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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 302 及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.62.B.64.C.60.D.Unknown.A.The better-off.B.Financial institutions.C.Ordinary people.D.Government.A.Give teachers extra help.B.Engage in many activities.C.Show up in

2、class.D.Offer constructive advice.A.It has nothing to do with higher math score.B.It works in some subjects, but not in others.C.It leads to higher scores in social studies.D.It encourages students to do better in science.A.Stricter security restrictions were imposed on luggage.B.Luggage delivery se

3、rvices offer travelers convenience.C.New services caused a lot of trouble in Checking luggage.D.Airlines give travelers opportunities to fly first class.A.Two minutes.B.Two hours.C.Two days.D.Two weeks.A.The pickup time is not scheduled.B.Extra packaging is required.C.Valuables are easily lost.D.The

4、 price might be too high.3.Section B_A.Freshman.B.Sophomore.C.Junior.D.Senior.A.She wanted Dr. Tyler to sign on her schedule card.B.She wanted Dr. Tyler to determine the number and variety of her courses.C.She wanted to talk to Dr. Tyler about the modern American novel.D.She wanted to explain why sh

5、e dropped the chemistry course.A.If his seminar on the modern American novel is welcomed.B.If he signs his name, Jenny wont work hard as ever.C.If Jenny can take two seminars in a semester.D.If six courses might be too much for Jenny.A.Calculus.B.Modern poetry.C.Chemistry.D.Introductory economics.A.

6、He wants to get his money back.B.He wants to exchange the sweater for another one.C.He wants the clerk to help him read the Chinese instructions.D.He wants to see why the color of the sweater changed.A.It is the wrong size.B.The fabric is coming apart.C.It is stained.D.It shrinks a lot.A.The custome

7、r didnt follow the instructions.B.The sweater was out of stock.C.The man no longer has the store receipt.D.The man isnt a VIP.A.Because it wasnt shown out.B.Because it was printed small.C.Because it was too obvious to notice.D.Because it was erased by the woman.4.Section C_A.High expectations.B.Oppo

8、site characters.C.Showing satisfaction.D.Forgiving and communicating.A.80.B.82.C.160.D.164A.People should aim high to ensure they are active in maintaining a happy marriage.B.The couples relationship skills are important to their marriage.C.People tend to select partners with different characters in

9、 marriage.D.Partners who have the same characters will lead to a dull relationship.A.How to improve your reasoning ability.B.Why classical music is popular with math students.C.The difference between classical music and rock music.D.The effects of music on the results of math tests.A.Because it keep

10、s you calm.B.Because it strengthens your memory.C.Because it stimulates your nerve activity.D.Because it improves your problem-solving strategies.A.The effects of music do not last long.B.Piano music could interfere with your reasoning ability.C.Music, whether classical or rock, helps improve your m

11、emory.D.The more you listen to music, the higher your test scores will be.A.Because there are no signs to direct them.B.Because no tour guides are available.C.Because all the buildings in the city look alike.D.Because the university is everywhere in the city.A.They set their own exams.B.They select

12、their own students.C.They award their own degrees.D.They organize their own laboratory work.A.Most of them have a long history.B.Many of them are specialized libraries.C.They house more books than any other university library.D.They each have a copy of every book published in Britain.A.Very few of t

13、hem are engaged in research.B.They were not awarded degrees until 1948.C.They have outnumbered male students.D.They were not treated equally until 1881.大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 302 答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.62.B.64

14、.C.60. D.Unknown.解析:解析:新闻提到,Sarkozy 计划将最低退休年龄上调两年,即上调到 62 岁,可判断在此之前,最低退休年龄应为 60 岁,C 为答案。A.The better-off.B.Financial institutions.C.Ordinary people. D.Government.解析:解析:新闻最后提到,反对者认为向金融机构和富人群体征收更高的税款,养老金体系就可以得到维持。可见反对者是站在一般民众的立场上的,而不是站在富裕人群、金融机构和政府立场上的,C 正确。A.Give teachers extra help.B.Engage in many

15、activities.C.Show up in class. D.Offer constructive advice.解析:解析:新闻开篇部分提到,现在有些美国学校推出一项新举措:奖励成绩有进步的学生,甚至学生仅仅因为到学校上课就可得到奖励。因此 C 为答案。A“给老师额外的帮助”、B“参加许多活动”和D“提供指导性的建议”均没有在新闻中提到。A.It has nothing to do with higher math score.B.It works in some subjects, but not in others. C.It leads to higher scores in so

