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1、考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编 5 及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Structure and Vocabu(总题数:25,分数:50.00)1.Under ethical guideline recently adopted by the National Institutes of Health, human genes are to be manipulated only to correct disease for which _ treatments are unsatisfactory.(2014 年北京航空航天大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.simi

2、larB.dangerousC.uncommonD.alternative2.The project is not_a failure. It is a success in some respect.(分数:2.00)A.altogetherB.likelyC.possiblyD.inevitably3._are not allowed to play in most professional golf tournaments.(分数:2.00)A.AmateursB.LaymenC.FencersD.Boxers4.All of us were_ that the old man coul

3、d walk on his hands.(分数:2.00)A.shockedB.amazedC.frightenedD.pleased5.George Bush, once U.S._ to China, became President in 1988.(分数:2.00)A.deputyB.ambassadorC.representativeD.envoy6.I dont know how to interpret her remark. I think it was deliberately_.(2003 年上海交通大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.distinctB.ambiguous

4、C.suspiciousD.invisible7.His _ directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.(2007 年中国矿业大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.intricateB.arbitraryC.complicatedD.ambiguous8.His _ had always been to become an architect.(分数:2.00)A.careerB.ambitionC.ideaD.attempt9.A(n)_ must have priority over othe

5、r vehicles for it has an emergency to deal with.(分数:2.00)A.carB.busC.ambulanceD.truck10.So _ was the mood of the meeting that an agreement was soon reached. (2003 年复旦大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.resentfulB.amiableC.suffocatingD.gloomy11.The sailor_ the little boy by telling him an interesting story.(分数:2.00)A.

6、teasedB.tickledC.amazedD.amused12.October 1st is the_of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China.(分数:2.00)A.dayB.dateC.anniversaryD.celebration13.The bright flowers and warm winds _ that spring had come.(分数:2.00)A.threatenedB.announcedC.statedD.pronounced14.The baby is always _ his sister by pu

7、lling her hair.(分数:2.00)A.enragingB.upsettingC.annoyingD.frustrating15.Some people believe that “King John“ was written by Shakespeare, but some people think it might be written by an _ author.(2002 年复旦大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.deliveredB.anonymousC.antiqueD.ambiguous16.Mrs. Green received an _ letter threa

8、tening to expose her private life if she refused to pay $10,000.(2010 年北京航空航天大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.anonymousB.apparentC.arbitraryD.artificial17.People _ that vertical flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do the airliners of today.(分数:2.00)A.convincedB.anticipatedC.resolvedD.assured18.

9、When Ph. D candidates_ their impending professorships, they consider housing benefits offered by the prospective universities.(2002 年中国社会科学院考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.anticipateB.assumeC.applyD.demand19.Im_ to get the tickets for the show today, as there are hardly any left.(分数:2.00)A.worriedB.curiousC.anxious

10、D.interested20.Do you want me to do this in any particular way or with special care, or can I do it_?(分数:2.00)A.somehowB.somewhatC.sometimeD.anyhow21.It is easy to take a watch_, but difficult to put it back together.(分数:2.00)A.apartB.awayC.downD.off22.I wish to meet you to_ for my rudeness on Satur

11、day this week.(分数:2.00)A.apologizeB.criticizeC.accountD.compensate23.The child was told to make a(n) _ for being rude to his sister.(分数:2.00)A.excuseB.admissionC.confessionD.apology24.Sometimes the machine will go wrong without any_ cause.(分数:2.00)A.actualB.apparentC.naturalD.excusable25.Police have

12、 _ to the public to come forward with any information which might help them in their inquiries.(分数:2.00)A.urgedB.claimedC.calledD.appealed考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编 5 答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Structure and Vocabu(总题数:25,分数:50.00)1.Under ethical guideline recently adopted by the National Institutes of Health

13、, human genes are to be manipulated only to correct disease for which _ treatments are unsatisfactory.(2014 年北京航空航天大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.similarB.dangerousC.uncommonD.alternative 解析:解析:本题考查形容词辨析。A 相似的;B 危险的;C 不寻常的,罕有的;D 供选择的。选择性的,交替的。句意为:根据国家健康研究机构最近通过的伦理学的指导方针,人类的基因只有在(其他的)治疗方案不能满意的情况下才可以改变。D 为正确选项。2.T

14、he project is not_a failure. It is a success in some respect.(分数:2.00)A.altogether B.likelyC.possiblyD.inevitably解析:解析:not altogether 并非完全(如:Its not altogether impossibleShe wasnt altogether pleased with her choiceI dont altogether agree with him)。likely ad.很可能;a.可能的,有希望的(句型:sbis likely to+动词原形;it i

