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1、考研英语(写作)模拟试卷 108 及答案解析(总分:14.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Writing(总题数:7,分数:14.00)1.Section III Writing(分数:2.00)_2.Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information.(分数:2.00)_3.On Losing Weight A. Title: On Losing Weight B. Word limit: 160-200 words (not including the given open

2、ing sentence) C. Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence: “Losing weight has gained much popularity today, especially among girls.“ OUTLINE: 1. Many young people are keen on losing weight 2. The reasons 3. How to lose weight healthily(分数

3、:2.00)_4.My Favorite Magazine A. Title: My Favorite Magazine B. Word limit: 160200 words (not including the given opening sentence) C. Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence: “Magazine is the beneficial complement to our reading for the

4、 latest information and interesting topics.“ OUTLINE: 1. My favorite magazine 2. The detail of this magazine 3. The reasons I like it(分数:2.00)_5.On Constellation Craze A. Title: On Constellation Craze B. Word limit: 160200 words (not including the given opening sentence) C. Your composition should b

5、e based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence: “Nowadays, constellation has become a common topic.“ OUTLINE: 1. Young peoples craze for constellation 2. My opinion 3. Making a conclusion(分数:2.00)_6.Maintaining Cultural Heritages of Traditional Holidays A. Title: Maint

6、aining Cultural Heritages of Traditional Holidays B. Word limit: 160200 words (not including the given opening sentence) C. Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence: “Traditional holidays, passed down from generation to generation, have s

7、tories behind with significant cultural heritages. OUTLINE: 1. The significance of traditional holidays 2. Peoples improper attitudes towards traditional holidays 3. My opinion on maintaining cultural heritages of traditional holidays(分数:2.00)_7.Good Health A. Title: Good Health B. Time limit: 40 mi

8、nutes C. Word limit: 160200 words (not including the given opening sentence) D. Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence: “The desire for good health is universal. OUTLINE: 1. Importance of good health 2. Ways to keep fit 3. My own practi

9、ces(分数:2.00)_考研英语(写作)模拟试卷 108 答案解析(总分:14.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Writing(总题数:7,分数:14.00)1.Section III Writing(分数:2.00)_解析:2.Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information.(分数:2.00)_解析:3.On Losing Weight A. Title: On Losing Weight B. Word limit: 160-200 words (not includ

10、ing the given opening sentence) C. Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence: “Losing weight has gained much popularity today, especially among girls.“ OUTLINE: 1. Many young people are keen on losing weight 2. The reasons 3. How to lose w

11、eight healthily(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Losing weight has gained much popularity today, especially among girls. The media, such as TV programs, magazines and newspapers, are talking about losing weight. Why are so many people keen on losing weight? One of the main reasons is that many people are suffer

12、ing from obesity, which is a risk factor for certain health conditions or increased mortality. For the sake of health, they have to lose weight and build a strong constitution. Another reason is that many young ladies are deeply influenced by the idea that the slimmer they are, the more attractive t

13、hey will become. In order to get a nice figure, they are paying much attention to their weight. As far as I am concerned, whatever the reason may be, people should lose weight in a reasonable way. It is often seen that a lot of people try to lose weight by extreme dieting, such as only eating apples

14、 and drinking water. It may, however, lead to some side effects and thus be harmful to their health. Personally, I would prefer doing exercises, a healthier way to lose weight, rather than eating less. After all, being healthy is of more significance than losing weight.)解析:解析:本文是一篇议论文,讨论减肥的话题。文章内容可安

15、排如下: 第一段引出话题:减肥很受欢迎。 第二段分析减肥的原因:一是为自身健康着想;二是为变得更漂亮。 第三段阐述个人的观点:强调减肥要用合理的方式,推荐以做运动代替节食来减肥4.My Favorite Magazine A. Title: My Favorite Magazine B. Word limit: 160200 words (not including the given opening sentence) C. Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the give

16、n opening sentence: “Magazine is the beneficial complement to our reading for the latest information and interesting topics.“ OUTLINE: 1. My favorite magazine 2. The detail of this magazine 3. The reasons I like it(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Magazine is a beneficial complement to our reading for the lates

17、t information and interesting topics. Among all the magazines, Readers Digest ranks first on my list. Founded in 1920s in America, Readers Digest is now the best seller circulated in more than 60 countries in the world. Published monthly, Readers Digest selects whats best from the most trustworthy s

18、ources in media, and then adds original reports and a healthy dose of humor. It covers lots of appealing themes, such as health, science, education and tourism. I like this magazine best for several reasons. One of the reasons is that its English version not only sharpens my language skills, but als

19、o opens a window for me to get a glance of different cultures. Besides, the magazine inspires and encourages me with many short yet inspirational stories. Every time I read it, I will either be deeply moved or lost in thought. It is really a beneficial experience which endows me a peace of mind. Wha

20、ts more, I get a lot of useful information and get entertained when I read it. In one word, Readers Digest is the magazine I credit part of my development to and it will always be my best companion.)解析:解析: 本文要求写一篇说明文,说明自己最喜欢的杂志。文章内容可安排如下: 第一段先说明杂志的作用,然后点明主题,说明自己最喜欢的杂志是读者文摘。 第二段简要介绍读者文摘的历史、现状及涵盖内容。 第