16、cial studies.D.It encourages students to do better in science.解析:解析:新闻中用了 mixed results 来概括奖励学生这一举措的有效性,指出它能提高学生的数学成绩,但仅在实施奖励的情况下才有此效果;并且尚无证据表明它能提高学生的阅读、社会科学和理科的成绩,可见它对一些学科有用,但对另一些则无效,因此 B 正确。A“它不能提高数学成绩”、C“它能提高社会科学的成绩”和 D“它鼓励学生在科学方面做得更好”均不符合新闻内容。A.Stricter security restrictions were imposed on lugg

17、age.B.Luggage delivery services offer travelers convenience. C.New services caused a lot of trouble in Checking luggage.D.Airlines give travelers opportunities to fly first class.解析:解析:新闻开头部分的 avoid the troubles of checking bags 表明,新的行李托运服务可免去乘客机场安检的诸多麻烦;后面提到的 as headache-free as possible 也说明新服务可减少航

18、空旅行的烦恼,另外新闻从各方面介绍新服务为旅客带来的便利,因此 B“行李寄运服务为乘客提供了便利”正确。A“对行李托运实施更严格的安检限制”、C“新服务给行李安检带来许多麻烦”和 D“航空公司为旅客提供搭乘头等舱的机会”均与新闻内容不符。A.Two minutes.B.Two hours. C.Two days.D.Two weeks.解析:解析:选项均为时间,可推断本题为询问时间。并且各选项只是单位不同,听音时要特别留意相关信息。题目问这项新服务的行李寄存时间。新闻中提到,有特定的领取行李的时间,通常是两小时的预留时间,故选 B。A.The pickup time is not schedu

19、led.B.Extra packaging is required.C.Valuables are easily lost.D.The price might be too high. 解析:解析:新闻结尾提到,新的行李托运服务价格不菲,可见该服务的缺点主要在价格方面,因此D“价格可能太高了”正确。A“没有规定的领取行李时间”和 B“需要额外包装”与新闻内容相反。C“贵重物品容易丢失”没有在新闻中提到。3.Section B_解析:A.Freshman.B.Sophomore. C.Junior.D.Senior.解析:解析:对话中,学生说到:微积分是二年级的一门必修课。表明该学生读二年级,故

20、 B 正确。四个选项分别表示大学本科一、二、三、四年级学生。本题听音的重点,一是看选项中的原词是否在对话中有所提及,二是看对话中是否有与选项含义相同的其他表达方式。A.She wanted Dr. Tyler to sign on her schedule card. B.She wanted Dr. Tyler to determine the number and variety of her courses.C.She wanted to talk to Dr. Tyler about the modern American novel.D.She wanted to explain w

21、hy she dropped the chemistry course.解析:解析:见面时的寒暄一过,学生就说出了自己的目的:“我需要您在我这儿的课程卡上签名。”A与此一致,故为答案。选项均以 She wanted 开头,表明本题问“她”做某事的目的,可能问对话的主旨。A.If his seminar on the modern American novel is welcomed.B.If he signs his name, Jenny wont work hard as ever.C.If Jenny can take two seminars in a semester.D.If si

22、x courses might be too much for Jenny. 解析:解析:当学生说她这个学期修了 6 门功课时,老师说:“六门课?学习负担相当重啊。”对话结束时,老师又一次叮嘱:“上完第一个星期的课以后,你一定要再来我这里一趟,我们再看看这么多课程会不会让你吃不消。”可见老师担心学生学习负担过重,故 D 正确。A.Calculus.B.Modern poetry. C.Chemistry.D.Introductory economics.解析:解析:对话中提到,学生所选的 6 门功课分别是 chemistry,calculus,modern American novel,rom

23、antic poetry,introductory economics 和 music。未提及的是选项 B,故选 B。四项均是功课名称,听录音时须对提到的相关内容做好标记。A.He wants to get his money back. B.He wants to exchange the sweater for another one.C.He wants the clerk to help him read the Chinese instructions.D.He wants to see why the color of the sweater changed.解析:解析:男士一开头

24、就说:“我想退回这件毛衣。”refund 意为“退款”。后来男士还说:“我不想换购别的东西!我就想要回我的钱!”可见 A 正确。为准确解题,须对选项中的关键词加以注意,比如:money,exchange,instruction,color 分别说明选项能涉及的内容,听录音时要一一辨析。A.It is the wrong size.B.The fabric is coming apart.C.It is stained.D.It shrinks a lot. 解析:解析:男士提出要退货的理由是:“才洗了一次,干了后它至少缩小了五码!连一条蛇都穿不进它了!”可见毛衣缩水严重,故 D 正确。A.Th

25、e customer didnt follow the instructions. B.The sweater was out of stock.C.The man no longer has the store receipt.D.The man isnt a VIP.解析:解析:女士在听到男士的投诉后,立即问:“可是你按照清洗说明做了吗?”据此即可正确作答,故选 A。如果能听出男士未能看懂中文写的“清洗说明”,则可更进一步确认,男士洗涤方法不正确。A.Because it wasnt shown out.B.Because it was printed small. C.Because i