15、s likely that sbwill do sth;a likely place;不能说 likely a place)。possibly ad.可能,也许。inevitably ad.不可避免地,必然地。3._are not allowed to play in most professional golf tournaments.(分数:2.00)A.Amateurs B.LaymenC.FencersD.Boxers解析:解析:amateur n.(科学、艺术、体育等方面的)业余爱好者(如:Our actors are amateurs)。layman n门外汉,外行。fencer

16、n击剑者。boxer n.拳师。4.All of us were_ that the old man could walk on his hands.(分数:2.00)A.shockedB.amazed C.frightenedD.pleased解析:解析:amaze vt.使大为惊奇,使惊愕(注意:引起惊愕的事物可以是坏事,也可以是好事,如:Your attitude simply amazes meWe were amazed at mans first landing on the moon)。shock vt使震惊(注:引起 shock 的事物一般都是指突然发生的、不好的东西)。fri

17、ghten vt.使惊恐,吓唬。pleasevt.使高兴使满意,含的心意。5.George Bush, once U.S._ to China, became President in 1988.(分数:2.00)A.deputyB.ambassador C.representativeD.envoy解析:解析:ambassador n大使。deputy n.代表,代理人;副职,副手。representative n.代表,代理人。envoy n使节,公使,使者(注:如果没有 ambassador 一词,envoy 也可表达同一意思)。6.I dont know how to interpre

18、t her remark. I think it was deliberately_.(2003 年上海交通大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.distinctB.ambiguous C.suspiciousD.invisible解析:解析:小题是说“我不知道怎样翻译她的评论,我想那是故意含糊其辞的”。B 项的“ambiguous暧昧的,不明确的”符合题意。如;This is an ambiguous sentence(这是一个含意不清的句子)。其他三项“distinct 清楚的;suspicious 可疑的:invisible 看不见的”都不正确。7.His _ directions con

19、fused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.(2007 年中国矿业大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.intricateB.arbitraryC.complicatedD.ambiguous 解析:解析:四个选项中,A 项 intricate 的意思是“错综复杂的,复杂精细的:难理解的;难分析的”,B 项 arbitrary 的意思尾“随心所欲的,武断的;反复无常的,任性多变的”,C 项 complicated 的意思是“复杂的,难懂的;结构复杂的”,D 项 ambiguous 的意思是“含糊不清的,引起歧义的”。根据题意,

20、D 项为正确答案。8.His _ had always been to become an architect.(分数:2.00)A.careerB.ambition C.ideaD.attempt解析:解析:ambition n.雄心:野心。career n职业;生涯。idea n主意,想法。attempt n. 企图,试图。9.A(n)_ must have priority over other vehicles for it has an emergency to deal with.(分数:2.00)A.carB.busC.ambulance D.truck解析:解析:ambulan

21、ce n救护车。10.So _ was the mood of the meeting that an agreement was soon reached. (2003 年复旦大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.resentfulB.amiable C.suffocatingD.gloomy解析:解析:本题是说“会议的气氛如此友好,以至于协议很快就达成了”。B 项的“amiable 亲切的、和蔼的”符合题意。如:The foreign guests are always amiable to the host when they visit his house(外宾来到主人家拜访时总是友好的

22、。)其他三项“resentful 愤慨的:suffocating 令人窒息的:gloomy 阴沉的、沉闷的”都不正确。11.The sailor_ the little boy by telling him an interesting story.(分数:2.00)A.teasedB.tickledC.amazedD.amused 解析:解析:amuse vt给提供娱乐,使高兴,使开心;逗乐,逗笑(如:A clowns job isto amuse the spectatorsThe children were amused atby his jokes)。tease vt.开的玩笑,取笑,

23、逗弄。tickle vt(用手指轻轻抚摸某人身体的某个部位使其发笑)逗痒痒,抓痒痒。amaze vt.使大为惊奇,使惊愕。12.October 1st is the_of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China.(分数:2.00)A.dayB.dateC.anniversary D.celebration解析:解析:anniversary n周年纪念(日)。day n(一)天:白天。date n.日期;约会。celebration n.庆祝。13.The bright flowers and warm winds _ that spring

24、had come.(分数:2.00)A.threatenedB.announced C.statedD.pronounced解析:解析:annouce vt(本义或比喻)宣告,宣布;预示,表示。threaten vt恐吓,预示的征兆(般指坏的情况即将到来)。state vt.陈述,说明。pronounce vt发音;宣布,宣判。14.The baby is always _ his sister by pulling her hair.(分数:2.00)A.enragingB.upsettingC.annoying D.frustrating解析:解析:annoy vt使恼火,使烦恼;打扰。e

