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1、英语翻译高级口译-20 及答案解析(总分:279.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSECTION 1 LISTE(总题数:1,分数:20.00)BPart A Spot Dictation/BDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. It streaked across

2、 the sky in a warm March evening last year, then U(1) /U a street in the small town of Monahans, Texas. When seven boys quit their basketball game to U(2) /U the damage, they found a shiny, black grapefruit-size rock nestled in the asphalt. U (3) /U traveled quickly in newspapers and on TV. The next

3、 day, NASA scientist Everett Gibson arrived and took the meteorite, later named Monahans 1998, back to a lab in Houston. There researchers U(4) /U the extraterrestrial rock with a hammer and chisel. To their surprise, they smack water. A team led by Michael Zolensky of the Johnson Space Center repor

4、ts U(5) /U in the current issue of the journal Science. Its the first time anyone has found liquid water U(6) /U from space-and a tantalizing suggestion that U(7) /U. Meteorites containing water are probably not U(8) /U , Zolensky says. But by the time researchers get their hands on the rocks, miner

5、als that trap the water U(9) /U away, and the water has evaporated. “Worse, some researchers destroy the aqueous evidence by cutting meteorites open with rock saws and water. Im betting this isnt U(10) /U; its just that people have been U(11) /U their meteorites,“ Zolensky says. Of course, Zolenskys

6、 team did get a bit lucky. Monahans 1998 was safe in their lab less than two days after it hit Earth, so they examined U(12) /U. The scientists were intrigued to find vivid purple crystals of halite inside the meteorite, since halite is a salt U(13) /U usually formed from liquid water. Even more cur

7、ious were the hundreds of tiny bubbles U(14) /U in the halite crystals. Zolenskys team analyzed the bubbles by shining U(15) /U through them and confirmed they were made of salty brine. By dating the halite, Zolenskys team found the water trapped inside it formed at least 4.5 billion years ago, back

8、 when most scientists believe U(16) /U was born. That means the briny relic may help researchers learn about the gaseous-nebula that U(17) /U our sun and planets. But how did the meteorite get wet? One possibility is that a passing comet U(18) /U the rock, dropping off a load of liquid water. Or the

9、 rock might have chipped off an asteroid that holds pools of fluid. Zolenskys team still needs to study whether the water comes from our own solar system. One thing is certain, however: the Monahans meteorite will fuel U(19) /U extraterrestrial life. “Water is a life-giver, so if you want to study w

10、here life came from in the solar system, you have to U(20) /U,“ Zolensky says. A wet rock from space doesnt mean little green men are coming soon to a planet near you, but it does raise hopes that were not alone in the universe. (分数:20.00)(1).(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:

11、_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_二、BPart B Listenin(总题数:4,分数:20.00)Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and question

12、s will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in, the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following talk. (分数:5.00)A.(A) Refreshing.B.(B) Pleasa

13、nt.C.(C) Cooling.D.(D) Exciting.A.(A) Rome.B.(B) France.C.(C) An oriental country.D.(D) Unknown.A.(A) Old English.B.(B) Chinese.C.(C) Latin.D.(D) the Bible.A.(A) Hanging fans.B.(B) Palm leaf fans.C.(C) Basket fans.D.(D) All of the above.A.(A) They are out of fashion.B.(B) They fail to provide a cool

14、 breeze.C.(C) Air-conditioners are comfortable substitutes.D.(D) Fewer fans are manufactured.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following talk. (分数:5.00)A.(A) The two men in the caravan were lightly hurt.B.(B) The two men were badly injured.C.(C) Neither of them was hurt.D.(D) The two men were shock

15、ed but unhurt.A.(A) Because he couldnt find one.B.(B) Because someone had stolen the extinguisher.C.(C) Because there wasnt one in the bank.D.(D) Because someone else got there first.A.(A) It was a bomb.B.(B) It wasnt a bomb.C.(C) It must be the breaking of the front type of the vehicle.D.(D) It was

