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1、专业英语八级翻译-汉译英(六)及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BTRANSLATION/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BCHINESE TO ENGL(总题数:7,分数:100.00)1.最近,美国报刊报道了一则感人的消息:对贫困的美国夫妇,两人都失业了,由于付不起房租,不得不搬出了久居的家,带着儿子在汽车里住了几个星期。U一天他们在路上发现一个钱包,里面有2500美元,这对于贫困中的他们是多么急需呀,丈夫认为应交给警察局,妻子闪了一念“留下”之后,也觉得应该交还失主。很快,失主就来认领了,按照美国的惯例失主应付给捡拾者20%左右的酬金。然而,他却分文未给就走了

2、,对此,警察感到非常失望和遗憾,便将此事告知了新闻界,于是报纸、电视都报道了这件事/U。 U一时间,警察局收到全国成百上千的来信,信中赞扬这对夫妇的诚实,有的信中还夹着100美元或200美元/U。一位先生问清了钱包里的钱数,如数寄来了2500美元。这对夫妇前后收到总数达6000美元。还有一位愿免费向这对夫妇提供住房,直到他们的经济状况转好为止。(分数:15.00)_2.中国有句古话是这样的:“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。”中国书法好似山上之仙、水中之龙。 U中国书法同其他书写形式有很大的区别。汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的艺术形式,其中包括甲骨铭文、青铜器铭文、篆书、隶书、

3、楷书、行书和草书/U。 U许多汉字属象形文字,常可从字的形状揣知其义。无论是刀刻书法还是笔墨书法都可以通过字形的夸张取得艺术效果/U。 U因此书法一直是一门研究艺术。千百年来中国书法家倾注了大量的心血研究书法艺术的形式、规则及理论/U。他们的成果对朝鲜、日本和东南亚国家的汉字书法家产生了巨大的影响。这些国家的书法家经常不断地访问中国,探索书法艺术。(分数:15.00)_3.陕西省位于黄河中游,与山西、内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃、四川、湖北、河南等省为邻。因其位于陕原(今河南陕县一带)以西而得省名,又因春秋时为秦国辖地,故简称秦。全省面积20.56万平方公里,人口4000万,省会西安市。陕西地势狭长,西


5、历了复杂的海路沧桑之变。年长日久,一个个出露水面的沙岛继而合并而成。长江三角洲不仅有源源不断的长江水,而且镶嵌着一颗熠熠闪光的陆上明珠太湖。太湖面积三万六千顷,是我国五大淡水湖之一/U。以太湖为中心,还有大小湖泊五十多个,这些星罗棋布的湖泊,就像一把珍珠洒落在绿色的沃野上,使整个三角洲水土丰美,得天独厚,成为世界上不可多得的精粹之地。(分数:15.00)_5.故宫旧称紫禁城,位于北京城的中心,为明、清两代的皇宫,是中国现存最大最完整的古代木构建筑群。始建于明永乐四年(1406年),历时十四年才竣工。迄今已有5000余年历史,有24位皇帝相继在此登基执政。 被称为“殿宇之海”的故宫平面为长方形,



8、部分,基本陈列分为3个大厅,利用声、光、电等现代科学技术,形象地再现了7000年前河姆渡人的生产、生活场景。河姆渡遗址博物馆已成为海内外的一处旅游热点/U。(分数:10.00)_专业英语八级翻译-汉译英(六)答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BTRANSLATION/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BCHINESE TO ENGL(总题数:7,分数:100.00)1.最近,美国报刊报道了一则感人的消息:对贫困的美国夫妇,两人都失业了,由于付不起房租,不得不搬出了久居的家,带着儿子在汽车里住了几个星期。U一天他们在路上发现一个钱包,里面有2500美元,这对于贫困中的他们

9、是多么急需呀,丈夫认为应交给警察局,妻子闪了一念“留下”之后,也觉得应该交还失主。很快,失主就来认领了,按照美国的惯例失主应付给捡拾者20%左右的酬金。然而,他却分文未给就走了,对此,警察感到非常失望和遗憾,便将此事告知了新闻界,于是报纸、电视都报道了这件事/U。 U一时间,警察局收到全国成百上千的来信,信中赞扬这对夫妇的诚实,有的信中还夹着100美元或200美元/U。一位先生问清了钱包里的钱数,如数寄来了2500美元。这对夫妇前后收到总数达6000美元。还有一位愿免费向这对夫妇提供住房,直到他们的经济状况转好为止。(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(Recently, some newspap

10、ers and magazines in the United States have focused on a moving story concerning an unemployed couple. Poverty-stricken and unable to pay the rents, the couple and their young son had to move out of the house they had lived so long and had been sheltered only by their own automobile for the past sev

