【考研类试卷】考博英语-86 (1)及答案解析.doc

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1、考博英语-86 (1)及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart I Reading (总题数:5,分数:40.00)BDirections:/B There are 5 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice a

2、nd mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets.BPassage 1/BAlthough vocal cords are lacking in cetaceans, phonation is undoubtedly centered in the larynx.The toothed whales or odontocetes (sperm whales and porpoises) are much more vociferous than the w

3、halebone whales, or mysticetes. In this country observers have recorded only occasional sounds from two species of mystieetes (the humpback and right whale). A Russian cetologist reports hearing sounds from at least five species of whalebone whales but gives no details of the circumstances or descri

4、ptions of the sounds themselves. Although comparison of the sound-producing apparatus in the two whale groups cannot yet be made, it is interesting to note that the auditory centers of the brain are much more highly developed in the odontocetes than in the mystieetes, in fact, to a degree unsurpasse

5、d by any other mammalian group.(分数:8.00)(1).Which of the following animals has the most highly developed auditory center in the brain?(分数:2.00)A.Elephants.B.Humpback whales.C.Racoons.D.Sperm whales.(2).The noises produced by whales _.(分数:2.00)A.are produced in the upper part of the windpipeB.are lou

6、der than those of other sea animalsC.are used to locate their matesD.can be heard only by other whales(3).According to the information given _.(分数:2.00)A.porpoises have vocal cords but right whales do notB.Russians report vocal cords in five species of whalesC.there is a correlation between vocal co

7、rds and auditory areas of the brainD.whales do not have vocal cords(4).In which of the following is the auditory center of the brain most highly developed?(分数:2.00)A.Humpback whale.B.Right whale.C.Sperm whale.D.Whalebone whale.BPassage 2/BI Then felt like some watcher of the skiesWhen a new planet s

8、wims into his ken,Or like stout Cortez, when with eagle eyesHe stared at the Pacific-and all his menLooked at each other with a wild surmise-Silent, upon a peak in Darien./I-KeatsWith these well loved lines John Keats recognized the most important geographical event in all the world, excepting only

9、the feat of the Admiral Columbus himself. It was the discovery by European men of a vast sheet of water covering nearly 40 per cent of the globe-the ocean later to be named Pacific by Ferdinand Magellan because of its seeming tranquility. It is too bad that Keats beautiful lines erred in naming stou

10、t Cortez instead of the equally stout Balboa, a hero of much courage and perseverance.Too bad it was, too, for the immortal Vasco Nunez de Balboa, that communications in his day were so slow and uncertain. Had they been better he might well have avoided losing his head for his pains in bringing reno

11、wn to Spain and incalculable new knowledge to the civilized world. For lose it be did, under the axe at the insance of a jealous governor.(分数:8.00)(1).The author quotes the six lines from John Keats poem to call attention to _. h. the beauty of the poetry B. Keats historical error C. the vastness of

12、 the Pacific D. the silence in Darien(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).The Pacific Ocean _.(分数:2.00)A.is the largest ocean in the worldB.is placidC.was first seen by man when Balboa looked at itD.was seen by Columbus(3).Balboa was _.(分数:2.00)A.mistaken for CortezB.a member of Magellans crewC.decapitatedD.slow an

13、d uncertain(4).The feeling described by Keats may best be described as one of _.(分数:2.00)A.amazementB.silenceC.aweD.admirationBPassage 3/BThe range in frequencies of musical sounds is approximately 20- 20,000 cycles per second (cy/sec), Some people can hear higher frequencies than others. Longitudin

14、al waves whose frequencies are higher than those within the audible range are called ultrasonic frequencies. Ultrasonic frequencies are used in sonar for such purposes as submarine detection and depth finding. Ultrasonic frequencies are also being tried for sterilizing food since these frequencies k

15、ill some bacteria. Sound waves of all frequencies in the audible range travel at the same speed in the same medium. In the audible range, the higher the frequency of the sound the higher is the pitch. The term supersonic refers to speed greater than sound. An airplane traveling at supersonic speed i

16、s moving at a speed greater than the speed of sound in air at that temperature. Mach 1 means a speed equal to that of sound. Mach 2 means a speed equal to twice that of sound, etc.Musical sounds have three basic characteristics; pitch, loudness, and quality or timbre. As was indicated above, pitch i

17、s determined largely by the frequency of the wave reaching the ear. The higher the frequency the higher is the pitch. Loudness depends on the amplitude of the wave reaching the ear. For a given frequency, the greater the amplitude of the wave the louder the sound. To discuss quality of sound we need