16、 like a bomb.A.(A) The caravan was burned.B.(B) The windows of the bank were blown out.C.(C) The contents of the caravan were damaged.D.(D) Damage inside the vehicle was very serious.A.(A) They were working in Norwich city center.B.(B) They were on holiday.C.(C) They were driving the vehicle round t

17、he city.D.(D) They were waiting for their wives.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following talk. (分数:5.00)A.(A) Better education.B.(B) Better sanitation.C.(C) Better medicine.D.(D) Both B and C.A.(A) Advancement in agriculture.B.(B) Improvement in transportation.C.(C) More business.D.(D) Better e

18、ducation.A.(A) Better transportation.B.(B) Better distribution products.C.(C) Mechanization.D.(D) Refrigeration.A.(A) Food production increases faster than population growth.B.(B) The rate of population growth exceeds that of food production.C.(C) Population and food supply increase proportionately.

19、D.(D) Population growth started in the 18th century.A.(A) People in the developing countries.B.(B) People in the developed countries.C.(C) People of all cultures.D.(D) People of some cultures.Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk. (分数:5.00)A.(A) Silent reading had not been discovered.B.

20、(B) There were few places available for private reading.C.(C) Few people could read for themselves.D.(D) People retied on reading for entertainment.A.(A) A change in the status of literate people.B.(B) A change in the nature of reading.C.(C) An increase in the number of books.D.(D) An increase in th

21、e average age of readers.A.(A) The importance of silent reading.B.(B) The amount of information yielded by books and newspapers.C.(C) The effects of reading on health.D.(D) The value of different types of reading material.A.(A) Standards of literacy had declined.B.(B) Readers interests had diversifi

22、ed.C.(C) Printing techniques had improved.D.(D) Educationalists attitudes had changed.A.(A) Explain how present day reading habits developed.B.(B) Change peoples attitudes to reading.C.(C) Show how reading methods have improved.D.(D) Encourage the growth of reading.三、BSECTION 2 READI(总题数:4,分数:40.00)

23、Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and w

24、rite the letter of the answer you have chosen, in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. The study of management is at a turning point. What began as the study of “best practice“ among large manufacturing firms has grown to encompass specialized fields ranging from finance to government. As

25、 the subject matter has changed, so has the role played by its masters. Business schools and management consultants used to spend most of their time training the inexperienced, bringing them up to speed on case studies of “excellent“ companies. Now they also create their own theories to challenge th

26、e wisdom of businessmen. And those theories have the power to change the ways in which even the best companies do business. The new scope and power of management theories have created an identity crisis. Are teachers of management like historians, distilling the wisdom of the world into a form that

27、others can absorb and imitate? Or are they innovators, changing the world with their new theories and ideas? And, if they are to be innovators, what are to be the doctrine and dogma from which their theories spring? Bright management ideas abound, but two factors make it hard to separate the wheat f

28、rom the chaff. One is the “Hawthorne effect“. Early in the twentieth century, managers at General Electrics Hawthorne plant began a study of how better lighting might increase productivity. They turned up the lights. Productivity went up. For exactitude, they also turned down the lights, expecting p

29、roductivity to fall. It didnt; it went again. In fact, just about anything done to the Hawthorne workers increased productivity. They liked the attention. Given workers ability to respond positively to extra attentionhowever abjectly lunatic and misguideda fallback criterion for measuring the succes

30、s of a management theory is profits. But here the past seven years of steady economic growth, combined with roaring bull markets, have shown virtually all business ideas in their kindest light. For the time being, professors themselves are left with great leeway to decide which ideas are worth teach

31、ing and which are best forgotten. But the perspectives from which they make such decisions are changing fast. Management schools first started cropping up in America at the tuna of the century. Their role was to mould a new type of top manager to run a new type of corporation: the diversified manufa

