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1、专业英语八级翻译分类真题汉译英(二)及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BTRANSLATION/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BCHINESE TO ENGL(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.朋友关系的存续是以相互尊重为前提的,容不得半点儿强求、干涉和控制。U彼此之间,情趣相投、脾气对味则合、则交,反之,则离、则绝。朋友之间再熟悉、再亲密,也不能随便过头、不恭不敬,这样,默契和平衡将被打破,友好关系将不复存在/U。 U每个人都希望拥有自己的一片私密空间,朋友之间过于随便,就容易侵入这片禁区,从而引起冲突,造成隔阂。待友不敬,有时或许只是一件小事,却可能已埋下了


3、珍到偏远小镇的育幼院把生在那里养到1岁的孩子接回来。但泊珍看他第一眼,彷似一声雷劈头而来,令她晕头涨脑,这1岁的孩子脸型长得如此熟悉,她心里的第一道声音是,不能带回去! U痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。院长说这孩子发育迟缓时,她更是心头无绪,她在孩子所待的房里来回踱步,这房里还有其他小孩,整个房间只有一扇窗,窗外树影婆娑,就让这孩子留下来吧,这里有善心的神父和修女,这里将来会扩充为有医疗作用的看护中心,这是留住孩子最好的地方。这孩子是她的秘密,她将秘密留在这树林掩映的建筑里/U。 她将秘密留在心头。(分数:20.00)_4.生活就像一杯红酒,热爱生活的人会从其中


5、,把这巨款筹到,而后含泪把我送出门去。她不辞劳苦,只要儿子有出息。当我由师范毕业,而被派为小学校校长,母亲与我都一夜不曾合眼。我只说了句:“以后,您可以歇一歇了!”她的回答只有一串串的眼泪/U。(分数:20.00)_专业英语八级翻译分类真题汉译英(二)答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BTRANSLATION/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BCHINESE TO ENGL(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.朋友关系的存续是以相互尊重为前提的,容不得半点儿强求、干涉和控制。U彼此之间,情趣相投、脾气对味则合、则交,反之,则离、则绝。朋友之间再熟悉、再亲密,也不能随便

6、过头、不恭不敬,这样,默契和平衡将被打破,友好关系将不复存在/U。 U每个人都希望拥有自己的一片私密空间,朋友之间过于随便,就容易侵入这片禁区,从而引起冲突,造成隔阂。待友不敬,有时或许只是一件小事,却可能已埋下了破坏性的种子。维持朋友亲密关系的最好办法是往来有节,互不干涉,久而敬之才能天长地久/U。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(直译 The continuation of friendship is on the premise that one respects the other. It does not allow any bit of forcing, interference

7、or control. UIf one shares interest, taste, and value of the other, they will come together and relate to one another; otherwise, they stay away from one another and discontinue their relations. No matter how familiar friends may be and how close their relations are, they shall not be too casual to

8、show disrespect and impoliteness. Otherwise, their harmony will break, their balance will be lost, and the friendly relationship between them will come to an end/U. UEvery one wants a personal space, a forbidden space one may call ones own. If friends are too casual to one another, they may unconsci

9、ously invade the others personal space, so that conflicts may arise, and separation may result. Treating friends with disrespect may seemingly be a small matter, but in fact, it has already sown a destructive seed. We keep a friendly relation best if we relate to one another with due respect and pol

10、iteness, each not interfering the others business. Always respect your friends, and your friendship will last/U. 意译 Mutual respect is the basis of friendship. Any bit of forcing, interference or control will only help to break up this relationship. UPeople who share the same interest and taste, who

11、have the same value, come together to form good relationships, whereas people who do not stay away from each other and end their relationships. Familiar though friends may be to one another, and close as their relations, if one is too casual, the other may feel that he is not treated with due respec

12、t and politeness. As a result, the harmony may break, the balance may be lost, and their friendly relationship may be finished/U. UWe all want to have a personal space, a space of our own. If we the friends are too casual to each other, we may unconsciously invade this forbidden space, causing confl

13、icts and making us split up. Casual behavior among friends may seem a small matter. In fact, it is a destructive seed. Dont interfere with your friends business, and always respect your friends. It is mutual respect and politeness that best keeps a friendly relation and makes it last/U.)解析:解析 首先,这是一

