1、2016 年对外经济贸易大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案解析(总分:38.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、词语翻译(总题数:16,分数:28.00)1.英译汉_2.barriers to entry(分数:2.00)_3.car pooling(分数:2.00)_4.current account(分数:2.00)_5.export credit(分数:2.00)_6.quota(分数:2.00)_7.special drawing rights(分数:2.00)_8.tertiary industry(分数:2.00)_9.汉译英_10.全面二孩(分数:2.00)_11.一带一路(分数:2.0
2、0)_12.灵猫六国(分数:2.00)_13.跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(分数:2.00)_14.国际收支平衡表(分数:2.00)_15.首次公开募股(分数:2.00)_16.投资组合理论(分数:2.00)_二、英汉互译(总题数:7,分数:10.00)17.英译汉_18.Pursuing the Goals while Managing the Risks Improved client servicesthat will ultimately help the World Bank Group deliver on its goalscan only happen within a strong
3、risk management culture and framework that preserves the Bank Groups reputation and financial sustainability in an increasingly uncertain and challenging environment. The Bank Groups approach involves actively taking, while carefully managing, risks in pursuing its objectives. It seeks to ensure tha
4、t risks are adequately assessed, measured, monitored, and reported so that corrective action, if necessary, can be taken in a timely manner and impacts mitigated. As the environment changes and as new risks emerge, this process will evolve. The Bank Group faces a variety of risks related to developm
5、ent impacts, environmental and social safeguards, integrity, and financial management. It manages them through a customized risk rating and regular monitoring system as well as through engagement with clients. It manages other risks, including financial and operational risks, using leading industry
6、practices and standards adapted to the Bank Groups purposes. The external challenges are many. They include a low interest rate environment, which affects income; the impact of low oil prices on some country clients; geo-political tensions, which affect some of the Bank Groups areas of operation; th
7、e risks of economic slowdown, which are facing some developing countries; and policy normalization in developed markets, which can heighten volatility in currencies and capital flows to some emerging market economies. Finally, the Bank Group continues to face operational risks, including the growing
8、 threat of data and information security breaches and external events that can impact business continuity and the physical security of its staff. As both a development and a financial institution, the World Bank Group faces special challenges in the current environment. Initiatives in 2015 on financ
9、ing for development, the Sustainable Development Goals, and climate change will affect the development agenda for years to come. The emergence of new multilateral development institutions creates both opportunities and challenges for creative partnerships and requires fresh thinking about the financ
10、ial structure of the World Bank Group. These changes are occurring against a backdrop) of major internal organizational reform and an uncertain external environment. Internal reform is being stabilized, although the impact on staff and program delivery still needs to be carefully managed. Budgeting
11、effectively and securing resources for financial sustainability will also be key components of building stability.(分数:2.00)_19.汉译英_20.千川汇海阔,风好正扬帆。(分数:2.00)_21.同心合意,庶几有成。(分数:2.00)_22.急人所急,雪中送炭,是中国人崇尚的处事之道。(分数:2.00)_23.对加强海上合作的积极行动,我们会倾力支持;对破坏南海和平稳定的挑衅行为,我们会果断回应。中国人历来讲求“以德报德,以直报怨”,我们重情义,不会亏待朋友;我们讲原则,坚
12、定维护根本立场。我们应维护和平发展的大环境,打造亚洲责任共同体。地区动荡是祸,周边稳定是福。 在经济全球化背景下,亚洲各国的发展,不可能独善其身,也不应该是“零和博弈”,而是你中有我、我中有你的互利合作,能产生“一加一大于二”的叠加效应,甚至是“二乘以二大于四”的乘数效应。 “区域全面经济伙伴关系协定”(RCEP)是亚洲地区参与成员最多、规模最大的贸易协定谈判,是对既有成熟自贸区的整合。RCEP 具有较强的包容性,符合亚洲产业结构、经济模式和社会传统实际,采取循序渐进方式,兼顾成员国不同发展水平,不排斥其他区域贸易安排。(分数:2.00)_2016 年对外经济贸易大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案解
13、析(总分:38.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、词语翻译(总题数:16,分数:28.00)1.英译汉_解析:2.barriers to entry(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:进入壁垒:进入壁垒是影响市场结构的重要因素,是指产业内既存企业对于潜在进入企业和刚刚进入这个产业的新企业所具有的某种优势的程度。换言之,是指潜在进入企业和新企业若与既存企业竞争可能遇到的种种不利因素。进入壁垒具有保护产业内已有企业的作用,也是潜在进入者成为现实进入者时必须首先克服的困难。)解析:3.car pooling(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:拼车:拼车是指相同路线的几个人乘坐同一辆车上下班