26、t was too obvious to notice.D.Because it was erased by the woman.解析:解析:对话最后女士说清货信息在印发的广告背面底部,男士反应很激烈,嫌印的字太小,并夸张地说需要电子显微镜才看得到那些字,可见他之所以没看到清货信息是因为字印小了,故选 B。4.Section C_解析:A.High expectations.B.Opposite characters.C.Showing satisfaction.D.Forgiving and communicating. 解析:解析:短文开头处说:“使新婚夫妇容光焕发的要诀似乎是宽容与沟通。

27、”故 D 正确。本题符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的原则。A.80.B.82.C.160.D.164 解析:解析:原文提到,该研究调查了 82 对夫妇,因此是 164 人,即 D。本题问数字,把听到的内容一一做笔记,最后根据问题作答。A.People should aim high to ensure they are active in maintaining a happy marriage.B.The couples relationship skills are important to their marriage. C.People tend to select partners

28、with different characters in marriage.D.Partners who have the same characters will lead to a dull relationship.解析:解析:短文介绍了一项婚姻调查研究的几个结论,其中一条说:“原先的看法是,婚后头几年里,期望值对满意度起着主要作用:而目前的研究结果与此相对:期望值的影响力与夫妻间相处的技巧密切相关。”也就是说,夫妻间相处的技巧对婚姻关系很重要,故 B 正确。C、D 尽管措辞不同,但意义一致,属等价选项,可直接排除;A 的含义即短文提到的“原先的看法”,不属目前研究的结论。A.How t

29、o improve your reasoning ability.B.Why classical music is popular with math students.C.The difference between classical music and rock music.D.The effects of music on the results of math tests. 解析:解析:题目询问文章的主旨是什么。关键是要听到文章开头的三句话,由此可知 D 正确。主旨类题考查考生对短文的主题或主旨大意的概括理解,一般出现在短文的第一题或者最后一题。A.Because it keeps

30、you calm.B.Because it strengthens your memory.C.Because it stimulates your nerve activity. D.Because it improves your problem-solving strategies.解析:解析:题目询问为什么古典音乐能够在解决问题的过程中起到积极作用。关键是要听到“(古典)音乐似乎刺激大脑里的神经活动”。故选 C。符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的原则。A.The effects of music do not last long. B.Piano music could interfer

31、e with your reasoning ability.C.Music, whether classical or rock, helps improve your memory.D.The more you listen to music, the higher your test scores will be.解析:解析:题目询问研究的发现之一是什么。关键是要听到“你应该记住,刺激大脑的效果只能持续1015 分钟。”故 A 正确而 D 错误。B 中的 Piano music 应改成 The less complex music,C 未提及。A.Because there are no

32、signs to direct them.B.Because no tour guides are available.C.Because all the buildings in the city look alike.D.Because the university is everywhere in the city. 解析:解析:预读选项可知,这是一道原因推理题。题目询问为什么参观者难以确定剑桥大学的范围。关键是要听到“这所大学的演讲厅、图书馆、实验室、博物馆和办公室遍布全城。”D 是其同义表达,故为答案。A、B、C 在文中均未提及。A.They set their own exams.

33、B.They select their own students. C.They award their own degrees.D.They organize their own laboratory work.解析:解析:题目询问文章讲述了剑桥大学学院的什么情况。关键是要听到“每个学院自主选择学生”,B 中的 select 对应文中的 choose,故 B 正确。A、C、D 提及的内容都是由 Cambridge University 而不是其下属的 colleges 执行的,因此均不正确。A.Most of them have a long history.B.Many of them a

34、re specialized libraries. C.They house more books than any other university library.D.They each have a copy of every book published in Britain.解析:解析:题目询问根据文章内容,我们可以了解到剑桥大学图书馆的什么情况。关键是要听到“大学拥有 60 多个专业科目图书馆。”即 B。选项 A、C 的内容文中均未提及;文中说University Library 拥有英国出版的每一本书,而不是题目所指的剑桥大学里所有的图书馆,故 D 不正确。A.Very few

35、of them are engaged in research.B.They were not awarded degrees until 1948. C.They have outnumbered male students.D.They were not treated equally until 1881.解析:解析:题目询问文章讲述了剑桥大学女生的什么情况。关键是要听到文章最后一句:“1881 年,这所大学允许女生参加考试,但是直到 1948 年才授予女生学位。”即 B。选项 A 的内容文中未提及;文中说女生大约占学生总数的 4096,故 C 错误;1881 年并没授予女生学位,也就是说那时学校对待她们与对待男生还是不同,故 D 不正确。


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