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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 321 及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.When the woman was killed.B.The main cause of her death.C.The womans identity.D.Why she failed to return home.A.19.B.9.C.22.D.33A.Islamist militants are still in co

2、ntrol of the town.B.French forces have entered the town.C.French forces are going to land at the airport.D.Islamist militants are attacking the airport.A.To control Kidal airport.B.To protect the town.C.To fight against Islamist militants.D.To protect the capital Bamako.A.It is OK to say that you ne

3、ver do maths at school.B.There has been a major change in the UKs education.C.Lack of Science and maths skills is not beneficial to adults.D.Prof Donald will give a speech at the British Science Festival.A.People need to be permitted to make good decisions in maths and science.B.More young people ne

4、ed to be interested in science.C.Pupils should make subject choices at the age of 18.D.The nation will be divided into science people and arts people.A.It is still OKB.You may be laughed at.C.You may make bad decisions.D.You could never do maths.3.Section B_A.Education.B.Medicine.C.Technology.D.Food

5、.A.Growing, yet uncertain.B.Expanding and secure.C.Contracting, yet stable.D.Declining and insecure.A.He dropped out of high school.B.He has some post-secondary education.C.He has a college degree.D.He was deprived of the right to go to school.A.Because he doesnt want to leave his current job.B.Beca

6、use he doesnt have the resources.C.Because the job hes looking at is appealing.D.Because he is too old to go to school.A.A test on the rules of the road.B.A motor race on streets around town.C.A ride from his home to his office.D.His road test to get his license.A.In a commercial area.B.In a residen

7、tial district.C.In a school zone.D.On a winding trail.A.Crashed into another vehicle.B.Hit a passer-by.C.Forgot to signal when taking a turn.D.Got on a pedestrian street.A.He should come on Friday to take her place.B.Hed better take more driving lessons.C.Hed better take the test with another office

8、r.D.He should have his car checked thoroughly.4.Section C_A.She was the first female Doctor of Medicine.B.She was the best nineteenth-century physician.C.She studied at many famous medical schools.D.She practiced medicine in Asia and Africa.A.Because she threatened their status.B.Because she was too

9、 aggressive.C.Because they had sex discrimination.D.Because they disliked foreign students.A.She worked as a peacemaker between the U.S. and UKB.She founded the first private infirmary in Britain.C.She advocated women liberation movements.D.She introduced the idea of disease prevention to schools.A.

10、These regions are still attracting people from other areas.B.The freezing winter drives people away from these regions.C.Many people come to these regions on holiday for winter sports.D.There are almost no people left in these regions in winter.A.To take a trip all over the world.B.To spare some mon

11、ey for their children.C.To begin a new life in warmer weatherD.To move to homes for senior citizens.A.Population.B.Industry.C.Education.D.Welfare.A.To enjoy sailing as a popular sport.B.To enjoy the breath-taking scenery.C.To admire its grandness and power.D.To tour through Europe alongside it.A.The

12、y are open to tourists all the time.B.Some of them are used as accommodation.C.There are ghosts lingering in the castles.D.Theres not enough money to preserve them.A.The dangerous twists and turns along the course.B.The changeable weather in a single day in North Germany.C.The preparation for there

13、being too many people.D.The high expenditure on accommodation and traffic.A.By taking advantage of ferries.B.By crossing bridges.C.By getting through tunnels.D.By riding submarines.大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 321 答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehensio

14、n_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.When the woman was killed.B.The main cause of her death. C.The womans identity.D.Why she failed to return home.解析:解析:新闻与一个在土耳其伊斯坦布尔失踪的美国女性有关,她的尸体于周六在 Sarayburnu 地区找到,警方怀疑她是在另一处地方被害的。警方告诉 CNN,死者身上有刺伤的痕迹,然而伊斯坦布尔警察长说她死于头部受击,可见 B“她的主要死因”是警方不确定的。A“这名女性被杀害的时间”新闻中没有提到。死者是美国人,33 岁,有两个孩

15、子,故 C“女性的身份”是确定的。D“她为什么没有回家”是因为被害,这也是确定了的。A.19.B.9. C.22.D.33解析:解析:新闻提到,与该女性失踪和死亡相关的九名嫌疑人已被拘留,故本题答案为 B。A.Islamist militants are still in control of the town.B.French forces have entered the town. C.French forces are going to land at the airport.D.Islamist militants are attacking the airport.解析:解析:新闻