25、nrage vt使暴怒,使极为生气。upset vt使心烦意乱,使苦恼,使不适;打翻,弄翻。frustrate vt挫败,使受挫折;使灰心,使恼怒而又不知所措。15.Some people believe that “King John“ was written by Shakespeare, but some people think it might be written by an _ author.(2002 年复旦大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.deliveredB.anonymous C.antiqueD.ambiguous解析:解析:本题空格处说,由不知名的作家所写。B 项的

26、“anonymous 无名的,不公开姓名的”符合题意。如:an anonymous letter(匿名信)。其他三项“delivered 在交货的,包括运费在内的:antique 古代的,古老的;ambiguous 模棱两可的”都不正确。16.Mrs. Green received an _ letter threatening to expose her private life if she refused to pay $10,000.(2010 年北京航空航天大学考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.anonymous B.apparentC.arbitraryD.artificial解析:

27、解析:在给出的选项中:anonymous“匿名的”:apparent“表面上的,显然的”;arbitrary“武断的,任意的”;artificial“人造的,仿造的”。根据句意和各个选项的意思可知,正确答案是 A。17.People _ that vertical flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do the airliners of today.(分数:2.00)A.convincedB.anticipated C.resolvedD.assured解析:解析:anticipate vt. 预料,期望。18.Wh

28、en Ph. D candidates_ their impending professorships, they consider housing benefits offered by the prospective universities.(2002 年中国社会科学院考博试题)(分数:2.00)A.anticipate B.assumeC.applyD.demand解析:解析:本题中,A 项的“anticipate 期望,预见”符合题意,如:We anticipate great pleasure from our visit to London(我们期待伦敦之行过得非常愉快。)其他三

29、项“assume 假设;apply 申请,应用:demand 要求”都不正确。19.Im_ to get the tickets for the show today, as there are hardly any left.(分数:2.00)A.worriedB.curiousC.anxious D.interested解析:解析:anxious a. 渴望的,急切的;焦虑的,发愁的(如:I was anxious to see himShe was anxious for Laura to goThey are especially anxious that you should com

30、eDickwas anxious for a bicycle)。worried(aboutover)a.(为)发愁,着急。curious(about)a. 好奇的(be curious aboutto know)。interested(in)a感兴趣的。20.Do you want me to do this in any particular way or with special care, or can I do it_?(分数:2.00)A.somehowB.somewhatC.sometimeD.anyhow 解析:解析:anyhow ad.不论用何种方法,随便(怎么做);不管怎么说

31、,无论如何。somehow ad.以某种方式,用某种方法;不知怎么地。somewhat ad.稍微,有点。sometime ad.在过去或将来的)某个时候。21.It is easy to take a watch_, but difficult to put it back together.(分数:2.00)A.apart B.awayC.downD.off解析:解析:take sthapart 拆卸,拆开(反义短语:put the parts back together)。takeaway 把拿走。takedown 把拿下来;拆卸,拆除(简易建筑物)。takeoff 脱下(衣服);减轻体

32、重;打折扣。22.I wish to meet you to_ for my rudeness on Saturday this week.(分数:2.00)A.apologize B.criticizeC.accountD.compensate解析:解析:apologize(for)vi道歉,认错(如:I must apologize(to you)for calling so late)。criticize(for)vt批评,批判;评论,评价。account(for)vi解释,说明(原因)。compensate(for)v补偿,弥补,抵消。23.The child was told to

33、make a(n) _ for being rude to his sister.(分数:2.00)A.excuseB.admissionC.confessionD.apology 解析:解析:apology n道歉,认错(make an apology to sbfor sth;demand an apology from sb)。excuse n借口,理由。admission n承认,供认(of):准许进入(某地方),准许加入(某组织)(to)。confession(of)n.承认。24.Sometimes the machine will go wrong without any_ ca

34、use.(分数:2.00)A.actualB.apparent C.naturalD.excusable解析:解析:apparent a.明显的,显然的,显而易见的;表面上的,貌似(真实)的。actual a.实际的,事实的,真实的。natural a.自然的,正常的;天然的;出于本性的。excusable a.可以原谅的。25.Police have _ to the public to come forward with any information which might help them in their inquiries.(分数:2.00)A.urgedB.claimedC.calledD.appealed 解析:解析:appeal vi.呼吁,请求(句型:appeal to sbto+动词原形;appeal to sbfor sth)。urge vt敦促,力劝;驱策,鼓励(句型;urge sth;urge sbto+动词原形;urge that sbdo sth)。claim vt声称,主张;对提出索取要求(句型:claim sth;claim that)。call vt.号召,呼吁,要求(句型:call on sbto+动词原形)。


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