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1、考研英语-114 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection Use o(总题数:1,分数:10.00)BDirections:/BRead the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, and D on ANSWER SHEET 1.The molecules of carbon dioxide in the Earths atmosphere affect the heat balance of the Earth by acting

2、 as a one-way screen.U (1) /Uthese molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concerned, to passU (2) /U, they absorb some of the longer-wave length, infrared emissions radiated from the Earths surface, radiation that wouldU (3) /Ube transmitted back in

3、to space. For the Earth to maintain a constant average temperature, such emissions from the planet mustU (4) /Uincoming solar radiation. If there were no carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, heat wouldU (5) /Ufrom the Earth much more easily.Today,U (6) /U, the potential problem is too much carbon dioxi

4、de. Could the increase in carbon dioxideU (7) /Ua global rise in average temperature, and could such a rise have serious U(8) /Ufor human society? Mathematical models that allow us to calculate the rise in temperature as a function of the increaseU (9) /Uthat theU (10) /Uis probably yes.One mathemat

5、ical modelU (11) /Uthat doubling the atmospheric carbon dioxide would raise the global mean surface temperature by 2.5. This model assumes that the atmospheres relative humidity remains constant and the temperature decreases with altitude at aU (12) /Uof 6.5 per kilometer. The assumption of constant

6、 relative humidity is important, because water vapor in the atmosphere is anotherU (13) /Uabsorber or radiation at infrared wavelengths. Because warm air can hold moreU (14) /Uthan cool air, the relative humidity will be constantU (15) /Uthe amount of water vapor in the atmosphere increasesU (16) /U

7、the temperature rises.U (17) /U, more infrared radiation would be absorbed and reradiatedU (18) /U to the Earths surface. The resultant warming at the surface could be expected to melt snow and ice,U (19) /Uthe Earths reflectivity. More solar radiation would be absorbed,U (20) /Uto a further increas

8、e in temperature.(分数:10.00)A.WhereasB.IfC.AlthoughD.BecauseA.forB.downC.byD.throughA.otherwiseB.neverthelessC.indeedD.somewhatA.assignB.equalizeC.diffuseD.prepareA.avoidB.escapeC.influenceD.preventA.indeedB.henceC.anywayD.howeverA.causeB.turnC.makeD.leaveA.conquestB.outcomeC.consequenceD.compromiseA

9、.reflectB.displayC.markD.indicateA.responseB.answerC.reactionD.solutionA.discoversB.predictsC.provesD.confirmsA.paceB.speedC.ratioD.rateA.competentB.effectiveC.efficientD.sufficientA.moistureB.weightC.dimensionD.compoundA.if onlyB.as ifC.only ifD.even ifA.sinceB.unlessC.forD.asA.LikewiseB.ThereforeC

10、.InsteadD.MoreoverA.backB.offC.onD.inA.contractingB.condensingC.reducingD.intensifyingA.leadingB.comingC.amountingD.adding二、BSection Readi(总题数:4,分数:40.00)BPart A/BBDirections:/BReading the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWE

11、R SHEET 1. BText 1/BKing Richard III was a monster. He poisoned his wife, stole the throne from his two young nephews and ordered them to be smothered in the Tower of London. Richard was a sort of Antichrist the King -“that bottled spider, that poisonous bunchbacked toad.“Anyway, that was Shakespear

12、es version. Shakespeare did what the playwright does: he turned history into a vivid, articulate, organized dream-repeatable nightly. He put the crouchback onstage, and sold tickets.And who would say that the real Richard known to family and friends was not identical to Shakespeares memorably loaths

13、ome creation? The actual Richard went dimming into the past and vanished. When all the eye-witnesses are gone, the artists imagination begins to twist.Variations on the King Richard Effect are at work in Oliver Stones JFK. Richard III was art, but it was propaganda too. Shakespeare took the details

14、of his plot from Tudor historians who wanted to blacken Richards name. Several centuries passed before other historians began to write about Richards virtues and suggest that he may have been a victim of Tudor malice and what is the cleverest conspiracy of all: art.JFK is a long and powerful Uharang

15、ue/U about the death of the man Stone keeps calling “the slain young king.“ What are the rules of Stones game? Is Stone functioning as commercial entertainer? Propagandist? Documentary filmmaker? Historian? Journalist? Fantasist? Sensationalist? Crazy conspiracy monger? Lone hero crusading for the t

16、ruth against a corrupt Establishment? Answer: some of the above.The first superficial effect of JFK is to raise angry little scruples like welts in the conscience. Wouldnt it be absurd if a generation of younger Americans, with no memory of 1963, were to form their ideas about John Kennedys assassin

