时间状语。引导时间状语的关系词是 when。答案为 A。17.The iron and steel industry_ very important to our country. ( )(分数:2.00)A.areB.is C.beD.were解析:解析:当主语表示的是同一概念、同一人、同一事的时候,谓语动词用单数,这种结构的特征是and 连接的两个词只有一个冠词。答案为 B。18.On the wall_ two large portraits. ( )(分数:2.00)A.hangsB.hang C.is hangingD.are hung解析:解析:在主谓倒装的句子中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语一致。本句意为:墙上挂着两幅大肖像。答案为 B。19._ their differences, John and Mark remain good friends all their lives. ( )(分数:2.00)

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