14、篇典型的中国文人写的散文,酷似中国画和书法,洋洋洒洒,读起来使人难免有些飘飘然的朦胧感觉。用词很随意、欠规范,不像西方学者和文人那样用词准确、规范,读起来缺乏明确感、清晰感。对于这类文章的翻译,一定要抓住它的神韵,不然就会抓不住核心词汇的意义,从而把原文理解错,使译文与原文南辕北辙。 第一句话是无主句,翻译的关键是主语的确定和几个关键概念的正确理解。“彼此”可狭义地译作“two persons”,也可以广义地译作“people”,也可以用“those who”;“情趣”可译作“interest and taste”;这里的“脾气”指的是价值观,而不是性情(不然这句话就失去意义),因此可译作“v

15、alue”。 第二句话翻译时应特别注意“朋友之间”和“友好关系”。如果前者中用了“friends”,那么,后者中就不好再用“friendship”,而应该用“friendly relationship”。 第三句话的难点是“私密空间”,如果受“私”字的影响,一下想到了“private”,“privacy”,那问题就大了。事实上,这里的“私密”是“个人”之意,即或“personal”。因此,“私密空间”应译作“personal space”。 第四句话的难点是对“有时或许只是”的理解。这是一种委婉的说法,确切些说应该是:“看上去只是”、“看似”,其反义词是“实则”。因此,对应的英语应该是“may

16、 seem to be”,“。may seemingly be”等。 最后一句话的难点是“久而敬之”和“天长地久”。“久而”意为“始终”,“天长地久”意为“持续”。因此,对应的英语是“always”和“last”,也可以用“as long as”之类的短语。2.现代社会无论价值观的持有还是生活方式的选择都充满了矛盾。而最让现代人感到尴尬的是,面对重重矛盾,许多时候你别无选择。匆忙与休闲是截然不同的两种生活方式。但在现实生活中,人们却在这两种生活方式间频繁穿梭,有时也说不清自己到底是“休闲着”还是“忙碌着”。譬如说,当我们正在旅游胜地享受假期,却忽然接到老板的电话,告诉我们客户或工作方面出了麻烦

17、现代便捷先进工具在此刻显示出了它狰狞、阴郁的面容搞得人一下子兴趣全无。接下来的休闲只能徒有其表,因为心里已是火烧火燎了。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(直译 Living in haste and living at leisure are two totally different lifestyles. But in reality, people have to frequently shuttle between these two lifestyles. Sometimes we even could not tell whether we are at ease or in a

18、rush. For example, when we are enjoying ourselves in the holiday resort, an unexpected call from our boss tells us that there are some troubles with our customers or workso at this very moment, the modem, convenient and advanced communication device reveals its vicious and gloomy featuresand all of

19、a sudden, this deprives us of our pleasure and what follows is only a rose without fragrance since we have already become agitated. 意译 Being in haste and at leisure are two distinct lifestyles. But in real life, people have to shuttle between these two lifestyles frequently, without knowing whether

20、they are at leisure or in haste. For instance, when we are enjoying our holidays in a tourist attraction, a phone call from the boss tells us contingencies have happened with our clients or work. The hideous and gloomy side of the convenient modem high-tech device drives away all the interest. The f

21、ollowing leisure time can only be reduced to the pure form, because we are already in a restless and anxious state of mind.)解析:解析 自己到底是“休闲着”还是“忙碌着”:可以译作.whether we are at ease or in a rush,或者.whether we are at leisure or in a hurry. 当我们正在旅游胜地享受假期:享受假期可以译为enjoy ones holiday,也可以译为enjoy oneself。故整个部分可以

22、译为:we are enjoying our holidays in the resort。 却忽然接到老板的电话:如果保留原文句型结构,那么可以译为suddenly received a call from our boss。但此处的“忽然”强调是突如其来的,完全不在假期的范围之内,建议使用unexpectedly。汉英两种语言有很大的差异,其中之一是英语中使用物当主语的频率远高于汉语。 搞得人一下子兴趣全无:可以直译为“we lose all our interest”。此处如能使用deprive sb. of sth. (剥夺某人的权利)短语,即deprives us of our pl

23、easure,可使译文增色不少,说明人们被迫无奈地放弃休闲。 徒有其表:英语有对应的表达方式a rose without fragrance,没有香味的玫瑰也就是徒有其表,可以采用。3.泊珍到偏远小镇的育幼院把生在那里养到1岁的孩子接回来。但泊珍看他第一眼,彷似一声雷劈头而来,令她晕头涨脑,这1岁的孩子脸型长得如此熟悉,她心里的第一道声音是,不能带回去! U痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。院长说这孩子发育迟缓时,她更是心头无绪,她在孩子所待的房里来回踱步,这房里还有其他小孩,整个房间只有一扇窗,窗外树影婆娑,就让这孩子留下来吧,这里有善心的神父和修女,这里将来会扩

