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1、考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编 20 及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Structure and Vocabu(总题数:25,分数:50.00)1.It was difficult to see through the _ fog.(分数:2.00)A.denseB.crowdedC.compressedD.condensed2.Some teenagers harbor a generalized resentment against society, which _ them the rights and privileges of adults, althoug

2、h physically they are mature.(分数:2.00)A.deprivesB.restrictsC.rejectsD.denies3.A large shop is divided into_.(分数:2.00)A.divisionsB.sectionsC.departmentsD.categories4.Despite technical progress, food production is still completely_on weather.(分数:2.00)A.reliableB.dependableC.dependentD.inseparable5.He

3、claims that advertising today tends to portray women in traditional roles such as cooking or taking care of the baby.(2004 年中国人民大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.depictB.advocateC.criticizeD.analyze6.Baroque has been the term used by art historian for almost a century to_ the dominant style of the period 16001750.

4、(2004 年西南财经大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.determineB.designateC.deviseD.depict7.Allen will soon find out that real life is seldom as simple as it is _ in commercials.(2006 年中南大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.permeatedB.allegedC.depictedD.drafted8.He knew that the areas rich plant life had been severely_by the huge herds of cow

5、s grazing the land.(2013 年 3 月中国科学院考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.depletedB.decomposedC.corruptedD.corroded9.When the headmaster is away the _headmaster looks after the school for him.(分数:2.00)A.juniorB.deputyC.authoritativeD.dignified10.I seem to have reached a rather gloomy conclusion, but I think that something

6、 cheerful may still be_ from it.(分数:2.00)A.derivedB.extractedC.abstractedD.adapted11.Advanced mammals such as monkeys, apes and humans have brains _ from ancestors that took to living in the trees.(2004 年武汉大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.derivedB.progressedC.terminatedD.advanced12.On turning round the comer we sa

7、w the road_ steeply.(分数:2.00)A.fallingB.decreasingC.descendingD.lowering13.I want to talk about all these points in_order of importance.(2002 年武汉大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.decliningB.descendingC.plungingD.falling14.His employer _ him as lacking in initiative and drive.(分数:2.00)A.accountedB.ascribedC.commente

8、dD.described15.The soldiers who_ from the army were severely punished.(分数:2.00)A.desertedB.leftC.betrayedD.stayed16.They are taught by their superiors that a soldier who_his post in time of war is to be shot.(2002 年厦门大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.desertsB.deflectsC.detainsD.threw17.I have devoted four weekends

9、to writing papers and now I feel I _a rest.(分数:2.00)A.deserveB.preferC.entitleD.receive18.The school has been _ as the meeting place for the evening art club.(2007 年中国矿业大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.designedB.designatedC.divertedD.diagnosed19.Were moving to a more _ neighborhood.(分数:2.00)A.desirousB.desirableC.

10、preferableD.respectful20.Alone in London, without friends, work or money, Shelley fell into_.(分数:2.00)A.despairB.disappointmentC.dissatisfactionD.disgust21.If you call the 911 emergency number, they will_ firemen, policemen, and paramedics immediately.(2002 年中国社会科学院考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.assignB.detachC.at

11、tachD.dispatch22.A_man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.(分数:2.00)A.distressedB.wretchedC.miserableD.desperate23.We travel from our starting point to our_.(分数:2.00)A.endB.conclusionC.destinationD.terminal24.The bus moved slowly in the thick fog. We arrived al our_ almost two hours later.(200

12、3 年上海交通大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.designationB.destinyC.destinationD.dignity25.He was_ to take over the duties and responsibilities of his father from an early age.(2003 年清华大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.deducedB.dampedC.diminishedD.destined考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编 20 答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Structure and Vocabu(总题数:25,分数:50.

13、00)1.It was difficult to see through the _ fog.(分数:2.00)A.dense B.crowdedC.compressedD.condensed解析:解析:dense a.浓密的;密集的;稠密的。crowded a.拥挤的。compressed a.压紧的,压缩的。condensed a.压缩的,缩短的;凝聚的。2.Some teenagers harbor a generalized resentment against society, which _ them the rights and privileges of adults, alt

14、hough physically they are mature.(分数:2.00)A.deprivesB.restrictsC.rejectsD.denies 解析:解析:deny(sb. sth)vt.拒绝给予;拒绝。3.A large shop is divided into_.(分数:2.00)A.divisionsB.sectionsC.departments D.categories解析:解析:department n.(大商店里专销某种商品的)经营部;(行政)部门,司,局,厅;(大学)系。division n.分开;部门。section n.部分:部门,科;章节;截面,剖面。ca

