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1、雅思(写作)历年真题试卷汇编 9 及答案解析(总分:10.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、WRITING TASK 2(总题数:5,分数:10.00)1.WRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.(分数:2.00)_2.Some people think the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles. Do you agree or disagree?

2、 (2015-02-12)(分数:2.00)_3.The use of mobile phones in certain places is just as antisocial as smoking. Smoking is banned in certain places, so the use of mobile phones should also be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2015-02-14)(分数:2.00)_4.Some people say it is more important to plant

3、 trees in open spaces in towns and cities than build more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2015-03-12)(分数:2.00)_5.Some working parents believe that childcare centres can provide the best care for children who are too young for school, whilst others believe that family members such

4、as grandparents may take good care of children. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (2015-03-14)(分数:2.00)_雅思(写作)历年真题试卷汇编 9 答案解析(总分:10.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、WRITING TASK 2(总题数:5,分数:10.00)1.WRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.(分数:2.00)_解析:2.Some people think the best

5、 way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles. Do you agree or disagree? (2015-02-12)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Statistics show that young people under the age of 25 have by far the most accidents whilst driving cars and in particular motorcycles. These

6、 accidents have a huge cost in terras of injury, days off work, repairs to vehicles, and all too frequently death. Many young people need to be able to drive in order to get to work, so it is better to improve safety in other ways than have an outright ban. One important way to improve safety is bet

7、ter driver education and making the driving test more thorough. To some extent, allowing young people a provisional licence at 17 but not allowing them to take the test until 18 does increase the age, but also the time taken to learn. Compulsory lessons with a qualified instructor would perhaps help

8、, as well as encouragement to learn motorway driving skills, not covered in the Pass Plus course that is still optional. Positive encouragement to take an advanced driving test, perhaps with concessions such as cheaper insurance, to encourage people would help. Schemes such as having to display a ne

9、w driver sign, restriction on the number of passengers and night time driving all help to stop young people driving at a time when most accidents happen. This has an advantage of not restricting use of a vehicle to go to work, unless the person works shifts. More attention needs to be paid to the sa

10、fety of the car itself. There are strict regulations governing tyres, brakes and so on, but the yearly tests only ensure that the car is roadworthy at the time of the test. The ability to do a basic safety check should be included in the driving test. Many cars, but not all, have airbags; this could

11、 be made a requirement in the same ways as seatbelts. Tougher penalties for driving whilst using a mobile phone and a campaign to make this unacceptable would help, but action needs to be taken against drivers who do all sorts other things at the wheel. The actual layout of roads and signing contrib

12、ute to safety. There is evidence that too many signs confuse drivers of all ages, and road layout, especially at junctions, could be improved. Drink driving is a serious problem, although it appears that the message is getting through, and attitudes are changing. Perhaps the time has come for a tota

13、l ban on any alcohol for drivers. Stiff penalties help enforce the rules. It would appear from statistics that parties of young people, especially if they have been drinking, can distract the driver with serious, even fatal, consequences. Restrictions on the number of passengers that a young driver

14、can take, especially at night, can help.)解析:3.The use of mobile phones in certain places is just as antisocial as smoking. Smoking is banned in certain places, so the use of mobile phones should also be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2015-02-14)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: The use of mob

15、ile phones is increasing, and many people are almost addicted to being constantly in touch with their friends and constantly available. What is needed is mobile phone etiquette, but that would be difficult for the anything goes generation. Apart from some potentially dangerous situations, such as us

16、ing a phone while driving, mobiles are not strictly dangerous. Smoking is in a different category altogether. It is very harmful to smoke, and if others inhale the smoke it can damage their lungs too. For this reason smoking is banned in public places, in cars, where there are children and so on. Th

17、ere is a huge difference between the antisocial behaviour of some phone users and the risk to health caused by smokers. Good manners used to be thought of as acting in such a way so as not to give offence or make others feel uncomfortable. This would suggest that using a phone in a quiet restaurant,

18、 during a concert or play, in a lecture, cinema or place of worship really is rude and therefore unacceptable. Increasingly, such places ask clients and audiences to turn their phone off. They should not need to be asked. Banning something is drastic, and implies that the ban can be enforced. Unfort

19、unately, if a phone rings in the middle of, for example, a concert, the damage is done, the performers concentration lost. Asking a member of the audience to leave, because if their phone rang again, it would cause more disruption, but it would make the point. Reminders, and if need be, actions, suc

20、h as requiring to leave, would perhaps make the point stronger. In a recent concert performance in London a soloist demanded that a parent take their crying child out and complained that the whole atmosphere was lost. The incident made the national papers. The same could happen to selfish phone user

21、s! Some trains now have mobile-free carriages, acknowledging that not everyone likes to eavesdrop on a one-sided conversation. A ban should be a last resort, and apply to situations where the use of the phone could actually be dangerous. Examples of this could be an aircraft and in hospital whose se

