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1、考博英语-528 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:10.00)1.A uniformed maid, whom Nicole estimated to be _ the same age as herself, emerged from the house and crossed the porch to greet her warmly in Spanish.(分数:0.50)A.previouslyB.proportionatelyC.appropriatelyD.roughly2.Deals should be

2、 _ not only on your satisfaction, but also on the incorporation papers, budget, rules, and other documents.(分数:0.50)A.contingentB.detergentC.resurgentD.diligent3.He had been extremely _ in dealing with the financial question.(分数:0.50)A.tactfulB.courteousC.loftyD.shrewd4.As unemployment began to _, i

3、t may also have been true that those who were the first to be made redundant or were turned down for work were those who were least efficient.(分数:0.50)A.escalateB.augmentC.enlargeD.enhance5.The _ dining room can accommodate everyone at one seating, providing an atmosphere of easy informality and a c

4、hance to get to know the staff.(分数:0.50)A.spaciousB.spatialC.spiralD.spherical6.If you couldnt attend either of the concerts and are _ gnashing your teeth at having missed out, dont despair.(分数:0.50)A.heartedlyB.ultimatelyC.presentlyD.lately7.Garlic was once known as “the stinking rose“, and has bee

5、n used throughout the centuries to purify the blood and _ heart disease.(分数:0.50)A.back offB.buy offC.ward offD.doze off8.They had a celebration of their parents silver wedding on November 20, which _ in Tom getting drunk.(分数:0.50)A.contaminatedB.terminatedC.illuminatedD.culminated9.The age of hedon

6、ism is being ushered out by a new era of _ .(分数:0.50)A.temperamentB.temperanceC.tempoD.temperature10.Her government, by its clear _ with many previous policies, has placed a double strain on the traditional relationship.(分数:0.50)A.shatterB.ruptureC.breachD.collapse11.Another quick way to find inform

7、ation on the Internet is to _ the service providers home pages.(分数:0.50)A.inhaleB.meditateC.browseD.survey12.The banks were prepared to _ 50 million dollars to tide over the company.(分数:0.50)A.set upB.put upC.save upD.cut up13.An embarrassing blunder nearly _ his career before it got off the ground.

8、(分数:0.50)A.eradicatedB.blightedC.decayedD.deteriorate14.Dont expect young children to be as _ with the scenery as you are.(分数:0.50)A.alluredB.bewilderedC.confoundedD.enchanted15.Without a sensible sex education all kinds of strange and fantastic ideas will _ .(分数:0.50)A.take painsB.take leaveC.take

9、heartD.take root16.The early morning _ of the picnic area is replaced by the smell of the barbecue and the sounds of conversation and children running and playing.(分数:0.50)A.cessationB.luxuryC.vacancyD.tranquility17.Some women, particularly those over 35 years of age, seem to be more _ more serious

10、problems such as clots in veins if they smoke heavily.(分数:0.50)A.blamableB.attributable toC.vulnerable toD.responsible for18.My friends and I _ one another when were apart, and we shall continue to care about each other until we are permanently parted by death.(分数:0.50)A.pine forB.yearn forC.lust fo

11、rD.languish for19.Indeed, _ may develop in behavior occurring between different species.(分数:0.50)A.expectationB.reciprocationC.specificationD.visualization20.Finding ways of helping Russia _ its upheavals will be the most pressing task.(分数:0.50)A.pull downB.pull overC.pull throughD.pull up二、Part Clo

12、ze(总题数:1,分数:15.00)In the world of management, employees are nonexempt or exempt, depending on whether they get paid for overtime or not. (21) a creative scientist, like a creative artist, does not see his or her time. The very idea of a creative scientist (22) out time sheets is ludicrous. Fascinati

13、on in science cannot be turned on or off on (23) The creative mind continues to wander (24) the body eats, exercises, or sleeps. Interruptions in or out of the laboratory, the library, the office or the home study may (25) a promising effort. (26) the well-established practice of moonlighting. Do wh

14、at you need to do to keep the wolf (27) from the door, the world (28) your thesis adviser, team leader, or laboratory director. Then use the rest of your time, perhaps at night or on the weekends, to do (29) you really want to do. All of us who had done science know how to (30) effectively. So many

15、scientific books are prefaced by remarks such as “I thank my spouse, who tolerated my awful antics while this book was being written.“ I (31) that some of the most creative results to come out of my laboratory were obtained by graduate students or postdoctoral assistants in the (32) of my instructio

16、ns or even (33) against them.The creative mind has a vision. And vision, (34) Jonathan Smith, is the art of seeing things (35) . To try to explain a vision can get one into serious trouble, as Joan of Arc (圣女贞德) found out. It is better to moonlight until things become visible.(分数:15.00)A.AndB.ThenC.

