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1、考博英语-55 及答案解析(总分:76.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart Listenin(总题数:10,分数:5.00)1.It is agreed that all nations should take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN _ and other international laws.(分数:0.50)A.CharterB.ConstitutionC.ConcordanceD.Custody2.The two delegates had an in-depth exchange of views o

2、n how to enhance their _ cooperation.(分数:0.50)A.ethicalB.bilateralC.mandatoryD.subsidiary3.When we credit the successful people with intelligence, physical strength or good luck we are making excuses for ourselves because we fall _ in all three.(分数:0.50)A.rareB.lackingC.shortD.scarce4.The houses in

3、this area were all erected in _ of housing regulations.(分数:0.50)A.complianceB.defianceC.allianceD.obedience5.The company will _ to its agreement, no matter how costly the process may be.(分数:0.50)A.retainB.alterC.abandonD.adhere6.He seemed reluctant to send his troops in an effort to discourage the _

4、 peasants.(分数:0.50)A.animatedB.rebelliousC.creasedD.impassive7.He had wanted a 25 % raise in pay, but after talking to his boss, he decided that a 5% raise would have to _.(分数:0.50)A.sufficeB.satisfyC.gratifyD.delight8.Three weeks after the suicide bombing, the police were still hunting for bombers

5、for they believe more were _.(分数:0.50)A.on the vergeB.on the slyC.on the spotD.on the loose9.AIDS is causing great public concern because the _ fatal disease hits primarily young people.(分数:0.50)A.invariablyB.imperativelyC.transientlyD.deceptively10.The drug store at the comer of our street sells as

6、pirins and _ penicillin prescriptions.(分数:0.50)A.dispensesB.disposesC.dispersesD.dispatches二、BPart B/B(总题数:10,分数:5.00)11.It is reported that the latest outbreak of the bird flu in Pennsylvania in the United States has prompted China to slap a ban on poultry imports from the sate.(分数:0.50)A.marine pr

7、oductsB.dairy productsC.industrial productsD.avian products12.As there was not enough money to bury all dead AIDS orphans, 23 babies were interred in a modest cemetery in South Africa before World AIDS Day.(分数:0.50)A.parentless childrenB.miserable victimsC.contagious bodiesD.infections patient13.In

8、his opinion, the objection to barbarity does not mean that capital punishment should not go on.(分数:0.50)A.adversityB.savageryC.habitatD.integrity14.Lincoln, former president of the United States, is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded.(分数:0.50)A.sturdyB.obstinateC.permanentD.manifest15

9、.Research should continue on controlled nuclear fusion, but no energy program should be premised on its existence until it has proved practical.(分数:0.50)A.focusedB.concentratedC.agreedD.based16.Now researchers are directing more attention to the social and cultural impetus that propelled university

10、graduates into careers in management.(分数:0.50)A.implicationB.propagandaC.impulseD.refuted17.It could not be ruled out that, sooner or later, the country would break out of the treaty.(分数:0.50)A.confirmedB.toleratedC.excludedD.refuted18.Pirated compact disks and floppy disks remained the second bigge

11、st vehicle for the spread of computer viruses despite the governments determined efforts to quash software piracy.(分数:0.50)A.boostB.preventC.crushD.restrict19.What is at fault in our present system is not the outcome but the fallible procedure.(分数:0.50)A.sublimeB.erroneousC.plausibleD.impeccable20.H

12、e displayed a complete lack of courtesy and tact in dealing with his employer.(分数:0.50)A.tenacityB.curiosityC.civilityD.hostility三、BPart Cloze/(总题数:20,分数:20.00)A.acceleratingB.strengtheningC.decliningD.fluctuatingA.overtaxedB.overdosedC.overweighedD.overlappedA.conferenceB.symposiumC.seminarD.discip


14、ministeredD.establishedA.tookB.producedC.broughtD.carried33.A creek B. flood C. bonus D. pledge(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.A.atB.onC.forD.withA.SinceB.DespiteC.AlthoughD.UnlessA.notorietyB.compatibilityC.proximityD.priorityA.tenantB.determinantC.lubricantD.repentantA.abilityB.advantageC.benefitD.interestA.thro

15、ughB.acrossC.intoD.towardsA.NeverthelessB.ThereforeC.FurthermoreD.Hence fore四、BPart Reading (总题数:5,分数:5.00)41.Which of the following sentences can be the best title of this passage?(分数:1.00)A.Kids Say: ChillB.Kids Stress ParentsC.Parents Complain about workD.Parents Get in Good Mood42.The phrase “pa

16、ring them down“ in the third paragraph most likely means _.(分数:1.00)A.gathering the work and family duties togetherB.matching the work quality to life qualityC.decreasing the defeating commitmentsD.denying to fulfill their work and family obligations43.Which of the following is not the way to de-str

17、ess the parents heavy burden?(分数:1.00)A.Forgetting about the job as soon as leaving the office.B.Reducing participating the activities for the office.C.Sharing with the children some happy experience.D.Taking part more actively in community activities.44.The author mentions her own childhood experie