22、nsitive equipment could be affected, as well as the use of mobiles in cars which is actually illegal but widely ignored. In dangerous situations then, mobile phones should be banned and the ban enforced. In other situations there should be firm reminders and penalties for those who are rude enough t

23、o ignore the reminder. This should help encourage the development of a code of practice for mobile phones where people are not tied to the machine and accept responsibility for the effect of their actions.)解析:4.Some people say it is more important to plant trees in open spaces in towns and cities th

24、an build more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2015-03-12)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: People have to live somewhere in towns and cities, which means more housing has to be built. The issue is: do builders build on available land within the city boundary, which could be brownfield sites o

25、r open sites such as parks, gardens and commons, or do they encroach on the surrounding countryside? At the same time, as people get richer, they want bigger houses with gardens that take up space only available outside the town, and with high prices of land there is a temptation to subdivide proper

26、ty, build in gardens, and extend underground, all of which lead to problems. Population growth compounds the problems. Trees too are vitally important. They convert the carbon dioxide that we exhale into oxygen that we breathe, so the existence of all kinds of plants, but especially trees, is absolu

27、tely vital. People also need space for recreation and exercise to encourage good health. Parks, gardens and common land provide the space to do this, often within the boundaries of towns and cities. These areas also provide space for wildlife of all kinds, much of which humans depend on. Without, fo

28、r example, bees and other pollinating insects, crops do not grow. The insects depend on flowers for their food and flowers grow in open spaces. The need to maintain city open spaces puts pressure on the surrounding countryside, as it is easier to build on a green site than to deal with whatever a br

29、ownfield site was previously used for. People living in villages prefer this way of life and usually do not want their village swallowed up by the growing city. Agricultural land is important for food production, and once lost is usually lost for ever. There is no simple answer to the question of tr

30、ees versus homes; both are important, so a balance is called for. Housing in cities has to use land effectively, and high-rise buildings are an obvious solution. Many people really hate this and in cities such as London and Birmingham where nineteenth century slum properties were replaced by modern

31、high rise flats, people missed the old community spirit and hated sky-high living. Some such flats have been demolished and replaced by lower blocks with better designed environments. Open spaces in cities and towns have to be maintained, and areas once used for industry, such as the coalmining area

32、s of Englands Midlands, made into spaces for recreation. In this area, the National Forest initiatives has resulted in the planting of millions of trees, and opportunities to walk, cycle, and take part in all sorts of nature-related activities. New houses have been built in the once run-down mining

33、villages, improving amenities and so making life better for more people.)解析:5.Some working parents believe that childcare centres can provide the best care for children who are too young for school, whilst others believe that family members such as grandparents may take good care of children. Discus

34、s both these views and give your own opinion. (2015-03-14)(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Traditionally, when families lived close together, grandparents and other family members looked after small children whose parents worked. This has many advantages. Grandparents have already brought up children and know

35、what to do. They often have time available and enjoy looking after the next generation. It provides a continuity of care and encourages love and respect from the children, even though they often get indulged and maybe a little spoilt. For the parents, it is a reliable, usually free of charge, soluti

36、on to caring for children whilst they work. It can have disadvantages too. Grandparents might not be in the best of health; they could find the children too energetic and demanding, and they might simply not want to do it full time. Increasingly, as more mothers work, children are put into childcare

37、 centres. There are advantages to this. The staff are trained to look after small children; they choose to do this work and, presumably, enjoy it. The centre is staffed by a number of people, so the likelihood of it not being able to accept a child because of staff illness, for example, is small. Ve

38、ry often, such centres will have large equipment, such as climbing frames and swings, which ordinary families cannot house. There will also be a variety of toys, such as dolls houses, train sets, dressing up boxes, sandpits, water trays and facilities for painting that many families cannot, or will

39、not, provide. Children learn to socialise in such an environment and will usually be better prepared for starting school. The main disadvantage is cost, especially if the facility is of a really high standard. There is also the view that children are more secure if they are cared for by one or two p

40、eople they know well, usually the parents, but these days taking time out to look after children is an increasingly rare luxury. Opinions vary as to which is the better way of looking after pre-school children. Often it depends on the current fashion of the time, usually dictated by the financial si

41、tuation, and particularly the need to have both parents working. Traditionally it was the mothers role to look after the children, but more and more, fathers want to take their share. The decision as to the best childcare depends on a number of factors. If the grandparents are available because they

42、 live nearby and are not at work, are in good health and willing to do it, this may be the best option for some families. Alternatively, a good local, childcare facility may be better for other families. Research has been done on various methods and conclusions are difficult to finalise because so many factors are involved. Perhaps the best way is some sort of compromise, a few days with family members and a few days in a nursery, so the child gets the best of both worlds!)解析:


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