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1、专业英语八级翻译-汉译英(三)及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BTRANSLATION/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BCHINESE TO ENGL(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.交换机是目前国内拥有自主知识产权、可与国外相媲美的少数几种高新技术产品之一,但是由于外国公司的倾销导致的恶性竞争,使得中国的厂商们被逼得“喘不上气来”。之所以造成上述的状况,除了宏观的调控不力以外,不难发现中国通信企业普遍缺乏资金投入。中国电子工业部已制定了通信制造业发展的“本地化”方针。一方面,大力开发生产具有自主知识产权的通信设备;另一方面,鼓励和促使外国公司向中国转移技术

2、,建立合资企业。(分数:20.00)_2.忽然发觉,在这个世界上,最珍贵的东西是免费的。 阳光,是免费的。芸芸众生,没有谁能够离开阳光活下去;然而,从小到大,可曾有谁为自己享受过的阳光支付过一分钱? 空气,是免费的。一个人只要活着,就需要源源不断的空气。可从古到今,又有谁为这须臾不可缺少的东西埋单?无论贩夫走卒还是明星政要,他们一样自由地呼吸着充盈天地间的空气。 亲情,是免费的。每一个婴儿来到世上,都受到了父母无微不至的呵护,那是一份深入血脉不求回报的疼爱。可从没有哪一个父母会对孩子说:“你给我钱我才疼你。”父母的这份爱,不因孩子的成年而贬值,更不因父母的衰老而削弱;只要父母还活着,这份爱就始

3、终如一。(分数:20.00)_3.1925年2月24日,国父孙中山病危时,留下一段家事遗嘱: “余因尽瘁国事,不治家产。其所遗之书籍、衣物、住宅等均付吾妻宋庆龄,以为纪念。余之儿女已长成能自立,望各自爱,以继余志。此嘱。” 中山先生艰苦奋斗40年,功勋卓然。但终身廉洁,从未为自己和子女亲属置办过田地遗产。他任过国家临时大总统,官可谓高矣,然而从不追求俸禄。临终留下的遗物只有生前的一些衣物,2000多本书籍杂志,还有一所旅居加拿大的华侨为他募捐的住宅。(分数:20.00)_4.道德观念,对于人们可能并不陌生,而道德判断,则有些新颖,似乎颇具学术味道。 其实,在任何社会里,都离不开道德判断,它不过

4、是对道德观念的一种具体体现与应用。 概括而言,道德判断可以理解为特定社会中一种以文化为依托的判断;即对社会上的一些作为或不作为,甚至意识、动机乃至性格等的对错、善恶、得失等所形成的观点、所作出的评估。因社会文化的不同,道德判断也是多样的。 在西方传统文化里,个人首先被看作是独立的存在,具有各种权利和行为自由,同时也对自己的行为全权负责。然而,不同个体之间的利益又会发生冲突,如何解决?这就需要遵守维护相互间利益的社会契约原则。(分数:20.00)_5.我同书籍,即将分离。我虽非英雄,颇有垓下之感,即无可奈何。 这些书,都是在全国解放以后,来到我家的。最初零零碎碎,中间成套成批。有的来自京沪,有的

5、来自苏杭。最初,囊中羞涩,也曾交臂相失。中间也曾一掷百金,稍有豪气。总之,时历三十余年,我同它们,可称故旧。 十年浩劫,我自顾不暇,无心也无力顾及它们。但它们辗转多处,经受折磨、潮湿、践踏、撞破,终于还是回来了。失去了一些,我有些惋惜,但也不愿去寻觅它们,因为我失去的东西,比起它们,更多也更重要。 它们回到寒舍以后,我对它们的情感如故。书无分大小、贵贱,古今、新旧,只要是我想保存的,因之也同我共过患难的,一视同仁。洗尘,安置,抚慰,唏嘘,它们大都体味到了。(分数:20.00)_专业英语八级翻译-汉译英(三)答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BTRANSLATION/B(总

