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1、2015年宁波大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案解析(总分:8.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:8.00)1.英译汉_2.The lives of most men are determined by their environment. They accept the circumstances amid which fate has thrown them not only with resignation but even with good will. They are like streetcars running contentedly on their r

2、ails and they despise the sprightly flivver(廉价小汽车)that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country. I respect them; they are good citizens , good husbands, and good fathers, and of course somebody has to pay the taxes; but I do not find them exciting. I am fascina

3、ted by the men, few enough in all conscience, who take life in their own hands and seem to mould it to their own liking. It may be that we have no such thing as free will, but at all events we have the illusion of it. At a cross-road it does seem to us that we might go either to the right or the lef

4、t and, the choice once made, it is difficult to see that the whole course of the worlds history obliged us to take the turning we did.I never met a more interesting man than Mayhew. He was a lawyer in Detroit. He was an able and a successful one. By the time he was thirty-five he had a large and a l

5、ucrative practice, he had amassed a competence, and he stood on the threshold of a distinguished career. He had an acute brain, an attractive personality, and uprightness. There was no reason why he should not become, financially or politically , a power in the land. One evening he was sitting in hi

6、s club with a group of friends and they were perhaps a little worse(or the better)for liquor. One of them had recently come from Italy and he told them of a house he had seen at Capri, a house on the hill, overlooking the Bay of Naples, with a large and shady garden. He described to them the beauty

7、of the most beautiful island in the Mediterranean.(40%)(分数:2.00)_3.A study by Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel, economists at Columbia University and the University of California, Berkeley, gives a rare picture of how people from different cultures perform under new cultural norms. For instance, bet

8、ween 1997 and 2002 diplomats from Chad averaged 124 unpaid parking violations; diplomats from Canada and the United Kingdom had none. The results from 146 countries were strikingly similar to the Transparency International corruption index, which rates countries by their level of perceived sleaze. I

9、n the case of parking violations, diplomats from countries with low levels of corruption behaved well, even when they could get away with breaking the rules. The culture of their home country was imported to New York, and they acted accordingly.The same applied to high-corruption countries. Their di

10、plomats became increasingly comfortable with parking where they liked; as they spent more time in New York, their number of violations increased by 8-18%. Overall, diplomats accumulated 150,000 unpaid parking tickets during the five years under review.Yet any moral superiority New Yorkers may feel s

11、hould be tempered by the behavior of the American embassy in London. Last year, embassy staff stopped paying the congestion chargenow 8, or over $15for bringing cars into central London. The growing pile of unpaid charges now stands at $716,000.(35%)(分数:2.00)_4.汉译英_5.北国的槐树,也是一种能使人联想起秋来的点缀。像花而又不是花的那一

12、种落蕊,早晨起来,会铺得满地。脚踏上去,声音也没有,气味也没有,只能感出一点点极微细极柔软的触觉。扫街在树影下一阵扫后,灰土上留下来的一条条扫帚的丝纹,看起来既觉得细腻,又觉得清闲,潜意识下并且还觉得有点儿落寞,古人所说的梧桐一叶而天下知秋的遥想,大约也就在这些深沉的地方。 秋蝉的衰弱的残声,更是北国的特产:因为北平处处全长着树,屋子又低,所以无论在什么地方,都听得见它们的啼唱。在南方是非要上郊外或山上去才听得到的。这秋蝉的嘶叫,在北平可和蟋蟀耗子一样,简直像是家家户户都养在家里的家虫。还有秋雨哩,北方的秋雨,也似乎比南方的下得奇,下得有味,下得更像样。在灰沉沉的天底下,忽而来一阵凉风,便息列

13、索落地下起雨来了。一层雨过,云渐渐地卷向了西去,天又青了,太阳又露出脸来了。(40)(分数:2.00)_6.谁说我们这一代人都是忧国忧民呢?大学时代,有那么多同龄人选择过自己的日子:整天打麻将的、通宵跳舞的、到处找顺眼伴侣的、出了国就誓死不归的、吃喝玩乐无所不为的不管哪个时代,认真地心怀家国社会的总是少数,那少数中学而有成的,又是少数;学而有成还对家国之思持之以恒而且加以实践的,更是少数中的少数。社会的进步,是这些少数执着的人锲而不舍的推动,发挥影响而造成的。大多数的人,就搭了进步的便车,顺势前行。 不必谈社会制度的进步,即使只是一个灯光迷炫、乐鼓沸腾的酒吧舞场,也不会凭空而来。在舞场存在以前

14、,有人努力过,使这样的狂欢文化被容许而不是被取缔。然后,在“狂欢”的背后,必须有人制定法规,有人做消防检查,有人处理噪音,有人组织音响,有人筹备乐队,有人清理垃圾,有人设计下水道(35)(分数:2.00)_2015年宁波大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案解析(总分:8.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:8.00)1.英译汉_解析:2.The lives of most men are determined by their environment. They accept the circumstances amid which fate has thrown them n