14、、上下学、长途、旅游等,且车费由乘客平摊的出行方式。拼车有利于减轻车主的养车压力,方便乘客,还有益环保,能够有效缓解拥挤的城市交通。)解析:4.current account(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:经常账户:经常账户包括货物、服务、收入和经常转移四个项目,反映一国与他国之间的实际资产的流动,与该国的国民收入账户联系密切,也是国际收支平衡表中最基本、最重要的部分。)解析:5.export credit(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:出口信贷:出口信贷是一种国际信贷方式,是一国为了支持和鼓励该国大型机械设备、工程项目的出口,加强国际竞争力,以向该国出口商或国外进口商提供
15、利息补贴和信贷担保的优惠贷款方式,鼓励该国的银行对该国出口商或国外的进口商提供利率较低的贷款,以解决该国出口商资金周转的困难,或满足国外进口商对该国出口商支付货款需要的一种融资方式。)解析:6.quota(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:配额:配额是指一国政府在一定时期内对某些敏感商品的进口或出口进行数量或金额上的控制,其目的是调整国际收支和保护国内工农业生产,是非关税壁垒措施之一。)解析:7.special drawing rights(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:特别提款权:特别提款权是国际货币基金组织创设的一种储备资产和记账单位,是其原有的普通提款权外的补充,亦称“纸
16、黄金”。它是基金组织分配给会员国的一种使用资金的权利。会员国在发生国际收支逆差时,可用它向基金组织指定的其他会员国换取外汇,以偿付国际收支逆差或偿还基金组织的贷款,还可与黄金、自由兑换货币一样充当国际储备。它只是一种记账单位,不是真正货币,使用时必须先换成其他货币,不能直接用于贸易或非贸易的支付。)解析:8.tertiary industry(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:第三产业:第三产业是英国经济学家费希尔 1935 年在安全与进步的冲突一书中首先提出来的概念,指第一产业和第二产业以外,以服务业为主的部门。一般包括公共事业、金融保险事业和商业等。)解析:9.汉译英_解析:10.全
17、面二孩(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:universal two-child policy: The universal two-child policy is a major strategic policy issued in 2016 by Chinese central government based on Chinas current population, economic and social development. Under this policy, all married couples of each ethnic group, in both urban
18、and rural areas are allowed to have two children as a limit.)解析:11.一带一路(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:the Belt and Road Initiative: The Belt and Road Initiative is a development strategy and framework, proposed by Chinese president Xi Jinping that focuses on connectivity and cooperation among countries primar
19、ily between the Peoples Republic of China and the rest of Eurasia, which consists of two main components, the land-based “Silk Road Economic Belt“ and oceangoing “Maritime Silk Road. “)解析:12.灵猫六国(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:CIVETS: The CIVETS are six favored emerging markets countriesColombia, Indonesia, Vi
20、etnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa. These countries are favored for several reasons, such as “a diverse and dynamic economy“ and “a young, growing population.)解析:13.跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is a trade agreem
21、ent signed in February 2016 among twelve of the Pacific Rim countries. But all 12 nations needed to ratify it, before it could come into effect. The pact aims to deepen economic ties between these nations, slash tariffs and foster trade to boost growth.)解析:14.国际收支平衡表(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:balance of i
22、nternational payments: The balance of international payments of a country is the record of all economic transactions between the residents of the country and the rest of the world in a particular period ( over a quarter of a year or more commonly over a year). These transactions are made by individu
23、als, firms and government bodies. Thus the balance of international payments includes all external visible and non-visible transactions of a country.)解析:15.首次公开募股(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:initial public offering (IPO) : Initial public offering is a type of public offering in which shares of a company usu
24、ally are sold to institutional investors that in turn, sell to the general public, on a securities exchange, for the first time. In an IPO, the issuer obtains the assistance of an underwriting firm, which helps determine what type of security to issue, the best offering price, the amount of shares t
25、o be issued and the time to bring it to market.)解析:16.投资组合理论(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:Modern portfolio theory: Modern portfolio theory, or mean-variance analysis, is a mathematical framework for assembling a portfolio of assets such that the expected return is maximized for a given level of risk, defined