6、题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BCHINESE TO ENGL(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.交换机是目前国内拥有自主知识产权、可与国外相媲美的少数几种高新技术产品之一,但是由于外国公司的倾销导致的恶性竞争,使得中国的厂商们被逼得“喘不上气来”。之所以造成上述的状况,除了宏观的调控不力以外,不难发现中国通信企业普遍缺乏资金投入。中国电子工业部已制定了通信制造业发展的“本地化”方针。一方面,大力开发生产具有自主知识产权的通信设备;另一方面,鼓励和促使外国公司向中国转移技术,建立合资企业。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Chinese switchboards are one of few

7、 telecom products that can compare to those made overseas, but unfortunately many foreign firms are dumping switchboards and switchboard parts onto the Chinese market, making the going rather tough for those Chinese telecommunications manufacturers that do show some promise. Many Chinese firms, alth

8、ough they turn out good products, find it hard to raise necessary capital. The Ministry of Electronics is now formulating policies to ensure that Chinese firms have a fair chance at development, by requiring more technology transfers from overseas firms and by ensuring the intellectual property righ

9、ts of Chinese manufacturers. The main vehicle for this new policy is to be joint-venture firms.)解析:解析 交换机:switchboard。 外国公司的倾销导致的恶性竞争:“外国公司的倾销”在此处指“外国公司在中国市场倾销交换机以及交换机的部件”,译文中需要增补“中国市场”,“交换机以及交换机的部件”,可以省略“恶性竞争”。众所周知,倾销必然导致恶性竞争,无须赘言。 使得中国的厂商们被逼得“喘不上气来”:“喘不上气来”是非常形象化的语言,即他们处境相当困难。另外,这些中国厂商本来是很有前途,可以大放

10、异彩的企业,这个内容需要增加,即“.that do show some promise”。 中国电子工业部:The Ministry of Electronics。 鼓励和促使外国公司向中国转移技术:.requiring more technology transfers from overseas firms。2.忽然发觉,在这个世界上,最珍贵的东西是免费的。 阳光,是免费的。芸芸众生,没有谁能够离开阳光活下去;然而,从小到大,可曾有谁为自己享受过的阳光支付过一分钱? 空气,是免费的。一个人只要活着,就需要源源不断的空气。可从古到今,又有谁为这须臾不可缺少的东西埋单?无论贩夫走卒还是明星政要

11、,他们一样自由地呼吸着充盈天地间的空气。 亲情,是免费的。每一个婴儿来到世上,都受到了父母无微不至的呵护,那是一份深入血脉不求回报的疼爱。可从没有哪一个父母会对孩子说:“你给我钱我才疼你。”父母的这份爱,不因孩子的成年而贬值,更不因父母的衰老而削弱;只要父母还活着,这份爱就始终如一。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(It suddenly dawns on me that the most precious things in human life cost nothing! Sunlight is free. Who in the entire world could do without

12、sunlight? Who has ever paid any penny for the sunlight he has enjoyed from childhood to adulthood? The air is free. Each person needs a continuous supply of fresh air to keep alive and kicking, but do you see anyone pay for it since the beginning of human life? Each person, whether the vendor and ot

13、her ordinary person or the celebrity and the VIP, he can enjoy the air freely. The familial affection is free. Every baby receives the meticulous love from its parents which penetrates into blood and cells for no payback. Never hear the saying from the parents such as You must pay for me, otherwise

14、I will not love you. The love from parents does not change with the children growing up, and never decay for the parents growing old. It will be consecutive as long as the parents stay alive.)解析:解析 忽然发觉:“.suddenly realize/notice.”句型用在此处未尝不可,但句型“sth. dawn on sb.”用物做主语,使译文显得更加地道。 芸芸众生:指一切有生命的东西,一般也用来指