32、cturer. Paragon of the new breed of company was General Motorsas redesigned by Alfred Sloan, who also founded the Sloan School of Management at MIT. To tap economies of scale and scope GM was one of the first firms to organize management by function, creating a finance department, a marketing depart

33、ment, an engineering department and so on. This new organization, in turn, required a new breed of manager at the topwhere the functional divisions came togetherwho could get the most out of the vast and specialized resources spread out beneath him. The new breed of magnate had to understand the var

34、ious skills he commanded, from finance to manufacturing. Few had time to gain all that knowledge on shopand trading-room-floors. The new managers also had to be able to translate their knowledge into a common language, which often meant the rows and columns of management accounting. And, because of

35、the complexity of their empires, they had to be more conscious of the theory and practice of organization. In many ways, the logical culmination of this management philosophy was Harlod Geneen of ITT (MBA, Harvard). He created a vast conglomerate based on “management by numbers“the idea that if one

36、could read management accounts right, one could manage just about anything. But neither conglomerateers nor big manufacturers have had an easy time of late. Not only have economies shifted towards service industries, but the turbulence of recent years has encouraged the break-up of big firms into sm

37、aller chunks. Though the required “core“ curriculum of most business schools still prepares graduates for life in a firm like GM, only a minority of MBAs now go into big manufacturing companies. Some of the best-publicized successors to Harold Geneens manage-by-numbers philosophy have drifted into t

38、he mergers and acquisitions departments of investment banks. Others have scattered across the world of business. If todays MBA can be said to have a typical career, he would begin in finance or consulting and end up founding a business. Business schools, meanwhile, encourage diversity by expanding t

39、he number of subjects which they teach. Though programs vary greatly, most MBA curricula can be divided roughly into three parts: a core curriculum of required subjects; a specialized subject that the MBA studies in greater depth; and the educational process itself, which emphasizes the sort of team

40、work that MBAs will have to adopt in the real world. The core curriculum includes the facts and skills which every MBA must master. At most business schools it includes marketing (how to discover who might want to buy your product and why), finance (how to get and use capital), management accounting

41、 (how to keep financiers abreast of how you are doing), organization (how to create teams that work), manufacturing (how to tell people who make things what to do), and information technology (what computers can do). By the standards of any other graduate program, much of the core MBA is remarkably

42、rudimentary. Business-school students are not expected to know what a bond is, or a share. Accounting courses do not take for granted even the basic principles of double-entry bookkeeping, let alone the basics of reading a balance sheet. Though the level of these courses is a humbling reminder of th

43、e lack of business education elsewherethe average 18-year-old in America or Britain probably knows more about nuclear physics than about businessit can hardly justify MBAs high salaries and high-flying reputations. For that, MBAs must rely on their specialized studies and the sheer process of MBA in

44、struction. Mr. David Norburn, head of the MBA program of Londons Imperial College, is fond of ribbing his students and staff with the argument that his school might as usefully offer a “Masters of Advanced Plumbing“ as an MBA. Much of the real value of an MBA, he argues, lies in recreating in MBA st

45、udies the feeling of working in business. Problems are structured so that they can be solved only by teams. Pressure is kept high. There is never enough time or information to reach definite conclusions, encouraging inspired guessing and “quality bluffing“. And, at the end of the day, there is no pr

46、etence of sharing rewards equally among the teaman individual takes the best prizes. For employers, the best part of an MBA often lies in his specialized training. Given inflation into the technicalities of, say, bond trading or market analysis, an MBA can often go straight to work at a level which

47、untrained colleagues may take a year or more to reach on the job. Better, he can bring new ideas to an organization; most home-grown experts cannot. So it is no surprise that some of the most frantic innovation in business schools is the fine- tuning of specialized curricula, and the introduction of

48、 new special subjects. The dean of the Stanford School of Business, Mr. Robert Jaedicke, has compiled a list of the new features proposed for tomorrows MBAs. It includes: Globalization. As competition increasingly ignores national boundaries, so too must managers. That means that managers must be able to build teams which include various nationa

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