15、tegory n类,种类,类别。4.Despite technical progress, food production is still completely_on weather.(分数:2.00)A.reliableB.dependableC.dependent D.inseparable解析:解析:dependent(onupon)a.依靠的,依赖的。reliable a.可靠的,靠得住的。dependable a.可靠的。inseparable(from)a.分不开的,老在起的。5.He claims that advertising today tends to portray

16、women in traditional roles such as cooking or taking care of the baby.(2004 年中国人民大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.depict B.advocateC.criticizeD.analyze解析:解析:题中 portray 的意思是“描绘”;depict 的意思是“描述,描写”,如:depict the horrors of war(描述战争的恐怖)。advocate 的意思是“提倡,鼓吹”; criticize 的意思是“批评,责备”;analyze 的意思是“分析”。根据题意应选 A 项。6.Baroque

17、has been the term used by art historian for almost a century to_ the dominant style of the period 16001750. (2004 年西南财经大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.determineB.designateC.deviseD.depict 解析:解析:本题的意思是 Baroque 这个词被用来描述 17 世纪的主要风格。D 项的“depict 描述,描绘”符合题意,如:depict the horrors of war(描述战争的恐怖)。其他三项“determine 决定:designa

18、te指明,指定,指派;devise 设计,发明”都不正确。7.Allen will soon find out that real life is seldom as simple as it is _ in commercials.(2006 年中南大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.permeatedB.allegedC.depicted D.drafted解析:解析:commercials 的意思是“电视中的广告节目”,整句的意思是她不久就意识到真正的生活不像广告节目中描绘的那样简单。permeated 表示渗透,充满,alleged 表示断言,depicted 表示描述,drafted

19、 表示设计,起草,所以答案是 C 选项。8.He knew that the areas rich plant life had been severely_by the huge herds of cows grazing the land.(2013 年 3 月中国科学院考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.depleted B.decomposedC.corruptedD.corroded解析:解析:A 项“depleted”意为“耗尽的资源,使枯竭”;B 项“decomposed”意为“分解,使腐烂、使腐败”;C 项“corrupted”意为“腐蚀,使堕落”;D 项“corroded”意为“

20、腐蚀,侵蚀”,句意说的是植被资源因放牧被耗尽了,因此选择 A 项。9.When the headmaster is away the _headmaster looks after the school for him.(分数:2.00)A.juniorB.deputy C.authoritativeD.dignified解析:解析:deputy n.a. 副职,副手。junior a.级别较低的,资历较浅的;较年轻的。authoritative a.权威性的,可信的。dignified a.有尊严的。10.I seem to have reached a rather gloomy conc

21、lusion, but I think that something cheerful may still be_ from it.(分数:2.00)A.derived B.extractedC.abstractedD.adapted解析:解析:derive(from)vt.取得,得到;起源,衍生;追溯的起源(如:He derives much pleasure from his booksMany English words deriveare derived from French)。extract vt提取,提炼;设法得到(情报);抽出,拔出。abstract vt. 提炼出;抽象出;写

22、出提纲。adapt vt使适应,使;适合;改编,改写。11.Advanced mammals such as monkeys, apes and humans have brains _ from ancestors that took to living in the trees.(2004 年武汉大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.derived B.progressedC.terminatedD.advanced解析:解析:本题意为“像猴子、猿和人这样的高级哺乳动物,他们有来源于喜欢在树上栖息的祖先的头脑”。 derive 的意思是“起源,源于”,符合题意,如:Many English

23、words are derived from Latin(许多英语词汇源于拉丁文。)其他三项“progress 前进,进展;terminate 使结束;advance 推进,促进”都不正确。12.On turning round the comer we saw the road_ steeply.(分数:2.00)A.fallingB.decreasingC.descending D.lowering解析:解析:descend vi下降,下来;往下走;降生。fall vi落下;下降;减弱。decrease v.减小,减少。lower vt放下,降下,放低。13.I want to talk

24、about all these points in_order of importance.(2002 年武汉大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.decliningB.descending C.plungingD.falling解析:解析:本题意为“我想以重要性递减的方式谈论这些要点”。descending 的意思是“递降的”。如:descending powers(数降幂)。declining 的意思是“倾斜的,衰落的”;plunging 的意思是“突进的,急降的”;falling 的意思是“下降的,落下的”。这四个词均有“下降”的意思,但只有descend 指“逐降”或“递降”。因此 B

25、项正确。14.His employer _ him as lacking in initiative and drive.(分数:2.00)A.accountedB.ascribedC.commentedD.described 解析:解析:describe(as)vt形容,描写(如:I cant describe to you what I felt at that momentI should describe the attempt as a failureas unsuccessful)。account for 说明,解释(原因)(不能说 account sbas)。ascribe(to

