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1、上海中级口译英译汉真题 2014 年 9 月及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、TRANSLATION TEST (1)(总题数:1,分数:100.00)1. Robots came into the world as a literary device whereby the writers and film-makers of the early 20th century could explore their hopes and fears about technology, as the era of the automobile, telephone and a

2、eroplane picked up its reckless jazz-age speed. Since moving from the page and screen to real life, robots have been a mild disappointment. They do some things that humans cannot do themselves, like exploring Mars, and a host of things people do not much want to do, like dealing with unexploded bomb

3、s or vacuuming floors. And they are very useful in bits of manufacturing. But reliable robots-especially ones required to work beyond the safety cages of a factory floorhave proved hard to make, and robots are still pretty stupid. So although they fascinate people, they have not yet made much of a m

4、ark on the world. That seems about to change. The dramatic growth in the power of silicon chips, digital sensors and high bandwidth communications improves robots just as it improves all sorts of other products.(分数:100.00)_上海中级口译英译汉真题 2014 年 9 月答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、TRANSLATION TEST (1)(总题数:1,

5、分数:100.00)1. Robots came into the world as a literary device whereby the writers and film-makers of the early 20th century could explore their hopes and fears about technology, as the era of the automobile, telephone and aeroplane picked up its reckless jazz-age speed. Since moving from the page and

6、 screen to real life, robots have been a mild disappointment. They do some things that humans cannot do themselves, like exploring Mars, and a host of things people do not much want to do, like dealing with unexploded bombs or vacuuming floors. And they are very useful in bits of manufacturing. But

7、reliable robots-especially ones required to work beyond the safety cages of a factory floorhave proved hard to make, and robots are still pretty stupid. So although they fascinate people, they have not yet made much of a mark on the world. That seems about to change. The dramatic growth in the power

8、 of silicon chips, digital sensors and high bandwidth communications improves robots just as it improves all sorts of other products.(分数:100.00)_正确答案:( 起初机器人是以虚幻的文学形象出现在人们的视野里,20 世纪早期的作家和电影人借此表达对科技的憧憬和畏惧。当时正值“爵士乐时代”,汽车、电话和飞机的迅猛发展几乎到了不计后果的程度。后来机器人成为现实,不再仅仅是书本里或电影里的幻象,并且大体上十分能干。他们做了很多人类不能做的事,比如火星探测,也做

9、了很多人类不想做的事,比如炸弹拆卸、地板除尘,在制造业里也发挥了很大的作用。 但是要造出更高级可靠的机器人并非易事,尤其是可以在一些更危险的地方工作的机器人,而不是仅限于安全的工厂车间。并且机器人仍然聪明不足。所以尽管很多人为机器人所着迷,但它们还不足以令世界为之惊艳。但这似乎即将改变,硅芯片、数字传感器以及高宽带通信技术的显著发展,使得各种产品随之优化,同样也能使机器人不断升级。)解析: 解析 文章选自 Economist ,Rise of the robots 机器人的崛起。难度中等偏上,难点:长句、生词,例如 reckless、bandwidth、文化背景,如 jazz age。要做好这

10、篇英译汉,首先要在理解的基础上再动笔翻译。 考点举例 1:长句+生词+文化背景 文章开篇就给考生来了个下马威,“Robots came into the world as a literary device whereby the writers and film-makers of the early 20th century could explore their hopes and fears about technology, as the era of the automobile, telephone and aeroplane picked up its reckless jaz

11、z-age speed. ”洋洋洒洒好几行终见句号!口口个人认为,整篇文章最难翻好的也就是这一句。按理说,长句其实并不难处理,分析清楚文章结构就可以了,但是在这句句子中又夹杂了诸如 reckless 的生词,以及 jazz-age 此类包含文化背景的词汇。 策略:理清结构、整体理解 遇到长句,无论生词的多少,分析清楚句子结构是王道!此句主题词:robot,literary device 被 whereby 所引导的定语从句所修饰,这里的 whereby 相当于 by which。注意此句中的两个 as,前者表示“作为”,而后者相当于“when”。 而生词则要放到上下文当中去看,做到整体理解,不

12、要因为一两个单词放弃了整句句子。“ as the era of the automobile, telephone and aeroplane picked up its reckless jazz-age speed.”英语句子中,动词是核心,抓住动词也就是比较容易把握句子的主干,“pick”一词对考生来说并不难。即使不清楚 reckless 的具体意思,但也能大致猜出个范围,这里肯定是指发展速度快。考场上搞不清楚 jazz-age 到底是什么年代也无妨,按照字面意思翻成“爵士乐时代”即可。句子大意即为:automobile 等的发展速度是和 jazz-age 一样迅猛的。 Reckless

13、:鲁莽的、不计后果的,jazz age 一般指一战以后,经济大萧条以前的约十年的时间。当时,第一次世界大战已经结束(1918),经济大萧条(1929)还没有到来。当时的社会形态大家可以想象一下菲茨杰拉德的小说The Great Gatsby里所描述的场景。 译文:机器人起初是文学的形式来到这个世界,20 世纪早期的作家和电影人通过机器人来表达他们对科技的憧憬和恐惧。当时汽车、电话和飞机如同爵士乐时代一般无畏地飞速发展。 考点举例二:转译 Since moving from the page and screen to real life, robots have been a mild disappointment. 英语是静态的语言,惯用名词,而汉语是动态的语言,惯用动词。此句中的 disappointment 在翻成中文时要注意灵活的转换。译文:自从将机器人从书本和大银幕搬到现实世界后,人们却略感失望。

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