17、ButD.BecauseA.completingB.fillingC.performingD.StudyingA.handB.demandC.requirementD.viewA.whileB.whereC.thoughD.sinceA.achieveB.ruinC.destroyD.distractA.HenceB.OtherwiseC.Because ofD.Worse stillA.outB.awayC.aloofD.asideA.isB.havingC.beingD.beA.whatB.thatC.itD.nothingA.moonlightB.be creativeC.studyD.

18、workA.confirmB.acknowledgeC.confessD.grantA.presenceB.helpC.absenceD.guideA.completelyB.occasionallyC.profoundlyD.rarelyA.followedB.as followingC.followingD.followsA.incredibleB.invisibleC.unimaginativeD.unnoticed三、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Passage 1(总题数:1,分数:4.00)

19、Much of many managers time is taken up with meetings. There are meetings with colleagues to agree a course of action. There are meetings with superiors to report and to discuss future policies. There are meetings with subordinates. Many would say that there are far too many meetings; some would be e

20、ven less polite. There can, however, be no doubt that meetings are part of every managers life. He should therefore know how to cope with them. He should know the techniques of communication in meetings. He should know how to use these techniques to his own advantage.It is sometimes suggested that w

21、hen a manager cant think what to do, he holds a meeting. But meetings in themselves are not an end product, no matter what some may think. They are merely one of many means of management communication. It may well be that a problem can be solved by a one-to-one discussion, face-to-face, or even by t

22、elephone. If the need can be met without a meeting, so be it.Let us therefore define a meeting, in the management sense, as the gathering together of a group of people for a controlled discussion, with a specific purpose. Each of those attending the meeting has a need to be there and both discussion

23、 and its result would not be so well achieved in any other way. It is often advisable to calculate the cost of a meeting. A simple meeting of a few people on middle-executive salaries can soon run into three-figure costs for wages alone. Do not, therefore, have unnecessary people sitting in at meeti

24、ngs and do ensure that all meetings are both efficient and effective.(分数:4.00)(1).How many different kinds of meetings are mentioned in the first paragraph?(分数:1.00)A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Fiv(2).According to the passage _ .(分数:1.00)A.a meeting is to be held when the manager does not know what to doB

25、.managers are not often required to attend meetingsC.holding a meeting is an end itselfD.a meeting is intended to be a controlled discussion with a definite purpose(3).Which of the following statements would the author most probably agree with?(分数:1.00)A.Meetings are the most effective means of comm

26、unication.B.An uncontrolled meeting is most unlikely to be effective or efficient.C.Where there is a need to be met, there is a meeting.D.Problems relating to management cannot be solved without a meeting of some kin(4).It is implied in the last few instances that _ .(分数:1.00)A.the problem to be dis

27、cussed at a meeting should be simple and the members of executives should be limited to 3 in numberB.unnecessary people may stand but not sit in at meetingsC.the wages of the middle executives for a simple meeting may range from one to several hundred US dollarsD.it is often advisable to invite only

28、 those people to a meeting whose salaries are comparatively low六、Passage 2(总题数:1,分数:6.00)My writing in my late teens and early adulthood was fashioned after the U.S. short stories and poetry taught in the high schools of the 1940s and 1950s, but by the 1960s, after I had gone to college and dropped

29、out and served in the military, I began to develop topics and themes from my Native American background. The experience in my village of Deetziyamah and Acoma Pueblo was readily accessible. My mother was a potter of the well-known Acoma clayware. My father carved figures from wood and did beadwork.

