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1、考博英语-610 及答案解析(总分:125.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Vocabulary(总题数:30,分数:35.50)1.Their experiments show that the _ strain of wheat grows more quickly and is resistant to disease.A. newly planted B. newly cultivated C. hybrid D. imported(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.2.Being the manager of a large corporation, he has a gre

2、at deal of _ to deal with every day.A. correspondents B. correspondence C. incidence D. dependence(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.3.Although the end of the term was close_, Jim had not completed all of the projects he had hoped to finish.A. on hand B.b.y hand C. at hand D. in hand(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.4.While modulatio

3、n/demodulation technology was being standardized for the most recent modems, several other peripheral standards were also being developed.A. auxiliary B. notable C. relevant D. elemental(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.5.After some time the second stage of the space shuttle, having used up its fuel, just like the b

4、ooster, separates and _.A. runs away B. charges for C. falls off D. merges into(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.6.A good deal of the _ for his achievement in this field must go to his supervisor, Professor Fang.A. credit B. reputation C. respect D. praise(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.7.I hope my students will allow a _ for erro

5、r correction.A. quota B. margin C. burial D. fringe(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.8.It is not considered _ to pick ones teeth in public.A. respectful B. respected C. respectable D. respective(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.9.All the commodities sold in that shop are given one years _.A. assurance B. warrant C. guarantee D. insu

6、rance(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.10.During the rainy season the Mississippi River may carry away hundreds of acres of valuable top soil from one area and arbitrarily deposit it in another.A. subsequently B. lawfully C. mercilessly D. randomly(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.11.He was not _ and preferred to be alone most of th

7、e time.A. antisocial B. gracious C. sociable D. cordial(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.12.Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of a lack of originality, is the step in learning to be _.A. elegant B. confident C. creative D. imaginary(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.13.English primrose need to

8、 be grown in rich damp soil with plenty of _ or compost worked into it.A. marijuana B. manure C. malt D. mallet(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.14.All the students in this university are requested to comply with the regulations.A. required B. demanded C. ordered D. expected(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.15.Though the wide univer

9、se is full of good, kernel of flourishing com can come to (man) (only through) his own toil (bestowed) that plot of ground which is given him (to till).A. man B. only through C. bestowed D. to till(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.16.The retired engineer plunked down 50000 in cash for a mid-size Mercedes as a presen

10、t for his wife a purchase _ with money made in the stock market the week before.A. paid off B. paid through C. paid out D. paid for(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.17.I don t believe such a strange story. I am certain it is a complete_.A. fabrication B. lubrication C. synthesis D. generalization(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.18.

11、What we consider a luxury at one time frequently becomes a_; many fami lies find that ownership of two cars is indispensable.A. fashion B. necessity C. proclivity D. nuisance(分数:10.00)A.B.C.D.19.He was a member of the Hillary _ that conquered Mount Everest.A. mission B. invasion C. experiment D. exp

12、edition(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.20.New technologies continue to be a driving force, as developments in satellites, digital video, and _ multimedia that have yet to work their way into broadcast or cable are becoming essential to corporate TV operations.A two-way B interactiveC two-sided D mutual(分数:1.00)A.B

13、.C.D.21.In spite of _reviews in the press, tile production of her play was almost certain oblivion by enthusiastic audiences whose acumen was greater than that of the critics.A. lukewarm. condemned to B. scathing. exposed toC. lackluster. rescued from D. sensitive. reduced to(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.22.Turn

14、ing cultivated land back into forests or pasture is a fundamental way to stem soil _ and desertification in the long run.A. erosion B. depletion C. violation D. delusion(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.23.A physical examination is a _ to joining the army.A. parliamentary B. preliminary C. elementary D. complementar

15、y(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.24.Every community requires a wholesome, dependable supply of water, and every community generates liquid and solid wastes.A. considerable B. healthful C. immediate D. secure(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.25.When he realized he had been _ to sign the contract by intrigue, he threatened to start

16、legal proceedings to cancel the agreement.A elicited B excited C deduced D induced(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.26.Tom could hardly _ his excitement as he knew that he had made a real discovery.A. conceal B. reveal C. show D. discover(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.27.A manager who takes absolute control of a workplace situati

17、on, without reference to their teams views and input, would be exhibiting a(n) _ management style.A. authorized B. authoritative C. authoritarian D. authority(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.28.Indeed, _ may develop in behavior occurring between different species.A. expectation B. reciprocation C. specification D.