15、ot only with resignation but even with good will. They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the sprightly flivver(廉价小汽车)that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country. I respect them; they are good citizens , good husbands, and

16、 good fathers, and of course somebody has to pay the taxes; but I do not find them exciting. I am fascinated by the men, few enough in all conscience, who take life in their own hands and seem to mould it to their own liking. It may be that we have no such thing as free will, but at all events we ha

17、ve the illusion of it. At a cross-road it does seem to us that we might go either to the right or the left and, the choice once made, it is difficult to see that the whole course of the worlds history obliged us to take the turning we did.I never met a more interesting man than Mayhew. He was a lawy

18、er in Detroit. He was an able and a successful one. By the time he was thirty-five he had a large and a lucrative practice, he had amassed a competence, and he stood on the threshold of a distinguished career. He had an acute brain, an attractive personality, and uprightness. There was no reason why

19、 he should not become, financially or politically , a power in the land. One evening he was sitting in his club with a group of friends and they were perhaps a little worse(or the better)for liquor. One of them had recently come from Italy and he told them of a house he had seen at Capri, a house on

20、 the hill, overlooking the Bay of Naples, with a large and shady garden. He described to them the beauty of the most beautiful island in the Mediterranean.(40%)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: 对于大多数人来说,生活是由环境决定的。他们在命运的拨弄面前,不仅逆来顺受,甚至还能随遇而安。这些人犹如街上的有轨电车,满足于在自己的轨道上运行;而对于那些不时出没于车水马龙间和欢快地奔驰在旷野上的廉价小汽车却不屑一顾。我尊重这些人;他们

21、是守法的公民、尽职的丈夫、慈祥的父亲。当然,总得有人缴纳种种税款;可是,我并不觉得他们使人振奋。另有些人把生活掌握在自己手里,似乎在按照自己的意愿创造生活。尽管这样的人寥若晨星,他们却深深地吸引了我。自由意志这玩意儿对我们来说也许纯属子虚乌有;但不管怎么说,它确实存在于我们的幻想之中。每逢站在十字路口,我们好像能在左右两条道路中任选其一,可一旦选定之后,却又很难认识到那实际是世界历史的整个进程左右了我们的转折点。 我从未见过比梅休更有意思的人了。他是底特律的一名律师,为人能干,事业上也很成功。35 岁时,他就门庭若市,收入可观,累累胜诉,声名昭著,前程似锦。他头脑灵活,性格招人喜欢,为人又很正

22、直,在这个国家不变得有钱或有势才怪呢。一天晚上,他与一些朋友在俱乐部聚会。喝了酒之后,他们也许有点醉意(或更清醒)了,其中一人刚从意大利回来,跟大家谈起了在卡普里岛看到的一幢房子。那是一幢坐落在小山上的房屋,还有个绿叶成荫的大花园。从屋里望出去,那不勒斯湾尽收眼底。他娓娓动听地把地中海这个最美的岛屿夸了一番。)解析:3.A study by Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel, economists at Columbia University and the University of California, Berkeley, gives a rare pic

23、ture of how people from different cultures perform under new cultural norms. For instance, between 1997 and 2002 diplomats from Chad averaged 124 unpaid parking violations; diplomats from Canada and the United Kingdom had none. The results from 146 countries were strikingly similar to the Transparen

24、cy International corruption index, which rates countries by their level of perceived sleaze. In the case of parking violations, diplomats from countries with low levels of corruption behaved well, even when they could get away with breaking the rules. The culture of their home country was imported t

25、o New York, and they acted accordingly.The same applied to high-corruption countries. Their diplomats became increasingly comfortable with parking where they liked; as they spent more time in New York, their number of violations increased by 8-18%. Overall, diplomats accumulated 150,000 unpaid parki

26、ng tickets during the five years under review.Yet any moral superiority New Yorkers may feel should be tempered by the behavior of the American embassy in London. Last year, embassy staff stopped paying the congestion chargenow 8, or over $15for bringing cars into central London. The growing pile of

27、 unpaid charges now stands at $716,000.(35%)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: 哥伦比亚大学和加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的经济学家雷蒙德?费斯曼和爱德华?米盖尔进行了一项研究,该项研究罕见地展示了来自不同文化的人在新的文化准则下如何表现。例如,1997-2002年,乍得的外交官平均每年有 124次未缴罚金的停车违规,而加拿大和英国的外交官一次也没有。对 146个国家进行的研究结果与“透明国际”腐败指数惊人地相似,该指数根据各国腐败现状对其进行排名。就违规停车而言,即便存在侥幸逃脱违规处罚的可能性,但来自腐败程度较低的国家的外交官员仍然表现良好。