11、eral weeks. UOne day on the road, they came across a wallet with 2500 dollars in ita sum of money the destitute family was in burning need of it! The husband suggested, however, that the money be handed to the police station immediately. And the wife agreed after a wavering second, though. Soon the

12、wallet was claimed by the loser. According to the conventional practice in the United States, the owner of the wallet should pay the couple 20% of the amount of the recovered money as remuneration. Regrettably, the wallet owner left the police station without giving a cent. The police thought it was

13、 unfair and therefore informed the press circle of the whole story about the couple and the wallet, which then became publicly known through newspaper and TV reports/U. UShortly afterwards, the police station was invaded with an avalanche of letters from all over the country, praising the honest cou

14、ple. Some letters were stuffed with 100 or 200 dollar bank notes or checks/U. A gentleman, after making sure that the lost and found wallet had contained 2500 dollars, remitted the exact amount of money to the couple. The total amount of money the couple received in this fashion exceeded 6000 dollar

15、s. There is another person who volunteered to provide the couple with accommodation free of charge until they are financially capable.)解析:解析 报刊:意为“报刊和杂志”,故译为“some newspapers and magazines”。 报道:此处指报刊竞相报道,故译为“have focused on.”。 在汽车里住了几个星期:译作“had been sheltered only by their own automobile for the past

16、 several weeks”,其中“shelter”一词较好地体现了当时这对夫妇生活的窘境。 发现:译为“came across”,含有“偶然”的意思。 这对于贫困中的他们是多么急需呀:译成“a sum of money the destitute family Was in burning need of it”。其中“Destitute”表示“without food, clothes and other things necessary for life(缺乏衣、食及其他必需品的;穷困的)”。例如,When Mr. Hill died, his wife and children we

17、re left destitute. (当希尔先生去世的时候,他的妻子儿女皆陷于穷困。)“burning”表示“intense(激烈的;强烈的)”。 妻子闪了一念“留下”之后,也觉得应该交还失主:“闪了一念留下”,表示妻子稍做犹豫状,但最后还是同意丈夫的提议,将钱包交给警察局。故译为:“And the wife agreed after a wavering second, though.”。 按照美国的惯例:“惯例”指“通行的做法”,译为“According to the conventional practice in the United States”。 捡拾者:此处“捡拾者”即“这对

18、贫困的夫妇”,故译为“the couple”。 20%左右的酬金:意为“捡到数额的20%作为酬金”,故译为“20% of the amount of the recovered money as remuneration”。其中“remuneration”表示“payment;reward(酬劳;报酬)”,符合原意。 他却分文未给就走了:“分文”带有中国色彩,译为英文时可以使用“cent”,故译成“the wallet owner left the police station without giving a cent”。 警察局收到全国成百上千的来信:即“信件像雪片般蜂拥而至”。译为“th

19、e police station was invaded with an avalanche of letters from all over the country”。其中“invade”做比喻义,表示“crowd into;enter(蜂拥而至;进入)”;“avalanche”原本意为“雪崩”,现常用其比喻义,例如,an avalanche of letters/words/questions(如雪片飞来的信件/滔滔不绝的言辞/一拥而至的问题)。 有的信中还夹着100美元或200美元:寄来的钱可能是纸币,也可能是支票,故译为“Some letters were stuffed with 1

20、00 or 200 dollar bank notes or checks.”。 如数寄来了2500美元:译为“remitted the exact amount of money to the couple”,其中“remit”表示“send (money, etc.) by post(汇钱等)”。 直到他们的经济状况转好为止:“经济状况”一类的词可以用副词表示,“经济状况转好”即经济上可以自足,故译为“until they are financially capable”。2.中国有句古话是这样的:“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。”中国书法好似山上之仙、水中之龙。 U中国书法同其

21、他书写形式有很大的区别。汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的艺术形式,其中包括甲骨铭文、青铜器铭文、篆书、隶书、楷书、行书和草书/U。 U许多汉字属象形文字,常可从字的形状揣知其义。无论是刀刻书法还是笔墨书法都可以通过字形的夸张取得艺术效果/U。 U因此书法一直是一门研究艺术。千百年来中国书法家倾注了大量的心血研究书法艺术的形式、规则及理论/U。他们的成果对朝鲜、日本和东南亚国家的汉字书法家产生了巨大的影响。这些国家的书法家经常不断地访问中国,探索书法艺术。(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(An ancient Chinese saying goes that Any mountain ca

22、n be famous with the presence of an immortal, and any river can be holy with the presence of a dragon. Chinese calligraphy is like an immortal in a mountain and a dragon in a river. UChinese calligraphy is very different from other forms of writing. During their long history of development Chinese c

23、haracters have evolved and been written into many different artistic styles, including the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells and on ancient bronze objects, the seal character, official script, regular script, running script and cursive script/U. UMany Chinese characters are pictographs and of

