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1、考研英语-258 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection Use o(总题数:1,分数:10.00)BDirections:/BRead the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, and D on ANSWER SHEET 1. It has been justly said that while“ we speak with our vocal organs we U(1) /U with our whole bodies.“

2、 All of us communicate with one another U(2) /U, as well as with words. Sometimes we know what were doing, as with the use of gestures such as the thumbs-up sign to indicate that, we U(3) /U. But most of the time were not aware that were doing it. We gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone els

3、es eyes and U(4) /U. These actions we U(5) /U are random and incidental. But researchers U(6) /U that there is a system of them almost as consistent and comprehensible as language, and they conclude that there is a whole U(7) /U of body language, U(8) /U the way we move, the gestures we employ, the

4、posture we adopt, the facial expression we U(9) /U, the extent to which we touch and the distance we stand U(10) /U each other.The body language serves a variety of purposes. Firstly it can replace verbal communication, U(11) /U with the use of gesture. Secondly it can modify verbal communication, l

5、oudness and U(12) /U of voice is an example here. Thirdly it regulates social interaction: turn taking is largely governed by non-verbal U(13) /U. Finally it conveys our emotions and attitudes. This is U(14) /U important for successful cross-culture communication.Every culture has its own“ body lang

6、uage“, and children absorb its nuances U(15) /U with spoken language. The way an Englishmen crosses his legs is U(16) /U like the way a mate American does it. When we communicate with people from other, cultures, the body language sometimes help make the communication easy and U(17) /U, such as shak

7、ing hand is such a U(18) /U gesture that people all over the world know that it is a signal for greeting. But sometimes-the body language can cause certain misunderstanding U(19) /U people of different cultures often have different forms behavior for sending the same message or have different U(20)

8、/U towards the same body signals.(分数:10.00)A.addressB.reverseC.converseD.conferA.verballyB.nonverballyC.vocallyD.univocallyA.refuseB.approveC.suspectD.alertA.look upB.look downC.look awayD.look backA.resumeB.assumeC.presumeD.consumeA.have discoveredB.have inventedC.pointed outD.have revealedA.levelB

9、.extentC.groupD.rangeA.includedB.includingC.includeD.inclusiveA.wearB.put onC.bringD.holdA.toB.betweenC.withinD.fromA.as ifB.asC.whenD.likeA.pitchB.toneC.frequencyD.volumeA.signsB.gesturesC.movementsD.signalsA.specificallyB.speciallyC.particularlyD.equallyA.alsoB.alongC.besidesD.aloneA.nothingB.some

10、thingC.anythingD.noneA.efficientB.affectiveC.effectiveD.effectualA.unusualB.uniqueC.ordinaryD.universalA.henceB.sinceC.thusD.andA.interpretationsB.implicativeC.understandingD.implications二、BSection Readi(总题数:4,分数:40.00)BPart A/BBDirections:/BRead the following four texts. Answer the questions below

11、each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. BText 1/BWhen a Shanghai ad consultant was recently asked to recommend young local designers to an international agency, he sent three candidates with years of work experience. But the company decided they werent good enough an

12、d had to import designers from the West. Its a common problem that Chinese vocational grads simply havent had good enough teaching. Most of the lecturers dont have any real work experience, so they cant teach useful things. When graduates do get hired, they basically have to be re-educated.Chinas ra

13、pid economic expansion has exposed many frailties in its education system, especially on the vocational side. The country cant produce enough skilled workers. In part thats because it invests far more in academic than vocational programs. Funding has fallen significantly since the 1990s. Partly as a

14、 result, today only 38 percent or so of Chinas high-school-age students attend vocational schools, well below the official target of 50 percent. To address this deficit, last year Beijing pledged to spend almost $2 billion on 100 new vocational colleges and 1,000 high schools. And this year it start

15、ed offering annual subsidies to vocational students.But Chinas training is too abstract, whats urgently required are technicians who can come up with a good idea and turn it into a marketable product. Parts of the country are already adapting; in Shenzhen, local institutes offer“ made to order“ trai

16、ning for particular businesses. And some vocational colleges have introduced practical research projects.But vocational education faces a deeper problem: its image. Chinas middle class is eager to forget its experience with physical labor, and few allow their children to become technical workers. Ev