21、三段主要阐述喜欢该杂志的原因:能提高英语技能,了解不同文化;给人启发和勇气;给人有用的信息及娱乐。 第四段作总结,指出该杂志将一直是自己最好的伙伴。5.On Constellation Craze A. Title: On Constellation Craze B. Word limit: 160200 words (not including the given opening sentence) C. Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening

22、sentence: “Nowadays, constellation has become a common topic.“ OUTLINE: 1. Young peoples craze for constellation 2. My opinion 3. Making a conclusion(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Nowadays, constellation has become a common topic. Articles of constellation are not rare in magazines, forums, newspapers and we

23、bpages, concerning almost every aspect of life, such as characters, love, health, wealth and career. It is no wonder that many young people are captivated by constellation. As a university student, however, I consider it not sensible for young people to be captivated by constellation. First of all,

24、constellation may mislead us, because the topic of constellation is usually universal and it does not exactly match with every single person. According to the analysis of some researchers, constellation is too abstract and subjective. Since young peoples values are not mature enough, it often mislea

25、ds them to make irrational judgment about life. Furthermore, constellation may serve as an excuse for some young people and make them irresponsible for what they do. For example, when some young people meet with setbacks or failures, they may simply attribute them to constellation and think that its

26、 only a matter of bad luck, instead of finding the true reasons. Based on the discussion above, I believe that constellation craze among young people may do them harm and young people should be more reasonable rather than constellation-obsessed.)解析:解析:本文是一篇议论文,要求对“星座热”展开讨论。文章内容可安排如下: 第一段概述关于星座话题的流行,

27、以及年轻人热衷星座的现象。 第二段发表个人看法痴迷星座是不理智的,并加以论证。 第三段再次明确自己的观点,告诫大家理智对待星座。6.Maintaining Cultural Heritages of Traditional Holidays A. Title: Maintaining Cultural Heritages of Traditional Holidays B. Word limit: 160200 words (not including the given opening sentence) C. Your composition should be based on the

28、OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence: “Traditional holidays, passed down from generation to generation, have stories behind with significant cultural heritages. OUTLINE: 1. The significance of traditional holidays 2. Peoples improper attitudes towards traditional holidays 3

29、. My opinion on maintaining cultural heritages of traditional holidays(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Traditional holidays, passed down from generation to generation, have stories behind with significant cultural heritages. Some holidays show our respect to ancestors, while others symbolize the spirit of love

30、, courage, solidarity, etc. However, it is sad to see that what people value more today when celebrating these traditional holidays is the chance for rest and spending, not the cultural significance traditional holidays convey to them. What is worse, many people dont have the consciousness to do som

31、ething meaningful in these holidays. Instead, they spend the valuable time on sleeping, eating out or shopping. As I see it, we should try hard to maintain cultural heritages of traditional holidays; otherwise people will one day eventually forget the value and significance of these holidays. In ord

32、er to do this, it is suggestive that the government should attach more importance to the protection of cultural heritages of traditional holidays. Moreover, schools and media should work together to educate the public what the traditional holidays mean to us, what interesting stories are behind them

33、, and what are the traditions of these holidays. I believe, with the united efforts, these holidays together with their cultural values, will be cherished and maintained.)解析:解析: 本文是一篇议论文,要求对“保持传统节日的文化传统”进行讨论。 文章内容可安排如下:第一段概述各传统节日有其文化意义,并举例说明。 第二段概述如今人们庆祝传统节日的方式和关注重点的转变:更注重的是休息和消费的机会,而不是这节日所传达的文化意义。

34、第三段表达个人看法,提出保护传统节日文化传统的方法:政府加强保护;学校和媒体共同努力开展教育。7.Good Health A. Title: Good Health B. Time limit: 40 minutes C. Word limit: 160200 words (not including the given opening sentence) D. Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence: “The desire f

35、or good health is universal. OUTLINE: 1. Importance of good health 2. Ways to keep fit 3. My own practices(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: The desire for good health is universal, since good health is a necessity for people to enjoy their life and make achievements in their careers. Its hard to imagine a perso

36、n with poor health can lead a happy and successful life. However much importance we attach to health, it is always far from enough. As far as I know, there are many ways to keep fit. First, we should get rid of bad living habits, such as drinking, smoking, overeating and staying up late. Second, wed

37、 better do regular exercises to make ourselves strong and healthy. Finally, it is very necessary to keep a good mood, which does good to us both mentally and physically. I myself lead a busy life, so its impossible for me to do physical exercises every day, but at least I manage to keep a balanced d

38、iet and a good mood. When Im tired, I will listen to the music and forget about daily cares and worries for a while. People may have different ways to maintain a healthy life. The most important thing is that they should keep practicing their ways in a lifelong term.)解析:解析: 俗话说:“健康是革命的本钱。”保持身体健康是人们的普遍愿望。本文要求对“健康的身体”展开论述。根据题目所给提纲,文章内容可安排如下: 第一段首先点明健康的重要性。 第二段举例说明保持健康的方法,可从养成健康的生活方式、坚持锻炼身体和保持良好的心态等方面加以说明。 第三段介绍自己如何保持身体健康。这一段一定要言之有物,不能再停留于强调健康的重要性,否则会跑题。


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