18、nce to show that _.(分数:1.00)A.she never understood why her parents had odd jobs and argued about the presidentB.she didnt know what her parents did to earn money to support the family when she was youngC.she did understand why the American became more and more close and hugged a lotD.she could see t

19、hat the American parents keep the stress and tiredness from work to themselves45.We can infer from the second paragraph that nowadays the children _.(分数:1.00)A.are very anxious about their parents for their hard workB.are looking forward to being with their parentsC.are very considerate about their

20、parentsD.are very ambitions to change their parents work五、BPassage 2/B(总题数:5,分数:5.00)46.How can a professor evaluate a students capability of implementing the research?(分数:1.00)A.By concentrating on the main factors like the purpose, background, procedures and discussion.B.By emphasizing the practic

21、al implications and recommendations of the research.C.By focusing on the detailed description of the process of the research such as the tools, procedures, the process of data analysis, the results, and conclusions etc.D.By noticing the detailed method used to collect the data, the construction of t

22、he data collection procedures, the techniques for analyzing the date and results etc.47.The best title for this passage could be _.(分数:1.00)A.Types of Research ReportsB.Types of Journal ArticlesC.Writing of research ReportsD.Writing of Different Articles48.Which of the following statements is not me

23、ntioned in this passage?(分数:1.00)A.Both journal articles and conference papers are reported in a brief and informative way.B.All the theses or dissertations and conference papers are reported in spoken languages.C.Both the journal articles and conference papers are influenced greatly by the intended

24、 receivers.D.The various formats of research reports may be presented in different ways.49.The common aspect for the journal articles, theses and conference papers lies in that _.(分数:1.00)A.they are all for the practitionersB.they are all to be read by researchersC.they are all for being publishedD.

25、they are all forms of reporting research50.We can distinguish those research reports from each other mainly through _.(分数:1.00)A.their writing style and lengthB.their aims and possible audiencesC.their presented places and timeD.their content and purposes六、BPassage 3/B(总题数:5,分数:5.00)51.Which of the

26、following statements can be the best title for this passage?(分数:1.00)A.Reading the Mind of the MarketB.Controlling the Consumers PreferencesC.Improving the Styles of AdvertisingD.Finding Out the Way to Predict52.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?(分数:1.00)A.Sometimes people

27、will conceal what they think when being questioned by the market researchers.B.Stephen Kosslyn and Gerald Zaltman overlook the experiments and criticize the purpose of the study.C.Harvard researchers have found the corresponding relations between peoples brain and behavior.D.There are many large org

28、anizations endorsing and financing the Harvard groups further investigation.53.What does “to speak to“ in the last sentence of the second paragraph mean?(分数:1.00)A.to talk toB.to say toC.to communicate toD.to respond to54.Why do the Harvard researchers use scientific technology in the experiments?(分

29、数:1.00)A.Because they dont believe the surveys done by the marketers can lead to the truth.B.Because they are asked by the marketers to find a direct way to read the consumers thoughts.C.Because they want to find out how the ads influence peoples brain activity and emotional responses etc.D.Because

30、they expect that their experiments can basically alter the marketing strategies of products.55.The last sentence of this passage implies that _.(分数:1.00)A.If the experiments results can be applied to the practice, the customers will be very likely to buy things according to the ads.B.If the Harvard

31、group can succeed in finishing the research, they will use it in attracting more and more and more and more consumers into the market.C.The financial supporting corporations such as Coca Cola, General Motors can employ the experiments in their own marketing.D.The consumers may discover that those ad

32、s will always annoy them by jingling out of their heads and cause them headaches.七、BPassage 4/B(总题数:5,分数:5.00)56.It is essential for a policeman to be trained in criminal law _.(分数:1.00)A.so that he can catch criminals in the streetsB.because many of the criminals he has to catch are dangerousC.so t

33、hat he can justify his arrests in courtD.because he has to know nearly as much about law as a professional lawyer57.When murders and terrorist attacks occur the police _.(分数:1.00)A.prefer to wait for the criminal to give himself awayB.spend a lot of effort on trying to track down their manC.try to m

34、ake a quick arrest in order to keep up their reputationD.usually fail to produce results58.The everyday life of a policeman or detective is _.(分数:1.00)A.exciting and glamorousB.full of dangerC.devoted mostly to routine mattersD.wasted on unimportant matters59.Detectives are rather cynical because _.