17、ation from Oliver Stones report of it? But worse things have happened-including, perhaps, the Warren Commission report?Stone uses a suspect, mixed art form, and JFK raises the familiar ethical and historical problems of docudrama. But so what? Artists have always used public events as raw material,

18、have taken history into their imaginations and transformed it. The fall of Troy vanished into the Iliad. The Battle of Borodino found its most memorable permanence in Tolstoys imagining of it in War and Peace.Especially in a world of insatiable electronic storytelling, real history procreates, endle

19、ssly conjuring new versions of itself. Public life has become a metaphysical breeder of fictions. Watergate became an almost continuous television miniseries-although it is interesting that the movie of Woodward and Bernsteins All The Presidents Men stayed close to the known facts and, unlike JFK, d

20、id not validate dark conjecture.(分数:10.00)(1).Shakespeares creation is used in the text to introduce(分数:2.00)A.his powerful imaginations.B.artists distortion of history.C.his well-established fame.D.historians interest in art.(2).Which of the following can best describe the authors comments on Stone

21、s organization of plots?(分数:2.00)A.Bewildering.B.Superficial.C.Contradictory.D.Intricate.(3).The word “harangue“ (Para. 5) connotes(分数:2.00)A.corruption.B.invention.C.confusion.D.diffusion.(4).It is implied that Warren Commission report(分数:2.00)A.is nothing more than illusions.B.lives up to historia

22、ns expectations.C.is not based on valid facts.D.falls victim to harsh criticisms.(5).It can be inferred from the text that public life(分数:2.00)A.is often the stuff for artists fictions.B.lies outside the field of history.C.is the focus of public attention.D.remains memorable at all times.BText 2/BFo

23、r months the Japanese searched fitfully for the right word to describe what was happening. At the Bank of Japan, the nations central bank, officials spoke of “an adjustment phase.“ Prime Minister admitted only to “a difficult situation.“ The Economic Planning Agency, the governments record keeper, r

24、eferred delicately to a “retreat.“ Then two weeks ago, for the first time since 1997, the agency dropped its boilerplate reference to the “expansion, from its closely watched Monthly Economic Report, and the word game was over. Japans economy, the worlds second largest, conceded the experts, was in

25、recession.That admission confirmed the had news businessmen had been reading in their spreadsheets for several months. “In 2001 one market after another turned bad,“ says Yoshihiko Wakamoto, senior vice president of Toshiba Corp. , which now admits that its pretax profits for fiscal 2001, ending Mar

26、ch 31, may be down a whopping 42%. In April, when many Japanese companies announce their results for 2001 fiscal Year, most will report declining profits. Blue chips like Sony, NEC and Matsushita have all experienced drops of over 40% in pretax profits. Japans security houses, hit by declining commi

27、ssions from a falling stock market, will announce even more dramatic drops. Nomura Securities, once Japans most profitable company, is talking about an 80% decline in profits. Auto manufacturers, banks, airlines, steel companies, department stores all are in a slump.Technically, what is happening to

28、 the Japanese economy does not meet American criteria for a recession, normally defined as at least two consecutive quarters of negative growth. While economic growth has slowed in Japan, it has not ceased. Government economists are predicting a 3.5% increase in GNP for 2002. Outside experts are not

29、 so optimistic. But nearly everyone agrees that GNP growth in Japan is unlikely to slip into negative numbers, as it did last year in the U. S. and Britain. “Theres no question that we are in a recession,“ pronounces Kunio Miyamoto, chief economist of the Sumitomo-Life Research Institute. “But it is

30、 a recession, Japanese-style.“During the last half of the 1990s, Japanese companies based much of their expansion around the world on the wildly inflated values of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Japans frenzied real estate market. Now both those markets have collapsed. And with long-term interest rate

31、s up from 5% to 7%, Japanese companies are less able to sell vast quantities of high-quality goods at razor-thin profit margins. Added to this are pressures from shareholders for a greater return on investments, from Japans trading partners for restraints on its aggressive trade practices, and from

32、its own citizens for a reduction in their working hours so they can enjoy the fruits of 40 years of relentless toil.(分数:10.00)(1).According to the writer, the current economic situation in Japan is(分数:2.00)A.much better than it seems.B.not as good as it seems.C.nowhere near its expansion.D.at its cr