18、visualization(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.29.Henry Tanner received widespread recognition for his naturalistic paintings of plantation life.A. profits B. storage C. attention D. invitations(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.30.Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will the economy.A. k

19、nock down B. drag down C. settle down D. put down(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:7.50)One of the youngest independent countries in the Western Hemisphere, Trinidad and Tobago, became a nation on August 31, 1962. For a long time this nation has attracted tou

20、ristsit is the home of calypso music and limbo dancingand in recent years its healthy economy has attracted investors as well.Trinidad and Tobago is a single country composed of two islands Trinidad, with the majority of the countrys 900,000 inhabitants, is a rectangle of roughly fifty by forty mile

21、s. Tobago, nineteen miles to the north, is smaller and has a population of about 35,000.Situated at the end of the long chain of Windward and Leeward Islands, Trinidad is at one point only seven miles off the coast of Venezuela. Its geology, flora, and fauna are similar to those of the South America

22、n mainland. Like Venezuela, the backbone of Trinidad and Tobagos economy is petroleum and its first colonists were Spaniards.Three mountain ranges, with summits of up to 3,000 feet, cross Trinidad from east to west, while Tobago is a relatively flat coral island, rimmed with fine beaches. The broad

23、plains between Trinidads mountain ranges are dominated by vast fields of sugar cane that present a symmetrical green pattern when seen from the air. A closer inspection reveals the coconut plantations along the coast and the profusion of brilliant red and yellow flowers of various species that are f

24、ound all over the island. Houses on both islands tend to be light-colored, with an open style of architecture, in many cases with open space under the entire dwelling. Port-of-Spain, the capital, is a bustling modern city where the pulse of the people reflects Britist, Spanish, and East Indian influ

25、ences.(分数:7.50)(1).The title below that best expresses the main idea of this passage is _.A. Trinidad and Tobago, A Young CountryB. Two IslandsC. Trinidads Attraction to TouristsD. Sugar Cane Production(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.(2).Tobagos area is _.A. approximately 2,000 square miles B. less than 2,000 squa

26、re milesC. 19 miles from Trinidad D. more than 2,000 square miles(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.(3).The flowers of Trinidad resemble those of _.A. Cuba B. Puerto RicoC. Windward Islands D. Venezuela(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.(4).Trinidads economy depends on _.A. sugar cane B. coconuts C. tourists D. oil(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.(5)

27、.Sugar cane grows best _.A. in mountainous areas B. along the coastC. in valleys D. in coral islands(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.四、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:8.00)The component of the healthy personality that is the first to develop is the sense of trust. As with other personality components, the sense of trust is no

28、t something that develops independent of other manifestations of growth. It is not that infants learn how to use their bodies for purposeful movement, learn to recognize people and objects around them, and also develop a sense of trust. Rather, the concept “sense of trust“ is a shortcut expression i

29、ntended to convey the characteristic flavor of all the childs satisfying experiences at this early age.Studies of mentally ill individuals and observations of infants who have been grossly deprived of affection suggest that trust is an early-formed and important element in the healthy personality. P

30、sychiatrists find again and again that the most serious illnesses occur in patients who have been sorely neglected or abused or otherwise deprived of love in infancy.Observations of infants brought up in emotionally unfavorable institutions or moved to hospitals with inadequate facilities for psycho

31、logical care support these findings. A recent report says that “Infants under 5 months of age who have been in an institution for some time present a well-defined picture. The outstanding features are listlessness, relative immobility, quietness, poor sleep, an appearance of unhappiness, etc.“ Anoth

32、er investigation of children separated from their mothers at 6 to 12 months and not provided with an adequate substitute comes to much the same conclusion.Most significant for our present point, these reactions are most likely to occur in children who, up to the time of separation at 6 to 9 months o

33、f age, had a happy relation with their mothers, while those whose relations were unhappy are relatively unaffected. It is at about this age that the struggle between trusting and mistrusting the world comes to a climax, for it is then that children first perceive clearly that they and their environm