18、 to clarify the concept of overtones. Sounds are produced by vibrating objects. If these objects are given a gentle push, they usually vibrate at one definite frequency producing a pure tone. This is the way a tuning fork is usually used. When objects vibrate freely after a force is momentarily appl

19、ied, they are said to produce their natural frequency. Some objects, like strings and air columns, can vibrate naturally at more than one frequency at a time. The lowest frequency which an object can produce when vibrating freely is known as the objects fundamental frequency. Other frequencies that

20、the object can produce are known as its overtones. The quality of a sound depends on the number and relative amplitude of the overtones present in the wave reaching the ear.(分数:8.00)(1).A soprano would probably have a frequency of _.(分数:2.00)A.200 cy/secB.5,000 cy/secC.10,000 cy/secD.20,000 cy/sec(2

21、).The timbre of a musical sound is dependent on its _.(分数:2.00)A.fundamentalB.amplitudeC.frequencyD.overtones(3).Which of the following individuals would likely use terms like Math 5 or Mach 9?(分数:2.00)A.Jet pilot.B.Musician.C.Astronaut.D.Submarine navigator.(4).Ultrasonic frequencies are _.(分数:2.00

22、)A.inaudibleB.excessively fastC.characterized by a great amplitudeD.death raysBPassage 4/BThere are exceptions to the rule of male insects being smaller than the females, and some of these exceptions are intelligible. Size and strength would be an advantage to the males which fight for the possessio

23、n of the females, and in these cases, as with the stag-beetle (Lucanus), the males are larger than the females. There are, however, other beetles which are not known to fight together, of which the males exceed the females in size, and the meaning of this fact is not known, but in some of these case

24、s, as with the huge Dynastes and Megasoma, we can at least see that there would be no necessity for the males to be smaller than the females, in order to be matured before them, for these beetles are not short-lived, and there would be ample time for the pairing of the sexes.(分数:8.00)(1).According t

25、o the author, _.(分数:2.00)A.male insects are always smaller than femalesB.in a given species nature provides differences between sexes to insure successful reproductionC.size and strength protect females from other femalesD.longevity is characteristic of the Dynastes and Megasoma(2).Where male beetle

26、s are smaller than female beetles, it is because _.(分数:2.00)A.they have to fight for their matesB.they are more intelligentC.they are ephemeral creaturesD.there is ample time for mating(3).The paragraph preceding this one probably _.(分数:2.00)A.discusses a generalization about the size of animalsB.de

27、velops the idea that male insects do not live long after maturityC.discusses male and female beetlesD.emphasizes that beetles are belligerent animals(4).The male Lucanus is particularly _.(分数:2.00)A.adaptableB.strongC.intelligentD.belligerentBPassage 5/BAgreeable to your request, I send you my reaso

28、ns for thinking that our northeast storms in North America begin first, in point of time, in the southwest parts: that is to say, the air in Georgia, the farthest of our colonies to the Southwest, begins to move southwesterly before the air of Carolina, begins to move southwesterly before the air of

29、 Carolina, which is the next colony northeastward. The air of Carolina has the same motion before the air of Virginia, which lies still more northeastward, and so on northeasterly through Pennsylvania, New York, New England, pitch, loudness, and quality or timbre. As was indicated above, pitch is de

30、termined largely by the frequency of the wave reaching the ear. The higher the frequency the higher is the pitch. Loudness depends on the amplitude of the wave reaching the ear. For a given frequency, the greater the amplitude of the wave the louder the sound. To discuss quality of sound we need to

31、clarify the concept of overtones. Sounds are produced by vibrating objects. If these objects are given a gentle push, they usually vibrate at one definite frequency producing a pure tone. This is the way a tuning fork is usually used. When objects vibrate freely after a force is momentarily applied,

32、 they are said to produce their natural frequency. Some objects, like strings and air columns, can vibrate naturally at more than one frequency at a time. The lowest frequency which an object can produce when vibrating freely is known as the objects fundamental frequency. Other frequencies that the

33、object can produce are known as its overtones. The quality of a sound depends on the number and relative amplitude of the overtones present in the wave reaching the ear.(分数:8.00)(1).A soprano would probably have a frequency of _.(分数:2.00)A.200 cy/secB.5,000 cy/secC.10,000 cy/sec D.20,000 cy/sec解析:女高

34、音的频率很可能是 10 000周/秒。作者在第一段开头说,音乐的频率范围大约在 2020 000周/秒之间,女高音的频率不可能是 200周/秒,不可能是 500周/秒,也不可能是 20 000周/秒,因此可猜测 10 000周/秒。(2).The timbre of a musical sound is dependent on its _.(分数:2.00)A.fundamentalB.amplitudeC.frequencyD.overtones 解析:音乐的音质取决于它的泛音。作者在第二段末尾说,声音的音质取决于泛音的数量和泛音的相对振幅。(3).Which of the followi

