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1、考博英语-106 及答案解析(总分:92.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Reading Compr(总题数:4,分数:32.00)Directions: There are 5 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and m

2、ark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets.The function of strategic planning is to position a company for long-term growth and expansion in a variety of markets by analyzing its strengths and weaknesses and examining current and potential opportunitie

3、s. Based on this information, the company develops strategy for itself. That strategy then becomes the basis for supporting strategies for its various departments.This is where all too many strategic plans go astrayat implementation. Recent business management surveys show that most CEOs who have a

4、strategic plan are concerned with the potential breakdown in the implementation of the plan. Unlike 1980s corporations that blindly followed their 5-year plans, even when they are misguided, todays corporations tend to second-guess.Outsiders can help facilitate the process, but in the final analysis

5、 if the company doesnt make the plan, the company wont follow the plan. This was one of the problems with strategic planning in the 1980s. In that era, it was an abstract, top-down process involving only a few top corporate officers and hired guns. Number crunching experts came into a company and ge

6、nerated tome-like volumes filled with a mixture of abstruse facts and grand theories which had little to do with the day-to-day realities of the company. Key middle managers were left out of planning sessions, resulting in lost opportunities and ruffled feelings.However, more hands-on strategic plan

7、ning can produce startling results. A recent survey queried more than a thousand small-to-medium-sized businesses to compare companies without one. The survey found that companies with strategic plans had annual revenue growth of 6.2 percent as opposed to 3.8 percent for the other companies.Perhaps

8、most important, a strategic plan helps companies anticipateand survive change. New technology and the mobility of capital mean that markets can shift faster than ever before. Some financial analysts wonder why they should bother planning two years ahead when market dynamics might be transformed by n

9、ext quarter. The fact is that its the very pace of change that makes planning so crucial. Now, more than ever, companies have to stay alert to the marketplace. In an environment of continual and rapid change, long-range planning expands options and organizational flexibility.(分数:8.00)(1).The primary

10、 purpose of the passage is to _. A. refute the idea that change is bad for a corporations long-term health B. describe how long-term planning, despite some potential pitfalls, can help a corporation to grow C. compare and contrast two styles of corporate planning D. evaluate the strategic planning g

11、oals of corporate America today(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).It can be inferred from the passage that, in general, strategic planning during the 1980s had all of the following shortcomings EXCEPT _. A. a reliance on outside consultants who did not necessarily understand the nuts and bolts of the business B.

12、a dependence on theoretical models that did not always perfectly describe the workings of the company C. an inherent weakness in the companys own ability to implement the strategic plan D. an excess of information and data that made it difficult to get to key concepts(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).The author

13、most likely mentions the results of the survey of 1,000 companies in order to _. A. put forth an opposing view on strategic plans so that she can then refute it B. illustrate that when strategic planning is “hands-on,“ it produces uninspiring results C. give a concrete example of why strategic plann

14、ing did not work during the 1980s D. support her contention that strategic planning, when clone correctly, can be very successful(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).The passage suggests which of the following about the “financial analysts “ mentioned in the third sentence in the last paragraph? A. They believe tha

15、t strategic planning is the key to weathering the rapid changes of the marketplace. B. They are working and anticipate market developments that are two years ahead. C. Their study of market dynamics has led them to question the reliability of short-term planning strategies. D. They might not agree w

16、ith the author that one way to survive rapidly changing conditions comes from long-range planning.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.The Brooklyn Bridge in New York has been featured in movies, photographs, and media for over a hundred years, but the bridge is much more than just a pretty sight. It opened on May 24,

17、1883, and, at 3,460 feet, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world, measuring 50% longer than any previously built. The Brooklyn Bridge was a symbol of American strength and vitality, but its completion followed years of toil and sacrifice.John Augustus Roebling, a German immigrant, envisio

18、ned the bridge that would link Manhattan to Brooklyn over the East River. While in preparations for building, however, John Roebling was injured when a ferry pinned his foot to a pylon, and he died weeks later of tetanus. This first setback to the building of the bridge was indicative of the problem

19、s that would plague its construction as well as the harrowing tenacity that led to its completion.Washington Roebling took over the project upon his fathers death. Washington persevered through many hurdles in the building of the bridge including fires, accidents, industrial corruption, and loss of

20、public support. He continued, however, in his push to complete the bridge. In fact, it is said that he worked harder and longer than any worker he employed in even the most dangerous circumstances. While working in the caissons, underwater chambers that supported the bridge, he was stricken by the d

21、ecompression sickness that led to his paralysis. Nothing could stop him, though, and he continued construction by sending messages to the site through his wife, Emily.Fourteen years after construction began, the Brooklyn Bridge celebrated its grand opening. The total cost to build the bridge was fif

22、teen million dollars, and 27 people died in its construction, but it stood as a tribute to American invention and industry.(分数:8.00)(1).The primary purpose of the passage is to _. A. convince the reader that the Brooklyn Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the world B. describe Washington Roe

23、blings rise to success C. show that Americans have an inborn talent for inventiveness D. describe how the Brooklyn Bridge was a great success despite the hardships faced in building it(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).It can be inferred from the third paragraph that Washington Roebling _. A. was injured by a fer

24、ry B. was determined to build the bridge despite many setbacks C. suffered from depression after his injury D. had a son who completed the building of a bridge(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Which of the following is given as a difficulty faced in building the Brooklyn Bridge? A. An excessive number of pylons

25、in the East River. B. An outbreak of tetanus among the workers. C. An increase in public support. D. The death of the man who envisioned the bridge.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Which of the following is NOT stated about the Brooklyn Bridge? A. It was a sign of American power. B. It cost millions of dollars