15、众多的平常人,即“common populace”。作者强调每一个人都需要阳光,这一四字格可译为“who in the entire world”。 无论贩夫走卒还是明星政要,他们一样自由地呼吸着充盈天地问的空气:“走卒”指“差役”,这里可以取其上义词,即“普通百姓”,与“明星”、“政要”形成鲜明的对比。整句可译为:“Each person, whether the vendor and other ordinary person or the celebrity and the VIP, he can enjoy the air freely.”。 亲情:如译为“emotional atta

16、chment among family members”显得过于冗长,可以考虑“family”的形容词形式“familial”,“亲情”译为“familial affection”。 那是一份深入血脉不求回报的疼爱:与前句连接,可以考虑使用定语从句。“深入血脉”和“不求回报”是两个并列的成分,可译为“.which penetrates into blood and cells for no payback”。 你给我钱我才疼你:言下之意,你一定要付钱给我,否则,我就不疼你了,可用“otherwise”,即“You must pay for me, otherwise I will not lo

17、ve you.”。3.1925年2月24日,国父孙中山病危时,留下一段家事遗嘱: “余因尽瘁国事,不治家产。其所遗之书籍、衣物、住宅等均付吾妻宋庆龄,以为纪念。余之儿女已长成能自立,望各自爱,以继余志。此嘱。” 中山先生艰苦奋斗40年,功勋卓然。但终身廉洁,从未为自己和子女亲属置办过田地遗产。他任过国家临时大总统,官可谓高矣,然而从不追求俸禄。临终留下的遗物只有生前的一些衣物,2000多本书籍杂志,还有一所旅居加拿大的华侨为他募捐的住宅。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic of China,

18、 made the following will regarding his family affairs on February 24, 1925, as he was dying of illness: Dedicated as I have been to the national affairs, it is understandable that I have been unable to build up my family properties. I hereby leave my books, clothes as well as my house to my wife, So

19、ng Chingling as mementos. As for my children, who are all grownups and should be able to support themselves, I could only wish that they conduct themselves well so as to carry out my unfinished endeavor. For forty years, Dr. Sun Yat-sen worked and struggled for the thriving of the Chinese nation. De

20、spite the fact that his revolutionary exploits were monumental, he lived a life clean and honest until his death. Never had he purchased any land or property either for himself or for any of his family members. It is true that he once served as the Republic of Chinas provisional president. In fact,

21、as head of state, he had never sought nor enjoyed a high emolument. It is small wonder therefore that what he left behind upon his death were nothing except some 2000 books and magazines, plus a residence which had been collectively contributed to him by the Chinese expatriates in Canada.)解析:解析 国父孙中

22、山:“国父”不能照字面意思翻译,这个“国父”特指“中华民国的创始人”。孙中山先生的名字的英译在国际上已是约定俗成了的,不能按汉语拼音拼写成“Mr. Sun Zhongshan”,那样反而会显得不伦不类。此处“国父”即“孙中山”,同位关系。故译为“Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic of China”。 病危时:as he was dying of illness。 余因尽瘁国事,不治家产:意为“我为国家大事鞠躬尽瘁,因此我没有为自己的家庭置办财产是情理之中”。故译为“dedicated as I have been to t

23、he national affairs, it is understandable that I have been unable to build up my family properties”。 望各自爱,以继余志:“以继余志”指“完成我未完成的事业”,故译为“I could only wish that they conduct themselves well so as to carry out my unfinished endeavor.”。 中山先生艰苦奋斗40年:对外国读者来说,如不提供一点背景知识或解释,他们对“艰苦奋斗”也许会茫茫然。其实,这里指中山先生为中华民族的复兴艰

24、苦奋斗。 故增译为“For forty years, Dr. Sun Yat-sen worked and struggled for the thriving of the Chinese nation.”。 功勋卓然。但终身廉洁:中文虽用句号断开,但前后两句是转折关系,可以译为一句:“Despite the fact that his revolutionary exploits were monumental, he lived a life clean and honest until his death.”。 从未为自己和子女亲属置办过田地遗产:此处强调孙中山先生的清廉,可以将否定词