35、ng individuals would likely use terms like Math 5 or Mach 9?(分数:2.00)A.Jet pilot.B.Musician.C.Astronaut. D.Submarine navigator.解析:宇航员很可能使用象 Math 5或 Mach 9这样的术语。作者在第一段末尾说,超声速这个术语指速度远远超过声音。以超声频的速度飞行的飞机的移动速度比空气中声音的速度要大得多,马赫数 1指等于声速的速度,马赫数 2指等于声速 2倍的速度。马赫数 5和马赫数 9远远超过声音的速度,因此驾驶超音速飞机的宇宙航行员很可能用马赫数 5和马赫数 9

36、这样的术语。(4).Ultrasonic frequencies are _.(分数:2.00)A.inaudible B.excessively fastC.characterized by a great amplitudeD.death rays解析:超声频率是听不见的。答案可以在第一段找到。作者说,其频率远远大于可以听见的音域的纵波被称为超声频率。这说明,超声繁率是听不见的。BPassage 4/BThere are exceptions to the rule of male insects being smaller than the females, and some of th

37、ese exceptions are intelligible. Size and strength would be an advantage to the males which fight for the possession of the females, and in these cases, as with the stag-beetle (Lucanus), the males are larger than the females. There are, however, other beetles which are not known to fight together,

38、of which the males exceed the females in size, and the meaning of this fact is not known, but in some of these cases, as with the huge Dynastes and Megasoma, we can at least see that there would be no necessity for the males to be smaller than the females, in order to be matured before them, for the

39、se beetles are not short-lived, and there would be ample time for the pairing of the sexes.(分数:8.00)(1).According to the author, _.(分数:2.00)A.male insects are always smaller than femalesB.in a given species nature provides differences between sexes to insure successful reproductionC.size and strengt

40、h protect females from other femalesD.longevity is characteristic of the Dynastes and Megasoma 解析:根据作者的观点,长寿是 Dynastes和 Megasoma这两种甲壳虫的特征。作者在最后一句说,这些甲壳虫生存的时间并不短,这当然是说这两种甲壳虫长寿。(2).Where male beetles are smaller than female beetles, it is because _.(分数:2.00)A.they have to fight for their matesB.they a

41、re more intelligentC.they are ephemeral creatures D.there is ample time for mating解析:如果雄性甲壳虫比雌性甲壳虫小,那是因为它们是短命的动物。在本文末尾几句,尽管作者在讨论大的雄性甲壳虫,但是我们可以了解到为什么另外一些雄性甲壳虫要小一些,是因为它们成熟得早一些,还因为它们短命。(3).The paragraph preceding this one probably _.(分数:2.00)A.discusses a generalization about the size of animals B.deve

42、lops the idea that male insects do not live long after maturityC.discusses male and female beetlesD.emphasizes that beetles are belligerent animals解析:该自然段之前的那个自然段很可能讨论动物大小的一般规律。可以这样推理:作者在本段第一句说,就雄性昆虫比雌性昆虫要小这一规律而言,存在一些例外。前面的自然段肯定在讨论这一规律。(4).The male Lucanus is particularly _.(分数:2.00)A.adaptableB.str

43、ongC.intelligentD.belligerent 解析:雄性的锹形甲壳虫尤其好斗。本文的第二句说,雄性的锹形甲壳虫比雌性甲壳虫要大、要强壮。在同一句,我们了解到雄性甲壳虫为得到雌性甲壳虫而争斗。所以说,雄性甲壳虫尤其好斗。BPassage 5/BAgreeable to your request, I send you my reasons for thinking that our northeast storms in North America begin first, in point of time, in the southwest parts: that is to s

44、ay, the air in Georgia, the farthest of our colonies to the Southwest, begins to move southwesterly before the air of Carolina, begins to move southwesterly before the air of Carolina, which is the next colony northeastward. The air of Carolina has the same motion before the air of Virginia, which l

45、ies still more northeastward, and so on northeasterly through Pennsylvania, New York, New England, First, some schools, colleges and universities, hospitals, companies and other enterprises are not concerned with improving their working and living conditions. Second, some professionals find it hard

46、to bring their talents into full play. They are envied for their talents and achievements, so they choose to leave. Last but not least, some employers do not cherish talents. They think that another will come if one talent goes away and that the world still goes round without an important person or

47、even without hundreds of important persons. Based on the above-mentioned reasons, I would like to make the following suggestions. First, love talents just as you love your eyes, do not suppress those who are more talented than you. Second, improve talents living and working conditions. Only in this way can brain drain be prevented.


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