34、ent are things apart. That at this point formerly happy infants should react do badly to separation suggests, indeed, that they had a faith that now has been shattered.In most primitive societies and in some sections of our own society, the attention accorded infants is more in line with natural pro

35、cesses. Throughout infancy the baby is surrounded by people who are ready to feed it, fondle it, and otherwise comfort it at a moments notice. Moreover, these ministrations are given spontaneously and wholeheartedly, and without that element of nervous concern that may characterize the efforts of yo

36、ung mothers made self-conscious and insecure by our scientific age.We must not exaggerate, however. Most infants in our society too find smiles and comfort. As their own bodies come to be more dependable, there is added to the pleasures of increasing sensory response and motor control the pleasure o

37、f the mothers encouragement. Then, too, psychologists tell us that mothers create a sense of trust in their children not by the particular techniques they employ but by the sensitiveness with which they respond to the childrens needs and by their overall attitude.(分数:7.98)(1).The sense of trust in a

38、n infant is under development when _.A. the infant experiences some satisfactionB. adults trust is adequateC. the infant learns how to moveD. the infant is surrounded by people he can recognize(分数:1.14)A.B.C.D.(2).The author raises evidence of mental illness and other disorders in children _.A. to i

39、ntroduce a discussion of the effect of institutions on childrenB. to show the effect on children of an unhappy relation with their mothers during infancyC. to warn parents of the dangers of neglecting and abusing their childrenD. to support the point that trust is an early formed and important eleme

40、nt of a healthy personality(分数:1.14)A.B.C.D.(3).Babies might mistrust the world if _.A. they did not receive food when they were hungryB. they mastered their body movements too quicklyC. someone came too close to themD. they saw an object disappear(分数:1.14)A.B.C.D.(4).The climax in the development o

41、f a sense of trust occurs _.A. before maternal affection is providedB. when a child perceives that he or she is separate from the environmentC. when a child successfully controls his or her muscular coordinationD. as a result of maternal separation(分数:1.14)A.B.C.D.(5).A possible reason that a child

42、having an unhappy relation with his/her mother will not be affected by maternal separation at 6 to 9 months is that _.A. the struggle between trusting and mistrusting has reached a climaxB. the child sees himself/herself as being separate from the environmentC. the childs sense of trust is destroyed

43、D. no sense of trust has ever developed(分数:1.14)A.B.C.D.(6).According to this passage, the most important factor in developing a sense of trust is _A. the type of techniques used by the motherB. the sensitivity of the childC. maternal loveD. the combined effect of natural feeling and cultural attitu

44、des(分数:1.14)A.B.C.D.(7).How can mothers create a sense of trust in a child?A. By showing confidence and experience in front of the child.B. By applying techniques taught by psychologists.C. By showing the child that the mother is understanding of his/her wants.D. By offering smiles and comforts.(分数:

45、1.14)A.B.C.D.五、Passage Three(总题数:1,分数:6.00)The earliest controversies about the relationship between photography and art centered on whether photographys fidelity to appearances and dependence on a machine allowed it to be a fine art, as distinct from merely a practical art. Throughout the nineteent

46、h century, the defense of photography was identical with the struggle to establish it as a fine art. Against the charge that photography was a soulless, mechanical copying of reality, photographers asserted that it was instead a privileged way of seeing, a revolt against commonplace vision, and no l

47、ess worthy an art than painting.Ironically, now that photography is securely established as a fine art, many photographers find it pretentious or irrelevant to label it as such. Serious photographers variously claim to be finding, recording, impartially observing, witnessing events, exploring themse

48、lves-anything but making works of art. In the nineteen century, photography s association with the real world placed it in an ambivalent relation to art; late in the twentieth century, an ambivalent relation exists because of the Modernist heritage in art. That important photographers are no longer

49、willing to debate whether photography is or is not a fine art, except to proclaim that their own work is not involved with art, shows the extent to which they simply take for granted the concept of art imposed by the triumph of Modernism: the better the art, the more subversive it is of the traditional aims of art.Photographers disclaimers of any interest in making art tell us mo

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