26、 as variance. Its key insight is that an assets risk and return should not be assessed by itself, but by how it contributes to a portfolios overall risk and return. Economist Harry Markowitz introduced MPT in a 1952 essay, for which he was later awarded a Nobel Prize in economics.)解析:二、英汉互译(总题数:7,分数
27、:10.00)17.英译汉_解析:18.Pursuing the Goals while Managing the Risks Improved client servicesthat will ultimately help the World Bank Group deliver on its goalscan only happen within a strong risk management culture and framework that preserves the Bank Groups reputation and financial sustainability in a
28、n increasingly uncertain and challenging environment. The Bank Groups approach involves actively taking, while carefully managing, risks in pursuing its objectives. It seeks to ensure that risks are adequately assessed, measured, monitored, and reported so that corrective action, if necessary, can b
29、e taken in a timely manner and impacts mitigated. As the environment changes and as new risks emerge, this process will evolve. The Bank Group faces a variety of risks related to development impacts, environmental and social safeguards, integrity, and financial management. It manages them through a
30、customized risk rating and regular monitoring system as well as through engagement with clients. It manages other risks, including financial and operational risks, using leading industry practices and standards adapted to the Bank Groups purposes. The external challenges are many. They include a low
31、 interest rate environment, which affects income; the impact of low oil prices on some country clients; geo-political tensions, which affect some of the Bank Groups areas of operation; the risks of economic slowdown, which are facing some developing countries; and policy normalization in developed m
32、arkets, which can heighten volatility in currencies and capital flows to some emerging market economies. Finally, the Bank Group continues to face operational risks, including the growing threat of data and information security breaches and external events that can impact business continuity and the
33、 physical security of its staff. As both a development and a financial institution, the World Bank Group faces special challenges in the current environment. Initiatives in 2015 on financing for development, the Sustainable Development Goals, and climate change will affect the development agenda for
34、 years to come. The emergence of new multilateral development institutions creates both opportunities and challenges for creative partnerships and requires fresh thinking about the financial structure of the World Bank Group. These changes are occurring against a backdrop) of major internal organiza
35、tional reform and an uncertain external environment. Internal reform is being stabilized, although the impact on staff and program delivery still needs to be carefully managed. Budgeting effectively and securing resources for financial sustainability will also be key components of building stability
36、.(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: 管理风险、实现目标 只有在强有力的风险管理文化和框架中,客户服务才能得以改善。正是因为有了这样有力的管理文化与框架,世行集团的名誉和财务可持续性才能在不稳定性和挑战性日益增加的情况下得以保护,而客户服务的改善最终将能帮助世行集团实现自己的目标。世行集团的做法是在实现目标的过程中既能积极承担风险,又能小心管理风险,要 确保风险能够充分评估、衡量、监督和报告从而在必要的情况下及时采取修正措施,降低风险影响。在情况发生变化,出现新的风险时,这一过程将继续发展。 世行集团面临一系列发展影响、环境和社会保障、廉政和财务管理的风险。世行通过特定的风险评级、定期
37、监督系统以及客户合作来管理这些风险。世行还利用符合集团目标的行业领先措施和标准管理金融和业务运营等其他方面的风险。 世行集团也面临很多外部挑战,包括影响收入的低利率环境;低油价对部分客户国的影响;影响世行集团在部分地区业务的紧张的地缘政治局势;一些发展中国家经济放缓的风险以及增加货币波动性和新型市场经济体资本流入波动性的发达市场政策的正常化。最后,世行集团还不断面临新的业务运营风险,包括日益严峻的数据和信息安全漏洞的威胁以及影响世行业务连续性和职员人身安全的外部事件。 世行集团既是发展机构也是金融机构,在当前形势下它还面临着特殊的挑战。2015 年发展融资倡议,可持续发展目标和气候变化将影响未来几年的发展议程。新的多边开发机构的成立为创造性的伙伴关系开辟了新的机遇也带来了新的挑战,这些都要求对世行集团的财务结构进行全面的思考。 这些挑战是在主要内设机构进行改革和外部环境出现不确定的形势下发生的。虽然内部改革不断稳定,但是改革对职员和项目交付的影响仍然需要慎重管理。预算有效性和确保财务可持续性的资源也将成为确保稳定性的关键因素。”)解析:解析: 本文选自世界银行发布的世界银行 2015 年度报告(World Bank Annual Report