17、eryone thinks these are things that low-class people do. Thus China now produces record numbers of college grads-who struggle to find work because they lack the skills for manufacturing, where demand is greatest. One fix would be to re-brand vocational subjects as“ professional,“ not“ manual,“ skill

18、s.At the other end of the spectrum are Chinas 100 million-plus rural migrant workers, many of whom have little schooling. They have never learned how to work with others, to live in the city, save money or choose the right job. Thus they find it hard to learn from their jobs or plan their careers. T

19、his results in extremely high labor turnover. Teaching and training“ life skills“ to complement vocational programs would help.Yet the urgency of Chinas skilled-labor shortfall will force a rethink. For now, China is relying on cheap, low-skilled, labor-intensive production, but its not sustainable

20、in the long term, We must raise our skills level, and its impossible for state-run colleges to do all the training. Indeed, with the demand for skilled workers growing all the time, China will need all the help it can get.(分数:10.00)(1).Why are Chinese vocational grads inferior to their Western count

21、erparts?(分数:2.00)A.Because China spends less on vocational education training.B.Because they simply dont have enough work experience.C.Because their lecturers are less qualified than the foreign ones.D.Because their teachers dont want to teach any useful things.(2).According to the text, a lower rat

22、e of school-aged teenagers enter vocational schools in China mainly because _.(分数:2.00)A.the vocational education lacks government financial support.B.the public do not think much of the vocational workers.C.few allow their children to become technical workers.D.they fear that they can not find a jo

23、b after graduation.(3).In the authors opinion, the best way to solve a more serious problem of Chinese vocational education is _.(分数:2.00)A.to train students to turn their ideas into products.B.to change peoples biased impression of its image.C.to set up programs to train rural migrant workers.D.to

24、meditate on the deficits of vocational education.(4).By mentioning the problems of Chinese vocational education, the author tends to _.(分数:2.00)A.emphasize that Chinas vocational training is too abstractB.inform that the image of vocational work is negativeC.warn that the rural immigrant workers lac

25、k vocational trainingD.suggest that the government investment on it is not enough(5).What is the authors attitude towards vocational education in China?(分数:2.00)A.Paradoxical.B.Inconsistent.C.Apprehensive.D.Critical.BText 2/BThe moon appears to warp the minds of some men. Despite putting men on the

26、moon in 1969 America seems determined on re-enacting the space race, this time pitting its efforts against those of the Chinese. Now a Russian company claims it could develop a system to exploit the moons natural resources and potentially relocate harmful industries there. This is Ulunacy/U.Russia c

27、ertainly has great prowess in space. In its former guise as the centre of power in the Soviet Union it launched the first man-made satellite in 1957. In a spectacular follow up, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space in 1961. Another triumph came in 1968 when the Russians sent a spaceship to

28、orbit the moon with turtles aboard, returning it and its living cargo safely to Earth. An unmanned Russian spacecraft also landed on the moon ahead of the first manned landing by the Americans. Even after Neil Armstrong took his one small step, Russia has proved its superiority in keeping people in

29、space stations orbiting the Earth. The Russian Soyuz rocket is a mainstay of satellite launches and would be used to rescue astronauts should any accident befall the International Space Station.Head of the spacecraft manufacturer that helped achieve these Russian successes, this week boasted that hi

30、s rockets could be used to industrialise the moon. So why were his remarks greeted with such scepticism?One reason for the cynicism is that the idea is absurd. A United Nations treaty passed in 1967 bans potentially harmful interference with the Earths original satellite and requires international c

31、onsultation before proceeding with any activity that could disrupt the peaceful exploration of space, including the moon. A second problem is that landing on the moon has proved beyond the budget of any state other than America and of any private company to date.In fact one of the best hopes for inv

32、estment comes from space tourism. On Saturday April 7th, the fifth such holidaymaker entered space aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket. Charles Simonyi, an American software developer, paid $25m for his ten-day stay at the International Space Station. The next holiday destination is the moon. The tour ope

33、rator that organised the first five packages is offering two tickets to orbit the moon for $100m each. Launch would be aboard a Soyuz spacecraft. But the Soyuz system was designed in the 1960s and has been on the verge of retirement for many years. Unfortunately the Russian authorities have postpone