28、他们将本国文化带入纽约,而且能够依此行事。 那些腐败程度较严重的国家也是如此。这些国家的外交官员在停车方面越来越随心所欲,想停哪里就停哪里。他们在纽约生活的时日越久,违规停车的次数也相应地增加了 8一 18。通过回顾调查,五年内外交官员未缴付的停车罚单总计达 15万张。 不过,美国大使馆在伦敦的行为会让纽约人可能产生的任何道德优越感荡然无存。去年,使馆人员开车到伦敦市中心不再缴纳交通堵塞费(现为 8英镑或超过 15美元)。目前累计欠缴高达 716 万美元。)解析:4.汉译英_解析:5.北国的槐树,也是一种能使人联想起秋来的点缀。像花而又不是花的那一种落蕊,早晨起来,会铺得满地。脚踏上去,声音也

29、没有,气味也没有,只能感出一点点极微细极柔软的触觉。扫街在树影下一阵扫后,灰土上留下来的一条条扫帚的丝纹,看起来既觉得细腻,又觉得清闲,潜意识下并且还觉得有点儿落寞,古人所说的梧桐一叶而天下知秋的遥想,大约也就在这些深沉的地方。 秋蝉的衰弱的残声,更是北国的特产:因为北平处处全长着树,屋子又低,所以无论在什么地方,都听得见它们的啼唱。在南方是非要上郊外或山上去才听得到的。这秋蝉的嘶叫,在北平可和蟋蟀耗子一样,简直像是家家户户都养在家里的家虫。还有秋雨哩,北方的秋雨,也似乎比南方的下得奇,下得有味,下得更像样。在灰沉沉的天底下,忽而来一阵凉风,便息列索落地下起雨来了。一层雨过,云渐渐地卷向了西去

30、,天又青了,太阳又露出脸来了。(40)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:Locust trees in the North, as a decorative embellishment of nature, also associate us with autumn. On getting up early in the morning, you will find the ground strewn all over with flower-like pistils fallen from locust trees. Quiet and smelless, they feel tin

31、y and soft underfoot. After a street cleaner has done the sweeping under the shade of the trees, you will discover countless lines left by his broom in the dust, which look so fine and quiet that somehow a feeling of forlornness will begin to creep up on you. The same depth of implication is found i

32、n the ancient saying that a single fallen leaf from the wutong tree is more than enough to inform the world of autumns presence. The sporadic feeble chirping of cicadas is especially characteristic of autumn in the North. Due to the abundance of trees and the low altitude of dwellings in Peiping, ci

33、cadas are audible in every nook and cranny of the city. In the South, however, one cannot hear them unless in suburbs or hills. Because of their ubiquitous shrill noise, these insects in Peiping seem to be living off every household like crickets or mice. As for autumn rains in the North, they also

34、seem to differ from those in the South, being more appealing, more temperate. A sudden gust of cool wind under the slaty sky, and raindrops will start pitter-pattering. Soon when the rain is over, the clouds begin gradually to roll towards the west and the sun comes out in the blue sky.)解析:6.谁说我们这一代

35、人都是忧国忧民呢?大学时代,有那么多同龄人选择过自己的日子:整天打麻将的、通宵跳舞的、到处找顺眼伴侣的、出了国就誓死不归的、吃喝玩乐无所不为的不管哪个时代,认真地心怀家国社会的总是少数,那少数中学而有成的,又是少数;学而有成还对家国之思持之以恒而且加以实践的,更是少数中的少数。社会的进步,是这些少数执着的人锲而不舍的推动,发挥影响而造成的。大多数的人,就搭了进步的便车,顺势前行。 不必谈社会制度的进步,即使只是一个灯光迷炫、乐鼓沸腾的酒吧舞场,也不会凭空而来。在舞场存在以前,有人努力过,使这样的狂欢文化被容许而不是被取缔。然后,在“狂欢”的背后,必须有人制定法规,有人做消防检查,有人处理噪音,

36、有人组织音响,有人筹备乐队,有人清理垃圾,有人设计下水道(35)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:Who says my peers were only concerned about the country and the people? Back in my university days, many of them also chose to live a cheerful, carefree life, playing mahjong all day, dancing all night, looking all over for a “presentable“ boyfrie

37、nd or girlfriend. Others, once abroad, swore never to return to their homeland. Still others acted on the hedonistic motto of “Eat, drink and be merry“ and did just as they pleased.In any era, those who devote themselves to the good of their compatriots and society as a whole, are but a few to start

38、 with. Among them, those who have done well in their studies are even fewer. As for those who actually live up to that ideal, they are extremely rare. However, human society would not have made all of its advances without the painstaking effort or positive influence of such peopleeveryone else just

39、muddles along. Lets brush aside for a moment the question of how to advance society in general. Even a brilliantly lit disco, a lot of fun with fast pulsating music, does not come out of nowhere. Its available because someone or another pushed real hard to permit rather than ban such “festive culture. “ Yet behind the scenes, unsung heroes are called in to draw up rules and regulations, check the firefighting equipment, adjust the noise level, set up the sound system, organize the band, or simply dump trash or make sure the sewage runs.)解析:


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