33、ucial point.(2).We learn from the text that Japanese definition of what was happening in Japan is(分数:2.00)A.skeptical.B.inflexible.C.delicate.D.changeable.(3).The decline of Japanese economy in 2001 is manifested in the fact that the Japanese(分数:2.00)A.companies predicted their results for another f

34、iscal year.B.auto industries went bankrupt in a Japanese style.C.security houses suffered great loss of their profits.D.real estate market quieted down after a boom.(4).Which of the following can best substitute the word “Technically“ (Para. 3) without changing its function in the context?(分数:2.00)A

35、.“To be exact“.B.“After all“.C.“Fortunately“.D.“In brief“.(5).The writer seems to admit that Japanese companies gained great profits in the 1990s mainly by means of(分数:2.00)A.its overseas expansion.B.its economic planning.C.its workers contribution.D.its high-quality goods.BText 3/BEver since they w

36、ere first staged in 19th century Europe, worlds fairs have enabled people from around the globe to visit wondrous pavilions where they can discover distant lands and new technologies. The 2006 worlds fair is no exception, but it also has a decidedly new-era twist: the whole event happens in cyberspa

37、ce.A nonprofit project dreamed up by Americans Carl Malamud, a computer consultant, and Vinton Cerf, and Internet pioneer and telecommunications company Vice president, the Internet 2006 World Exposition is a digital work in progress, a multi-chambered forum that cybernauts can help build and renova

38、te throughout the year-and perhaps long after the fairs official close in December.While high-tech pavilions set up by sponsoring corporations are featured prominently, as in real fairs, this virtual exposition is closer in spirit and reality to Ua vast bustling bazaar,/U a marketplace for the talen

39、ts and offerings of thousands of individuals and small groups. Anyone with a computer and a modem can not only “attend“ but also participate as an exhibitor by creating an individual multimedia Website.Getting the fair up and running was by no means easy. Malamud, 36, spent the past year shuttling a

40、mong 30 countries, lobbying companies that initially dismissed the project as unwieldy and unworkable. While some nations immediately supported the idea, others completely missed the point of Malamuds vision: to make the fair a public-works project that focuses on what the Internet can offer expert

41、or novice. Once grass-roots groups started backing the project, though, businesses were not far behind. By donating equipment and services, these companies will gain access to millions of potential consumers eager to see the firms latest technologies.Since the expositions Jan. 1 launch, as many as 4

42、0,000 visitors each day from more than 40 countries have tried the major Websites. Most virtual visitors log on from the U. S and Japan, but the United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Singapore and Estonia have been represented. Comments logged in the fairs guest book are overwhelmingly positive. “Wow, the w

43、orld is shrinking,“ wrote a visitor from the Netherlands. Since their initial hesitancy, the major sponsors-primarily telecommunications and software companies-have become firm believers. Beyond the diversity of content and international scope, the fair is a technological marvel.The fastest internat

44、ional link ever installed, this pipeline could be the first step toward laying a permanent network that will eventually hardwire every nation in the world into the Internet. The organizers hope that the infrastructure-and awareness-nurtured by this exposition will launch a boom in Net use.(分数:10.00)

45、(1).The organizers thinks that the effect on Net use of the 2006 worlds fair is(分数:2.00)A.hardly positive.B.dubiously-oriented.C.quite instantaneous.D.far reaching.(2).We can learn from the text that(分数:2.00)A.public visitors intended to reap great profits in the fair.B.some countries initially hesi

46、tated to support the project.C.technological progress usually precedes an economic boom.D.sponsoring corporations once dismissed the technology.(3).The technological fair is intended by its organizers to be(分数:2.00)A.in the interests of public.B.for the sake of exhibitors.C.at the mercy of firms.D.t

47、o the prejudice of users.(4).The expression “a vast bustling bazaar“ (Para. 3) best connotes(分数:2.00)A.“eager.“B.“diverse.“C.“active.“D.“spacious.“(5).In the writer opinion, the virtual exposition in the new era is(分数:2.00)A.profitable.B.rewarding.C.fruitless.D.successful.BText 4/BIt was the best of

48、 times or, depending on your political and philosophical outlook, one of the foulest and most depraved. Rebellion seemed to be leaping from city to city, continent to continent, by some fiery process of contagion. Radical students filled the streets of Mexico city, Berlin, Tokyo, Prague. In the U. S

49、. , Chicago swirled into near anarchy as cops battled antiwar demonstrators gathered at the Democratic Convention. And everywhere from Amsterdam to Haight-Ashbury, a generation was getting high, acting up.So, clearly, it was the year from hella collective “dive into extensive social and personal dysfun

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