24、ten the meaning of a particular character is apparent in the pictorial form of the character. Calligraphy, whether done with a knife or brush, can be rendered in ways that exaggerate the form, consequently yielding effects of artistic beauty/U. UCalligraphy, therefore, has been traditionally a subje

25、ct of artistic study. Down through the centuries Chinese calligraphers have devoted substantive attention to studying the forms, laws and theories pertinent to the art of calligraphy/U. Moreover, their works have significantly influenced calligraphers of Chinese characters in Korea, Japan and Southe

26、ast Asian countries. People from these countries regularly visit China in search of calligraphic art.)解析:解析 山不在高,有仙则名:意为“只要有神仙的山必定出名”,故译为“Any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immortal.”。其中“immortal”表示“不朽的人物;永生不死的人”。 水不在深,有龙则灵:意为“任何河流只要有龙存在一定是圣洁的”,故译为“any river can be holy with the pres

27、ence of a dragon”。 艺术形式:artistic styles。 甲骨铭文、青铜器铭文:“铭文”指器物、碑碣等上面的文字(大多铸成或刻成);“甲骨铭文”指刻在龟甲或兽骨上的铭文,故译为“the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells and on ancient bronze objects”。其中“inscription”表示“铭文(尤指刻于纪念石碑上,或压印于硬币或奖章等上者)”。 篆书:篆书是一种汉字字体,秦朝整理字体后规定的写法。译为“the seal character”。 隶书:隶书是一种汉字字体,由篆书简化演变而成,汉朝的

28、隶书笔画比较简单,是汉朝通行的字体。译为“official script”。 楷书:楷书是汉字字体的一种,就是现在通行的汉字手写正体字,它是由隶书演变来的,也叫正楷。译为“regular script”。 行书:行书是汉字字体的一种,形体和笔势介于草书和楷体之间。译为“running script”。 草书:草书是汉字字体的一种,特点是笔画相连,写起来快。译为“cursive script”。 象形文字:pictograph。 无论是刀刻书法还是笔墨书法:此处“刀刻”和“笔墨”均指工具,故译为“whether done with a knife or brush”。 取得艺术效果:即产生艺术美

29、感,译为“yielding effects of artistic beauty.”。因此书法一直是一门研究艺术:意为“书法一直是艺术研究的对象”,故译成“Calligraphy, therefore, has been traditionally a subject of artistic study.”。倾注了大量的心血:译为“have devoted substantive attention to.”,其中“substantive”表示“大量的”。 研究书法艺术的形式、规则及理论:译为“studying the forms, laws and theories pertinent to

30、 the art of calligraphy”,其中短语“pertinent to”表示“referring directly to;relevant to(有关的;中肯的)”。例如,remarks not pertinent to the subject under discussion(与讨论中的题目无关的谈话)。 探索书法艺术:重视英语的形合,原文动词“探索”可以用介词词组翻译,如:“in search of calligraphic art”。3.陕西省位于黄河中游,与山西、内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃、四川、湖北、河南等省为邻。因其位于陕原(今河南陕县一带)以西而得省名,又因春秋时为秦国辖地

31、,故简称秦。全省面积20.56万平方公里,人口4000万,省会西安市。陕西地势狭长,西北高而东南低。依天然地形,可分陕北高原、关中平原、汉中盆地三区。秦岭是陕西境内最大的山脉,横贯全省东西,主峰太白山,高3767米。秦岭以南属亚热带气候。主产水稻、小麦、棉花、玉米等。生漆产量居全国首位。(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(Shaanxi Province is located in the middle reaches of the Huanghe River with Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu, Sichuan, Hubei and Hena

32、n as its neighboring provinces. As it is situated to the west of Shanyuan Highland (a plateau in the present-day Shanxian County, Henan Province), hence the name of the province. As Shanxi was also the domain of the Kingdom of Qin in the Spring and Autumn Period, it was thereafter called Qin for sho

33、rt. It covers an area of 205,600 square kilometers and has a population of 40 million with Xian as its capital. As regards the feature of terrain, Shaanxi is long and narrow, higher in the northwestern part, lower in the southeastern region. The province is divided into three natural regions: Northe

34、rn Shaanxi Plateau, Guanzhong Plain and Hanzhong Basin. The Qinling Mountain is the highest mountain within the border of Shaanxi, whose range stretches from the east to the west in the province. Mt. Taibais chief peak is 3,767 meters high. The subtropical climate to the south of Qinling mountain is

35、 suitable for wheat, rice, cotton and corn production. The output of raw lacquer occupies the first place in China.)解析:解析 陕西省位于黄河中游:“位于”可用“be located;be situated;lie”。“中游”可用“middle reaches;midstream”。 与山西、内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃、四川、湖北、河南等省为邻:可用“with+省名+as its neighboring provinces”这一结构,使句子显得简练。 陕西地势狭长:“地势”可用“terr