30、There was always some kind of artistic endeavor that Native American people, set themselves to, although they did not necessarily articulate it as “Art“ in the sense of Western civilization. When I turned my attention to my own heritage, I did so because this was my identity, and I wanted to write a

31、bout what that meant. My desire was to write about the integrity and dignity of a Native American identity, and at the same time I wanted to look at what this was within the context of an America that had too often denied its Native American heritage.To a great extent my writing has a natural politi

32、cal-cultural bent simply because I was nurtured intellectually and emotionally within an atmosphere of Native American resistance. The Acoma Pueblo, despite losing much of their land and surrounded by a foreign civilization, have not lost sight of their native heritage. At times, in the past, it was

33、 outright armed struggle; currently, it is often in the legal arena, and it is in the field of literature.In 1981, when I was invited to the White House for an event celebrating American poets and poetry, I did not immediately accept the invitation. I questioned myself about the possibility that I w

34、as merely being exploited as an Indian, and I hedged against accepting. But then I recalled the elders going among our people in the poor days of the 1950s, asking for donations in order to finance a trip to the nations capital. They were to make another countless appeal on behalf of our people, to

35、demand justice, to reclaim lost land even though there was only spare hope they would be successful. I went to the White House realizing that I was to do no less than they and those who had fought in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, and I read my poems and sang songs that were later described as “guttural

36、“ by a Washington, D.C. newspaper. I suppose it is more or less understandable why such a view of Native American literature is held by many, and it is also clear why there should be a political stand taken in my writing and those of my sister and brother Native American writers.The 1960s and afterw

37、ard have been an invigorating and liberating period for Native American people. It has been only a little more than twenty years since Native American writers began to write and publish extensively, but we are writing and publishing more and more; we can only go forward. We come from an ageless, con

38、tinuing oral tradition that informs us of our values, concepts, and notions as native people, and it is amazing how much of this tradition is ingrained so deeply in our contemporary writing, considering the brutal efforts of cultural repression that was not long ago outright U.S. policy. In spite of

39、 the fact that there is to some extent the same repression today, we persist and insist in living, believing, hoping, loving, speaking, and writing as Native Americans.(分数:6.00)(1).Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of Paragraph 1 of this selection?(分数:1.00)A.The artful n

40、ature of Native American life compels the author to explore and write about that heritage.B.Art is an important part of Native American life and should be a part of everyones existence.C.The author remembers his childhood, especially his parents and the elders in his community, in a very positive wa

41、y.D.A desire to return to traditional Native American values led the author to write about Native American issues.(2).What is the meaning of the word “spare“ as it is used in Paragraph 3 of the selection?(分数:1.00)A.Frugal.B.Extra.C.Meager.D.Fre(3).Which of the following caused the author to change h

42、is mind about declining his invitation to the White House?(分数:1.00)A.He realized that he had not been invited to the event as a representative of Native Americans.B.He remembered the sacrifices that his ancestors had made for the privilege of going there, even if only to be ignored.C.He was eager to

43、 read his poetry to an audience of other poets and literary critics.D.He wanted his writing and the writing of other Native American men and women to take on a more political ton(4).The effect of the quoted word “guttural“ as the author uses it in the third paragraph of the selection is to _ .(分数:1.

44、00)A.communicate the newspapers lack of understanding and respect for the authors presentationB.emphasize the dramatic effect on the White House audience of the authors reading of his poems and performance of traditional Pueblo songsC.describe most accurately how the author felt about his White Hous

45、e reading of his poemsD.convey the sound of the Acoma Pueblo language to readers who are unfamiliar with it(5).Which of the following assumptions most influenced the authors main argument in this selection?(分数:1.00)A.Literature can be a powerful tool for asserting the cultural values and political r

46、ights of ethnic groups.B.The artistic traditions of Native American peoples are similar to those of European cultures.C.All writings produced by Native Americans express, either directly or indirectly, a political position.D.The major responsibility of Native American writers is to celebrate and pre

47、serve the cultural traditions of their peopl(6).Which of the following topic lists best summarizes the main points of the selection?(分数:1.00)A.-Arts of Native American family-Invitation to White House-Brotherhood of Native American writersB.-Native American background as topic for writing-Importance

48、 of attending White House poetry event-Vitality of contemporary Native American writingC.-Native American writing-Achievements of ancestors-Future of Native AmericansD.-Writing in 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s-Involvement of Native Americans in many forms of art-Writing about Native American heritage七、Pas

49、sage 3(总题数:1,分数:5.00)Monochronic time (M-time) and polychronic time (P-time) represent two variant solutions to the use of both time and space as organizing frames for activities. Space is included because the two systems (time and space) are functionally interrelated. M-time emphasizes schedules, segmentation, and promptness. P-time systems are characterized by several things happening at once. They stress involvement of people and completion of t


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