16、开头提到,法国军队进入了马里北部的基达尔(Kidal),这是他们在驱赶伊斯兰武装分子的行动中要保护的最后一个重要城市,因此 B“法国军队已进入该城”正确。由新闻可知,法国军队现在控制了 Kidal 机场,伊斯兰武装部队据报道已离城,因此 A“伊斯兰武装部队仍然控制着城市”、C“法国军队将登陆机场”和 D“伊斯兰武装分子正攻击机场”不正确。A.To control Kidal airport.B.To protect the town.C.To fight against Islamist militants. D.To protect the capital Bamako.解析:解析:新闻一开

17、始就提到法国军队在驱赶伊斯兰武装分子,中间部分提及法国是马里的前殖民统治者,在伊斯兰武装分子可能会威胁到南方后,法国发动了军事行动,因此 C“对抗伊斯兰武装分子”正确。A“控制基达尔机场”、B“保护该城镇”和 D“保护首都巴马科”都不是法国发动军事行动的原因。A.It is OK to say that you never do maths at school.B.There has been a major change in the UKs education.C.Lack of Science and maths skills is not beneficial to adults. D

18、.Prof Donald will give a speech at the British Science Festival.解析:解析:新闻总体围绕着科学与数学来表述的,而且录音开头提到了“缺乏基本科学与数学技能的成年人有着被欺骗以及做出错误决定的风险”Adam who lack basic science and maths skills risk being“deceived”),由此我们可以知道缺乏科学与数学技能对成年人是没有好处的,故 C 正确。A 出自新闻末尾,所说的只是一般看法,与本篇新闻的基调(强调学习科学和数学的重要性)相反。B 中的 major change 虽然有在新闻

19、中提及,但那是 Prof Donald 将要在下周的科学节上要提出的观点,新闻的重点也不在教育的转变。D“Prof Donald 下周将在英国科学节发表演讲”,虽然在新闻中有提及,但文章主要讲述的是她关于数学和科学的观点,而非演讲这件事。A.People need to be permitted to make good decisions in maths and science.B.More young people need to be interested in science. C.Pupils should make subject choices at the age of 18

20、.D.The nation will be divided into science people and arts people.解析:解析:新闻提到 Prof Donald 发言的几方面内容,提到更多年轻人应该对科学感兴趣(more young people need to be interested inscience),不会因喜欢科学而感到不自在,B 复现了原文原词,为答案。A“人们需要允许在数学和科技方面做出恰当的选择”,录音中说的是对自己的生活作出选择(make good decisions in their private lives)。C“强迫学生从 18 岁开始做科目选择”,

21、录音中说的是 14岁。D“国家会分为科技人群和艺术人群”并不是 Prof Donald 的观点,只是英国的现状。A.It is still OKB.You may be laughed at. C.You may make bad decisions.D.You could never do maths.解析:解析:新闻最后提到,如果你对莎士比亚和奥斯丁不够了解的话,可能会被他人嘲笑(We may be laughed at if our knowledge of Shakespeare or Austen isnt perfect),故 B 正确。新闻中 itS OK 对应的是不学数(nev

22、er do maths),而不是不懂莎士比亚,故 A 错误。C“你可能会做不利的决定”是新闻开头提到缺乏基本科学和数学技能的成年人的表现,与题目无关。D“你从不做数学”是与题目作对比的情况,也是答非所问。3.Section B_解析:A.Education.B.Medicine.C.Technology. D.Food.解析:解析:听到女士问及相关信息时,注意男士的回答,男士说他想做 technical support 的工作,故答案为 C。A.Growing, yet uncertain. B.Expanding and secure.C.Contracting, yet stable.D.

23、Declining and insecure.解析:解析:女士问及 security 方面的信息时,男士回答:“很难说。因特网发展很快但就像互联网业务时代一样,不知道情况能持续多久。”同义概括为 A。A.He dropped out of high school.B.He has some post-secondary education. C.He has a college degree.D.He was deprived of the right to go to school.解析:解析:四个选项都是关于 He 的学业状况,听时要留意。女士问男士“你有没有想过回学校?”后来还揭了男士的

24、底:you did drop out of college。可见男士没读完大学,但中学毕业后也经受过一定的高等教育。所以 B 正确。A.Because he doesnt want to leave his current job.B.Because he doesnt have the resources. C.Because the job hes looking at is appealing.D.Because he is too old to go to school.解析:解析:题目问男士为何没有马上回去上学。对话结尾部分,男士提到,他目前没有财力回学校上学,B 是录音原词复现,为