26、to build. C. It was not worth the money lost in building it. D. It has been seen in the movies.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.Etymology, the study of words and word roots, may sound like the kind of thing done by boring librarians in small, dusty rooms. Yet etymologists actually have a uniquely interesting job. T

27、hey are in many ways just like archaeologists digging up the physical history of people and events. The special aspect of etymology is that it digs up history, so to speak, through the words and phrases that are left behind.The English language, in particular, is a great arena in which to explore hi

28、story through words. As a language, English has an extraordinary number of words. This is in part due to its ability to adapt foreign words so readily. For example, “English“ words such as kindergarten (from Germany), croissant (from French), and cheetah(from Hindi) have become part of the language

29、with little or no change from their original sounds and spellings. So English-language etymologists have a vast world of words to explore.Another enjoyable element of etymology for most word experts is solving word mysteries. No, etymologists do not go around solving murders, cloaked in intrigue lik

30、e the great fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. What these word experts solve are mysteries surrounding the origins of some of our most common words.One of the biggest questions English language experts have pursued is how English came to have the phrase OK. Though it is one of the most commonly us

31、ed slang expressions, its exact beginning is a puzzle even to this day. Even its spelling is not entirely consistentunless you spell it okay, its hard even to call it a word.Etymologists have been able to narrow OKs origin down to a likely, although not certain, source. It became widely used around

32、the time of Matin Van Burens run for president in 1840. His nickname was Old Kinderhook. What troubles word experts about this explanation is that the phrase appeared in some newspapers before Van Buren became well-known. As a result, its unlikely that Van Buren could be called its primary source. L

33、ike bloodhounds following a faint scent, etymologists will doubtless keep searching for the initial source. However, it is clear that OKs popularity and fame have exceeded those of the American president to whom it has been most clearly linked.(分数:8.00)(1).In the second paragraph, etymologists are c

34、ompared with which of the following? A. Librarians in a dark room. B. Explorers of an immense world. C. Expert drivers. D. Talented teachers.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).The author uses the words “kindergarten,“ “croissant,“ and “cheetah“ to illustrate A. words with unknown origins B. examples of difficult

35、English vocabulary C. words similarly spelled or spoken in two languages D. areas of dispute among etymologists(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Which of the following best describes an etymologist? A. Pursuer of the source of words. B. Lover of vocabulary words. C. Scientist of the five senses. D. Archaeologist

36、 of extinct language.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).This passage is primarily about _. A. the history of the English language B. enjoyable aspects of the studies of words C. the use of language in the American presidency D. the origin of the phrase “OK“(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.Some observers have attributed the drama

37、tic growth in temporary employment that occurred in the United States during the 1980s to increased participation in the workforce by certain groups such as first-time or reentering workers, who supposedly prefer such arrangements. However, statistical analyses reveal that demographic changes in the

38、 workforce did not correlate with variations in the total number of temporary workers. Instead, these analyses suggest that factors affecting employers account for the rise in temporary employment. One factor is product demand: temporary employment is favored by employers who are adapting to fluctua

39、ting demand for products while at the same time seeking to reduce overall labor costs. Another factor is labors reduced bargaining strength, which allows employers more control over the terms of employment. Given the analyses, which reveal that growth in temporary employment now far exceeds the leve

40、l explainable by recent workforce entry rates of groups said to prefer temporary jobs, firms should be discouraged from creating excessive numbers of temporary positions. Government policymakers should consider mandating benefit coverage for temporary employee, promoting pay equity between temporary

41、 and permanent workers, assisting labor unions in organizing temporary workers, and encouraging firms to assign temporary jobs primarily to employees who explicitly indicate that preference.(分数:8.00)(1).The primary purpose of the passage is to _. A. present the results of statistical analyses and pr

42、opose further studies B. explain a recent development and predict its eventual consequences C. identify the reasons for a trend and recommend measures to address it D. outline several theories about a phenomenon and advocate one of them(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).The passage suggests which of the following

43、 about the use of temporary employment by firms during the 1980s? A. It enabled firms to deal with fluctuating product demand far more efficiently than they did before the 1980s. B. It increased as a result of increased participation in the workforce by certain demographic groups. C. It was discoura

44、ged by government-mandated policies. D. It increased partly as a result of workers reduced ability to control the terms of their employment.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).According to the passage, which of the following is true of the “factors affecting employers“ that are mentioned in the third sentence of t

45、he passage? A. Most experts cite them as having initiated the growth in temporary employment that occurred during the 1980s. B. They may account for the increase in the total number of temporary workers during the 1980s. C. They were less important than demographic change in accounting for the incre

46、ase of temporary employment during the 1980s. D. They included a sharp increase in the cost of labor during the 1980s.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).The passage mentions which of the following as an appropriate kind of governmental action EXCEPT _. A. getting firms to offer temporary employment primarily to a

47、 certain group of people B. encouraging equitable pay for temporary and permanent employee C. facilitating the organization of temporary workers by labor union D. establishing guidelines on the proportion of temporary workers that firms should employ(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.二、Part English-Chine(总题数:1,分数:20.

48、00)UThe literature of the American West ranges from lowbrow entertainment to great works of fiction. The extremes are obvious enough, but the middle tends to blur. The dime-store Western never aspired to be anything but entertainment/U. James Fenimore Cooper and Willa Cather, however, used the theme

49、s of westward expansion in works clearly intended as highbrow literature. UThe novels of modern writer Larry McMurtry broke new ground: He took the Western and created a great piece of fiction, without changing its fundamental genre appeal or its accessibility to the general reader/U. As an example of his retooling of the Western genre, consider McMurtrys themes. UWhile the Western myth


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