24、充为有医疗作用的看护中心,这是留住孩子最好的地方。这孩子是她的秘密,她将秘密留在这树林掩映的建筑里/U。 她将秘密留在心头。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(直译 Bozhen went to the nursery in a remote town and intended to fetch the one-year-old infant back who was born and raised there up till now. However, at the first sight of him, she felt dizzy and nausea as if slapped by a

25、 thunderstorm, because this boy looked so like his parents that her first instinctive response was that she could not get him back to home. UShe was tortured by the pains gathering in her heart, and felt something was burning between her eyebrows. Her chest was overflowed with sadness which was expe

26、cted to run out of her throat at any second. When the headmaster told her that the child suffered from developmental retardation, she could not think clearly any longer. She paced fro and to in the room where there were other kids. There was only one window in the room, out of which some shady trees

27、 were whispering. Just leave him here, she told to herself, This is the best choice so far, since there are warm-hearted priests and nuns in this place which may also be refurbished into a Medicare Center in the near future. The child was her secret which could be kept in the building behind the for

28、est/U. She kept it as a secret. 意译 Bozhen went all the way to the remote nursery with the intension of fetching the one-year-old baby back. The boy was born and brought up there till now. Nevertheless, at the first glance of him, she felt very sick as if stricken by a thunderstorm, because this boy

29、looked so like his parents that her initial reaction was to leave him there. UTortured by the pains gathering in her heart, she felt something was burning between her eyebrows. Her chest was brimmed with depression which was likely to run out of her throat at any moment. She could not think clearly

30、any longer when the headmaster told her that the child suffered from developmental retardation. She strode up and down in the room where her child stayed with other pals. There was only one window in the room, out of which some shady trees were whispering. Just leave him here, she told to herself, T

31、his is the best choice so far, for there are kind priests and nuns in this place which may also be renovated into a Medicare center. The child was her secret which would be kept in the building behind the woods/U. She kept it as a secret.)解析:解析 痛苦纠聚心中胃里一股气冲喉而上:整句比较长,考生需要考虑是否保留汉语的主语“痛苦”、“眉心”、“胸口”、“一股

32、气”,还是另选其他主语。按照英语的行文习惯,原文的主语都不适合,应该用“人”作主语,也就是“泊珍”。 这孩子发育迟缓时:“发育迟缓”说明这个孩子生病了,此处需要增加动词短语,译为“.suffer from developmental retardation”。 来回踱步:英文有很多类似的表达,如“pace to and fro, stride up and down”。 整个房间只有一扇窗,窗外树影婆娑:汉语与英语的显著差异之一,就是汉语可以连续使用很多逗号,连接句子,而英语需要符合严格的语法规范。前后两个分句共有的是“窗”,可以此为连接点,使用定语从句,进而译为“There was only

33、 one window in the room, out of which some shady trees were whispering”。 就让这孩子留下来吧,这是留住孩子最好的地方:这是主人公内心世界的挣扎,是她内心的独白。英译时,可以将这个部分处理成“她自己对自己说”,即she told to herself。 这孩子是她的秘密,她将秘密留在这树林掩映的建筑里:考生常常遇到的一个难点就是分句之间的连接。此处出现两个“秘密”,这是使用定语从句的信号,避免句式过于简单而失分。短语keep secret in.表示“把秘密藏在”,与原文意思相吻合。4.生活就像一杯红酒,热爱生活的人会从其中

34、品出无穷无尽的美妙。将它握在手中仔细观察,它的暗红色中有血的感觉,那正是生命的痕迹。抿一口留在口中回味,它的甘甜中有一丝苦涩,如人生一般复杂迷离。喝一口下肚,余香沁人心脾,让人终身受益。红酒越陈越美味,生活越丰富越美好,当人生走向晚年,就如一瓶待开封的好酒,其色彩是沉静的,味道中充满慷慨与智慧。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(直译 Life is like a cup of wine. People who are intrigued by it, discover infinite miracles from it. Hold it in the hand and gaze at it,

35、its dark red color reminds people of the blood, which is the lifes imprint. Take a sip of it and appreciate the taste, the bittersweet flavor is exactly the same as life, which is complex and indistinct. As long as the sip is taken, the lasting fragrance satisfies the heart and refreshes the mind, l

36、eaving a person lifelong merit. There was a remarkable similarity between life and wine: the taste becomes more delicious as the wine mellows, just as life gets better as it gets more abundant. When life comes to twilight years, it looks calm and tastes filled with intelligence and generosity, just