26、)vt.把归因于;把归属于(不能说 ascribeas)。comment(on)vi.评论。15.The soldiers who_ from the army were severely punished.(分数:2.00)A.deserted B.leftC.betrayedD.stayed解析:解析:desert vt开小差,擅离(职守等):离弃,抛弃(妻儿)(如:The soldiers deserted from the armyto the enemyWhen he became poor all his friends deserted him)(leavebetray 都是及物

27、动词,应直接跟宾语:可以说 stay away from the army,是“不参军”的意思,而不是“开小差”。)。16.They are taught by their superiors that a soldier who_his post in time of war is to be shot.(2002 年厦门大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.deserts B.deflectsC.detainsD.threw解析:解析:本题空格处是说战争时期士兵逃离岗位是要被枪毙的。A 项“deserts 放弃,逃跑”符合题意,如:Many people deserted during th

28、e food shortage(许多人在饥荒中逃往他乡。)其他三项“deflects 使偏斜;detains 拘留,阻止;threw 投,扔”都不正确。17.I have devoted four weekends to writing papers and now I feel I _a rest.(分数:2.00)A.deserve B.preferC.entitleD.receive解析:解析:deserve vt应得到,应受到(如:He deserved this glorythe praisepunishment)。prefer vt更喜欢,宁愿。entitle(sbto sthto

29、+动词原形)vt给以权利(或资格)。receive vt收到,得到。18.The school has been _ as the meeting place for the evening art club.(2007 年中国矿业大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.designed B.designatedC.divertedD.diagnosed解析:解析:四个选项中,design 的意思是“设计,构思、绘制”,designate 的意思是“标出,表明,指定”,divert 的意思是“使转向,使改道”,diagnose 的意思是“诊断”。根据题意,A 为正确答案。19.Were movin

30、g to a more _ neighborhood.(分数:2.00)A.desirousB.desirable C.preferableD.respectful解析:解析:desirable a.值得向往的,值得拥有的;好的,不错的,可取的(如:There are several desirable houses in this street. It is desirable for us to go therethat he should attend the conference)(注意从句谓语用虚拟式)。desirous a.想要的,渴望的(desirous ofto+动词原形tha

31、t sbdo)。preferable(to)a.更可取的,更好的,更合意的。respectful(to)a.恭敬的,尊敬的。20.Alone in London, without friends, work or money, Shelley fell into_.(分数:2.00)A.despair B.disappointmentC.dissatisfactionD.disgust解析:解析:despair n.绝望。disappointment n. 失望。21.If you call the 911 emergency number, they will_ firemen, polic

32、emen, and paramedics immediately.(2002 年中国社会科学院考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.assignB.detachC.attachD.dispatch 解析:解析:本题空格处是说他们将立刻派遣消防员、警察和护理人员。D 项“dispatch 派遣”符合题意,如:dispatch a messenger(派遣使者)。其他三项“assign 分配;detach 派遣(军队);attach 系上,贴上”都不正确。22.A_man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.(分数:2.00)A.distressedB.w

33、retchedC.miserableD.desperate 解析:解析:desperate a(人)绝望的;(局面)严重的,危急的;(由于绝望而)不顾一切的,拼死的(如:He was desperate after the failure of his plansDesperate diseases must have desperate remediesHe had adesperate(强烈的)desire to justify himselfThe prisoners became desperate in their attempts to escape)。distressed a(常

34、作表语)痛苦的,难受的。wretched a(常作定语)不幸的,可怜的:令人苦恼的,讨厌的。miserable a痛苦的,悲惨的,可怜的。23.We travel from our starting point to our_.(分数:2.00)A.endB.conclusionC.destination D.terminal解析:解析:destination n目的地,终点;目标,目的(如:My destination is BeijingThey reached their destination without mishap)。end n目标,目的:末尾。conclusion n结尾;结

35、论,推论:缔结,议定。terminal n(火车或汽车的)终点(站),末端;终端,接线端。24.The bus moved slowly in the thick fog. We arrived al our_ almost two hours later.(2003 年上海交通大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.designationB.destinyC.destination D.dignity解析:解析:本题意为“公共汽车在浓雾中缓慢地移动,我们几乎两个小时后才到达目的地”。C 项的“destination 目的地”符合题意。其他三项“designation 指示,指定;destiny

36、命运;dignity 尊严”都不正确。25.He was_ to take over the duties and responsibilities of his father from an early age.(2003 年清华大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.deducedB.dampedC.diminishedD.destined 解析:解析:本句中空格处意为某事是注定的。四个选项中 destined 的意思是“注定,命定的”,如:They were destined never to meet again(命运注定他们永不再相逢)。因此 D 项正确。“deduced 推论,演绎出:damped 使潮湿,使沮丧;diminished 减少,贬低”都不符合句意。


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