34、d indefinitely the development of a successor. Thus the claim of the industrialisation of the moon is unlikely to succeed.(分数:10.00)(1).The Underlined word“ lunacy“ (Line 4, Paragraph 1) most probably means _.(分数:2.00)A.an effort to explore the universe.B.a kind of insane state connected with the mo

35、on.C.the ability to transfer harmful industries onto the moon.D.the power to orbit around the moon.(2).Which of the following is not Russian achievement in space exploration?(分数:2.00)A.The first astronaut who was sent to space.B.The first landing of manned spacecraft on the moon.C.Launching of the f

36、irst man-made satellite.D.Rockets that can be used to save astronauts in space stations.(3).Why was the claim of the Russian company widely criticized?(分数:2.00)A.Russia is not able to develop such advanced space technologies.B.The cost will be too high for a country to afford.C.It violates agreement

37、s on the exploration of the moon.D.Landing on the moon needs much more than orbiting it.(4).According to the text, which is the most probable result of the development of space tourism?(分数:2.00)A.It is mainly taken by US software developers such as Charles Simonyi.B.It need the development of new ro

38、cket systems to replace the current one.C.It brings to a new round of space race between US and China.D.It witnesses the success of the industrialization of the moon.(5).The Russian company has boasted such claims mainly because they _.(分数:2.00)A.get more financial support from the government.B.expl

39、ore the moon and acquire more natural resources for human beings.C.transfer harmful industries to the moon to prevent our environment.D.attract more space travelers to develop the space tourism industry.BText 3/BIts easy to get the sense these days that youve stumbled into a party with some powerful

40、 drug that dramatically alters identity. The faces are familiar, but the words coming out of them arent. Something has happened to a lot of people you used to think you knew. Theyve changed into something like their own opposite.Theres Bill Gates, who these days is spending less time earning money t

41、han giving it away-and pulling other billionaires into the deep end of global philanthropy(慈善事业) with him. Theres historian Francis Fukuyama, leading a whole gang of disaffected fellow travelers away from neoconservatism. To Uflip-flop/Uis human. It can still sometimes be a political liability, evid

42、ence of a flaky disposition or rank opportunism. But there are circumstances in which not to reverse course seems almost pathological(病态的). Hes a model of consistency, Stephen Colbert said last year of George W. Bush:“ He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday - no matter what

43、happened on Tuesday.“Over the past three years, I found people who had pulled a big U-turn in their lives. Often the insight came in a forehead-smiting moment in the middle of the night: Ive got it all wrong.It looked at first like a sprinkling of outliers beyond the curve of normal human experience

44、. But when you stepped back, a pattern emerged. What these personal turns had in common was the apprehension that were all connected. Everything leans on something, is both dependent and depended on.“The difference between you and me,“ a visiting Chinese student told University of Michigan psycholog

45、ist Richard Nisbett not long ago,“ is that I think the world is a circle, and you think its a line.“ The remark prompted the professor to write a book, The Geography of Thought, about the differences between the Western and the Asian mind.To Western thinking, the world is linear; you can chop it up

46、and analyze it, and we can all work on our little part of the project independently until its solved. The classically Eastern mind, according to Nisbett, sees things differently: the world isnt a length of rope but a vast, closed chain, incomprehensibly complex and ever changing. When you look at li

47、fe from this second perspective, some unlikely connections reveal themselves.I realized this was what almost all the U-turns had in common: people had swung around to face East. They had stopped thinking in a line and started thinking in a circle. Morality was looking less like a set of rules and mo

48、re like a story, one in which they were part of an ensemble cast, no longer the star.(分数:10.00)(1).What can we infer from first two paragraphs?(分数:2.00)A.Some people have changed into someone another.B.Rhere are some drugs that can change ones identity.C.Some moneybags are pulled to act as philanthropist.D.francis Fukuyama has become a great traveler.(2).The underlined word“ flip-flop“ (Line 4, Paragraph 2) most probably means _.(分数:2.00)A.reverse.B.flick.C.handspring.D.fail.(3).According to the text, one difference between Western and Eastern minds was that _.(分数:2.00)A.the wo


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