37、like a bottle of good wine. 意译 Life is a cup of wine, people who love it, discover inexhaustible wonders from it. Hold it in the hand and gaze at it, its dark red color is reminiscent of the blood, which is the impress of life. Take a sip of it and appreciate the taste, the bittersweet flavor is exa

38、ctly the same as life, which is complicated and blurred. Once the sip is swallowed, the lingering fragrance pleases the heart and refreshes the mind, leaving a person lifelong benefit. There was a remarkable resemblance between life and wine: the taste becomes more delicious as the wine mellows, jus

39、t as life gets better as it becomes more abundant. When life comes to twilight years, it looks calm and tastes full of wisdom and generosity, just like a bottle of wine to be savored.)解析:解析 它的暗红色中有血的感觉,那正是生命的痕迹:红酒的暗红色为什么会有血的感觉呢?是作者由红酒的颜色联想到血的颜色,再引申出血是生命之源。“血”连接前后两个分句,可以使用定语从句which/that翻译。reminiscent

40、是形容词,表示“引起回忆的;引起联想的(与of连用)”。比如,As an outsider, he says he noticed a few of the downsides of increased wealth and development, reminiscent, of life in the United States.作为一个局外人,他注意到增长的财富和发展的势头已经开始下滑,而这使得他想起了在美国的生活。impress作名词时,表示“印象,印记;特征,痕迹”。整句可译为:Its dark red color is reminiscent of the blood, which

41、 is the impress of life. 抿一口留在口中回味:这个短小的分句出现了三个动作“抿”、“留”、“回味”。按照word-for-word译法,紧贴原文,可能出现这样的译文:Take a sip, keep it in the mouth and appreciate its taste.上述译文可以通过,但想拿高分,需要精心组织译文语言,避免赘言。此处:keep it in the mouth是多余的,因为想要appreciate its taste,势必“留在口中”,这是“减词不减义”的精髓。 它的甘甜中有一丝苦涩,如人生一般复杂迷离:“甘甜中有一丝苦涩”英文有一个对应词b

42、ittersweet flavor。原文“它的甘甜中有一丝苦涩,如人生一般复杂迷离”是一个明喻,如果遵从原文的句型结构,可译为the bittersweet flavor is like the complicated and blurred life.但译文平淡无奇。译者可以在语序上稍作调整,吊足译文读者的胃口:the bittersweet flavor is exactly the same as life,译文读者会思考为什么红酒的味道与生活那么相似呢?然后抛出答案:which is complicated and blurred,既复杂又迷离。 余香沁人心脾:成语的英译是翻译中的一个

43、难点,关键是真正理解汉语的成语。“沁人心脾”中的“沁”表示“渗入”,“心脾”指人的心脏,喻指内心。“沁人心脾”,指芳香凉爽的空气或饮料使人感到舒畅,多用于比喻文艺作品或乐曲清新、爽朗给人以美好的感受。故这个成语可译为“the lingering fragrance pleases the heart”,依据上下文,余香沁入人的内心,使人为之一振,可以补充“refreshes the mind”。 红酒越陈越美味,生活越丰富越美好:汉语是一种典型的意合的语言,作者类比“红酒”与“生活”,两者的共同点是随着时间的推移,方能体味其真正的价值。英语是一种形合的语言,译者考虑将汉语中非常隐晦的比较在英语

44、中稍加显化,增补“There was a remarkable resemblance between life and wine.”,使前后语义更加连贯,衔接也更加流畅。这是翻译中增词不增义的示例。5.当我在小学毕了业的时候,亲友一致的愿意我去学手艺,好帮助母亲。我晓得我应当去找饭吃,以减轻母亲的勤劳困苦。U可是,我也愿意升学。我偷偷地考入了师范学校制服,饭食,书籍,宿处,都由学校供给。只有这样,我才敢对母亲说升学的话。入学,要交十元的保证金。这是一笔巨款!母亲作了半个月的难,把这巨款筹到,而后含泪把我送出门去。她不辞劳苦,只要儿子有出息。当我由师范毕业,而被派为小学校校长,母亲与我都一夜不

45、曾合眼。我只说了句:“以后,您可以歇一歇了!”她的回答只有一串串的眼泪/U。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(直译 Upon graduation from elementary school, all the relatives and friends suggested that I should drop out and find a job to help my mother. UI knew that I should hunt for a position so as to relieve Mother of laboring, I still longed to continue

46、 my study. Therefore, I kept studying in secret. I did not inform Mother of the bold idea until admitted to a normal school from which I could have free access to uniforms, books, room and board. In order to enter the school, I had no choice but pay ten Yuan as a deposit. This was a huge sum of money for my famil


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