35、(分数:1.00)A.nine tenths of their work involves arresting peopleB.hardly anyone tells them the truthC.society does not punish criminals severely enoughD.too many criminals escape from jail60.The real detective lives in “an unpleasant moral twilight“ because _.(分数:1.00)A.he is an expensive public serva

36、ntB.he must always behave with absolute legalityC.he is obliged to break the law in order to preserve itD.he feels himself to be cut off from the rest of the world八、BPart Translat(总题数:1,分数:3.00)61.B The Basis for Social Order/B Man, said Aristotle, is a social animal. This sociability requires peace

37、ful congregation, and the history of mankind is mainly a movement through time of human collectivities that range from migrant tribal bands to large and complex civilizations. Survival has been due to the ability to create the means by which men in groups retain their unity and allegiance to one ano

38、ther. Order was caused by the need and desire to survive the challenge of the environment. This orderly condition called the “state“, and the roles that maintained it, file “law“. With time the partner to this tranquility, man marched across the centuries of his evolution to the brink of exploring t

39、he boundaries of his own galaxy. Of all living organisms, only man has the capacity to interpret his own evolution as progress. As social life changed, the worth and rights of each member in the larger group, of which he was a part, increased. As the groups grew from clans to civilizations, the valu

40、e of the individual did not diminish, but became instead a guide to the rules that govern all men.(分数:3.00)_九、BPart B/B(总题数:1,分数:3.00)62.各学科的发展日新月异,令人称奇,但衡量知识、能力的方法却依然如故,非常原始。迄今为止,教育工作还没有找到比考试更有效、更可靠的方法,着实有点离奇。尽管有不少人认定,考试能衡量出一个人的知识水平,但实际情况恰恰相反,这是有目共睹的。要想考察一个人死记硬背的本事和在极大压力下快速答题的技巧,考试或许是个不错的办法。然而,要想了解

41、一个人的禀赋资质和实际能力如何,考试是考不出名堂来的。(分数:3.00)_十、BPart Writing(总题数:1,分数:20.00)_考博英语-55 答案解析(总分:76.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart Listenin(总题数:10,分数:5.00)1.It is agreed that all nations should take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN _ and other international laws.(分数:0.50)A.Charter B.ConstitutionC.Concor

42、danceD.Custody解析:charter 宪章,the UN Charter 联合国宪章;constitution 宪法,章程,惯例;concordance 和谐;custody保官。2.The two delegates had an in-depth exchange of views on how to enhance their _ cooperation.(分数:0.50)A.ethicalB.bilateral C.mandatoryD.subsidiary解析:句意:两位代表就如何加强双边合作深入交换了意见。bilateral 双边的;ethical 道德的;mandat

43、ory强制的,托管的;subsidiary 辅助的,补充的。3.When we credit the successful people with intelligence, physical strength or good luck we are making excuses for ourselves because we fall _ in all three.(分数:0.50)A.rareB.lackingC.short D.scarce解析:句意:当我们把成功人士的成功归因于聪明、体力或好运的时候,我们也是在为我们自己找借口,因为我们在所有这三个方面都落后了。fall short

44、表示“落后”;rare 罕见的;lacking 缺乏的,不足的;scarce 缺乏的。4.The houses in this area were all erected in _ of housing regulations.(分数:0.50)A.complianceB.defianceC.allianceD.obedience 解析:句意:这一地区的房子都是按照建房规定建盖的。obedience 服从,顺从;in obedience of 遵守,依照;compliance 依从,in compliance of 符合,依据;defiance 挑衅,蔑视;alliance 联盟,联合。5.T

45、he company will _ to its agreement, no matter how costly the process may be.(分数:0.50)A.retainB.alterC.abandonD.adhere 解析:句意:该公司将信守协议,不论这一过程的代价有多大。adhere 坚持,与 to构成常用词组;retain保持,保留;alter 改变;abandon 放弃,遗弃。6.He seemed reluctant to send his troops in an effort to discourage the _ peasants.(分数:0.50)A.anim

46、atedB.rebellious C.creasedD.impassive解析:句意:他似乎不太愿意用他的军队去阻止起义的农民。rebellious 反叛的,反抗的; animated 活泼的,生动的;creased 有折痕的;impassive 冷漠的。7.He had wanted a 25 % raise in pay, but after talking to his boss, he decided that a 5% raise would have to _.(分数:0.50)A.suffice B.satisfyC.gratifyD.delight解析:句意:他本想得到 25%

47、的工资涨幅,但在同老板谈话后,他认为他不得不满足于 5%的涨幅。suffice使满足,表示带有无奈情绪的满足;satisfy 满足,主语为人;gratify 使满足,表示超出预想的满足;delight(使)高兴,(使)欣喜。8.Three weeks after the suicide bombing, the police were still hunting for bombers for they believe more were _.(分数:0.50)A.on the vergeB.on the sly C.on the spotD.on the loose解析:句意:自杀性爆炸三个

48、星期之后,警方还在搜寻爆炸者,因为他们相信还有更多的爆炸者在暗地里行动。on the sly 偷偷地,暗地里;on the verge 后跟 of结构表示“在的边缘”;on the spot 当场,在现场;on the loose 散漫,放荡。9.AIDS is causing great public concern because the _ fatal disease hits primarily young people.(分数:0.50)A.invariably B.imperativelyC.transientlyD.deceptively解析:invariably 不变的,总是;imperatively 命令式地;transiently 短暂地;deceptively 迷惑地,虚伪地。10.The drug s


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