25、答案。A.A test on the rules of the road.B.A motor race on streets around town.C.A ride from his home to his office.D.His road test to get his license. 解析:解析:对话开头女士宣布“路考开始”,接着男士提到自己一周以来一直在私人车道上练习。可见,他一直在为拿驾照的路考做准备。故选 D。A.In a commercial area. B.In a residential district.C.In a school zone.D.On a winding

26、 trail.解析:解析:男士说完“Here we go!”之后,女士说“这个商业区的限速”,可见他们是在一个商业区开始路考的,A 是原文 business district 的同义表达。A.Crashed into another vehicle.B.Hit a passer-by. C.Forgot to signal when taking a turn.D.Got on a pedestrian street.解析:解析:男士屡屡犯规,其中包括几乎撞上行人。解答此题的关键是要听懂 pedestrian 的意思,即B,动词 hit 是听到的。C 是他已经犯了的错误。A.He should

27、 come on Friday to take her place.B.Hed better take more driving lessons.C.Hed better take the test with another officer. D.He should have his car checked thoroughly.解析:解析:对话最后,女士建议男士今后周五来考试,男士问原因,女士的最后一句话极其经典:因为我那天不上班,意即 C,你找别的考官吧。4.Section C_解析:A.She was the first female Doctor of Medicine. B.She

28、was the best nineteenth-century physician.C.She studied at many famous medical schools.D.She practiced medicine in Asia and Africa.解析:解析:根据选项可预测问题是问某位女性的特别之处。文章首句就介绍了 Elizabeth Blackwell 是被授予医学博士学位的首位女性,选项 A 是原文的同义表达。A.Because she threatened their status.B.Because she was too aggressive.C.Because th

29、ey had sex discrimination. D.Because they disliked foreign students.解析:解析:根据选项可预测问题是“他们”为什么不喜欢她,文中听到复数人群对她的态度(the students and professors were cruel to her)时要注意听原因。此句前后重复说明是性别问题(becauseonly men were doctorsbecause she was the only woman),故选 C“性别歧视”。语义突出之处(如此处的 because)常出题。A.She worked as a peacemake

30、r between the U.S. and UKB.She founded the first private infirmary in Britain.C.She advocated women liberation movements.D.She introduced the idea of disease prevention to schools. 解析:解析:文中提到了她的很多贡献,但是选项中信息完全正确的只有 D,是在介绍她所创办的Womens Medical College 时提到的。It Was the first time 这种字眼后面的信息是出题的热点。B 中的 firs

31、t private 在文中找不到依据。A.These regions are still attracting people from other areas.B.The freezing winter drives people away from these regions. C.Many people come to these regions on holiday for winter sports.D.There are almost no people left in these regions in winter.解析:解析:选项可分为两类:某些地区吸引人(A、C);人们来到或远

32、离这些地区(B、D),且与冬天有关。短文开头大篇幅介绍美国北方的寒冷,人们选择去南方度假,甚至退休后举家南迁。因此答案为 B。选项D 过于夸大其词。A.To take a trip all over the world.B.To spare some money for their children.C.To begin a new life in warmer weather D.To move to homes for senior citizens.解析:解析:短文中间部分提到有些老人退休后会卖掉房子,紧接着说了原因,搬到南方开始新的生活。C 中的 to begin a new life

33、 基本上是听到的原词,in warmer weather 是对上下文的同义表达。D 项具有一定的干扰性。A.Population. B.Industry.C.Education.D.Welfare.解析:解析:A 是尾句听到的与四个地区有关的原词。符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的解题原则。A.To enjoy sailing as a popular sport.B.To enjoy the breath-taking scenery. C.To admire its grandness and power.D.To tour through Europe alongside it.解析:解析

34、:文章开头一再提及 castles,villages,and vineyards,并且直接听到 scenery,其修饰词stunning 在答案 B 中同义替换为 breath-taking。A.They are open to tourists all the time.B.Some of them are used as accommodation. C.There are ghosts lingering in the castles.D.Theres not enough money to preserve them.解析:解析:原文提到,一些城堡在旅游季节对游客开放,另外一些则成了酒

35、店、旅馆或一些机构的驻点,故 B 正确。B 项中的 accommodation“住所”是原文 hotels 和 hostels 的同义表达。A.The dangerous twists and turns along the course.B.The changeable weather in a single day in North Germany.C.The preparation for there being too many people. D.The high expenditure on accommodation and traffic.解析:解析:选项 C 中的 too many people 同义替换了原文中的 crowds。A.By taking advantage of ferries. B.By crossing bridges.C.By getting through tunnels.D.By riding submarines.解析:解析:根据选项可预测问题是如何过河,原文最后提到司机可以搭乘 ferries 过河。注意短文结尾处常设考点。


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