25、放在句首:“Never had he purchased any land or property either for himself or for any of his family members.”。 他任过国家临时大总统:“国家临时大总统”要译成“中华民国临时大总统”才确切。故译为“It is true that he once served as the Republic of Chinas provisional president.”。 官可谓高矣:意为“官高至国家元首”,即“as head of state”。 只有:nothing except。 旅居加拿大的华侨:译为“t

26、he Chinese expatriates in Canada”,其中“expatiate”表示“person living outside his own country(居于国外之人;侨民)”。4.道德观念,对于人们可能并不陌生,而道德判断,则有些新颖,似乎颇具学术味道。 其实,在任何社会里,都离不开道德判断,它不过是对道德观念的一种具体体现与应用。 概括而言,道德判断可以理解为特定社会中一种以文化为依托的判断;即对社会上的一些作为或不作为,甚至意识、动机乃至性格等的对错、善恶、得失等所形成的观点、所作出的评估。因社会文化的不同,道德判断也是多样的。 在西方传统文化里,个人首先被看作是独

27、立的存在,具有各种权利和行为自由,同时也对自己的行为全权负责。然而,不同个体之间的利益又会发生冲突,如何解决?这就需要遵守维护相互间利益的社会契约原则。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Everybody is familiar with the term moral, but not moral judgment which seems to be novel and a bit academic. As a matter of fact, moral judgment, as a specific manifestation and application of morality, is

28、deeply rooted in any society. Generally speaking, moral judgments may be understood as culture-bound evaluations in a society, that are the assessments or opinions formed as to whether some action or inaction, intention, motive or character is right or wrong, good or bad, beneficial or damaging. Mor

29、al judgments are naturally diversified given the cultural differences across societies. In traditional western culture, individuals are primarily viewed as independent entities endowed with a set of natural rights, freedom and responsible for their actions. Different individual interests, however, m

30、ay be at odds with each other from time to time. In resolving these conflicts, the principle of social contract is thus required to uphold interests based on consensus.)解析:解析 道德观念:译为“moral”。“道德批判”译为“moral judgment”。 对并不陌生:即“对熟悉”,译为“be familiar with”。 颇具学术味道:译为“a bit academic”。其中“a bit”的意思是“有一点儿”。 第二

31、段“其实,在任何社会里,都离不开道德判断,它不过是对道德观念的一种具体体现与应用。”译为“As a matter of fact, moral judgment, as a specific manifestation and application of morality, is deeply rooted in any society.”。其中“manifestation”的意思是“体现、表现”。短语“be deeply rooted in.”解释为“根深蒂固于”。 以文化为依托的:即“受文化所限的”,译为“culture-bound”。这种“名词+形容词”的复合词,在翻译中,可使译文变得

32、更为简洁。类似结构的还有:snow-topped:峰峦积雪的;apple-green:苹果绿的;snow-white:雪白的。 作为或不作为:译为“action or inaction”。 对错、善恶、得失:译为“right or wrong, good or bad, beneficial or damaging”或“right or wrong, good or evil, gain or loss”。 因社会文化的不同,道德判断也是多样的。:可译为英语条件句“Moral judgments are naturally diversified given the cultural diff

33、erences across societies.”。其中“given”作“考虑到”解,相当于“taking into consideration”。 最后一段第一句“个人首先被看作是独立的存在,具有各种权利和行为自由,同时也对自己的行为全权负责。”的主干部分是“个人首先被看作是独立的存在”,“具有同时也对全权负责”是次要信息,故译文中将其译为分词短语和形容词短语结构,用以具体说明。 独立的存在:译为“independent entities”,其中“entity”本意为“实体、存在”。 具有:译为“be endowed with”。例如:Americans are endowed with

34、a world-class tertiary educational system second to none.美国人仍拥有无人能比的世界级高等教育体系。 发生冲突:译为“be at odds with”,此短语本意为“与争执,意见不一致”。 这就需要遵守维护相互间利益的社会契约原则。:是汉语典型的无主语句型,这里可以翻译成被动语态,译为“The principle of social contract is thus required to uphold interests based on consensus.”5.我同书籍,即将分离。我虽非英雄,颇有垓下之感,即无可奈何。 这些书,都是