36、ain”,此处“狭长”表示地势特征,故采用增词译法,即“the feature of terrain”。 主产水稻、小麦、棉花、玉米等:呼应前句,气候适应,因此水稻等适宜种植,可译为“.is suitable for wheat, rice, cotton and corn production”。 生漆产量居全国首位:“居位”可译为“be in a certain position; occupy a place”;“位居全国首位”可译成“rank the first in the country; run the first in the country; occupy the first

37、 place in the country”。4.长江三角洲位于我国东海之滨,万里长江尾闾。她西起南京、镇江,东临大海,北至通扬运河,南到杭州湾,面积35,267平方公里,是世界著名的大河三角洲之一。U她具有以下几个特点:地理位置优越,是沟通内陆腹地的交通中心,并处于世界环球航线附近,与世界各大港口通航方便。自然条件优越,雨量充沛,温和湿润,适宜农耕和各种经济作物的种植以及多种经营的发展。水土资源条件优越。长江三角洲经历了复杂的海路沧桑之变。年长日久,一个个出露水面的沙岛继而合并而成。长江三角洲不仅有源源不断的长江水,而且镶嵌着一颗熠熠闪光的陆上明珠太湖。太湖面积三万六千顷,是我国五大淡水湖之

38、一/U。以太湖为中心,还有大小湖泊五十多个,这些星罗棋布的湖泊,就像一把珍珠洒落在绿色的沃野上,使整个三角洲水土丰美,得天独厚,成为世界上不可多得的精粹之地。(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(Positioned on the coast of the East China Sea and in the lower reaches of the mighty Changjiang River, the Changjiang Delta is one of the famous river deltas in the world. From Nanjing and Zhenjiang in th

39、e west to the shores of the East China Sea, from Tongyang Canal in the north to the Hangzhou Bay in the south, the delta covers an area of 35,267 square kilometers. UThe delta has an excellent geographical position: being a hub of transportation linking the coastal areas with interior hinterland of

40、China, and possessing superb harbours, situated along the global shipping route, from which one can easily reach all the major ports of the world. It also enjoys climatic advantages. Adequate rainfall and a temperate, humid climate make it ideal for agriculture, the plantation of various cash crops

41、and the development of a diversified economy. The delta also abounds in natural resources. It was formed by the gradual merging through the ages of various sandbars and alluvions at the mouth of the Changjiang River. Set in the delta like a glistening pearl is Lake Taihu, one of Chinas five largest

42、fresh water lakes/U. It covers an area of over 2,400 square kilometers and has more than fifty smaller lakes scattered around it like stars or chessmen. All these lakes, together with the fertile land in the area make the delta quite a find in the world.)解析:解析 位于我国东海之滨,万里长江尾闾:译为“Positioned on the co

43、ast of the East China Sea and in the lower reaches of the mighty Changjiang River”,其中“mighty”表示“great;massive(伟大的;巨大的)”。例如,the mighty ocean(浩瀚的海洋)。“Reach”表示“continuous extent, esp. of a river or canal, that can be seen between two bends or locks(连续不断的地区;河段)”;“lower reaches”指“下游”。 东临大海:此处“大海”指“东海”,故译

44、为“to me shores of the East China Sea”。 通扬运河:Tongyang Canal。 杭州湾:the Hangzhou Bay。 是沟通内陆腹地的交通中心:“中心”前面有较长的修饰语,用of定语短语置后修饰可以表达自然。“沟通内陆腹地”指“连接内陆与沿海地区”,故译为“being a hub of transportation linking the coastal areas with interior hinterland of China”。 处于世界环球航线附近:从上下文看“处于世界环球航线附近”是修饰没有出现的“港口”,故译为“possessing

45、superb harbours, situated along the global shipping route”。 雨量充沛,温和湿润:“温和湿润”指的是气候,译为“Adequate rainfall and a temperate, humid climate”。 经济作物:cash crops。 水土资源条件优越:“水土资源”即“自然资源”,译为“The delta also abounds in natural resources.”。 长江三角洲合并而成:左分支结构往往会有头重脚轻的情况。而这种重量趋前的表达习惯,英语是不行的。相反它强调的是尾重原则,也就是说句子前面不能过重,句尾部分不能过短。因此无论是较长的定语还是状语,都应通过句子结构转换而后移。“长江三角洲合并而成”,汉语在主语和谓语之间可以插入许多东西,即使谓语处于句末。而英语认为这是破坏了句子的平衡,不是尾重,而是尾轻。因此,在翻译时,可以通过使用被动结构“It was formed by.”把当中较长的修饰成分放到后面。全句译为“It was formed by the gradual merging through the ages of var


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