35、在全国解放以后,来到我家的。最初零零碎碎,中间成套成批。有的来自京沪,有的来自苏杭。最初,囊中羞涩,也曾交臂相失。中间也曾一掷百金,稍有豪气。总之,时历三十余年,我同它们,可称故旧。 十年浩劫,我自顾不暇,无心也无力顾及它们。但它们辗转多处,经受折磨、潮湿、践踏、撞破,终于还是回来了。失去了一些,我有些惋惜,但也不愿去寻觅它们,因为我失去的东西,比起它们,更多也更重要。 它们回到寒舍以后,我对它们的情感如故。书无分大小、贵贱,古今、新旧,只要是我想保存的,因之也同我共过患难的,一视同仁。洗尘,安置,抚慰,唏嘘,它们大都体味到了。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Soon Ill part wi

36、th my books; Ill have to, the way the ancient hero Xiang Yu parted with his favorite lady Yu Ji at Gaixia. The books had arrived at my home since 1949, the year the country was liberated. At first they came piecemeal and, later, in set or in bulk, some from Beijing and Shanghai, some from Suzhou and

37、 Hangzhou. During the first few years, as I was financially embarrassed, sometimes I had to turn from the books that I would have liked to give everything in exchange for. However, there were occasions on which I threw my money on books with quite a sense of lavish generosity. In short, having kept

38、them company for over 30 years, I felt lifelong intimacy with them all. During the ten years of the disastrous Cultural Revolution I was not in the mood to, nor was I fit enough to bother about my books, as I was not even sure where I myself would end up. But, having been taken from place to place,

39、getting moistened and damaged, tortured and trampled underfoot, they eventually had come back to me. Some of them had got lost, for which I was really sorry, but I thought I would not go and retrieve them, for I had had more to lose in those years and what I had lost other than the books was far mor

40、e important than the books. After their return home I felt about them with the same affection as I did earlier. I treated them alike, whether they were big or small, old or new, expensive or inexpensive, classical or contemporary, since they had been in my collection and, therefore, gone through thi

41、ck and thin with me. I would sigh with significance, when I dusted and caressed them and then found a place for them to go to. I guessed they must have sensed how I felt about their return.)解析:解析 我同书籍,即将分离。即无可奈何:此段出现一个典故,说明他对书的依依不舍之情和即将与之分别的悲恸。翻译这段文字,无需用加注释的方法按照字面意思译出典故,只要将中心意思准确译出即可,典故部分可以略作变通。译为:“

42、Soon Ill part with my books; Ill have to, the way the ancient hero Xiang Yu parted with his favorite lady Yu Ji at Gaixia.”。 最初,囊中羞涩,也曾交臂相失:“交臂相失”即“失之交臂”,表示“十分喜爱,但想买而无力购买,因而抱憾不已”。翻译时可以参考英语中现有的成语,但要根据语境略作调整。另外,需要注意时态和语态。译为:“During the first few years, as I was financially embarrassed, sometimes I had

43、 to turn from the books that I would have liked to give everything in exchange for.”。 中间也曾一掷百金,稍有豪气:“豪气”指“为了购买心爱的书籍,不惜血本”所表现的气派,可以考虑用“lavish generosity”。这句译为:“However, there were occasions on which I threw my money on books with quite a sense of lavish generosity.”。 因为我失去的东西,比起它们,更多也更重要:英译时“更多”与“更重要

44、”需要分成两个部分,译为“for I had had more to lose in those years and what I had lost other than the books was far more important than the books”,避免产生歧义。 只要是我想保存的,因之也同我共过患难的,一视同仁:译为“I treated them alike, whether they were big or small, old or new, expensive or inexpensive, classical or contemporary, since they had been in my collection and, therefore, gone through thick and thin with me.”。“只要”替换成了“既然”,更符合目的语英语的表达习惯。


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